Sabtu, 2 Februari 2013

The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

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The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

Juvenile thrills

Posted: 01 Feb 2013 04:54 PM PST

FEB 2 — January's come to a close, and as usual I've made it a point to go and see as many Malaysian films as possible and with the exception of "Wawa Semput", a sort of sequel-cum-spin-off of the box-office hit "Adnan Sempit" which came out on the day of my deadline for this piece, I've seen everything that's been released in January 2013. Looking at the trailers that precede the films, 2013 looks set to be another overkill year for Malaysian films, similar to the one we had last year.

If 2011 saw the boom with two films hitting the RM12 million box-office mark and many others comfortably grossing beyond RM5 million, 2012 saw no such thing in terms of box-office hits. There were still hits last year, but nowhere near the exhilarating numbers in 2011 and it's pretty obvious we were going downhill, and judging from the trailers that I've seen so far, we may be going even more downhill this year.

But, and this is quite a big but, January has surprised me with two pretty good and well-made films. So good are these two that even the awfulness of "Minyak Dagu", a horror film so lazy, boring, clichéd and predictable (though it's done pretty good business, raking in RM2.35 million so far after 18 days), didn't manage to dampen my spirits and hope for a better 2013 for Malaysian cinema.

The first good film was a Chinese film called "Paper Moon", which is a true-blue Malaysian production, but directed by and starring people from Hong Kong. Offsetting this Hong Kong-ness is the film's setting in Kelantan, and the story it tells of the tragic love life of a master Wau Bulan maker played by Hong Kong star Gordon Lam ("Ip Man", "Infernal Affairs") and the mysterious arrival of a young girl who looks just like his long lost love, both played by Hong Kong sex symbol Chrissie Chau.

It's a pretty good idea for increasing the film's export value, putting in recognisable Hong Kong stars alongside local actors in a Malaysian story, which I think has already paid off as the film has secured distribution with highly regarded company Distribution Workshop, who's handled international sales and distribution for major hits like "Flying Swords Of Dragon Gate", "Monga" and even notable arthouse titles like "A Simple Life" and "24 City".

But all of this is nothing if the film itself is terrible, and I think many will be surprised at how well-shot, emotional and affecting it all is, despite some obvious marketing gesture by including quite a few steamy love scenes involving Chau (which didn't survive the local censors' scissors, obviously). It is definitely an export quality movie, which is not something you encounter much here, trust me.

The biggest surprise though is how good "Juvana" turned out to be. Unless you've been living under a rock, "Juvana" was a popular TV series about kids trying to survive in a school for juvenile delinquents. There's the wrongfully accused kid, the corrupt warden, the alpha male school bully, the inspirational teacher and many other archetypes for viewers to identify with in the series that its success meant that it's only logical that a movie be made next to follow the further exploits of the characters.

Knowing how light and fluffy most Malay mainstream movies are, it's highly refreshing to see a local film, obviously targeted at the mainstream Malay market, that doesn't pull its punches. Just like "Songlap" and "Chow Kit" from recent memory, this is a gritty Malay movie with a dogged commitment to depicting the real. Using the template of prison movies combined with another common template of "ex-convict trying to lead an honest life but faced with society's prejudices" for its main subplot, "Juvana" offers so many thrills and emotions that it's unlikely that you'll ever be bored watching it. There's even a shocking scene of male rape (implied, of course) that will leave all the guys in the audience clenching their buttocks afterwards!

Despite its many sensational content, which is sure to get the Harian Metro-reading crowd's blood pumping, the movie is never less than serious about the issues it's trying to address, namely the futility and vicious cycle of violence in a world where the main principle is the survival of the fittest. The acting by the young leads are all very solid, but I think Adlin Aman Ramlie totally stole the show as the school's lead guard, blindsiding us at first with his take-no-shit attitude, only to later reveal more layers to his character, resulting in us siding more and more with him as the film progresses. Best Supporting Actor candidate for this year's Festival Filem Malaysia? I think so.

The movie only wobbles a bit towards the end, which is a bit of a shame since it's written, directed and acted with a surprisingly steady hand for most of its running time. But still, there's no going around it, even this early on in the year "Juvana" is already the Malay movie to beat this year. I'd be ecstatic if there are more to come with this kind of dramatic quality.

* This is the personal opinion of the columnist.

The Balo and Becks Show

Posted: 01 Feb 2013 04:45 PM PST

FEB 2 — Mario Balotelli and David Beckham would make a great comedy double act, don't you think? You can picture it now: some kind of modern-day Laurel and Hardy; let's call them Balo and Becks.

Balo and Becks — based in LA, I believe — roam the streets, with Super Mario getting up to all sorts of dubious mischief and unwittingly leaving a trail of chaotic carnage in his wake. Handing out fistfuls of fifty-dollar notes to complete strangers, setting off fireworks inside his house... you know the deal. A one-man demolition derby.

But then, wading serenely through the destruction, along comes Mr Smooth... rejoice everyone, it's Becks!

Flashing his toothy grin and bantering his charming patter —  always with a perfect show of good manners, naturally — Becks finds a way to enchant even the meanest of mean street enemies, the meatiest of mafia meatheads, and makes everything all right again. And as our heartthrob hero, he always gets the girl, of course.

The Balo and Becks show certainly dominated an otherwise dreary end to the January transfer window.

Roberto Mancini — understandably, inevitably — finally reached the conclusion that has been obvious to most people for a long time: Super Mario will never be tamed. A bundle of natural talent he might be, but a committed athlete he is certainly not.

AC Milan are currently really rather excited to have brought the wayward talent "home"; that excitement will soon turn to frustration.

Balotelli's personality will ensure, I believe, that his career is destined to be a tale of inconsistency and underachievement. Occasionally spectacular and often entertaining, but generally ineffective, or worse — I wouldn't be surprised if he's finished by the time he's 30.

That's a crushing shame because the Italian possesses enough ability to become one of the very best in the world; not quite as good as Messi or Ronaldo, maybe, but not far behind. He is capable of producing rarely seen moments of matchwinning brilliance. We know this because he has done it.

Sadly, those electrifying contributions are all too rare, because Balotelli just does not have the dedication to his profession or the commitment to his craft to produce his best on a regular basis. 

It will never appear in more than tantalising flashes, because he does not demand the highest standards of himself. In Super Mario's world, long bouts of mediocrity are acceptable and it's always somebody else's fault.

Don't get me wrong; he will continue to win trophies (he already boasts an impressive haul) because his inherent ability will ensure that he always plays for major club after attracting managers who, like Mancini, believe they'll be able to coax the best out of him. 

They will all fail because personalities do not change. If Balotelli was ever going to become reformed character, he would have done it by now.

The trait that unites all elite athletes in any sport — and by "elite" I mean those who perform consistently at the very highest level over a number of years — is an almost obsessive devotion to self-improvement. 

Messi and Ronaldo might be poles apart in their personality and style of play, but they are both tireless workers who single-mindedly dedicate hour after hour to the simple task of making themselves better.

It's an old cliché, but you really do get out what you put in — and Balotelli, I'm afraid, does not put enough in.

That's quite a contrast to Beckham, who has just joined Paris St Germain — the richest club in the world — at the age of 37, having already represented Manchester United, Real Madrid and AC Milan.

He's also made more than 100 international appearances, captained his country, and played a major role in developing the world's most popular sport in the world's most culturally powerful country. Not to mention fronting a bid to host the World Cup, being awarded an OBE and carrying the Olympic torch.

Not bad for someone who is (or was) a very good player, but certainly not a world beater; certainly not in Balotelli's class, in terms of natural ability.

David Beckham is a shining example of what can be achieved by a moderate amount of talent if it is channelled in the right direction and combined with relentless commitment. He has always prided himself on being the first player on the training field every morning, and the last to leave every afternoon.

And that, despite his ascent into superstardom and the manipulative marketing methods that have been relentlessly applied to protect and enhance his celebrity status, remains the case. 

Beckham is still the most dedicated footballer you will ever find and it is that quality — rather than his instant recognition as a global megastar — that has allowed him to prolong his career until now.

Beckham might not be quite the player he used to be. He has understandably lost the ability to cover every blade of grass with unstoppable exuberance and energy, but he can still play. 

He is still fit, he still possesses a great right foot and he can still control the flow and tempo of a game. If he was nothing but a superstar without any of the substance that made him a superstar, he wouldn't be getting offers from the richest club in the world.

Beckham has always worked hard on his game and resultantly was able to make the most of his talent. Balotelli has not, and therefore will not.

* This is the personal opinion of the columnist.


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