Khamis, 14 Julai 2011

The Malaysian Insider :: Features

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The Malaysian Insider :: Features

It’s tough to be a dog in Korea

Posted: 14 Jul 2011 04:02 AM PDT

Protesters from the Korea Association for Animal Protection participate in a demonstration near the Seoul city hall in this file photo of March 25, 2008. The dog collars read: 'My name is Choonja. Please don't eat Choonja' (R) and 'My name is Hosoo. I'm your friend'. – Reuters pic

SEOUL, July 14 – Thursday was not a good day to be a dog in South Korea. That's because it was one of the three hottest days according to the Korean lunar calendar – and dog soup is one way to beat the heat.

People seeking to protect the body from overheating eat traditional healthy foods such as ginseng chicken soup, broiled eel, and "bo-shin-tang," literally "body preservation stew."

Dogs are bred to be eaten in South Korea, and advocates say bo-shin-tang, which consists of dog meat boiled in a mix of hot and strong spices and vegetables, is good for the health. It is considered a delicacy by some.

"The reason why I eat dog soup is because it boosts my energy, even when I'm most tired," said 56-year-old Shin Gwan-sup, sitting in a dog soup restaurant.

"Compared to other meats, it has more protein and less fat. I think it is healthy and clean, a more suitable meat for us."

The Korean practice of eating dog has drawn criticism from overseas for its cruelty, with French actress and animal rights activist Brigitte Bardot among some of the most vocal critics.

But Korean dog meat connoisseurs remain undaunted, with long lines forming today outside dog speciality restaurants.

Beating the heat was painful for diners this year, though, with the price of the ginseng chicken soup, or sangyetang, jumping. Severe rain has also pushed up the price of vegetables used in the soups. – Reuters

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Family in US TV series to challenge polygamy laws

Posted: 14 Jul 2011 12:42 AM PDT

SALT LAKE CITY, July 14 — The family featured on the US reality TV series "Sister Wives", about an advertising executive and four women he calls spouses, is challenging the government's right to criminalise its lifestyle, the family's lawyer said.

Browns in a row: "We only wish to live our private lives according to our beliefs," says papa Kody Brown.

The family, in a lawsuit to be filed yesterday, will challenge Utah's bigamy statute. It is not trying to get the government to recognise plural marriage, just to stay out of the intimate affairs of consenting adults.

"We are only challenging the right of the state to prosecute people for their private relations and demanding equal treatment with other citizens in living their lives according to their own beliefs," family attorney Jonathan Turley said in a statement.

"Sister Wives", which has just concluded its second season, premiered in the US on cable television in September, earning strong ratings while also drawing the attention of authorities in the Utah town of Lehi, south of Salt Lake City, where the family shared a large house.

The show documents the world of Kody Brown, then 41, and the four women he lives with — Meri, Janelle, Christine and Robyn — along with their children, as they seek to fit in with mainstream society while maintaining their religious beliefs in plural marriage.

Brown is legally married to just one of the women, but counts the three others as "sister wives", a term in polygamous sects that refers to a husband's multiple marital partners.

Turley said earlier this year that the Browns and their 16 children moved from their home in Lehi, Utah, to an undisclosed location in Nevada.

Lehi residents had complained about the publicity and felt the show depicted their community in an unsavoury light.

Utah law enforcement officials conducted an investigation into the family but no charges have been filed, and their lawyer has previously praised prosecutors for their "commendable discretion and judgment" in the case.

He has said that in the past, Utah officials had made it clear to polygamous families that they would not pursue them as long as there were no evidence of another crime, such as child abuse.

Plural marriage, an early tenant of the Mormon faith and once common in Utah, was renounced by the church more than 150 years ago and outlawed, as it already was in the rest of the country, as Utah was seeking statehood.

But polygamy persists in secluded communities scattered mostly around the west, especially among followers of a Mormon splinter group called the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, or the FLDS.

"There are tens of thousands of plural families in Utah and other states," Kody Brown said in a statement. "We are one of those families. We only wish to live our private lives according our beliefs.

"While we understand that this may be a long struggle in court, it has already been a long struggle for my family and other plural families to end the stereotypes and unfair treatment given consensual polygamy," he added.

Plural marriage was largely overlooked by Utah authorities until 2001, when polygamist Tom Green went on national TV to espouse his lifestyle. He ultimately was convicted of bigamy for being married to five women simultaneously, and of child rape in connection with his 1986 marriage to a 13-year-old girl. He served several years in prison. — Reuters

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