Jumaat, 6 Disember 2013

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The Malaysian Insider :: Features

Study casts doubt on whether extra vitamin D prevents disease

Posted: 05 Dec 2013 10:49 PM PST

December 06, 2013

Researchers are questioning the prevailing wisdom that vitamin D supplements can ward off illness, saying that low vitamin D levels may be a consequence, not a cause, of ill health.Researchers are questioning the prevailing wisdom that vitamin D supplements can ward off illness, saying that low vitamin D levels may be a consequence, not a cause, of ill health.Researchers cast doubt on the prevailing wisdom that vitamin D supplements can prevent conditions like cancer, diabetes and heart disease, saying today low vitamin D may be a consequence, not a cause, of ill health.

The findings could have implications for millions of people who take vitamin D pills and other supplements to ward off illness - Americans spend an estimated $600 million (RM1.9 billion) a year on them alone.

Vitamin D, sometimes known as the "sunshine vitamin" is made in the body when the skin is exposed to sunlight and in found in foods like fish liver oil, eggs and fatty fish such as salmon, herring and mackerel.

It is known to boost the uptake of calcium and bone formation, and some observational studies have also suggested a link between low levels of vitamin D and greater risks of many acute and chronic diseases.

But it is not clear whether this is a cause-and-effect relationship, so various large trials have been conducted to test whether vitamin D supplementation can reduce the risk of developing disease.

Researchers led by Philippe Autier of France's International Prevention Research Institute in Lyon analysed data from several hundred observational studies and clinical trials examining the effects of vitamin D levels on so-called non-bone health, including links to illness such as cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

They found that the benefits of high vitamin D levels seen in observational studies - including reduced risk of cardiovascular events, diabetes and colorectal cancer - were not replicated in randomised trials where participants were given vitamin D to see if it would protect against illness.

"What this discrepancy suggests is that decreases in vitamin D levels are a marker of deteriorating health," said Autier.

In other words, he explained, serious illness like cancer and diabetes may reduce vitamin D concentrations, but that does not necessarily mean that raising vitamin D levels would prevent the illness from occurring.

Yet experts not involved in Autier's review said its conclusions were not definitive, and cautioned against reading it as a reason to dissuade people from taking vitamin D.

"This paper is very useful because it highlights the need for more long term intervention studies specifically looking at the effect of proper vitamin D supplementation on disease risk," said Nigel Belshaw, research leader at Britain's Institute of Food Research.

"However, it does not suggest that taking vitamin D supplements can not be useful in some cases for some purposes. Neither does it rule out a health advantage of increasing vitamin D levels in the blood for those who are deficient."

Helen Macdonald, a professor of nutrition and musculoskeletal health at Britain's University of Aberdeen stressed that vitamin D was important for bone health.

"And we already know that people who are at risk of vitamin D deficiency, like older people, pregnant and breastfeeding women, young children and people with darker skin, need to take a supplement because it is difficult to boost vitamin D levels from food sources alone," she said.

She added that Autier's study did, however, appear to confirm what many nutrition experts have suspected for a while - "that healthy people probably don't need to take a high dose supplement and that the best source of vitamin D for most people is sunlight in the summer, always taking care not to burn." - Reuters, December 6, 2013.

Young American sings classical Arabic music, wows audiences

Posted: 05 Dec 2013 05:16 PM PST

December 06, 2013

An image taken from a video uploaded by MBC (Middle East Broadcasting Centre) on YouTube on November 9, 2013, shows Jennifer Grout (centre), the American contestant in the pan-Arab TV programme 'Arabs Got Talent' performing at the MBC television station studios in Zouk Mosbeh, north of Beirut. - AFP pic, December 6, 2013.An image taken from a video uploaded by MBC (Middle East Broadcasting Centre) on YouTube on November 9, 2013, shows Jennifer Grout (centre), the American contestant in the pan-Arab TV programme 'Arabs Got Talent' performing at the MBC television station studios in Zouk Mosbeh, north of Beirut. - AFP pic, December 6, 2013.Young American Jennifer Grout doesn't speak a word of Arabic, but has taught herself to sing the Arab world's best-known, most difficult songs, and could even win its major music competition.

Her blonde hair loose and without a sign of make-up, the 23-year-old appeared before a panel of judges to audition for the Arabs Got Talent show.

When Egyptian film star and panel member Ahmed Helmy asked her in Arabic what her what her name was, she didn't have a clue what he was saying.

But then she began to play the oud and sing a classic by Egyptian diva Umm Kalthoum, "Baeed Annak" (Far from you).

She stunned the audience, enunciating every word to perfection as her voice effortlessly navigated the quarter-notes that make Arabic music so distinctive.

Grout, who grew up in a musical home in Boston, Massachusetts and has studied piano and violin since the age of five, only discovered her passion for Arabic music three years ago.

As a 20-year-old student in Boston, Grout says she "came across an online article about Fairouz", whose unique, angelic voice rings out on radio stations across the Arab world every morning.

"I listened to her and watched a video of her, and I was just really intrigued and mesmerised by her voice. So I decided to start exploring Arabic music more," Grout told AFP.

Ever since, she has learned to sing not only songs by Umm Kalthoum — whose voice is still considered the Arab world's finest three decades after her death — but also Syrian star Asmahan and the compositions of Egypt's Mohammad Abdel Wahab.

Quietly confident, Grout's is a rare presence on the hugely popular Arabs Got Talent, which usually hosts artists more likely to choose pop music, either Arabic or Western.

Asked why she didn't choose that path, she laughed: "That would be like asking an opera singer why she sings opera as opposed to Britney Spears."

Although the music she loves best is decades old, it would have been well-nigh impossible for Grout to develop her passion without the Internet, with its wealth of videos of classical Arabic songs and their lyrics.

She says that although she doesn't speak Arabic, she understands the lyrics because she has found the translations for many of the songs online.

At the same time, she has asked her Arabic-speaking friends to help.

"Of course it's essential to understand what you're singing about," she said while preparing for rehearsal at a production studio of MBC broadcaster in Zouk Mosbeh, north of Beirut.

Several teachers have taught her to play oud, which she sometimes plays as an accompaniment.

The final of the show will be held tomorrow, when Grout will compete for first place against 11 other contestants.

Voters will call in to name their favourite, and Grout says that, if she wins, she will use the opportunity to get more exposure.

"I guess I would just see what opportunities rise out of this. Hopefully this will give me enough exposure to get performance opportunities, because that's really all I want to do, if I can, for the rest of my life," she said.

YouTube and Facebook users have left scores of comments on her singing, most of them positive.

"Jennifer is the best," writes one on YouTube. "Wow, damn she is good!" writes another. "She has a beautiful soul," writes a third.

But some viewers have expressed disbelief, calling her performances a publicity stunt.

"It's a trick in order to gain publicity," says one sceptic on YouTube, accusing the Arabs Got Talent show of merely pretending that she can't speak Arabic.

Grout says she is familiar with that disbelief, and that she experienced it at her fateful TV audition.

"Initially when I got on stage the audience was not expecting much," she said.

"I actually heard the audience started to laugh. And then later on, about 30 seconds in, it changed to silence, and then it changed to cheering, because everyone in the end was very impressed." - AFP, December 6, 2013.

Kredit: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com

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