Khamis, 11 Oktober 2012

The Malaysian Insider :: Food

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The Malaysian Insider :: Food

US vending machines to provide calorie counts on soft drinks

Posted: 11 Oct 2012 08:05 PM PDT

Vending machines in the US will provide calorie information for soft drinks beginning next year. — AFP-Relaxnews pic

CHICAGO, Oct 12 — The biggest soft drink giants in the world have announced a new initiative in the US in which vending machines will show consumers the calorie counts of their beverage selection and remind them to consider trying a low-calorie alternative.

Launched by the American Beverage Association (ABA), the programme will roll out first in municipal buildings in Chicago and San Antonio, Texas, next year before expanding nationwide and provide clear calorie information on the button selections.

Under the ABA's Calories Count Vending Program, Coca-Cola, Dr Pepper Snapple Group and PepsiCo have agreed to disclose the nutritional information in addition to providing gentle messages and reminders to "Check then Choose," and "Try a Low-Calorie Beverage."

The move comes after New York City imposed a partial ban on super-sized soft drinks which Mayor Michael Bloomberg blamed for fuelling an obesity crisis.

The soft drink industry has likewise been maligned by a slew of studies which have made a link between runaway obesity rates and soda consumption.

Most recently, a trio of independent studies in the US reaffirmed the connection, showing for instance that sugary drinks affected genes that regulate weight.

The other two studies also showed that children and adolescents who avoided calorie-dense beverages in exchange for mineral water or zero-calorie drinks lost weight.

Meanwhile, the soft drink industry has pushed back in its defence claiming that vilifying sugar-sweetened drinks as the main cause of rising obesity is misguided and shortsighted. — AFP-Relaxnews

Eat more fruits and veggies in the pursuit of happiness

Posted: 11 Oct 2012 05:50 PM PDT

Eating seven portions of fruits and vegetables a day has been shown to correlate with improved mental wellbeing. — AFP-Relaxnews pic

LONDON, Oct 12 — According to a new British study, finding happiness could be as easy as eating more fruits and vegetables.

That's the conclusion of a study from the University of Warwick in the UK, which found that the more servings of fruits and vegetables people ate, the better their mental well-being.

For their research, scientists from Warwick and Dartmouth College in the US analysed the eating habits of 80,000 people across Britain and found that well-being peaked at seven portions a day.

Meanwhile, the consumption of fruits and vegetables is dismal at best in the UK, as researchers point out that a quarter of the population eat just one portion or even less per day, while one-tenth of Britons are estimated to consume seven servings daily. One portion is defined as 80 g.

Ohe full results of their research is to be published in an upcoming issue of Social Indicators Research.

Meanwhile, another study published in the British Medical Journal found that eating more green, leafy vegetables can significantly reduce the risk of developing the medical scourge of the 21st century, type 2 diabetes. — AFP-Relaxnews


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