Isnin, 1 Oktober 2012

The Malaysian Insider :: Food

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The Malaysian Insider :: Food

Scaling down: Warming will make fish smaller

Posted: 01 Oct 2012 05:59 PM PDT

PARIS, Oct 2 — A hearty fillet of fish, already a rare treat because of over-trawled oceans, will become even more infrequent in the future when global warming starts to reduce fish size, studies show.

Researchers looked at computer models to see how warmer, and thus less oxygenated, seas affected more than 600 species of fish.

Getting smaller as the world gets warmer. — Picture courtesy of

Compared to 2000, the maximum attainable body weight of these fish declined 14-24 per cent by 2050.

Fish in the Indian Ocean were the most affected, reducing by 24 per cent, followed by those in the Atlantic (20 per cent) and the Pacific (14 per cent), with tropical waters worst hit.

"It's a constant challenge for fish to get enough oxygen from water to grow, and the situation gets worse as fish get bigger," said Daniel Pauly of the University of British Columbia in western Canada, who first linked global warming and growth 30 years ago.

"A warmer and less-oxygenated ocean, as predicted under climate change, would make it more difficult for bigger fish to get enough oxygen, which means they will stop growing more."

The investigation appears in the journal Nature Climate Change.

The model used the so-called A2 scenario, which projects an average rise in global atmospheric — not sea — temperatures of 3.4 degrees Celsius by 2100 compared with 2000.

Until recently, this would have been considered a pessimistic scenario, but many climatologists today say it is realistic in the light of a relentless rise in fossil-fuel emissions.

Under the A2 scenario, temperatures at the sea bottom of the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern and Arctic Oceans would rise 0.012-0.037 C per decade up to 2050.

As those oceans warm, oxygen levels will progressively decline, a measurement expressed in millimoles.

The average fall, per decade, would range from 0.1 millimoles per cubic metre in the Arctic to 1.1 millimoles per cubic metre in the Atlantic.

"Although the projected rate of change in environmental temperature and oxygen content appears to be small, the resulting changes in maximum body size are unexpectedly large," said the paper. — AFP/Relaxnews

Peru shows off culinary best

Posted: 01 Oct 2012 05:43 PM PDT

LIMA, Oct 2 — Some say that only food and football can unite all Peruvians.

But with the nation's prowess on the pitch on the wane it is cooking that has become a passion.

Chicken morsels blended with rice and wrapped in leaves from a fabulously red, spiky Amazon plant called the Lobster Claw.

Or pork simmered with bananas, washed down with a glass of pisco — the quintessential Peruvian brandy — and snazzed up with mango or honey.

A woman serves traditional food from Arequipa, southern highlands of Peru, at the fair. — AFP pic

Welcome to Mistura, Latin America's largest culinary festival, which attracts hundreds of thousands of foodies.

Peruvians are nuts about food, be it from the coast, mountains or jungle.

Cooking schools are all the rage among young people, with many dreaming of reaching the dizzying heights of Gaston Acurio, the country's best known chef and culinary ambassador.

French-trained Acurio is a friend and associate of Spain's Ferran Adria, considered the pioneer of molecular cuisine — the art of taking food and drink apart and putting them back together in unexpected formats.

Luis and Virginia Flores and their two children came to the Peru food fair with a hearty appetite, plenty of time and the equivalent of 100 dollars — a lot in this country where the average monthly salary is only twice that.

"We are going to taste a little bit of everything," said Luis Flores. "We are going to stay all day, eating slowly."

He said the pig roasted on a spit, or the chicken steamed in a metal drum, were "not to be missed".

About 150 restaurants were represented at the fair, which took place earlier in September.

The festival also illustrates what big business food is in Peru. It provides jobs for 300,000 people in more than 60,000 restaurants, more than half of them in Lima, according to 2010 figures from the Trade Ministry.

Juan Carlos Ventura, 21, studied in one of the hundreds of cooking schools that dot Lima and now works in a restaurant called Tumbes Mar. He said its specialty was a dish cooked with potatoes, a spicy yellow sauce and crab meat, all nestled under a crunchy layer of breadcrumbs.

Ventura's favourite is ceviche, the popular Latin American dish of seafood marinated with lemon or lime juice. "I recommend it for lunch as an option that is always fresh, especially if it is made with sole. It is the perfect fish, tasty, white and firm."

Isabel Alvarez, a sociologist and culinary researcher, said passion for food in Peru spanned young and old, urbanites and country folk, irrespective of social distinctions.

"They are all together on this," she told AFP, adding that society was otherwise very fragmented, and food — like football — was something people could enjoy together.

"Peru has not been in the World Cup for 30 years. In the face of all that frustration that people feel, we find this big success in cuisine, which means a collective achievement that we can show off to the world," she said. — AFP/Relaxnews


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