Rabu, 18 Disember 2013

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The Malaysian Insider :: Showbiz

Filipina crowned Miss International in Japan

Posted: 17 Dec 2013 08:02 PM PST

December 18, 2013

Miss International Bea Rose Santiago of the Philippines waves on stage after being crowned Miss International Beauty Pageant 2013 in Tokyo, yesterday. - Reuters pic, December 18, 2013.Miss International Bea Rose Santiago of the Philippines waves on stage after being crowned Miss International Beauty Pageant 2013 in Tokyo, yesterday. - Reuters pic, December 18, 2013.A Philippine beauty queen has been crowned Miss International in a pageant marred by allegations of intimidation that kept her predecessor away – pledging to use her title to help victims of the country's devastating typhoon.

"This is my dream. Thank you Japan for giving it to me," an ecstatic Bea Rose Santiago said at the event, held late yesterday in Tokyo.

"I'm going to use my crown and my title to help the victims" of Super Typhoon Haiyan, which raked the Philippines last month, leaving nearly 8,000 people dead or missing.

"So this is actually for my province, and this is for the Philippines."

Santiago was selected from among 67 candidates representing countries and regions of the world.

In a break with pageant custom, she was crowned by Spain's 2008 Miss International and not by her immediate predecessor, who stayed away from the glitzy show.

"I really wanted to meet her," the new beauty queen said. "It was very unfortunate because I really wanted to meet last year's winner also."

Outgoing title-holder Japanese Ikumi Yoshimatsu told foreign journalists this week in Tokyo that she had been asked by organisers to stay away from the final.

Yoshimatsu said since winning she has faced a running battle to maintain her independence from the management agencies that form the backbone of Japan's entertainment industry.

She said a senior executive at one agency had been in touch with her on many occasions. After she had repeatedly rebuffed him, he telephoned the main sponsor of the Miss International competition, she said.

As a result, the Miss International office in Tokyo began "instructing me, to 'play sick', 'keep quiet' and not to attend the world final pageant here in Tokyo... to pass on my crown to my successor," she said.

The organiser of the beauty pageant, Tokyo-based International Culture Association, did not return calls made by AFP.

A local tabloid magazine has reported the executive of the management agency denying he was carrying out any campaign of harassment, saying that he was involved in a separate dispute with Yoshimatsu's agent over money. - AFP, December 18, 2013.

‘Anchorman 2’ revives cult classic, but has Ron Burgundy sold out?

Posted: 17 Dec 2013 07:55 PM PST

December 18, 2013

Actor Will Ferrell speaks while being interviewed at the Newseum during an event for 'Anchorman2: The Legend Continues' in Washington, December 3, 2013. - Reuters pic, December 18, 2013.Actor Will Ferrell speaks while being interviewed at the Newseum during an event for 'Anchorman2: The Legend Continues' in Washington, December 3, 2013. - Reuters pic, December 18, 2013.He's in your fridge, on your bookshelf and taking over your television screen. But as "Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues" brings back a cult comedy classic, has fictional leading man Ron Burgundy sold out?

The answer is "yes". Even the director said so.

In anticipation of the opening of "Anchorman 2" in US theatres today, the chauvinistic San Diego anchorman, played by comedian Will Ferrell, has promoted Ben & Jerry's ice cream and Dodge Durangos, written a memoir, anchored the news in North Dakota, and served as roving reporter for the MTV Video Music Awards. And that's just a short list of his stints.

His invasion of the mass market prompted some grumbling among die-hard fans across social networks: Ron Burgundy had become too mainstream, they said, and less likable to the niche audience of the first film.

"Ron Burgundy is a sellout," Adam McKay, the film's writer-director, told Reuters. "The whole joke of the character is that he is a complete and total sellout, so it makes us laugh to see him doing the news and selling cars."

McKay said the cult thing is over for the second film, which is a much more lavishly promoted release than the July 2004 film about the 1970s anchorman. Made by Paramount Pictures for a budget of $50 million (RM162 million), "Anchorman 2" could earn $55 million over its first five days, estimated Jeff Bock, senior box office analyst at Exhibitor Relations Co.

"Anchorman 2" picks up the story of the suit-clad and mustachioed Ron Burgundy, described as "more man than the rest", a decade after the first film, when he has been reduced to becoming an alcoholic SeaWorld announcer after losing his anchor job to his now estranged wife, Veronica Corningstone.

By a stroke of luck, Ron Burgundy is scouted for a new global news cable channel, and reunited with his news team - played by Steve Carell, Paul Rudd and David Koechner - as they take on New York City's world of broadcast news, and unknowingly usher in a new era of news known as "infotainment".

"American news has become really driven by ratings and entertainment. I think people working in broadcast news would even agree with that," said McKay, who directed the first "Anchorman" film and co-wrote it with Ferrell. "So the idea of making all of that Ron Burgundy's fault was too funny to pass up."

After the first film's jokes became quotable fodder for fans, McKay and Ferrell had to find new material for the beloved characters. They excluded a number of pop-culture touchstones such as Ron Burgundy's sign-off, "You stay classy, San Diego."

A few touches of homage, including Ron Burgundy's jazz flute and Brian Fantana's "Sex Panther" cologne, make brief appearances, as well as a second round of the news gang fight, featuring cameos from some comedy greats who the writers wanted to keep a surprise.

"For a percentage of people, it'll never measure up to the first one. But we wanted to take a big swing, not be timid, and create a movie that continues to surprise," said Ferrell, a co-writer of the film.

In "Anchorman 2", Burgundy once again rises to the top, but faces obstacles both in his personal and professional life, as he dates his black female boss (Meagan Good), faces off with a younger, more handsome anchorman (James Marsden), tries to be fatherly toward his son, and loses his eyesight. McKay compared his journey to that of the hero in a Greek tragedy.

"The whole legend of Ron Burgundy is all about rising and falling, so we had to think of some crazy way for him to fall again, and the idea of him going blind just really made us laugh," said McKay, whose friendship with Ferrell goes back to the mid-1990s, when Ferrell joined the cast of "Saturday Night Live" and McKay was a writer on the show.

The first "Anchorman" film was made for $25 million and distributed by DreamWorks. It featured a cast of comedians who were rising stars, including Ferrell and Carell, and grossed $90 million at the worldwide box office. The second film reunited the original cast and turned a bigger spotlight on Carell's Brick Tamland, a weatherman with a very low IQ, who won over fans with strange and nonsensical phrases such as "I love lamp", and who finds love with a quirky, eccentric character played by Kristen Wiig.

"Steve Carell is so great to work with that it just seemed natural to amp him up, and the love affair was really the key idea to understanding him," McKay said.

While McKay and Ferrell are both anxiously awaiting how audiences respond to "Anchorman 2", Ferrell already has some ideas about how he'd like to see the characters evolve, if a third film becomes a reality.

"Watching Ron and the news team decide to buy a newspaper and think they can bring it back to life, and them dealing with print - that's considered the purest form of journalism. That could be a funny world for them," Ferrell said. - Reuters, December 18, 2013.

Kredit: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com

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