Rabu, 31 Julai 2013

The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

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The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

Mana lebih penting, Syiah atau jenayah?

Posted: 31 Jul 2013 12:03 AM PDT

July 31, 2013

Hampir setiap hari penganut mahzab Syiah di Malaysia diserang di negara ini.

Belilah akhbar-akhbar berbahasa Melayu, semua wajib mempunyai cerita kesesatan Syiah dan bahaya mahzab utama di Republik Islam Iran itu.

Akhbar Sinar Harian hampir setiap hari mempunyai laporan khas mengenai mazhab Syiah seperti pencanggahannya dengan Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah, cara mereka solat, ketaksuban mereka kepada ahli keluarga Nabi Muhammad dan pelbagai lagi.

Pendek kata seperti tiada masalah lain di Malaysia, Syiah lah musuh utama negara.

Sedangkan apa yang kita baca di akhbar, peningkatan jenayah yang berleluasa di Malaysia.

Isnin lalu, Pengasas Arab-Malaysian Bank, Hussain Ahmad Najadi maut manakala isterinya cedera ditembak dari jarak dekat di parkir kereta selepas keluar dari sebuah tokong Cina, Kuan Yin Temple, di Lorong Ceylon, di ibu negara.

Kejadian itu berlaku dua hari selepas aktivis anti jenayah yang juga Pengerusi MyWatch R Sri Sanjeevan cedera ditembak di persimpangan berdekatan Taman Awana Indah, Jempol, Negeri Sembilan.  

Namun, akhbar berbahsa Melayu tidak menjadikan isu jenayah sebagai perbincangan utama.

Orang-orang Melayu mungkin terlalu jahil dan hanya menerima dan sebab itulah akhbar-akhbar ini terus memainkan isu ini.

Provokasi-provokasi anti Syiah tanpa henti akhirnya menyebabkan satu lagi jenayah berlaku.

Ketua Syiah Kedah, Abdullah Hassan semalam membuat laporan polis di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) Pendang berhubung ancaman bunuh terhadap dirinya yang dipaparkan menerusi laman sosial Facebook baru-baru ini.

Abdullah berkata, dia terpaksa membuat laporan itu setelah menerima ugutan dan ancaman itu setelah seorang pengguna Facebook yang menggunakan nama Muhd Amirul Roshid berkongsi gambar dan maklumat mengenai dirinya dalam Facebook Gerakan Anti Syiah Malaysia.

"Pemilik akaun tersebut telah menuduh saya seorang yang sangat aktif menyesatkan masyarakat Kedah khususnya pemuda-pemudi Kedah dan menghasut masyarakat supaya membenci orang Islam lain yang mengamalkan Ahlul Sunnah Wal Jamaah," katanya.

"Saya memandang bahawa tuduhan ini adalah amat berat dan sama sekali tidak berasas. Ingin saya tegaskan dan menafikan sekeras-kerasnya tuduhan tersebut kerana tidak menepati realiti dan saya akan mendapatkan khidmat nasihat daripada peguam-peguam saya untuk tindakan selanjutnya," katanya kepada pemberita selepas membuat laporan polis di IPD Pendang.

Naib Presiden PAS, Datuk Mahfuz Omar hari ini menggesa kerajaan Malaysia untuk mengadakan sidang khas Parlimen bagi menyelesaikan masalah jenayah yang semakin meningkat dalam negara.

Beliau berkata, jaminan diberikan Ketua Polis Negara (KPN), Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar tidak mampu meredakan kebimbangan rakyat kerana pasukan polis dilihat seperti sudah hilang kawalan.

Tepuk dada tanya selera. Yang mana lebih utama? Memerangi jenayah atau menghapuskan Syiah?

Mungkin juga oleh kerana orang Malaysia terlalu sibuk memerangi Syiah menyebabkan jenayah berleluasa? – 31 Julai, 2013.

* Ini adalah pendapat peribadi penulis dan tidak semestinya mewakili pandangan The Malaysian Insider.

Why the beauty contest is important

Posted: 30 Jul 2013 05:18 PM PDT

July 31, 2013

Datuk Zaid Ibrahim founded Malaysia's largest law partnership before focusing on politics. He was a minister in the Abdullah administration, was in Umno, PKR and last in KITA as its president.

The Jabatan Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan (JAWI) has made its final decision that the four Muslim girls are prohibited from participating in the Miss Malaysia World 2013 beauty contest.

There's nothing surprising about this considering the condemnation unleashed by Muslim leaders on the poor girls before the decision was made.

If it's any help, I want to express my support for these brave young Malaysians. They should not feel ashamed of what they have done or what they dream of doing. They were not trying to cheat anyone or plunder the nation's wealth. They were just trying to maximise their talents and find a good career, perhaps in modelling or acting.

They want to, and should, maximise their talents. There is nothing shameful in trying to better oneself in an open competition. They must feel gutted for having been denied a golden opportunity perhaps to improve their professional development. They have been denied this by people who have no regard for their welfare.

I am disappointed not just for the girls. I am disappointed with the organisers who "chickened out". I am disappointed with the Bar Council, with Anwar Ibrahim the liberal Islamist, the DAP and those out there who always talk about freedom and living in a free country, but who do nothing and say nothing about defending a very simple principle.

That principle is this: Malaysia is a democracy. It is a country founded on freedom and liberty. If people have forgotten, they should go back to the Proclamation of Independence of our truly great leader Tunku Abdul Rahman.

This issue is not about the beauty contest per se, nor is it about morality and religious values.

It's about living in a society that cherishes personal freedom and liberty. "Freedom has its limits", of course, but those limits must themselves be limited by laws passed by Parliament.

No one else should be allowed to regulate the lives of the people, Muslims included, for to allow this would be to make a mockery of the legislative process and the representatives of the Rakyat. Don't think that advocates of freedom ignore morality, because we value good morality. What is offensive is authoritarian rule exerted under the veneer of religion.

I know some lawyers who will tell you that the Federal Court in the Sulaiman Takrib case ruled that a fatwa is "delegated legislation" and therefore it can be issued by the National Fatwa Committee on a wide range of issues.

I say that the Federal Court is wrong - absolutely wrong - because it did not have the benefit of fuller and more detailed arguments. It did not reflect and contemplate on larger issues. It did not fully consider the legal and constitutional ramifications of its decision.

It did not have the time to discuss fully why the items needed to be spelt out under the Ninth Schedule of the Constitution if the State Assembly (or Fatwa Committee) indeed has unlimited powers to legislate.

The Federal Court did not have the opportunity to hear arguments on the meaning of "personal laws, family laws and Islamic laws" in the larger context of the Constitution where fundamental liberties are sacrosanct. Today, the only way for the Federal Court to revisit the issue is if political leaders, the Bar Council, civil society and beauty pageant organisers are willing to defend our rights as enshrined in the Constitution.

Politicians must want to preserve and protect the principles of the Proclamation of our Independence. In other words, they must want to protect a free country. Obviously they are interested only in paying lip-service.

Today it's shisha smoking, beauty contests, hair salons. Tomorrow we will have prohibitions on women engaging in sports and body-building contests — or even driving. Or we will have prohibitions against men wearing shorts. Maybe music and movies will be the next casualty after that. And the list will go on.

You might think that the issue of the beauty contest is a small one but it is above all a matter of principle. If we give in to this, we will eventually have to give in to even more outrageous things for we will have lost the moral courage to stand up for what is right.

I will check with my friends who are more learned about the law, especially on issue of locus standi, and I may institute legal action against JAWI because I want the Federal Court to revisit this issue.

As I said, this is a matter I consider to be of the utmost importance for the future of Malaysia. And I am not alone on this. - July 31, 2013.

* The views expressed here are the personal opinion of the columnist.

Kredit: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com

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