Sabtu, 24 November 2012

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The Malaysian Insider :: Features

Women tuning in to porn, French study says

Posted: 24 Nov 2012 07:48 AM PST

PARIS, Nov 24 — Who said porn was a man's thing? A study released on Friday challenges the myth, showing that four-fifths of French women have watched a porn movie before —one in two of them without their partners.

Fully 82 per cent of women questioned said they had watched an X-rated film at least once before, compared to 99 per cent of men, according to the study of 579 women carried out by the IFOP polling institute in September.

Their number has jumped from 73 per cent in 2006, and from as little as 23 per cent in 1992 according to a major INSERM study on French sexuality carried out at the time, IFOP's Francois Kraus told AFP.

"In the space of a few years it has become an accepted thing for women to watch pornography, partly thanks to the Internet, and video-on-demand services that made porn more accessible and took away the shame factor," he said.

62 per cent of women said they watched porn to spice up their sex life with a partner, but fully one in two had also done so on their own.

"Women are now consuming porn by themselves," Kraus said. "That goes hand in hand with a widening of sexual behaviour, and changing attitudes towards sex toys or fellatio for instance."

"And of course it raises the issue of masturbation, one of the great taboos of female sexuality. There is a real generational break, with women in their forties and younger much more willing to admit the practice."

So what do women make of the films on offer? Women attached most importance to a natural-looking cast, a priority for 40 per cent, while "realistic" sex scenes were essential for 35 per cent, and for 48 per cent of under 35-year-olds.

Most women felt strongly that the industry caters only to male fantasies, a view shared by 71 per cent of women against 61 per cent of men.

Likewise 72 per cent felt the films on offer were "highly degrading" to women, against 50 per cent of men, and 57 per cent said they were too violent, compared to 41 per cent of men.

Overall, women were still far less assiduous watchers than men, with only five per cent of porn consumers watching frequently —once a month or more — against 34 per cent of men.

Another 13 per cent watched a few times a year, compared to 29 per cent of men.

Frequent women viewers were younger, making up 17 per cent of under-25s against less than five per cent of the over-35s. And women with no sex experience were the most eager, making up a third of all regular viewers.

Based on a representative sample of 1,101 people aged 18 and over, the study was commissioned by Marc Dorcel, a provider of pornographic content, to mark the launch of a new porn site targeting the women's market, — AFP-Relaxnews

Indonesia’s child jockeys brave danger for cash and glory

Posted: 24 Nov 2012 01:05 AM PST

A child jockey raises his hand after winning a race at Panda racetrack, outside Bima, November 18, 2012. — Reuters pic

BIMA (Indonesia), Nov 24 —Bareback jockey Herman Sarifudin guides his horse into the starting box for a race on Indonesia's Sumbawa island. The gate springs open and the horse bolts with Sarifudin clinging on for dear life.

Sarifudin is eight years old.

He's one of dozens of children taking part in the races. The horses are small, often standing just 1.20 metres (4 feet) tall. But even so, fathers have to help their children clamber on to them.

Sarifudin competed this week in a race against five other children around a dusty, oval track of 1,400 meters (nearly one mile) near Bima town. His reward, if he wins, is a handful of cash for his family, and the glory for him.

He was nervous before the race but once it got going, he and the other barefoot riders looked in control, urging their horses forward with a flick of a switch to the flanks.

In the end, Sarifudin came in third. He told Reuters he felt drained.

Mohammad Amin is a district government official who keeps horses as a hobby. He has 12 of them.

The children are light, that's why they're the jockeys, he explains.

"Children learn to ride horses from the age of five," he said.

About 2,000 cheering spectators crowded around the track and no one let laws against gambling spoil the fun.

Hami, a grandfather, was desperate to sell off his nearly new Nokia mobile telephone phone so he could put some money down.

Two cows

Hajji Sukri, 45, chairman of the race organising team scoffed at the danger. The children were all skilful riders and none had been killed, and none seriously hurt, he said.

One child toppled off on to the dusty track at a recent race. His father quickly picked him up and carried him off, in tears.

"It's OK to fall off a horse," said taxi driver Irwansyah.

"My concern is that they should be in school, not racing horses. They can miss school for 10 days for just one event."

The races have been held at the end of the rice-harvesting season ever since anyone can remember.

Horses are used throughout Indonesia, an archipelago of about 17,000 islands that straddles the equator, more often for pulling carts and buggies than for riding.

This year, the races near Bima lasted for 11 days and attracted nearly 600 horses, many from the nearby islands of Sumba, Bali, Lombok and Flores.

The grand prize was one million rupiah (RM306). Those who win their groups get two cows.

One of the young stars this year was 11-year-old Mohammad Endiansyah, known as Endi, who has taken a two-month break from school for the racing season.

The punters say he's a great rider, an expert at handling the horses. His father, Asikin, said he earned 15 million rupiah ($1,500) in the last two months from different races.

"A horse is like a friend," Endi said. "I've fallen, been sick and cried but no horse has ever stepped on me".

Endhi said he wanted to be a policeman when he grows up.

"But I'd also like to be a professional jockey," he said. — Reuters


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