Rabu, 27 Februari 2013

The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

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The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

Talking about sex, baby, and the economy

Posted: 26 Feb 2013 04:01 PM PST

February 27, 2013

Dina Zaman writes to find answers. Sometimes she doesn't. If she's not spending too much money on books, it's household items. She would like everyone to be happy.

FEB 27 ― We were hungry that weekend, and wanted to have Thai food in Kampung Baru. The restaurant we wanted was closed, Chinese New Year. Every other decent place was closed too. But we wanted to eat, and drove around we did.

My friend pointed at the many warongs, and restaurants dotting the roadside of Kampung Baru and Chow Kit. What did the number tell us, she asked.

Malaysians are hungry all the time. Malaysians love a variety of foods. The food business is good.

But why were many of these restaurants empty?

It's Chinese New Year. Even the Malays want to cuti.

"Wrong. It means this: Our economy is tanking. Having a second business nowadays is not a guarantee to a personal pension plan. Entrepreneurship in Malaysia is stagnant."

The fact that Malaysians pretty much vacuum food into their bodies and are obsessed with it, and yet these voracious appetites cannot support mom-and-pop warongs and restaurants, is an ominous sign.

But this is Kampung Baru. And Chow Kit. These two places teem with life 24 hours a day. How can there be an increasing number of abandoned warongs and cafes?

One time, a friend and I were at the Central Market LRT station, when he pointed out a hotel. That's one of the biggest whorehouses in KL, he said. I squinted over the tracks.

Do you see those people by the hotel windows?

I think so, I said.

Those are the sex workers, he said. Business is so bad that they now solicit in daylight, and in the open.

"And those are cheap hookers, you know." He shook his head.

You may disagree with these examples of the country's economy. "What, how can you equate the sex trade to our GNP! Those warongs? The food is horrible, supply stripped demand, wrong location, the owners tak laku," you say.

I am not an economist, but those two nuggets piqued my curiosity.

Let's talk about sex first. These sex workers service a clientele of migrant workers and working-class men. The hotel they operated from was right smack near Central Market, a hub of people coming, going.

The sex trade in Malaysia is not open (like most everywhere else, but in Muslim Malaysia it's even more hidden). And now the sex workers are brandishing their wares openly in daylight.

If the migrant workers et al aren't going to them, that means they are not being paid, or paid enough. Now this could be due to two things: employers not paying them at all, or pay has been cut. The fact that they can't pay for cheap sex is a sign.

The food? It could be a whole host of things.

What I do know is that the feedback I get from friends who are qualified to work in economics, and understand it very well, is that our economy is political, and that it is also a "created" one.

According to a friend, the Malaysian economy in reality does not follow the global financial ups and downs. Look at our property market ― is an apartment in Mont Kiara really worth that much when the workmanship is so-so, even mediocre?

"Good workmanship is those old, steady apartments, like those Selangor Properties apartments in Jalan Bukit Tunku. Have you see the apartments in Damansara Perdana? Terrible!"

High street brands like Zara, Gap for example, are cheaper in their home countries. In Malaysia, a less than stellar cotton shirt from these brands cost about RM200. Yes, yes, exchange rate is high, there're overheads to think about…

I was also told that we import 70 per cent of our food. If that is true, what is happening to our agricultural industries? Why are we importing food when we have an abundance of land, and also skilled workers? Can someone help clarify?

That night, when we finally had our dinner, we agreed that we would have to create our own pension plans, and that the truth was that Malaysia was not going to support our enterprises. There were more opportunities in the region: Indonesia, Myanmar, Vietnam. They are robust. We have been mollycoddled for so long that we are complacent.

"So. If the Opposition has greater presence, or takes over Putrajaya, will our economy flourish?" I asked.

"Good question. Different, you know, running a state and at federal level. And remember, our economy is political. But I suppose, one must hope."

I suppose.

And when everything fails, there's always Maggi Mee.

Further reading here and here.

* This is the personal opinion of the columnist

Putrajaya welcomes all comers to Lahad Datu!

Posted: 26 Feb 2013 03:52 PM PST

February 27, 2013

Erna Mahyuni blogs at ernamahyuni.com when she's not subbing for TMI. A slave to Bioware, Bethesda and her mini-zoo of two cats and a rabbit.

FEB 27 ― Welcome to Lahad Datu, where you do not need a passport so long as you carry a gun and a dubious claim to Sabah!

You will be greeted by the smiling Malaysian Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, who never misses a good photo op.

After all, he does have to cement his claim to being the most ineffectual home minister Malaysia has had since Merdeka.

Ignore party poopers like former CID chief Datuk Mat Zain Ibrahim. He went and wrote a piece asking who, exactly, was taking responsibility for the whole mess?

Obviously, it was not the home minister. He was too busy being photographed in camos.

It probably is the prime minister who has been seen preening and proud about having "avoided bloodshed." So far.

Of course no one in Putrajaya is stating the obvious: That foreign invaders trespassed on our waters, attempted to annexe part of the country and threatened the safety of our citizens.

But it is all right so long as you bring your M16s to Sabah.

Please refrain from visiting Selangor or Malacca, as you would be deported post-haste... in body bags.

We also advise Sabah foreign visitors to refrain from wearing yellow or pretending to be citizens.

Putrajaya has no qualms about using tear gas and water cannons on unarmed citizens especially if they are dressed in yellow.

In Malaysia, yellow is code for "Fire the water cannons!" Obviously.

Do we not have a fine and capable army, navy and police force?

Yes, we do. Unfortunately their hands are tied by Putrajaya so in the meantime, so as not to disturb your peaceful annexation of Sabah, the police are busying themselves arresting Al-Jazeera journalists.

The nerve of these foreign media to come and attempt to report such inconvenient things like the truth.

Thanks to Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad's incredible foresight, Sabah's population is now perhaps a third Pinoy.

We hear Philippine President Benigno Aquino is preparing a medal amongst other honours as thanks to Dr Mahathir for helping the Philippines reclaim Sabah with the least amount of bloodshed.

Syabas, Putrajaya!

And as you enjoy the sights in this beautiful state of ours, let us greet you with the warm welcome that people like the prime minister, home minister and the venerable Dr Mahathir have made possible:

"Welcome to the Sulu Sultanate, autonomous region of the Philippines."

Or maybe we'll just say "Maligayang pagdating!" (Welcome) next time.

* This is the personal opinion of the columnist

Kredit: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com

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