Selasa, 27 September 2011

The Malaysian Insider :: Features

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The Malaysian Insider :: Features

World is truly a stage for London Shakespeare fest

Posted: 27 Sep 2011 09:45 AM PDT

LONDON, Sept 27 — London's Globe theatre today said would host all of Shakespeare's 37 plays performed in 37 languages by 37 companies in a stage festival with acting troupes from Afghanistan and newly independent South Sudan.

Shakespeare: 37 plays in 37 languages, by 37 companies.

"Globe to Globe" will run for six weeks, starting from its launch on April 23 next year. It is part of the London 2012 Festival, itself the climax of the Cultural Olympiad, a four-year celebration of arts and culture in Britain leading up to the summer Olympics in the capital city next year.

Globe to Globe kicks off with an adaptation of Shakespeare's poem "Venus and Adonis" performed in Zulu, Xhosa, Sotho, Tswana, Afrikaans and South African English.

The plays proper get under way on April 23, with "Troilus and Cressida" staged in Maori and featuring the traditional "haka" dance.

"The Merry Wives of Windsor" is performed in Swahili, "Richard III" in Mandarin, "Richard II" in Palestinian Arabic and "Othello" in hip-hop.

The three Henry VI plays about England's civil war are presented as an "epic and sweeping Balkan trilogy", organisers said today, featuring national theatres from Serbia, Albania and Macedonia.

From Afghanistan, and leaving Kabul for the first time, is theatre company Roy-e-Sabs with "The Comedy of Errors", while a specially formed troupe from the world's newest country South Sudan will perform "Cymbeline".

Belarus Free Theatre, dubbed by the Globe as "the world's bravest theatre company", stages "King Lear" while Deafinitely Theatre from London will translate the pun-riddled text of "Love's Labour's Lost" into British sign language.

Fittingly for a theatre project designed to coincide with the Olympics, the Globe is offering what it calls the "Yard Olympian" allowing the buyer to watch all 37 plays and one poem for £100 (RM493). — Reuters

Jockeys face harsher penalties for whip use

Posted: 27 Sep 2011 09:08 AM PDT

British racing pulls the whip on jockeys. — Reuters pic

LONDON, Sept 27 — British horse racing authorities have announced harsher penalties for jockeys who overuse the whip in races, including the loss of riding fees and prize money.

The British Horseracing Authority (BHA) ruled, however, that the use of the whip, providing strict controls were enforced, "remains appropriate and necessary for the safety of both jockeys and horses".

A review group made 19 recommendations, all of which were approved by the BHA board.

The BHA, who began a review of the rules last year, said in a statement that current guidelines and penalties were not an effective enough control and deterrent.

The new limits restrict jockeys to seven uses of the whip in flat racing and eight in jump racing, and only five times in the last furlong or after the last obstacle.

"This is roughly half the amount of times a whip could be used previously before being in breach of the rules," the BHA said.

There will be a five-day minimum suspension for not adhering to the frequency limits, compared to the previous caution.

"A jockey who incurs a whip suspension of three days or more will forfeit his riding fee and percentage," the BHA added.

Those who breach the rules on more than one occasion will also face increased penalties. — Reuters


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