Rabu, 21 November 2012

The Malaysian Insider :: Features

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The Malaysian Insider :: Features

Shiny, happy young people more likely to grow into wealthy adults

Posted: 21 Nov 2012 05:24 AM PST

Happy and positive young adults tend to make more money and grow into wealthy adults, according to a study. — Reuters pic

LONDON, Nov 21 — Happy, positive, extroverted teens are more likely than their gloomier, moodier peers to make more money and grow into wealthy adults, according to new research out of the UK.

One of the main reasons? Happy and positive young adults tend to envision brighter futures and are more likely to work towards a degree, find work, and get promoted quicker compared to their moodier counterparts, say researchers from the University of Warwick and University College London.

After analyzing data from 15,000 adolescents in the US, scientists found that those who reported higher life satisfaction went on to make earn "significantly" higher levels of income later in life.

For example, a one-point increase in life satisfaction on a five-point scale at the age of 22 translated to a US$2,000 (RM6,122) increase in higher earnings per annum at the age of 29, the study found.

The results of the findings, published November 19 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, could have important implication for academics, policy makers and the general public, researchers said.

"[F]or the general public — and parents in particular — these findings show that the emotional well-being of children and adolescents is key to their future success, yet another reason to ensure we create emotionally healthy home environments," said study lead author Jan-Emmanuel De Neve.

For their study, researchers made comparative notes with siblings, showing that even within the same family, happier, more optimistic, extroverted and less neurotic teens tend to go on to earn higher incomes. — AFP/Relaxnews

Japan’s new nuclear-proof robot gets stage fright

Posted: 21 Nov 2012 05:04 AM PST

Toshiba Corp's new four-legged robot is demonstrated in front of reporters wearing helmets at Toshiba's Yokohama complex, south of Tokyo November 21, 2012. — Reuters pic

YOKOHAMA, Nov 21 — A Japanese robot designed to withstand high levels of radiation and extreme heat at damaged nuclear plants such as Fukushima froze today on its first public demonstration.

Despite being home to the largest number of industrial robots in the world, Japan did not have a device capable of entering the damaged Fukushima nuclear facility after last year's devastating earthquake and tsunami.

Instead, Japan brought in US robots to survey the extent of the damage inside the reactor buildings.

Toshiba Corp unveiled Japan's own nuclear-proof robot yester, a four-legged device able to carry up to 20kg of equipment and capable of lifting itself up if it falls over on uneven surfaces and amid debris.

During the demonstration, the robot experienced a case of stage fright. The shuffling Tetrapod locked up and suddenly froze after it tried to balance itself, forcing technicians to carry it away.

It is the second time such Japanese robotic technology has experienced problems. Last October, a crawling robot developed by the Chiba Institute of Technology lost connection with operators and was abandoned inside Fukushima's No. 2 reactor building. — Reuters

Kredit: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com

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