Isnin, 6 Mei 2013

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The Malaysian Insider :: Features

Lessons we can learn from our pets

Posted: 06 May 2013 02:15 AM PDT

May 06, 2013

MELBOURNE, May 6 — I was going over in my head my last post on the lessons we can draw from playing golf when our cat jumped onto my lap, almost knocking over my cup of tea. I looked at her and wondered, what lessons can you teach us?

Most people I know like having pets, whether it be a dog, a cat, or a parrot. Some go to the extent of dressing them up, or buying them fancy accessories. And why not? Our pets bring us a lot of joy. Animals, especially the ones that we have for a long time, are always sensitive to us and our needs.

I know our cats know us well. When we feel sick, tired or even emotionally down, they can sense it. When that happens, they usually lie next to us, or just sit on our laps. Which is their way of showing us that they are there for us.

Our pets have traits that we can all learn from.

1. They love unconditionally

This is the one thing that we should always take to heart.

We can love without having to expect anything in return. This is a gift. Love someone for who they are and not for what they can give.

When was the last time you loved unconditionally?

2. They are loyal

No matter what, your pet will stick by you. Loyalty is a good trait to learn from our pets. Are you loyal to your friends and your family?

3. They will always ask for help

Our pets rely on us for their livelihood. They send signals to us when they are hungry or thirsty.

We all have our weaknesses, and it is not a sign of weakness to ask for help. I am not saying we should rely on others for our living. What is important is to have the courage to ask for help when you need it.

Do not be afraid to open up and talk to someone.

4. They never hold grudges

There are times when we need to discipline our pets. One thing we can learn from them is that they never hold that against us.

We sometimes hold grudges against people when things don't go our way. Being open to forgiveness and asking for forgiveness is important. In fact, it's vital to wellbeing.

5. They know how to show appreciation

Dogs always wag their tails when they are happy, and especially when given a treat. Our cats purr and rub up against us when we pet them. They are not afraid to show their appreciation.

It is always good to tell others from time to time that we appreciate them. Better yet, show them with

a simple hug, or through little tokens of appreciation.

6. They appreciate alone time

Our cats like playing with each other, but one thing I like about them is that they also value — and can appreciate — being by themselves.

I know some people hate being alone, but there needs to be a balance. We should not be afraid to have our alone time.

Take that time to develop and learn things that can benefit you in the long run.

Similarly, don't stop others from enjoying their alone time.

7. They are creative

I know some animals can sing and talk (just check out all the videos on YouTube!), while others are even cast in movies.

Animals have a way of being able to show their creativity, and they are not afraid to do so. We, too, should hone whatever God-given talents we have and not be afraid to share them.

We are all born creative, perhaps not to the same capacity, but we do have strengths that others can draw inspiration from.

8. They are who they are

Even if our pets tend to think they are one of us, they are still the pets that they are. They bark or purr, behave like all dogs and cats, and do not pretend to be anything else.

We too need to learn to be comfortable, and just be who we are. The only way we can find true contentment and happiness is by being able to find out who we are and to love ourselves.

If we can't love ourselves, how can we expect others to love us? We do not need to pretend we are someone we are not.

We often take our pets for granted, but if we take the time to look at them, we can see that they can teach us a thing or two about life, and how to live with each other.

* Giorgio is a proud family man, devoted dad, golf hack, extroverted introvert and all-round nice chap. As director of Coaching Services Australia, Giorgio helps people create careers they love, facilitates team communication as well as help small businesses make money. Follow him at @CoachGiorgio or contact him at [email protected]

International AIDS Candlelight Memorial Day

Posted: 05 May 2013 09:33 PM PDT

May 06, 2013

NEW YORK, May 6 — This month, the world lights candles to honour the 30th anniversary of International AIDS Candlelight Memorial Day, May 19.

The 30th Annual International AIDS Candlelight Memorial Day is the largest grassroots movement against the disease and is intended to create awareness and hope with a single gesture: light a candle.

More than 1,200 community organisations in 115 countries will host local memorials to honour those who lost the fight, and raise awareness about AIDS.

To find out what is taking place in your area or to dedicate a virtual candle, click here. — AFP/Relaxnews


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