Isnin, 30 Disember 2013

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The Malaysian Insider :: Features

Malaysian teacher covers African continent on scooter in 42 days

Posted: 30 Dec 2013 05:26 AM PST

December 30, 2013

The "Malaysia Boleh" spirit has taken a teacher far: in fact, on a record solo expedition around the African continent on a 110cc scooter in 42 days. 

Mohammad Lasim Deraman, 47, travelled more than 10,000 kilometres around Africa, beginning at Cape Point on November 15 and moving around to Tanzania, Botswana, Moyale and Zambia before reaching Mount Kenya.

The special education teacher at a secondary school in Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, said prior to the expedition in Africa, he had been on a motorcycle expedition covering Borneo and Indonesia.

"I chose to go to the African continent because of its challenging geographical landscape which is mountainous, with lakes, rivers and desert," he told reporters in George Town today.

He said that among the unforgettable experiences during the expedition was when travelling through a desert area from Kipiri Morsi to the Tanzanian border, Naconde.

The place is a habitat for wild animals, he said, adding that fearing for his life, he was forced to hitch a ride in a lorry across the desert.

Mohammad Lasim, who hails from Kota Baru, Kelantan, said the temperate climate there of between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius enabled him to ride long on his motorcycle, covering an average of 290km a day.

He initially planned to go to Nairobi and then to Makkah after arriving in Moyale (a town bordering Ethiopia and Kenya) on the 34th day of the expedition, but was forced to change plans due to a civil war in Nairobi.

"I was also advised by the embassy to turn back because of the civil war," he said.

On the expedition, Mohammad Lasim said meeting the people there, he realised that many of them had heard of former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and were happy when asked to pose for pictures with the Malaysian flag which he had brought along with him.

"I also had the opportunity to see how the Zulu people live. They still lead a traditional way of life and live in straw houses. Looking at them made me feel grateful to be living in a progressive and prosperous country," he added.

After completing the expedition in Africa, Mohammad Lasim did not immediately come home but sent his scooter to Thailand and went on a three-day expedition in the land of the White Elephant.

He then went on to southern Thailand and entered Malaysia through Bukit Kayu Hitam on December 26 before coming here to meet some friends.

He said one of the basic things one needed to know before going on a motorcycle expedition alone was to know how to maintain the machine and make minor repairs like changing a punctured tyre.

Travelling on a scooter is not only exciting, but also cheap, he added. - Bernama, December 30, 2013.

Oh my aching head – is there really a hangover cure?

Posted: 29 Dec 2013 04:38 PM PST

December 30, 2013

A few too many? Scientists offer their best bets on curbing the hangover misery. - AFP/Relaxnews pic, December 30, 2013.A few too many? Scientists offer their best bets on curbing the hangover misery. - AFP/Relaxnews pic, December 30, 2013.From burned toast to raw eggs, there is no shortage of "hangover cures" to fix what ails you. Here's the science behind the best remedy for your pounding head and queasy stomach.

Chinese researchers suggest chugging a Sprite the morning after. Or if you prefer to skip the sweet stuff, soda water may be a good alternative. How it works is that it helps the body better metabolise alcohol, and in particular, speeds up your ability to process aldehyde dehydrogenase, which is thought to be responsible for the symptoms of a hangover.

Interestingly, the scientists found that sipping herbal tea may slow down the process, prolonging your hangover. The results, announced this October, were published in the Royal Society of Chemistry journal Food and Function.

In a separate 2011 study, researchers suggest that your best bet might be a cup of joe and a painkiller. Published in the peer-reviewed online science journal PLoS One, the study revealed that common treatments for hangover headache, such as caffeine and over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs, block the effects of your hangover. Best solution: drink coffee about four hours after drinking, when acetate levels begin to spike. But don't overdo it, since caffeine works as a diuretic and can further dehydrate your body, making you feel worse.

A few other tried-and-true ways to curb the misery is to avoid drinking alcohol on an empty stomach and load up on carbohydrate-filled snacks to slow down the body's absorption of the alcohol, The Independent reports. Also, be sure to drink plenty of fluids the morning after, but avoid greasy, fatty, or spicy foods, which may be tempting but could make you feel worse.

What about the infamous "hair of the dog"? A 2011 study published in PLoS One found alcohol to be a poor hangover remedy as it causes greater alcohol dependence. Your best bet? Boiled or poached eggs, whole-grain toast, and a fruit smoothie. - AFP/Relaxnews, December 30, 2013.


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