Jumaat, 15 Julai 2011

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The Malaysian Insider :: Features

India advances injectable vasectomy for men

Posted: 14 Jul 2011 04:47 PM PDT

In India, a new conceptive technology for men is undergoing phase three clinical trials. — AFP pic

NEW DELHI, July 15 — An Indian engineer named Sujoy K. Guha is devising what could be the most revolutionary contraceptive technology — some 30 years in the making — since the birth control pill.

Reported on July 12 in news site Globalpost, the new technology is called RISUG, reversible inhibition of sperm under guidance, which is a surgery-free, injectable and reversible vasectomy.

According to the report, stage three clinical trials are already underway in India, and the treatment could be available as early as next year.

San Francisco activist Elaine Lissner is also backing the new contraception and aims to help push RISUG in the US under the trade name Vasalgel.

Other new birth control advancement in the works include a clear contraceptive gel that could replace birth control pills and patches.

Just 3 mg daily, applied to arms, legs, shoulders, or abdomen, was shown to be a suitable alternative to the pill, according to researchers, who tested the gel on 18 women.

Common pill side effects such as nausea and weight gain didn't occur in the test group, and researchers reported that the gel can even be used while breastfeeding.

The gel was developed in conjunction with the drug company Antares Pharma, which hopes to market the product if the clinical trial results continue to be positive.

Also in the pipeline is a contraceptive spray developed by Australia biotech company Acrux. The spray (a so-far unnamed product) showed positive results in early clinical trials, although more work is needed before it becomes available. And like the gel, it can be used while breastfeeding. — afprelaxnews.com

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