Ahad, 14 Ogos 2011

The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

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The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

I’m Blazing

Posted: 13 Aug 2011 04:44 PM PDT

AUGUST 14 — There is no other way to decipher "we will burn you down" as anything other than a threat to life and property. 

The question is, will Senator Ezam Mohd Nor, who publicly declared on holy grounds that he would set fire to The Malaysian Insider and Malaysiakini for being anti-Islam, be held accountable for issuing a blatant threat? 

Saying that Muslims and non-Muslims alike have rights that should be acknowledged and respected in this country, is not being anti-Islamic. It is to remind those in power that the ordinary Malaysian — be they Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, Mason, Atheist or whatever else — have entitlements that must not be put asunder. 

Saying that people have the freedom to be a part of a religion they want to belong to, is not being anti-Islamic. It only serves to remind some, that all people, no matter what religious belief, have the right to choice. 

Saying that it is wrong to question religious authorities for an act that was so brazen and so disrespectful to another faith's house of worship, is not anti-Islamic. It is to say that the same respect you want non-Muslims to show Islam, is what non-Muslims want from Muslim politicians and Islamic authorities. 

The right to religious freedom is already enshrined in the Malaysian Constitution. The right to profess it and the right to practice it. To keep questioning or demeaning the position of non-Muslims in the country is an insult to the authors of the Constitution. 

Ezam says: "To people of other faiths, we have no problem with you. For the past 50 years, we have protected you, looked after you, and defended you." 

Oh dear. "No problem with you"? It was yesterday that I was called 'pendatang' and 'kafir', and that I should be grateful for being allowed to live in Malaysia. 

"Protected me"? The same way history books have been preserved and the same way people are put behind bars for believing in a cause? The same way people have been barred from their homes and city because they dared voice an opinion and the same way the police shot tear gas in people's faces? The same way over RM50 million of taxpayers' contributions were most certainly protected from being used to buy television interviews or PR strategies? 

"Defended me"? Hah. This is too funny, I can't even be bothered to argue it. 

And yes, I am choosing to dissect Ezam's words because I burst out laughing as he said them, screaming at YouTube, "When??" 

I am a member of society, a Malaysian, a contributor to the Malaysian economy, a taxpayer. Same as you. Malaysia is my home, man. Same as yours. 

But if you expect me to shut up about the actions, laws, practices and decisions that directly affect us all and slam brands like we are being anti this and that because we have a right and duty to comment and question... No chance. 

The Merdeka Centre's findings on deteriorating ethnic relations that point to politics as a cause should be a clear sign that the problem does not stem from the ordinary Malaysian. In most cases, only in the aftermath of some crazy action by the authorities, do you hear the opposing, questioning views by society, whatever their race, religion or political affiliation. 

I know I speak for many, many others when I say this: My race and my religion do not factor in when I write or speak about matters that concern me as a citizen of this country. My nationality does. 

And because I absolutely refuse to give up hope, I await the day when the politicians, the religious authorities, the police and the government, recognise that I too, have rights that try as you might, you cannot deny me.

* The views expressed here are the personal opinion of the columnist.

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