Selasa, 8 April 2014

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The Malaysian Insider :: Food

Internet lords keep ‘.wine’ bottled for now

Posted: 08 Apr 2014 09:37 PM PDT

April 09, 2014

Internet overseers are keeping .WINE and .VIN online addresses bottled in the hope a few months of aging will make them more palatable.

The head of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) was under directive by its board on Monday to put a temporary hold on the process of contracting .WINE and .VIN domain names.

The 60-day hold on the process was implemented to "provide additional time for the relevant impacted parties to negotiate, which they are encouraged to do," the ICANN board said in a resolution approved late Friday at a meeting in Singapore.

Wine industry groups in Europe, California and elsewhere keen on defending appellations with valuable reputations such as Bordeaux or Napa.

Wine makers also fear having to pay to register their names at websites in the new online terrain solely to stop online addresses from being used by imposters or in ways that could spoil reputations.

ICANN has measures in place to safeguard trademarks and other third-party interests, Universite Pantheon-Assas law professor Jerome Passa noted in a legal analysis solicited by the board.

In regard to Donuts Inc. seeking to operate online terroir dubbed .VIN and .WINE, Passa concluded in a written analysis that "there is no rule of the law of geographical indications, nor any general principle which obliges ICANN to reject the applications."

An ICANN committee recommended that the board consider the larger implications of "legally complex and politically sensitive issues" at issue and whether there is a forum better suited to address concerns raised by .WINE and .VIN applications.

New online neighbourhoods began opening in January when Donuts began offering Web addresses ending in ".guru," ".bike" – and even ".singles."

Donuts, based in the north-western state of Washington, manages domains, letting website registry firms such as GoDaddy sell addresses to the public.

Donuts have rolled out domain suffixes including camera, equipment, estate, gallery, graphics, lighting, and photography.

Opening the Internet to domain names that go far beyond .com, .net, .gov, and .edu has been heralded by Web overlords at ICANN as the biggest change to the Web since it was created.

More than 100 new gTLDs have cleared hurdles to reach registries such as Donuts. Online neighborhoods with addresses ending in the Chinese word for "game;" the Arabic words for "web" or "network," or the Cyrillic word for "online" were cleared last year and more were to follow suit.

California-based ICANN says the huge expansion of the Internet – with some two billion users around the world, half of them in Asia – means new names are essential.

The arrival of new online neighbourhoods has been heralded as a "revolution" greatly expanding online terrain from the long-used 22 gTLDs, of which .com and .net comprise the lion's share. – AFP/Relaxnews, April 9, 2014.

Does junk food make you lazy?

Posted: 08 Apr 2014 05:51 PM PDT

April 09, 2014

In addition to leading to obesity, a high-fat, high-sugar diet of processed foods may actually decrease motivation. – AFP/Relaxnews pic, April 9, 2014.In addition to leading to obesity, a high-fat, high-sugar diet of processed foods may actually decrease motivation. – AFP/Relaxnews pic, April 9, 2014.A diet rich in processed foods and fat – and the extra weight that comes along with it – may actually cause fatigue, a lack of motivation and decreased performance, according to a recent study involving lab rats.

It's a generally accepted fact that a sedentary lifestyle can lead to obesity. But according to the study led by biologist Aaron Blaisdell at UCLA in California, obesity can also lead to a sedentary lifestyle, indicating something of a vicious cycle. If the effects seen in the rats in the study can be applied to humans, excessive consumption of processed and fat-rich foods affects our motivation as well as our overall health.

For the study, published in the April 10 issue of Physiology & Behavior, Blaisdell and his team of researchers divided a sample group of 32 female rats into two groups. The first group was fed a diet of relatively unprocessed foods, while the second was given a "junk food" diet of highly processed foods rich in sugar and saturated fat. All of the rats were required to complete a basic task – pushing a lever – to receive a food or water reward.

Three months into the experiment, the researchers observed, unsurprisingly, that the rats on the junk food diet had grown significantly fatter than the others. The more interesting finding, however, was that these obese rats' performance of the lever task had become impaired, as they took much longer breaks than the lean rats between performing the task. The researchers refer to this lack of motivation as "cognitive impairment".

At the end of six months, the researchers reversed the rats' diets. But after nine days on the less-processed foods, the obese rats showed little change in weight and no change in their response to the lever task. Similarly, the lean rats remained lean and showed no decrease in motivation after nine days on junk food. According to the researchers, these findings indicate that it is long-term habits, rather than occasional health kicks or junk food binges, that are responsible for our weight and motivation.

The researchers indicate that the findings are very likely to apply to humans, whose physiological systems are similar to those of rats. For Blaisdell, the study suggests that current societal attitudes towards obesity should be reconsidered.

"Overweight people often get stigmatised as lazy and lacking discipline," Blaisdell said. "We interpret our results as suggesting that the idea commonly portrayed in the media that people become fat because they are lazy is wrong. Our data suggest that diet-induced obesity is a cause, rather than an effect, of laziness. Either the highly processed diet causes fatigue or the diet causes obesity, which causes fatigue." – AFP/Relaxnews, April 9, 2014.


1 ulasan:

Unknown on 26 April 2016 pada 9:31 PTG berkata...

dịch vụ nhận vận chuyển hàng trung quốc về việt nam nhanh chóng, uy tín, giá rẻ. công ty vận chuyển hàng hóa trung quốc chuyên nghiệp, đã và đang được nhiều người tiêu dùng trong nước sử dụng. Chuyên nhận nhận ship hàng từ trung quốcorder hàng trung quốc về Việt Nam với chí phí thấp nhất, giá cạnh tranh cao. Ngoài ra, chúng tôi còn cung cấp dịch vụ mua mua hàng trung quốc giá sỉ với nhiều ưu đãi và tiện ích.
Không chỉ các mặt hàng trung quốc, chúng tôi còn nhận order hàng nhật. Để xem chi tiết khoản giá cạnh tranh ở chúng tôi, xem chi tiết tại phí chuyển hàng từ nhật về việt nam. hơn nữa, quý khách có thể vận chuyển hàng từ nhật về việt namgửi đồ từ nhật bản về việt nam những những món đồ cồng kềnh, khó vận chuyển. Với dịch vụ chuyên nghiệp của chúng tôi ,chắc chắn sẽ đem lại nhiều sự hài lòng cho quý khách.

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