Khamis, 22 Disember 2011

The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

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The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

2011 Rambutan Awards: Trains, planes and Proton automobiles

Posted: 21 Dec 2011 03:36 PM PST

DEC 22 — What do protesters, submarines, airport robberies, Kedai Rakyat 1 Malaysia, PAS misfits, Muhyiddin Yassin and illegal immigrants have in common? Nominations in the 2011 Malaysian Things and Stuff Awards, Rambutan (type of tropical fruit) for short, of course.

The panel of one, came up with these "unusual" nominees and winners who have in their own way made their mark in 2011.

A rally dominates this year, but the usual suspects like Ibrahim Ali, Umno, MRT have come up with strong nominations, showing they do matter, somewhat. So the Rambutans go to…

Defining moment of the year

Bersih. Two months preceding the July 9 rally and the months since have evolved from that day in the rain which was not big enough or important enough according to the police, state media and the home minister no less.

Arrests of Parti Sosialis Malaysia members as a preventive measure, involving royalty and Istana Negara and banning a colour ensued, and that was even before the rally happened.

The capital city went into shutdown. By the eve, some in government might be tempted to feel that it was just the calm before no storm.

Yet in the backgrounds, the most underreported part of Bersih, a citizenry made of middle-class and some more, affluent and not, young and old, mad and madder with a country run awry, got on with the show.

They were in small groups, and social media not national leaders guided them. In a real democratic movement there is no need for a leader to articulate the freedom already in the veins of the people.

They planned arrivals in the city, they paid for hotel rooms, they crashed at friends', they hung out at McDonalds, they took the train, they took the bus, and when all those things failed, they just walked to a place, so that they could walk some more.

As if disparate groups raised together, they swarmed.

Baharuddin Ahmad died, A. Samad Said walked alone in yellow, an old lady stood defiant, and this columnist ran from a haze of tear gas and gushes of chemically laced water.

A hospital gets hit with tear gas, a minister says no; its doctors say yes in writing, the minister says… well; eyewitnesses say yes oh yes, minister says well it seems we might need to study this; enough people join in and tell the minister there are lies and there are his words, he shuts up, never to be heard from again.

Police claim — after gassing, showering, hunting, chasing, handcuffing peaceful citizens and detaining them for hours — they are really nice because they gave the detainees catered food.

After a period of denial, the prime minister and gang commenced fighting harder and harder to appear like the progressives major news channels say they might be, after being influenced by paid-for foreign media consultants (FBC, anyone?).

Sometimes an exasperated Najib gives up and just tells Malaysians there are cheap things in stores "facilitated" by his friend (Kedai Rakyat 1 Malaysia, anyone?). Shop till you drop, much better than drop by baton swing.

A mad Dr M moment award

Honestly, are there sane moments with the ex-prime minister? The title is a misnomer, all Mahathir Mohamad quotes, from his gems on "anti-Muslim" Singapore's ex-PM Lee Kuan Yew to Perkasa having a point unnerves those choosing to think.

And this year he released a book to tell Malaysians he's never been wrong, but always misunderstood. Yes Tun, the human flaw has always been in not recognising genius.

We will try Tun, but till then enjoy the Rambutan.

Best election effort

There were the by-elections; Tenang, Kerdau and Merlimau, all won by Barisan Nasional (BN), but the Sarawak state election eclipsed them and showed that the BN election mojo has gone AWOL.

15 seats won from 70, but this is fortress Sarawak for BN. With every urban, partly urban seat in play and a growing young electorate, a tipping point may have been met. DAP's 12 seats scoop the award, and the anti-DAP overdrive in Umno since results day only underscores it.

You can't make this up award

This did not require nominees, there was a winner by a mile — the KLIA money changer heist players. This classic rob-and-go caper was all too good as four men "pretended" to be members of Malaysian Anti-Corruption Agency (MACC). They got away with RM1 million apparently. In a police line-up later, the victim identified some of the alleged perpetrators.

Three of the four were, in fact, actual officers of the MACC. An acting assistant commissioner, senior assistant superintendent and assistant superintendent, no less.

Police can't find the final dude, seemingly the civilian has skedaddled better than trained officers, but they found some of the loot, oh great. But they won't tell how much, oh no.

Then they lose some of it, more like a police officer does. He was holding RM11,700 in his office, had the amount stolen from him. So the cops start to question cops, 26 of them to be precise.

Who robbed who? Is Malaysia competing with necrophilia for what constitutes a victimless crime? We don't know, but we do know the award goes to both MACC and the police, we hope they don't lose it to theft thereafter.

Never got started

There is every temptation to give it to Unit Peneraju Agenda Bumiputera (Teraju), the agency to help Bumiputeras compete in the new economy. CEO Husni Salleh has been made a human piƱata for not doing enough.

But the Rambutan has to go to Prasarana Nasional's — government public transportation agency — initiation of the MRT project for the Klang Valley.  As they readied to carry out the RM50 billion project (started from RM20 billion, went to RM36 billion with no end in sight on what will be the final cost will be), Najib decided MRT Co is better suited for the job.

That's right, a non-government company formed overnight with no structure, no history, no role in the selection of all the present main and subsidiary contractors, no previous involvement in the largest infrastructure project the country has ever seen and a whole other bunch of NOs will get the job done.

Sarawak barring entry to Pakatan Rakyat and Bersih activist in April, is worth a mention too.

And the cyclical claims of S. Subramaniam, human resource minister, that the Indonesian maids are finally coming. If only there was a 1,000 Rupiah wager for every time he said they've sorted it in 2011, then this column will have something to take to the KLIA moneychangers.

Why MCA (Or YMCA) award

Nothing really matters anymore in a party without a plan. But they do own a newspaper which sells even if the ads outstrip the news in the prime news section.

No party or group of leaders spend so much time explaining and re-explaining why race based thinking and politics is on the way out, but denies membership to 75 per cent of Malaysians. So talking, not doing makes the future possible, eh Chua Soi Lek?

From starting the year with a party member in an Pantai Hillpark azan furore to PKFZ trial defendants, to a double-speak health minister, AGMs with low turnouts to a year of no national consequence, the MCA achievement award must go to Dr Chua. Under him, they've done nothing but they have not gone under, not yet anyways.   

It's not porn if you wear Gucci

Three dudes unveil a sex video, and the courts let them off with a slap on the wrist. Apparently if you show something at an expensive but more importantly exclusive hotel, and you have a state title, then it cannot possibly be pornography.

Pornography is what the illiterate, itinerant with single syllable-nicknames peddle in back-alleys.

Just for that Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Tamby Chik, Datuk Shazryl Eskay and Datuk Shuib Lazim deserve an award, if not a movie written about them. Just don't let them write the screenplay.  

Hear me scream award

Politicians need the attention, but some just need it more.

No more than leading candidate Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali. Walking proof, even if not standing proof, that if you are angry when you speak, someone will listen. His cameo with Himpun (anti-proselytisation rally) in October earns him a double nomination. His rants against Christians and Martians alike (we are convinced he wouldn't be able to tell them apart) are stuff modern day Mein Kampfs are written. He is fun, if you like freaky.

He leaves the poster burning to his henchmen though.

Bandar Kulim Baru MP Zulkifli Nordin gets a nod for securing a VP post in Perkasa (It is not easy to show your hate credentials in a room filled with small, bald men who hate) in October. Dr Yusri Mohamed of Himpun does get a nod for his continued arms akimbo waving over the 135 out of 15 million Muslim Malaysians who officially left Islam.

Dodgy legislation award

Peaceful Assembly Bill, now everyone can protest apparently. We say how about the RM10,000 fine if the home minister feels you have protested wrong? In a nation where you intend to give the people a one-off RM500 next month because you think it is pretty pathetic most of us, husband and wife put together, only earn RM3,000 or less a month, you want us to pay a fine exceeding our annual income?

Got your freedom tips from Singapore? Don't stop people, just bankrupt them?

Special mentions

So much in a year, these deserve mentions:

Khairy Jamaluddin remains without a Federal position. Wonder what he says to Mukhriz Mahathir when they meet.

Ridhuan Tee reconsiders. After seeing the ire of so many against him for just speaking his absolutely convoluted thoughts, the man has gone a bit quiet. Not so much fun when people have a go at you eh, use that in your "kenegaraan" (citizenship) classes.

Solar bibles are like the Empire's Death Star. Well personally I save all my fears for the neighbourhood Mormon preachers, but OK. Will look out for these tools of doom, Hasan Ali.

Utusan Malaysia says we are all going to hell. But with a simple subscription to the paper at your local newsstand or complete submission to their "Please fear the reaper" theories, then anyone can escape the fires of eternal hell and get instead Umno membership.

Talent Corp, is preparing for a report to say more people have shown interest to return. They are glad they can recycle the same remarks and not be laughed at any harder by the reading public.

The 6P amnesty project for immigrants goes on, and sometimes the imprisoned immigrants show their delight by setting their oppressive detention centres alight and run off. Luckily it is not that expensive to rebuild utterly shocking facilities.

In other news, the Melbourne High Court rules very late that Afghan and Iraqi refugees might be unwelcome in Australia, but sending them to cruel Malaysian processing centres, is well cruel. We did not say it, the refugees who filed the case did, and the court agreed. The Malaysian Solution is no more.

AirAsia and Malaysian Airlines become one, sort of. And we are told all the announcements of route reductions by both are unrelated. What do they say about fiction and life again?

Mat Sabu is told over the Bukit Kepong British police station episode there is only one way to look at history, when in doubt he and other Malaysians should watch a 1980's movie by an Umno member.

We were surprised that through the hullabaloo, most Malaysians were indifferent. We were glad former servicemen and their families were given something after decades, even if it was just politics.

DNA, sperm and science will be decided at the next Umno political bureau meeting.

Proton will be sold to DRB-Hicom. This column cannot determine when the latter will sell it to the next GLC.

Ahmad Sarbaini and Teoh Beng Hock's families remain baffled by the Malaysian justice system. And the MACC gets a new interrogation facility in Putrajaya with a digital timer, talk about being unclear of the concept.

Sosilawati murders trial goes on. Names have been thrown in with state media playing them down while a prosecution relies on forced confessions to win the death penalty for four men.

Lynas wants to give Malaysia an economic boost; residents, greenies and lefties feel the boost might be radioactive. Huge decision for Najib very, very soon.

Khir Toyo and Shahrizat Jalil wait for tender mercy from the political boss, but the public is not letting up.

Zaid Ibrahim comes from the cold, and says KITA will take sick leave from the general election. Asal Bukan Umno (As long as it is not Umno) movement picks up late 2011.

* The views expressed here are the personal opinion of the columnist.

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Isu Melayu: Tidak perlu patah balik

Posted: 21 Dec 2011 03:29 PM PST

22 DIS — Isu Melayu akan tertonjol semula setiap kali ada parti Melayu yang merasakan kedudukan politik mereka tertekan. Asas tertekan adalah kerana kehilangan sokongan politik dari kelompok Melayu dan kegoyahan sokongan bukan Melayu.

Politik kelompok tergugat apabila pemikiran yang lebih alamiyah muncul menawarkan satu jalan keluar kepada rakyat Malaysia dari order politik lama yang berakar umbi dalam negara selama ini. Pemikir politik lama berasa seolah diri mereka tidak lagi releven untuk kekal dalam terjahan arus politik baru yang menelur hasil dari idea bahawa dunia ini tidak lagi semudah hitam atau putih.

Norma keadilan sosial, hak samarata dan peranan parti-parti politik sendiri yang buat sekian lama tidak pernah dipersoalkan kini dicabar begitu rupa sehingga berupaya menggugat cara order lama menafsirkan politik Malaysia mengikut "world-view" mereka.

Melayu dalam perspektif

Perbahasan Melayu adalah satu kerangka wacana yang meluas, golongan politik kekelompokan Melayu menjurus hanya kepada persoalan ethnicity atau keetnikan yang menilai segala pokok persoalan dari titik-berdirinya lalu melihat orang lain dalam pemikiran "aku lawan kamu. Hubungan "aku lawan kamu" menjadikan perspektif Melayu bagi order politik lama begitu sempit dan membentuk suasana politik negara menjadi ethno-centric.

Setiap pendekatan politik order lama atas apa sahaja namanya akan dikawal oleh doktrin yang berakar umbi secara tersendirinya untuk kepentingan Melayu. Kuatnya doktrin ini memaksa politik kekelompokan dari kaum lain khususnya kelompok Cina menerima doktrin ini sebagai syarat perkongsian pintar ala politik rasis. Landasan ethno-centric terus menjadi budaya politik orang Malaysia sehingga tidak ada yang berlaku di sini melainkan pasti akan ada perasa perkaumannya.

Memelihara asas

Lama tidak semestinya tidak baik dan baru tidak semestinya menjamin kebaikan, apa yang perlu diambil kira ialah persoalan penyesuaian diri sesuatu ide dan kemampuan ide itu mengemudi masa depan negara kepada satu tahap yang lebih hebat daripada apa yang ada hari ini. Apa yang lebih penting proses ini tidak akan menggugat asas-asas penting kenegaraan yang hakikatnya adalah jaminan paling utama untuk melakukan reformasi negara yang sangat diperlukan ketika ini.

Implikasi politik lama

Teori Konflik mengandaikan bahawa perubahan tidak akan berlaku tanpa kocakan kuat malah krisis yang meruncing berkemungkinan melahirkan peluang untuk melakukan satu perubahan. Apa yang dialami oleh politik Malaysia hari ini ialah proses ke arah itu kerana gara-gara politik lama yang meninggalkan impak sosio-ekonomi politik.

Budaya politik lama telah melahirkan generasi yang kelompok masing-masing yang prejudis terhadap kaum lain. Begitu juga satu fahaman yang meletakkan perkara lain lebih rendah dari perkauman hatta kepada keperluan moral dan agama.

Budaya lama menghasilkan politik kebimbangan kepada persoalan kaum lain kononnya akan menguasai itu dan ini sehingga jurang interaksi dan komunikasi terbentuk dengan melebarnya. Soal pendidikan yang terumbang-ambing antara kepentingan pendidikan nasional dan pendidikan bahasa ibunda menyebabkan segala bentuk pendekatan integrasi gagal dan masing-masing berada di zon kebimbangan walaupun sudah merdeka 50 tahun lebih.

Lebih buruk dari implikasi tersebut ialah usaha politik bagi pewajaran keadaan di atas supaya regim lama terus kekal berkuasa.

Melayu Islam, Islam Melayu

Implikasi paling besar fahaman politik lama ialah melahirkan formula politik bahawa Melayu itu Islam dan begitulah sebaliknya. Formula ini nampaknya begitu berkesan samada bagi mendiamkan penentang politik perkauman ataupun untuk mendapat sokongan dan simpati bagi orang Melayu.

Malangnya formula ini bukan sahaja silap sifirnya tetapi ada NGO Islam dan segelintir pemimpin NGO menerima sifir ini tanpa segan silu kepada keilmuan yang diberikan Allah kepada mereka. Silapnya formula politik ini ialah pada hakikatnya dan pada rumusannya.


Hakikatnya ialah Islam bukanlah sebuah agama yang berteraskan bangsa, ia adalah agama yang bersifat merentasi kaum bagi memenuhi kriteria alamiyahnya Islam (21:107), kedua hakikat kemuliaan seseorang ialah pada keimanan dan ketaqwaannya bukan kepada keturunan atau kepuakannya (49:13), ketiga menghormati sesama insan tanpa mengira kaum atau bangsa adalah tuntutan ilahi (17:70).

Seharusnya sebagai seorang Islam, susunan pemikiran tersebut mesti didahulukan atas segala-galanya. Mewajarkan Melayu dengan Islam atas formula politik sesat di atas adalah bercanggah dengan hakikat Islam itu dibangkitkan oleh Allah.

Godaan perkauman

Sememangnya godaan untuk menggunakan perjuangan atas kepentingan kaum pernah terlintas di kepala Nabi Muhammad s.a.w untuk maslahat dakwah, tetapi ia dilarang oleh Allah kerana tidak mahu menjadikan contoh kepada umat Islam kemudian.

Hakikat ini disebut oleh Allah dalam surah Isra' 73-75 di mana tanpa panduan Allah dan ketetapannya Nabi Muhammad akan ikut kehendak Quraisy untuk mengatakan selain daripada apa yang ditetapkan oleh Allah. Malah ayat ini menegaskan siksaan Allah kepada Nabinya jika tidak kerana Allah memperkukohkan sikap Nabi mengikut perintah Allah supaya jangan mengikuti kehendak Quraisy dalam membawa agama ini.

Salah satu daripada kehendak Quraisy ialah supaya Muhammad menerima tawaran menjadi pemimpin mereka tapi hendaklah meningalkan seruan Islam. Nabi menolaknya dengan penuh hormat bagi mengasaskan sikap yang jelas kepada umat selepasnya supaya tidak tergoda dengan pendekatan-pendekatan kepuakan atau kekelompokan.

Rumusan yang silap

Menyamakan Melayu dengan Islam dan sebaliknya adalah kezaliman kepada bukan Islam kerana ia menggambarkan hak eksklusif bangsa tertentu. Khusus di Malaysia ia telah melahirkan satu tanggapan yang silap bahawa jika memeluk Islam kita mesti menjadi Melayu.

Orang Cina tidak boleh menjadi Melayu kerana bangsa akan kekal dalam diri masing-masing tetapi Islam adalah agama yang dianuti, ia berpotensi tidak dianuti lagi. Buktinya betapa ramai orang Melayu yang mahu mengistyharkan dirinya keluar agama, apakah dia akan tetap menjadi Islam walaupun sudah tidak memeluk agama Islam? Jawapannya ialah ia tetap Melayu walaupun bukan Islam. Jadi di mana lojiknya Islam disamakan dengan Melayu?

Begitulah sebaliknya, jikalau seseorang memeluk Islam dan dia berbangsa Cina apakah dengan itu dia menjadi Melayu? Jawapannya ialah ia menjadi Muslim yang berbangsa Cina, jadi dimana lojiknya Melayu itu Islam?

Rumusan formula ini melahirkan kesilapan demi kesilapan dan kerananya kita mendapat natijah yang silap dalam memahami percaturan politik di Malaysia. Formula ini perlu dihentikan segera kerana ia akan menjejaskan peluang perjuangan Islam untuk menerangkan betapa luasnya Islam yang berteraskan Karamah Insan daripada Asabiyah Perkauman yang sempit dan opportunis.

Belajar dari sejarah

Sejarah Islam muat dengan pengajaran bahawa bangsa bukan agama dan agama bukan bangsa. Arab contohnya adalah bangsa yang dibangkitkan daripada mereka Nabi yang membawa Islam. Bangsa Arab menerima Islam tetapi sejarah membuktikan bahawa apabila bangsa itu meninggalkan Islam atau tidak mengamalkannya lagi, kewibawaan membawa Islam hilang daripa bangsa itu. Sebagai membuktikan kenyataan ini, digantikan bangsa lain untuk membawa Islam dan dimuliakan bangsa itu.

Sejarah kaum Hui

Begitu juga dengan sejarah keturunan Hui dari bangsa Cina yang dikaitkan keturunan itu dengan Islam sehingga di China, nama Islam itu disebut sebagai agama kaum Hui (Hui Djow) malah bagi orang Cina di Malaysia nama parti Islam diterjemahkan sebagai Hui Djow Tang atau terjemahan literalnya Parti Agama Hui.

Ulamak Islam di China sejak tahun 90 an berasa tidak selesa dengan persamaan Islam dengan sesuatu kaum di China,cuba mengubah persepsi dengan memperkenalkan nama Islam dalam bentuknya yang asli dalam gaya sebutan Bahasa Mandrin iaitu Yee Si Lan Djow (agama Islam).

Ia bukan sebab persoalan bahasa semata-mata tetapi perkembangan sosial dan pembangunan telah membawa kaum Hui tidak lagi berpegang kepada Islam dengan sebaiknya malah ramai yang meninggalkan agama Islam.

Islam hanya kekal sebagai sebahagian dari sejarah untuk Kaum Hui dan kerana itu ulamak Islam di China berasa bimbang kaitan Islam dengan sesuatu kaum yang sudah hilang pegangan agamanya akan memburukkan nama agama itu sendiri. bukankah ini pengajaran bagi pengasas formula Islam itu Melayu, Melayu itu Islam?

Formula Ilahi

Yang benar ialah formula Ilahi yang menetapkan bahawa kayu pengukur hubungan bangsa dan agama diukur melalui keutamaan agama dan bukan bangsa. Agama lebih superior dari bangsa kerana apabila sesuatu kaum atau bangsa meninggalkan agama maka Allah akan menggantikan kaum lain pula untuk membawa Islam.

Formula ilahi ini juga mengajar kita bahawa kekal atau tidak Islam itu bukan terletak kepada prioriti bangsa itu, tetapi kekal atau tidak Islam itu dalam sesebuah bangsa ialah melalui amalan dan keyakinannya kepada agama. Formula ilahi ini mencabar segala formula ethno-centric yang cuba mewajarkan kaum dan bangsanya sebagai yang utama dan kemudian cuba meletakkan Islam di bawah kewajaran itu.

Jalan ke hadapan

Tiada berpusing balik, jalannya jelas, politik perkauman harus berakhir manakala kaum itu perlu mengikuti arus fitrah yang mengajak kepada keadilan sosial, kebajikan dan kepimpinan yang berpaksikan moral.

Tidak akan bangkit sesuatu perjuangan yang hanya mementingkan satu kaum kerana ia akan membawa kepada kezaliman terhadap kaum lain, yang ada ialah perjuangan kemanusiaan dan memuliakan nilai-nilai kepentingan sejagat.

Lagipun, Melayu tak perlu bimbang secara berperlembagaan kerana haknya telahpun termaktub, apa isunya? Hanya pengamal politik perkauman sahaja yang mengetahui. Janganlah menggadai isu Melayu untuk kepentingan sempit, fikirlah masadepan negara.

* The views expressed here are the personal opinion of the columnist.

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