Selasa, 21 Mei 2013

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The Malaysian Insider :: Features

Dove ‘Sketches’ most-watched online ad

Posted: 21 May 2013 07:45 AM PDT

May 21, 2013

NEW YORK, May 21 — Unilever claimed bragging rights yesterday to the most-watched Internet commercial of all time — a three-minute study of women's self-perception that stars a forensic artist.

The Anglo-Dutch consumer products giant said its "Dove Real Beauty Sketches" has been seen more than 114 million times on YouTube and other video platforms in more than 110 countries "to surpass all previously recorded video ads."

It is also the most-shared video in more than a year and the third most shared of all time, the company said in a statement, citing data from Unruly Media, which tracks the popularity of viral videos.

Released last month, "Sketches" features San Francisco forensic artist Gil Zamora as he draws a number of women, sitting behind a curtain out of his view, relying exclusively on how they describe themselves to him.

He then produces a second set of drawings — invariably more flattering — based on descriptions provided by strangers. The video goes on to capture the subjects' startled reactions upon seeing the resulting images.

"The 'Dove Real Beauty Sketches' campaign struck an emotional chord with millions of women who recognise that they are their own worst beauty critic," Unilever said.

Nowhere does the ad mention Dove as a product, apart for an appearance of its logo at the end.

Unilever launched a so-called Campaign for Real Beauty nine years ago in Britain to pitch Dove, a moisturizing soap, to "real women" in a world of Photoshopped celebrities and models.

Its other brands include Axe, a range of men's grooming products known as Lynx in Britain and Australia, which it markets via social and traditional media. — AFP/Relaxnews

The ABCDEs of spotting melanoma

Posted: 21 May 2013 07:35 AM PDT

May 21, 2013

As summer heats up, so do your risks for skin cancer, experts report. — AFP picSYDNEY, May 21 — As Melanoma Awareness Month, May marks a good time to keep a close eye on your skin for melanoma, all while slathering on the sunscreen.

The World Health Organization cites a rise in deadly melanoma throughout the Western world, especially in countries where skin is typically fair or where tanning is the norm, such as in Northern Europe, Australia, and New Zealand, and especially among white females.

But the good news is that in addition to seeing your health professional, you can keep an eye on your skin year-round with these ABCDEs for self-screening, from the American Academy of Dermatology.

Start with a mirror and a flashlight, or a loved one to help you. If you see any of the irregularities listed below in moles or spots on your skin, consult a dermatologist.

Asymmetry (one half unlike the other half)

Border (irregular, scalloped or poorly defined)

Color (varies from one area to another; shades of tan and brown, black; sometimes white, red or blue)

Diameter (the size of a pencil eraser or larger)

Evolving (changing in size, shape or color)

Additionally, a number of clinics conduct free screenings especially during the warmer months to promote skin cancer detection and prevention awareness.

In addition, protect yourself by avoiding sun exposure during midday hours, from 10 AM to 4 PM. Since UV radiation exposure is cumulative, protect your skin by wearing sunscreen with a high SPF every day, even on cloudy days, and avoid tanning, direct sun, and tanning salons.

You can also keep tabs on your skin with a free iPhone app called UMSkinCheck, which helps you to create a full-body "photographic baseline" of your skin, snap photos of suspicious moles or lesions, and monitor any changes in your skin over time. Another similar app is Skin of Mine for iOS, which lets you analyze and share photos of moles as well as get a consultation from a dermatologist. — AFP/Relaxnews


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