Rabu, 10 Oktober 2012

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The Malaysian Insider :: Books

Exiled Syrian author wins literary courage award

Posted: 09 Oct 2012 06:38 PM PDT

LONDON, Oct 10 — Syrian journalist and writer Samar Yazbek, who was forced into exile after criticising President Bashar al-Assad, has won PEN's Pinter International Writer of Courage Award.

Yazbek, who fled her homeland late last year after repeated run-ins with the state security services, was recognised for her book, "A Woman In The Crossfire", an account of the early stages of the Syrian revolution.

In line with the late playwright Harold Pinter's Nobel speech in which he spoke of casting "an unflinching, unswerving gaze upon the world", the prize is awarded annually to a writer who has been persecuted for speaking out about their beliefs.

"The great thing about this prize is that it highlights figures who might not otherwise get the recognition they deserve," Heather Norman Soderlind, Deputy Director of English PEN, told Reuters.

Yazbek (picture) insists, though, that while grateful for the honour, she doesn't see this as a personal accolade. "I felt that beyond me this was a prize for the Syrian Revolution," she said.

But with recognition comes responsibility, and Yazbek seems very aware of the potential pitfalls posed by her increased acknowledgment by international community.

"It places a certain weight on you," she told Reuters through an interpreter at Free Word House in London's Farringdon district. "It does give me more influence outside Syria, and it may give me more recognition inside Syria."

But despite having met former French Foreign Minister Alain Juppé in April to discuss an alternative Syrian opposition, she rejects "utterly" the possibility of assuming an active role in the Syrian opposition.

"I'm not a politician. I don't want to play a political role; I'm a writer. I'm with the revolution and I'm part of it, and so I defend it."

Yazbek insists that the international media are ignoring the plight of the Syrian people — "the people of the revolution are dying silently," she said.

As a consequence, despite having fled to France with her teenage daughter, she continues to regularly and secretly sneak back into Syria over the Turkish border.

Contrary to perceptions in the West, Yazbek maintains that the Syrian Revolution has not devolved into sectarian conflict. "We're all still in this together," Yazbek says, herself a member of President Assad's Alawite clan.

Last night, in a ceremony at the British Library, she was presented with a cheque and prize by Lady Antonia Fraser, a historian and Harold Pinter's widow.

Unlike a number of past winners, Yazbek was able to receive her award in person.

In a measure of the sort of life many Pinter prize recipients live, last year's winner, Roberto Saviano, who writes on the Italian mafia, said he was unable to travel as he would not have received police protection in Britain. — Reuters

New Zealand in the spotlight at Frankfurt Book Fair

Posted: 09 Oct 2012 06:32 PM PDT

AUCKLAND, Oct 10 — The largest of its kind, Frankfurt's book fair draws publishers and authors from around the world and is known to be the most important event worldwide for negotiating international publishing rights and licensing fees. The next edition will take place from October 10 to 14 in Frankfurt, Germany, and New Zealand has been selected as the guest country.

Each edition draws in an audience of 300,000 (authors, publishers, readers). This year, the biggest book show in the world will include more than 7,300 exhibits from a hundred different countries. The show is open to the general public, which is invited to join the event's debates and conferences on contemporary themes such as digital publishing.

The 2012 edition of the fair shines the spotlight on New Zealand's literature. Sixty-something authors from the archipelago will make the trip to Frankfurt, including big names Anthony McCarten, Alan Duff, Paul Cleave and Emily Perkins, who will be joined by lesser-known authors such as Dylan Horrocks, Paula Morris, Greg McGee, Anne Geddes and Kate de Goldi. The New Zealand pavilion will feature public readings and encounters with the country's best authors.

The event will also hand out awards in several categories, including the German publishers and bookkeepers' Peace award, which will be given to Chinese author Liao Yiwu on October 14 to celebrate his works. The poet, novelist and documentarian served time in jail before fleeing to Germany in 2011. — AFP/Relaxnews

Kredit: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com

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