Rabu, 19 Jun 2013

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Full English Premier League fixture list 2013/14 season

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 05:49 AM PDT

June 19, 2013

Read and drool, or don't, fans of the 2013/14 English Premier League. The fixture list was released today in London and the good news is that you get to know what's good and what's not in terms of match-ups. The downside is that there's some way to go before it all begins again. It kicks off on Aug 17 and one supposes that those who did not taste success last season can dream of what might be - if only for a while. Kickoff times are 1500 London time unless stated. Fixtures are subject to change.

17 August 2013

Arsenal v Aston Villa

Chelsea v Hull City

Crystal Palace v Tottenham Hotspur

Liverpool v Stoke City

Manchester City v Newcastle United

Norwich City v Everton

Sunderland v Fulham

Swansea City v Manchester United

West Bromwich Albion v Southampton

West Ham United v Cardiff City

24 August 2013

Aston Villa v Liverpool

Cardiff City v Manchester City

Everton v West Bromwich Albion

Fulham v Arsenal

Hull City v Norwich City

Manchester United v Chelsea

Newcastle United v West Ham United

Southampton v Sunderland

Stoke City v Crystal Palace

Tottenham Hotspur v Swansea City

31 August 2013

Arsenal v Tottenham Hotspur

Cardiff City v Everton

Chelsea v Aston Villa

Crystal Palace v Sunderland

Liverpool v Manchester United

Manchester City v Hull City

Newcastle United v Fulham

Norwich City v Southampton

West Bromwich Albion v Swansea City

West Ham United v Stoke City

14 September 2013

Aston Villa v Newcastle United

Everton v Chelsea

Fulham v West Bromwich Albion

Hull City v Cardiff City

Manchester United v Crystal Palace

Southampton v West Ham United

Stoke City v Manchester City

Sunderland v Arsenal

Swansea City v Liverpool

Tottenham Hotspur v Norwich City

21 September 2013

Arsenal v Stoke City

Cardiff City v Tottenham Hotspur

Chelsea v Fulham

Crystal Palace v Swansea City

Liverpool v Southampton

Manchester City v Manchester United

Newcastle United v Hull City

Norwich City v Aston Villa

West Bromwich Albion v Sunderland

West Ham United v Everton

28 September 2013

Aston Villa v Manchester City

Everton v Newcastle United

Fulham v Cardiff City

Hull City v West Ham United

Manchester United v West Bromwich Albion

Southampton v Crystal Palace

Stoke City v Norwich City

Sunderland v Liverpool

Swansea City v Arsenal

Tottenham Hotspur v Chelsea

5 October 2013

Cardiff City v Newcastle United

Fulham v Stoke City

Hull City v Aston Villa

Liverpool v Crystal Palace

Manchester City v Everton

Norwich City v Chelsea

Southampton v Swansea City

Sunderland v Manchester United

Tottenham Hotspur v West Ham United

West Bromwich Albion v Arsenal

19 October 2013

Arsenal v Norwich City

Aston Villa v Tottenham Hotspur

Chelsea v Cardiff City

Crystal Palace v Fulham

Everton v Hull City

Manchester United v Southampton

Newcastle United v Liverpool

Stoke City v West Bromwich Albion

Swansea City v Sunderland

West Ham United v Manchester City

26 October 2013

Aston Villa v Everton

Chelsea v Manchester City

Crystal Palace v Arsenal

Liverpool v West Bromwich Albion

Manchester United v Stoke City

Norwich City v Cardiff City

Southampton v Fulham

Sunderland v Newcastle United

Swansea City v West Ham United

Tottenham Hotspur v Hull City

2 November 2013

Arsenal v Liverpool

Cardiff City v Swansea City

Everton v Tottenham Hotspur

Fulham v Manchester United

Hull City v Sunderland

Manchester City v Norwich City

Newcastle United v Chelsea

Stoke City v Southampton

West Bromwich Albion v Crystal Palace

West Ham United v Aston Villa

9 November 2013

Aston Villa v Cardiff City

Chelsea v West Bromwich Albion

Crystal Palace v Everton

Liverpool v Fulham

Manchester United v Arsenal

Norwich City v West Ham United

Southampton v Hull City

Sunderland v Manchester City

Swansea City v Stoke City

Tottenham Hotspur v Newcastle United

23 November 2013

Arsenal v Southampton

Cardiff City v Manchester United

Everton v Liverpool

Fulham v Swansea City

Hull City v Crystal Palace

Manchester City v Tottenham Hotspur

Newcastle United v Norwich City

Stoke City v Sunderland

West Bromwich Albion v Aston Villa

West Ham United v Chelsea

30 November 2013

Aston Villa v Sunderland

Cardiff City v Arsenal

Chelsea v Southampton

Everton v Stoke City

Hull City v Liverpool

Manchester City v Swansea City

Newcastle United v West Bromwich Albion

Norwich City v Crystal Palace

Tottenham Hotspur v Manchester United

West Ham United v Fulham

3 December 2013

Arsenal v Hull City, 7.45pm

Crystal Palace v West Ham United, 8pm

Liverpool v Norwich City, 8pm

Manchester United v Everton, 7.45pm

Southampton v Aston Villa, 7.45pm

Stoke City v Cardiff City, 7.45pm

Sunderland v Chelsea, 7.45pm

Swansea City v Newcastle United, 7.45pm

West Bromwich Albion v Manchester City, 8pm

4 December 2013

Fulham v Tottenham Hotspur, 8pm

7 December 2013

Arsenal v Everton

Crystal Palace v Cardiff City

Fulham v Aston Villa

Liverpool v West Ham United

Manchester United v Newcastle United

Southampton v Manchester City

Stoke City v Chelsea

Sunderland v Tottenham Hotspur

Swansea City v Hull City

West Bromwich Albion v Norwich City

14 December 2013

Aston Villa v Manchester United

Cardiff City v West Bromwich Albion

Chelsea v Crystal Palace

Everton v Fulham

Hull City v Stoke City

Manchester City v Arsenal

Newcastle United v Southampton

Norwich City v Swansea City

Tottenham Hotspur v Liverpool

West Ham United v Sunderland

21 December 2013

Arsenal v Chelsea

Crystal Palace v Newcastle United

Fulham v Manchester City

Liverpool v Cardiff City

Manchester United v West Ham United

Southampton v Tottenham Hotspur

Stoke City v Aston Villa

Sunderland v Norwich City

Swansea City v Everton

West Bromwich Albion v Hull City

26 December 2013

Aston Villa v Crystal Palace

Cardiff City v Southampton

Chelsea v Swansea City

Everton v Sunderland

Hull City v Manchester United

Manchester City v Liverpool

Newcastle United v Stoke City

Norwich City v Fulham

Tottenham Hotspur v West Bromwich Albion

West Ham United v Arsenal

28 December 2013

Aston Villa v Swansea City

Cardiff City v Sunderland

Chelsea v Liverpool

Everton v Southampton

Hull City v Fulham

Manchester City v Crystal Palace

Newcastle United v Arsenal

Norwich City v Manchester United

Tottenham Hotspur v Stoke City

West Ham United v West Bromwich Albion

1 January 2014

Arsenal v Cardiff City

Crystal Palace v Norwich City

Fulham v West Ham United

Liverpool v Hull City

Manchester United v Tottenham Hotspur

Southampton v Chelsea

Stoke City v Everton

Sunderland v Aston Villa

Swansea City v Manchester City

West Bromwich Albion v Newcastle United

11 January 2014

Aston Villa v Arsenal

Cardiff City v West Ham United

Everton v Norwich City

Fulham v Sunderland

Hull City v Chelsea

Manchester United v Swansea City

Newcastle United v Manchester City

Southampton v West Bromwich Albion

Stoke City v Liverpool

Tottenham Hotspur v Crystal Palace

18 January 2014

Arsenal v Fulham

Chelsea v Manchester United

Crystal Palace v Stoke City

Liverpool v Aston Villa

Manchester City v Cardiff City

Norwich City v Hull City

Sunderland v Southampton

Swansea City v Tottenham Hotspur

West Bromwich Albion v Everton

West Ham United v Newcastle United

28 January 2014 (kickoff 1945 unless stated)

Aston Villa v West Bromwich Albion

Crystal Palace v Hull City (2000)

Liverpool v Everton (2000)

Manchester United v Cardiff City

Norwich City v Newcastle United

Southampton v Arsenal

Sunderland v Stoke City

Swansea City v Fulham

29 January 2014 (1945 local)

Chelsea v West Ham United

Tottenham Hotspur v Manchester City

1 February 2014

Arsenal v Crystal Palace

Cardiff City v Norwich City

Everton v Aston Villa

Fulham v Southampton

Hull City v Tottenham Hotspur

Manchester City v Chelsea

Newcastle United v Sunderland

Stoke City v Manchester United

West Bromwich Albion v Liverpool

West Ham United v Swansea City

8 February 2014

Aston Villa v West Ham United

Chelsea v Newcastle United

Crystal Palace v West Bromwich Albion

Liverpool v Arsenal

Manchester United v Fulham

Norwich City v Manchester City

Southampton v Stoke City

Sunderland v Hull City

Swansea City v Cardiff City

Tottenham Hotspur v Everton

11 February 2014 (1945 local time unless stated)

Arsenal v Manchester United

Cardiff City v Aston Villa

Hull City v Southampton

Stoke City v Swansea City

West Bromwich Albion v Chelsea (2000)

West Ham United v Norwich City

12 February 2014 (1945 local unless stated)

Everton v Crystal Palace

Fulham v Liverpool (2000)

Manchester City v Sunderland

Newcastle United v Tottenham Hotspur

22 February 2014

Arsenal v Sunderland

Cardiff City v Hull City

Chelsea v Everton

Crystal Palace v Manchester United

Liverpool v Swansea City

Manchester City v Stoke City

Newcastle United v Aston Villa

Norwich City v Tottenham Hotspur

West Bromwich Albion v Fulham

West Ham United v Southampton

1 March 2014

Aston Villa v Norwich City

Everton v West Ham United

Fulham v Chelsea

Hull City v Newcastle United

Manchester United v Manchester City

Southampton v Liverpool

Stoke City v Arsenal

Sunderland v West Bromwich Albion

Swansea City v Crystal Palace

Tottenham Hotspur v Cardiff City

8 March 2014

Arsenal v Swansea City

Cardiff City v Fulham

Chelsea v Tottenham Hotspur

Crystal Palace v Southampton

Liverpool v Sunderland

Manchester City v Aston Villa

Newcastle United v Everton

Norwich City v Stoke City

West Bromwich Albion v Manchester United

West Ham United v Hull City

15 March 2014

Aston Villa v Chelsea

Everton v Cardiff City

Fulham v Newcastle United

Hull City v Manchester City

Manchester United v Liverpool

Southampton v Norwich City

Stoke City v West Ham United

Sunderland v Crystal Palace

Swansea City v West Bromwich Albion

Tottenham Hotspur v Arsenal

22 March 2014

Aston Villa v Stoke City

Cardiff City v Liverpool

Chelsea v Arsenal

Everton v Swansea City

Hull City v West Bromwich Albion

Manchester City v Fulham

Newcastle United v Crystal Palace

Norwich City v Sunderland

Tottenham Hotspur v Southampton

West Ham United v Manchester United

29 March 2014

Arsenal v Manchester City

Crystal Palace v Chelsea

Fulham v Everton

Liverpool v Tottenham Hotspur

Manchester United v Aston Villa

Southampton v Newcastle United

Stoke City v Hull City

Sunderland v West Ham United

Swansea City v Norwich City

West Bromwich Albion v Cardiff City

5 April 2014

Aston Villa v Fulham

Cardiff City v Crystal Palace

Chelsea v Stoke City

Everton v Arsenal

Hull City v Swansea City

Manchester City v Southampton

Newcastle United v Manchester United

Norwich City v West Bromwich Albion

Tottenham Hotspur v Sunderland

West Ham United v Liverpool

12 April 2014

Arsenal v West Ham United

Crystal Palace v Aston Villa

Fulham v Norwich City

Liverpool v Manchester City

Manchester United v Hull City

Southampton v Cardiff City

Stoke City v Newcastle United

Sunderland v Everton

Swansea City v Chelsea

West Bromwich Albion v Tottenham Hotspur

19 April 2014

Aston Villa v Southampton

Cardiff City v Stoke City

Chelsea v Sunderland

Everton v Manchester United

Hull City v Arsenal

Manchester City v West Bromwich Albion

Newcastle United v Swansea City

Norwich City v Liverpool

Tottenham Hotspur v Fulham

West Ham United v Crystal Palace

26 April 2014

Arsenal v Newcastle United

Crystal Palace v Manchester City

Fulham v Hull City

Liverpool v Chelsea

Manchester United v Norwich City

Southampton v Everton

Stoke City v Tottenham Hotspur

Sunderland v Cardiff City

Swansea City v Aston Villa

West Bromwich Albion v West Ham United

3 May 2014

Arsenal v West Bromwich Albion

Aston Villa v Hull City

Chelsea v Norwich City

Crystal Palace v Liverpool

Everton v Manchester City

Manchester United v Sunderland

Newcastle United v Cardiff City

Stoke City v Fulham

Swansea City v Southampton

West Ham United v Tottenham Hotspur

11 May 2014

Cardiff City v Chelsea

Fulham v Crystal Palace

Hull City v Everton

Liverpool v Newcastle United

Manchester City v West Ham United

Norwich City v Arsenal

Southampton v Manchester United

Sunderland v Swansea City

Tottenham Hotspur v Aston Villa

West Bromwich Albion v Stoke City

Source: Premier League website (http://www.premierleague.com) - Reuters, June 19, 2013.  

Miami Heat beat San Antonio in overtime to force Game 7

Posted: 18 Jun 2013 10:02 PM PDT

June 19, 2013

Spurs's Manu Ginobili (20) is stopped from scoring in the final second of the 4th quarter by Miami Heat's Chris Bosh (1) and Ray Allen (34) during Game 6 of the NBA Finals. - Reuters, June 18, 2013.The Miami Heat produced an extraordinary comeback to beat the San Antonio Spurs 103-100 in overtime yesterday to force a decisive seventh game in the National Basketball Association (NBA) Finals, played in Miami.

Needing a win to keep their title defence alive, Miami clawed back from a 13-point deficit in the third quarter before Ray Allen drained a three-pointer with five seconds remaining that tied the game at 95-95 and forced overtime.

Miami then won a nerve-jangling extra five-minute period to tie the championship series at 3-3 and set up a winner-takes-all decider at Miami on Thursday.

LeBron James, the NBA's Most Valuable Player in four of the past five seasons, had a game-high 32 points for the Heat, including 21 in the second half, while Mario Chalmers had 20, featuring 4-of-5 three-pointers.

Tim Duncan had 30 points for the Spurs, who led 71-58 in the third quarter, but found themselves behind in the last quarter before going on a 8-0 run in the last two minutes to regain the lead.

They still led by five points with 28 seconds to go when Miami pulled off a miraculous comeback. - Reuters, June 19, 2013.

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