Khamis, 15 November 2012

The Malaysian Insider :: Food

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The Malaysian Insider :: Food

All-you-can-eat Whopper buffet by Burger King Japan

Posted: 15 Nov 2012 05:43 PM PST

Burger King Japan's 'All-you-can-eat Whopper buffet' campaign. – Picture courtesy of ©Burger King Japan

TOKYO, Nov 16 – After launching black bun burgers and promotional stunts allowing customers to stuff as much bacon as they wanted in their sandwiches, Burger King Japan is at it again, this time with an all-you-can-eat Whopper buffet.

To mark its fifth anniversary in the country, Burger King will hand out unlimited free sandwiches to fans for 30 minutes – a deal that comes with a set of conditions.

According to RocketNews24, between November 17 to 21, customers who first finish off a Kuro Burger value meal – a black-bun burger dyed with bamboo charcoal – will be given a half hour to polish off as many Whoppers, fries, onion rings, sodas they can at no extra charge.

Between November 22 and 30, the deal opens up to purchases of any Whopper value meal.

It's the latest stunt to up the ante in the ongoing fast food wars being waged in Japan. Last year, Wendy's made headlines for launching a foie gras burger, while McDonald's released a KBQ Burger topped with Korean-style bulgogi (marinated beef) and gochujang, a spicy Korean red pepper paste.

Meanwhile, MOS Burger is the second largest fast food franchise in Japan after the Golden Arches, and plans to beef up its international presence with outposts in Europe and the US. – AFP-Relaxnews

Savage review of Guy Fieri’s NY restaurant sparks online storm

Posted: 15 Nov 2012 04:46 PM PST

Food personality Guy Fieri defends himself from a scathing NYTimes review on the 'Today Show'. – Picture courtesy of @Today MSNBC

LOS ANGELES, Nov 16 – A brutally scathing review of US food TV personality Guy Fieri's newly opened restaurant in New York's Times Square has ignited an online media storm with everyone from talk show host Dave Letterman to major news networks and food critics weighing in on the controversy.

New York Times writer Pete Wells' review of Fieri's Guy's American Kitchen & Bar has been called the worst review in the paper's history.

Published this week, the stinging diatribe is written in a series of rhetorical questions that drips with merciless sarcasm.

"Hey, did you try that blue drink, the one that glows like nuclear waste? The watermelon margarita? Any idea why it tastes like some combination of radiator fluid and formaldehyde?"

"Why did the toasted marshmallow taste like fish?"

Posted on Tuesday, the story was the most emailed in the paper as of yesterday, generating more than 600 comments online and spilling over into the Twittersphere and Fieri's Facebook page, with camps divided between staunch Fieri supporters and equally staunch Wells fans.

Fieri owns a spate of restaurants across the US but is best known as a Food Network TV host for Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives.

On Wednesday, popular talk show host David Letterman used the story as fodder for his nightly top 10 list, themed as "Top 10 Discontinued Guy Fieri Menu Items".

Among the fictional dishes included seared halibut with intestinal parasite reduction; crust-crusted crust; and suspiciously damp toast.

Outspoken, irreverent and acid-tongued chef Eddie Huang of BaoHaus in New York, meanwhile, put in his two cents on his blog Fresh off the Boat, going so far as to call the article a milestone in the world of restaurant reviews.

"I guarantee in 2 years, we will look back at this review and say 'This was the moment.' This was the moment where an essential voice in the food world went on the record and said f*** you food network, f***ck you guy fieri, f*** this system of big box restaurants with Cheesecake Factory food propped up by people who can't cook."

For his part, Fieri was given a chance to come to his own defense in an interview with US NBC program the Today Show, where he admitted the restaurant was still finding its feet after opening just two months ago. He also hit back, however, saying the article went overboard.

"I just thought it was ridiculous," he said.

"…That to me went so overboard it really seemed to me that there was an agenda."

Fieri fans also took to his Facebook page to lend their support, with messages like "Stay positive-The New York Times review was bogus! Love your response to it!" and "Guy... pay no attention to the 'food snobs'."

On Twitter, British food critic Jay Rayner gave his props to Wells' review, calling it "brutally funny," while fellow Food Network TV host and friend Sandra Lee, voiced her support by saying she was going to lunch with him this week. – AFP-Relaxnews


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