Jumaat, 13 Disember 2013

The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

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The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

Does Ridhuan Tee consider himself educated?

Posted: 12 Dec 2013 03:00 PM PST

December 13, 2013

Zan Azlee is a documentary filmmaker, journalist, writer, New Media practitioner and lecturer. He runs Fat Bidin Media www.fatbidin.com

I've been secretly smiling to myself almost every day the past week. It is because I've been very happy with certain stories I've been reading in the media lately.

The stories I've been reading has given me joy because they are about how Ridhuan Tee Abdullah has been accused of lecturing about ethnic cleansing to his students.

And even before that, a few months ago, he was accused of plagiarism in his academic writings and research papers. Happy, happy, joy, joy!

It's no secret (especially to my regular readers) that I've made it one of my life's missions to counter and destroy his every single racist and bigoted thought.

And when issue of his credibility and professionalism comes into question, I will obviously jump on the opportunity to highlight it.

Teresa Kok, the DAP MP of Seputeh, was the one who brought up the issue of ethnic cleansing and now the Defence Ministry has agreed to investigate the claim.

Why the Defence Ministry? Well, it's because Tee somehow managed to wrangle a lecturing job at the National Defence University of Malaysia.

And he somehow managed to make himself look a bigger fool by dedicating one of his columns in the newspaper Sinar Harian to denigrating Kok.

Of course, he doesn't name Kok in his column. He just refers to an individual he names in his column as a "kiasu spinster", maybe to avoid legal problems.

Unlike me, who he has written negatively about and specifically named in his Sinar Harian column! I guess I should be honoured. Anyway, this isn't about me.

Kok, of course, retaliated and said that Tee is neither a gentleman nor a good role model for future military leaders.

On that note, I have to agree. For someone who regularly spews out racial hatred, it is dangerous for him to have access to young impressionable minds.

In fact, he shouldn't even be given access to the mass media. It is unfortunate that currently, he writes for several newspapers including Sinar Harian and Utusan.

But hey, freedom of speech is something that is important to me. And if I believe that I should be entitled to it, then so should Tee.

However, it is quite amusing to see how Tee utilises his right to freedom of speech to counter all the allegations and denigrations against him.

One would think that he would rebut all his critiques with facts, figures and evidence to prove that he is right and so silence everyone.

But the thing that keeps everyone going is that Tee doesn't actually do that. When he answers his critiques, it's always with name-calling, like a little kindergartener.

It's funny how Tee, in his column, makes fun of Kok by wondering if she even has a university degree, as if that makes her less of a person.

He, on the other hand, proudly announces on his blog that he has one diploma, two bachelors, one masters and a PhD, as if that makes him more of a person.

I would like to remind Tee that having a formal educational qualification doesn't mean one is necessarily educated.

It really just means that one has some nice looking scrolls made out of pieces of paper with one's name on them. Not much value really.

I guess it would be preferable for me to state an example of an individual who has had a formal education qualification but isn't really educated.

But you know what? I don't think I really have to go to all that trouble to illustrate my point. Am I right or am I right? – December 13, 2013.

* This is the personal opinion of the writer or publication and does not necessarily represent the views of The Malaysian Insider.

Kredit: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com

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