Jumaat, 28 Disember 2012

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The Malaysian Insider :: Features

Five tips for keeping your weight loss resolutions

Posted: 28 Dec 2012 02:44 AM PST

HOUSTON, Dec 28 — If you've jotted down "lose weight" as your New Year's resolution, you're in good company. While it's said to be the most popular resolution, it's also one of the least successful. But there are a few ways to stay on track in the new year.

First step, recognise that losing weight is a lifestyle, not a diet, says 20-year-veteran clinical nutrition expert Shaynee Roper, LD, RD, of Harris Health System in Houston, Texas. "A lot of people set goals and are really gung-ho in January and February, but then their energy fades because they're not making a lifestyle change." 

If you have more than just a few kilos to lose, there isn't a quick fix, and you'll need to stay on task for six to 12 months, or even more, she says. 

Roper's top five tips:

1. Set small goals. Opt to lose a half a kilo a week or about two kilos a month. Start cutting out junk food, empty calories, fried foods, and sweets.

2. Jot down everything you eat and drink for two weeks. A food journal can offer clues to your daily habits and pitfalls and help you make decisions about what to eliminate, reduce, and add. 

3. Identity your trigger foods. If you know you are likely to gorge on salty snacks or chocolate, keep tempting treats out of reach.

4. Find an eating replacement. Exercise, read a book, or ride a bike rather than snacking. Learn to listen to your body's clues about hunger versus boredom, for example. Exercising 30 minutes a day, four to five times a week, is recommended.

5. Reward yourself. When you achieve a goal you've set for yourself, splurge on a pair of shoes or some other non-food treat. 

"When eliminating or reducing certain foods from your diet, pick one or two to start," Roper advises. "Work on these for two weeks before adding more." While it may feel like a slow process, it's a lifestyle change. "Doing it slowly will help you stick with it and make you feel like you're not giving up everything all at once." — AFP/Relaxnews 

Six of the hottest fitness trends in 2012

Posted: 28 Dec 2012 12:03 AM PST

CrossFit Kids aims to help youngsters win the battle of the bulge.

LOS ANGELES, Dec 28 — How did you stay fit this year? Chances are you've tried Zumba, TRX, yoga, or running — the hottest fitness trends this year — but here are few trends that have also made their mark in the past 12 months.

Indoor surfing classes

If you love surfing, or at least want the body of someone who does, a slew of new gym gadgets simulating the feel of open water have been making waves. But perhaps the biggest new contender on the scene is SurfSET, a surf simulation technique that rapidly expanded in US gyms this fall, with its sights set on the Canadian market next year. Other options include the US-made Indo Board Balance Trainer and the German Sensoboard. 

Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=No0V8wpHTK0

Trail running

An old-school trend has become a hot new fad this year, as more trail-specific shoes and gear are available to backcountry runners. A Runner's World survey finds that 40 per cent of US runners say they've hit the trails one or two times a week, with 61 per cent of them shelling out cash for trail running shoes. For tips, watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hjtch51fznI


Now with Reebok's backing, CrossFit has hit the global mainstream with its hellish workouts done in short, intense bursts. Movements are done as fast as humanly possible, typically lasting anywhere from five to 20 minutes. This year CrossFit created a full product line and its annual competition was broadcast on ESPN2. 

Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdEFBXhiGsk

Zombie runs

Zombie mania has expanded to fitness, with undead zombies chasing down participants in a series of 5K obstacle courses. If you'd rather not run, you can always sign up to be a zombie, which looks to be even more fun. Check out the runforyourlives.com series in the US. 

Watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKEVbC0GiUg#!

Kid fitness

To help overturn all the bad news about childhood obesity, an ever-growing variety of fitness geared for kids has hit the global fitness scene, such as CrossFit Kids and Zumbatronic, all designed to get kids excited about getting pumped. 

Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dep32m8Zu3c

Barre classes

Start with ballet, add a sprinkling of yoga and a pinch of Pilates and you've got the ingredients for barre workouts, one of the hottest fitness trends of the moment. If you're in the market for lean thighs, flat abs, a lifted derrière, and shapely back (who isn't?), barre is a good place to start. Not only are barre workouts spreading into mainstream gyms around the globe, but heated barre classes are starting to pick up momentum as well. 

Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UG2h8G8p5Wc — AFP/Relaxnews

Kredit: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com

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