Jumaat, 31 Januari 2014

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The Malaysian Insider :: Features

Ophidiophobics beware: flying snakes have great aerodynamics

Posted: 30 Jan 2014 11:48 PM PST

January 31, 2014

Flying serpent... A paradise tree snake is shown in this handout photo courtesy of Jake Socha. Scientists studying the amazing gliding proficiency of the Asian species say it does two things as it goes airborne. It splays its ribs in order to flatten its profile from round into a more triangular form, and it undulates while airborne - sort of swimming through the air. - Reuters pic, January 31, 2014.Flying serpent... A paradise tree snake is shown in this handout photo courtesy of Jake Socha. Scientists studying the amazing gliding proficiency of the Asian species say it does two things as it goes airborne. It splays its ribs in order to flatten its profile from round into a more triangular form, and it undulates while airborne - sort of swimming through the air. - Reuters pic, January 31, 2014.This may be the last thing that anyone with a touch of ophidiophobia - fear of snakes - would want to hear: flying snakes have surprisingly good aerodynamic qualities.

Scientists studying the amazing gliding proficiency of an Asian species known as the paradise tree snake say it does two things as it goes airborne. It splays its ribs in order to flatten its profile from round into a more triangular form, and it undulates while airborne - sort of swimming through the air.

Researchers led by Jake Socha, an expert in biomechanics at Virginia Tech, replicated in a plastic model the shape the snake assumes while airborne, and tested it to evaluate its aerodynamic qualities.

They placed the snake model in a water tunnel and used a laser to track flow patterns around the model.

"Our expectations going in were that it would not be very good because it does not look like a classically streamlined, airplane-type cross-sectional shape," Socha said in a telephone interview yesterday.

"What we got were some surprising aerodynamic characteristics. In fact, it was much better than we anticipated," Socha added.

The paradise tree snake is one of the world's five species of flying snakes, all from the genus Chrysopelea. To be precise, they are gliders, not actual flyers like birds and bats that achieve powered flight.

The mildly venomous snake - green and black with occasional touches of red and orange - has a diameter roughly equal to a human finger and is up to three feet (one metres) long. It lives in rain forests in Southeast Asia and South Asia, including Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and the Philippines.

The snake takes to the air from trees, and is capable of gliding about 100 feet (30 metres). Socha said its gliding ability enables the snake to escape trouble and to get from one place to the next efficiently. He doubted that the creature is taking to the air in order to spot prey like lizards below.

"You can glide to a tree 30 metres away much more quickly than if you had to slither down the tree and then slither across the forest floor and then climb back up that tree," said Socha, whose research was published in the Journal of Experimental Biology.

This snake is one of numerous animals around the world that can glide through the air. Six types of mammals are gliders, including flying squirrels and an arboreal critter called the colugo. Some lizards also glide, including the Draco lizard and some geckos.

There are even gliding frogs and gliding wingless ants, as well as types of flying fish and even gliding squid.

Scientists are eager to unlock the secrets of flying snakes, especially considering that a snake shape would seem to be bad for aerodynamics. This study was funded in part by the Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), which Socha said was interested in the basic science behind what makes the snakes good gliders.

To people with ophidiophobia, the idea of a flying snake may be nightmarish. But Socha offered some reassuring thoughts.

"They are small and they're effectively harmless," Socha said. "And to tell you the truth, they're much more scared of you than you are of them. If you are near them, they're gliding away from you and not at you." - Reuters, January 31, 2014.

Israeli settlers’ archaeology tourism plans seen deepening roots

Posted: 30 Jan 2014 03:00 PM PST

January 31, 2014

A room, which is part of an archaeological site, is seen in the Jewish settler neighbourhood of Tel Rumeida, in the divided city of Hebron in the occupied West Bank, January 19, 2014. The Jewish settlers use such sites to deepen their claims on Biblical cities, while Palestinians see the move as a means to grab land they want for a future state and an attempt to scrub out their own historical ties. – Reuters pic, January 31, 2014.  A room, which is part of an archaeological site, is seen in the Jewish settler neighbourhood of Tel Rumeida, in the divided city of Hebron in the occupied West Bank, January 19, 2014. The Jewish settlers use such sites to deepen their claims on Biblical cities, while Palestinians see the move as a means to grab land they want for a future state and an attempt to scrub out their own historical ties. – Reuters pic, January 31, 2014. On an ancient hill dotted with 1,000-year-old olive trees, Israelis are busy excavating in search of the first palace of King David in the heart of the West Bank.

The Jewish settlers who started the dig with the help of Israel's Antiquities Authority say they want to turn it into an archaeological park to celebrate its historical significance.

But for Palestinians who hope the West Bank will someday form part of a Palestinian state, the move is a grab not only for land but also for their past – a ploy to cut them out of history and away from land they say is rightfully theirs.

The Bible says David, the second king of the United Kingdom of Israel and Judah, first ruled in Hebron before conquering Jerusalem to the north.

"You come to see where King David started his first palace, it blows you away. I don't know. It blows me away!" said David Wilder, spokesman for the Jewish community in Hebron.

The dig, located on a plot of Jewish-owned land that is part of an island of 500 settlers among some 250,000 Palestinians, takes place under the protective eyes of Israeli soldiers toting automatic weapons.

Most countries consider the settlements Israel has built on land captured in the 1967 Middle East war as illegal, and Palestinians fear the enclaves will deny them a viable state made up of East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza.

The promotion of archaeological sites on this disputed land goes to the heart of the most explosive issues in Israel-Palestinian peace talks being brokered by Washington – building on occupied land, the status of Jerusalem and the future of Israel as a "Jewish state".

"I want people to visit Hebron and leave with the cultural and religious significance of the site to the Jewish people, the state of Israel and people around the world," Wilder said.

"You don't live in the past, but the past is an arrow showing where you've come from and where you can go to."

Shuaib al-Tamimi, a 22-year-old Palestinian watching the excavation from behind a new chain-link fence around the site next to his family home, voiced his contempt for the plan.

"Of course there are antiquities here, Roman antiquities. To say Solomon's palace or whatever was here is a conspiracy and a big lie," he said.

"They come and plant the stones here, just to serve their own interests and take away our rights."


The first big marriage of settlement and archaeology tourism was the "City of David" theme park in occupied East Jerusalem, where densely packed Arab homes stand cheek by jowl with settler houses, surveillance cameras and private security guards.

Many of the homes are subject to demolition as they were built without Israeli government permits, which can be difficult for Palestinians to obtain.

The City of David welcomes Israeli school children, soldiers and evangelical Christians, among others, to the purported location of another of David's palaces, which scholars believe is the Holy City's oldest inhabited area.

Israel cites such roots in laying its claim to all of Jerusalem, including the eastern area captured in 1967, and in designating the city its "eternal and indivisible capital".

The pro-settler organisation Elad owns much of the land on which the City of David is located, including several houses for Israeli settlers that are scattered next to the ruins.

Since January 12, Israel has started extending the area of the park with a new Israeli dig on its fringes, drawing the anger and frustration of Palestinians who lack the authority to do anything about it.

Demolition orders were also given to eight Palestinian structures in the same neighbourhood, around a plot slated by Jerusalem's Israeli-run municipality for a Bible-themed park and shopping area called "The King's Garden".

Activist groups have gone to court to challenge the way the City of David is run – it is managed by the Israeli Parks Authority as a national park but operated by Elad.

"It was our claim that a private political and very right-wing organisation misused these powers to advance its political agenda, part of which is to Judaise East Jerusalem," said Michael Sfard, an Israeli lawyer involved in the legal action.

The court threw out the petition, but the parks authority promised to review how the site is operated.

Existential question

In the West Bank hills north of Jerusalem, Judy Simon stands by a modest ruin and ancient oak at Beit El settlement, where the Bible says the patriarch Jacob dreamt of a ladder reaching to heaven, making the spot, she says, "a connection between heaven and earth".

Wearing a head scarf in the manner of Orthodox Judaism, Simon, who is the settlement's tourism manager, reads Hebrew Bible verses, slowly closing the book and kissing it.

"We read here that the Land of Israel was promised to Abraham and Jacob... and the irony is that, today, it's considered disputed," she said.

Her tours around the site aim to impress upon visitors the centrality of the West Bank to Jews' religion and history.

Palestinians' own efforts to showcase their past are stymied by their lack of direct control over around two-thirds of the West Bank, as well as a lack of cash and internal political divisions that push the issue deep down the list of priorities.

However one attempt has been made in the Palestinian village of Beitin, which scholars say preserves the Biblical name of Beit El next door. Excavations begun late last year are hoped to turn the remains of a Byzantine monastery and medieval mosque into a tourist site.

"We think archaeology is being used as a cover for settlement policy, and (Israel's) lack of coordination with Palestinian authorities is a political decision," said Hamdan Taha, head of the Palestinian Authority's Department of Antiquities in Ramallah.

"We intend to present the cultural history of Palestine, whether Jewish, Christian or Muslim, as an integral whole, while one-sided excavations in Hebron and Jerusalem will only deepen the conflict and make a negotiated solution harder."

Simon, in Beit El, said she thinks Israel should annex the West Bank and give Palestinians full citizenship, but maintain the state's Jewish character. The settlement issue for her is an existential question of Jews' past and future.

"What kind of peace would it be if we're made to leave our homes?" she said. – Reuters, January 31, 2014.

Kredit: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com

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