Khamis, 15 November 2012

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The Malaysian Insider :: Features

Even moderate drinking in pregnancy may affect child’s IQ

Posted: 15 Nov 2012 06:14 AM PST

A study finds that women who drink even moderate amounts of alcohol while pregnant may risk lowering child's intelligence levels. — Reuters pic

LONDON, Nov 15 — Women who drink even moderate amounts of alcohol while pregnant may risk lowering child's intelligence levels, according to a study by British scientists.

Advice to pregnant women about drinking is contradictory, with some guidelines recommending no alcohol at all and others suggesting the odd drink now and then is safe.

But in a study described as "hugely important" by one expert, researchers using genetic analysis of more than 4,000 mothers and children found that drinking between one and six units of alcohol a week during pregnancy can lead to lower Intelligence Quotient (IQ) scores by the time a child is eight.

"Even at levels of alcohol consumption which are normally considered to be harmless, we can detect differences in childhood IQ which are dependent on the ability of the foetus to clear this alcohol," said Sarah Lewis of Bristol University, who led the study. "This is evidence that even at these moderate levels, alcohol is influencing foetal brain development."

This study used genetic data from women and children who were part of another study called the Children of the 90s study.

Since the individual genetic variations that people have in their DNA are not connected to lifestyle and social factors, this kind of study avoids potential complications.

Most previous studies have used observational evidence, but experts say this can be misleading because, for example, mothers who drink in moderation while pregnant are typically also well educated, have good diets and are unlikely to smoke - all factors linked to higher IQ in children and which could mask any negative effects of alcohol.

A US study published in July found that older, educated women are more likely to drink while pregnant.

Genes affect alcohol metabolism

This study, published in the journal PLOS ONE yesterday, used a new technique analysing the genetic variants, which modify the effects of alcohol exposure levels.

When a person drinks alcohol, ethanol is converted to acetaldehyde by a group of enzymes, the researchers explained.

Variations in genes that 'encode' these enzymes lead to differences in a person's ability to metabolise ethanol, so in "slow metabolisers", alcohol levels may be higher for longer than in "fast metabolisers". Scientists think fast ethanol metabolism protects against abnormal brain development because less alcohol goes to the foetus.

The mothers were asked to record their alcohol consumption at various stages during pregnancy, and one drink was specified as one unit of alcohol.

The results showed that four genetic variants in alcohol-metabolising genes among the 4,167 children were strongly related to lower IQ at age eight. The child's IQ was on average almost two points lower per genetic variation they had.

The effect was only seen among children of women who were moderate drinkers and there was no effect evident in children of mothers who abstained during pregnancy. This strongly suggests it was exposure to alcohol in the womb that led to the difference in child IQ, the researchers said.

"This is a complex study but the message is simple: even moderate amounts of alcohol during pregnancy can have an effect on future child intelligence." said Ron Gray of Oxford University, who was part of Lewis's team.

David Nutt, a professor of neuropsychopharmacology at Imperial College London who was not involved in the research, said it was "a hugely important study from the best UK cohort that can study this question".

"Even though the IQ effects are small, if at all possible women should avoid ethanol in pregnancy as it's a known toxin," he said in an emailed comment. — Reuters

‘Made in USA’ label popular in China, too

Posted: 15 Nov 2012 06:05 AM PST

A study finds that certain products labelled "Made in USA" are coveted by Chinese consumers. — AFP pic

NEW YORK, Nov 15 — "Made in USA" seems to resonate well beyond the USA. Consumers in China are willing to pay a premium for certain products labelled "Made in USA" because they see them as more durable and of higher quality, a new study found.

The report, by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), found 61 per cent of Chinese consumers would pay more for a product made in the United States. When products are of similar price or quality, about 47 per cent prefer the US-made alternative, more than double the number who would pick the Chinese-made item.

"The Chinese consumer is quietly concerned about what they're getting," said Hal Sirkin, a BCG senior partner and co-author of the BCG study.

Consumers are responding to recent cases of lead paint in toys, tainted milk and other scandals that, in some cases, led to severe penalties for those responsible. As more Chinese enter the middle class, they will increasingly look for value in the goods they buy rather than just the lowest price, which will pressure Chinese manufacturers to improve quality, Sirkin said.

Chinese consumers' preference for US goods, of course, is not as strong as US consumers', and its causes are different: Chinese shoppers more often cite durability and environmental impact than do shoppers in the United States.

But the survey still shows a potential advantage for manufacturers or retailers of consumer products, who may be able to charge higher prices for goods made in the United States.

BCG cited several examples of US-based manufacturing: Dell Inc makes computers; Google Inc makes Motorola-branded phones; and General Electric Co manufactures home appliances in Kentucky.

Premium for US goods

The survey of more than 5,000 consumers helps support the argument that more manufacturers should base production in the United States, according to BCG.

As the cost of producing and shipping goods from China rises, more US manufacturers are expected to expand US capacity, BCG predicts. And as US factories churn out more autos and auto parts, electrical equipment and furniture, they could spark an industrial renaissance with 5 million new jobs, it says.

BCG recommends retailers lock in US suppliers to attract shoppers, and is advising consumer brands to make their US sourcing as visible as possible. For now, relatively few do.

"If you're going to have things that have a long life, like mechanics' hand tools, there's real premiums for 'Made in USA' over a foreign brand because the quality is better," Sirkin said. He named Stanley brand tools as an example.

In both the United States and China, more than 80 per cent of those polled cite quality as a reason to pay more for US goods. Baby food, household appliances, tires, car parts and furniture are items for which most people are willing to pay a premium, generally of 10 per cent or less.

Some categories are outliers: shoppers in China would pay 77 per cent more for US-made athletic shoes, a status symbol.

Patriotism motivates US consumers. More than nine in 10 cited domestic jobs as a reason for choosing "Made in USA" goods. Overall, 81 per cent of Americans are likely to pay more for goods that carry the "Made in USA" label. More than a quarter of people are willing to pay at least 10 per cent more for appliances, furniture, and baby food.

The BCG study, to be published today, focused on consumer goods rather than pricy capital equipment geared toward business and government. It found only minor differences in attitudes based on age, income and whether respondents had children.

The appeal of US goods is by no means universal, however. French consumers see US-made mobile phones, shoes or baby toys as less valuable than local equivalents, and almost two-thirds of Germans would pay more for German products. — Reuters


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