Isnin, 26 Disember 2011

The Malaysian Insider :: Features

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The Malaysian Insider :: Features

Naples invents big bang ‘The Spread’ firecracker

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 02:52 AM PST

Apart from football legend Diego Maradona, who used to play for Napoli, other firecrackers in recent years have been named after Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein and – somewhat incongruously – Pope Benedict XVI. –

ROME, Dec 26 – Illegal New Year fireworks on sale in Naples are taking inspiration from the debt crisis this year, with the most powerful ones named after sovereign bond spreads and Italy's new prime minister, Mario Monti.

"The Spread" and "The Mario Monti" have "a shockwave more powerful than the famous Maradona bomb and are the instruments of choice for Neapolitans to exorcise the crisis," said a report by ANSA news agency recently.

Apart from football legend Diego Maradona, who used to play for Napoli, other firecrackers in recent years have been named after Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein and – somewhat incongruously – Pope Benedict XVI.

This year the spread – the differential between the rates on Italian 10-year government bonds and benchmark German ones – has risen to record highs because of fears about Italy's toxic mix of high debt and low growth.

Panic on the markets helped push Silvio Berlusconi out of power and bring in Monti, a mild-mannered professor who has promised to save Italy but has pushed for Italians to make sacrifices with tax hikes and pension reforms.

Recently, Naples city officials launched a public awareness campaign advising people not to buy illegal firecrackers which they likened to "hand grenades" and to come and watch official firework displays instead.

New Year celebrations in Naples are famously riotous. Apart from powerful firecrackers, pedestrians also have to keep an eye out for falling crockery as household goods are frequently thrown out of windows in an age-old tradition.

"It's getting worse because of the import of illegal pyrotechnic material from China. It's a subculture phenomenon that has to be crushed," Mariano Marmo, a local doctor leading the campaign, said at a press conference. – AFP

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China to release six pandas into wild

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 12:20 AM PST

Six captive pandas will have a new home in an enclosed forest in southwestern China next year. –

BEIJING, Dec 26 – Six captive-bred pandas will be freed into an enclosed forest in southwestern China next year in the first mass release of the highly endangered animals, the official Xinhua news agency said recently.

It said the six, aged two to four, had been chosen from 108 captive-bred animals at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, and researchers believed the mass release would increase their chances of survival.

A total of 10 pandas have been individually released since 1983, it said, but only two remain in the wild, with the breeding centre taking six back after they lost weight, one found dead and the other also believed to have died.

Despite three years of preparatory training the confirmed fatality, Xiang Xiang, a five-year-old male, was found dead a year after his 2006 release, following a fight with wild pandas in a remote part of a nature reserve.

"Human-raised pandas have great difficulty surviving in the wild," Xinhua said, citing a statement from the breeding centre.

China engages in "panda diplomacy", using the endangered but iconic bears as diplomatic gifts to other countries, and also runs a lucrative trade hiring the animals out to foreign zoos.

Only around 1,600 remain in the wild in China, with some 300 others in captivity. – AFP

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