Khamis, 30 Mei 2013

The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

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The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

Berhijrahlah ke negeri yang disukai pilihan rayanya

Posted: 29 May 2013 05:17 PM PDT

May 30, 2013

Haji Subky Abdul Latif seorang penulis bebas dan tinggal di Kuala Lumpur. Seorang pendiam, dia gemar meneliti perangai manusia dan berita politik di Malaysia.

30 MEI — Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi, Menteri Dalam Negeri telah memanaskan banyak pihak apabila dicabarnya mereka yang tidak suka dengan sistem pillihanraya ini berhijrah ke negara yang sistem pilihan rayanya menggunakan undi populer.

Pilihan raya kita ditentukan oleh jumlah kerusi yang diperolehi tetapi sistem yang satu lagi jumlah kerusi itu ditentukan oleh jumlah undi populer. Jika sistem itu yang digunakan di Malaysia, nescaya kerusi Parlimen yang Pakatan Rakyat dapat sesuai dengan undi populer yang diperolehinya 51 peratus dan BN yang dapat kurang dari 48 peratus undi, kuranglah kerusinya.

Maka menteri itu pun mencabar orang yang mahukan sistem itu, ayuh hijrahlah ke negara yang demikian sistem pilihan rayanya.

Ia seolah-oleh sindirian Tuhan kepada orang yang tidak beriman yang menentang peraturanNya supaya pergi ke alam lain kerana alam ini Tuhan Yang Esa itu yang menciptanya.

Tuhan berkuasa membuat sinidirian itu kerana Dia Maha Mencipta, tetapi manusia sesama sendiri kerana sama-sama dicipta tidak bijak membuat cabaran itu.

Apakah Zahid bijak membuat cabaran itu terserah kepadanya. Tetap kalau 51 peratus pengundi yang memilih Pakatan itu berhijrah meninggalkan negara ini, maka dalam PRU14 nanti Barisan Nasional akan menang 222 kerusi Parlimen tanpa bertanding.

Malaysia tidak akan ada pembangkang lagi kerana pembangkang sudah pindah sama ada ke Amerika, Indonesia, Mesir dan lain-lain. Atau yang tidak mahu berpolitik hijrah saja ke Saudi atau Brunei Darussalam.

Dengan demikian terjaminlah Umno. Calonnya tidak akan ditentang oleh sesiapa lagi. Yang lebih seronok ialah MCA yang masa depannya agak gelap, dengan demikian semua calonnya baik di Gelang Patah, Kepong, Cheras dan lain-lain menang tanpa bertanding.

Dan dengan cara itu saja kita akan lihat Pulau Pinang akan dikuasai semula oleh Gerakan.

Jika apa yang Zahid seru itu disahut oleh Pakatan, nescaya Umno akan dapat apa yang tidak pernah didapatinya. Paling baik Umno dengan Perikatan di bawah Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra dulu menang 51 dari 52 kerusi yang ditandinginya dalam tahun 1955. Ia kalah satu saja di Kerian. Kemenangan besar itu adalah melalui pertandingan. Masa itu satu kerusi saja Umno menang tanpa bertanding dengan calonnya Hashim Awang di Seberang Perai.

Tetapi kali akan datang ini ia menang tanpa bertanding 222 kerusi. Paling baik selepas merdeka ialah kali pertama Umno, MCA dan MIC bertanding atas nama Barisan Nasional menggantikan Perikatan dalam PRU 1974. Dengan PAS berada dalam BN, berbelas-belas kerusi dimenanginya tanpa bertanding.

Yang saya ingin tahu, adakah kerajaan akan menyediakan kapal bagi hijrah besar-besaran ini?

Yang seronok dengan sistem ikut undi populer itu bukan orang DAP dan PKR saja. Orang PAS pun kesemuanya suka sama. Lebih 90 peratus bersama PAS itu adalah orang Melayu.

Umno mendahulukan perjuangan orang Melayu dan selepas itu ia mengutamakan semua rakyat.

Tiba-tiba yang menyambut seruan Zahid itu orang Melayu. Dalam Melayu itu ada Pak Pandir, ada Luncai, Lebai Malang, ada Pak Belalang dan lain-lain. Kalau bangsa Melayu itu seperti watak dongeng Melayu itu, maka mereka saja yang berhijrah kerana terlalu sensitif atas cabaran Zahid.

Orang Cina dan orang India mungkin tak makan dengan cabaran Zahid. Mereka tidak akan ke mana-mana. Mereka akan kekal dengan caranya. Orang Melayu dan Islam saja yang berhijrah untuk mencari apa yang dihajati.

Maka apa akan jadi? Melayu ramai hijrah. Mereka makan umpan. Cina dan India macam ikan sepat, tak makan umpan. Nescaya kurang pula peratus orang Islam. Tinggal Malaysia ini untuk ditandingi oleh Umno dan DAP saja.

Apa kata kalau Malaysia jadi macam itu selepas dengar cabaran Zahid!

* Ini adalah pandangan peribadi penulis.

Apa lagi dia mahu?

Posted: 29 May 2013 05:09 PM PDT

May 30, 2013

Praba Ganesan is Parti Keadilan Rakyat's Social Media Strategist. He wants to engage with you, and learn from your viewpoints. You can contact him at [email protected] or follow him on Twitter @prabaganesan

MAY 30 — What would a man who's just won — according to the commission that is accountable to him alone — the most contentious general election in the history of Malaysia still want? Does Prime Minister Najib Razak not have it all?

A country, a wife and children who graduated from overseas universities, and even a doctorate or two. Surely, the time is seemingly not here to ask that question, the elusive one that escapes most Malaysians except for this lone columnist stationed in a cybercafe filled with teenagers (and I swear two nine-year-olds at midnight!).

Does Najib still need something? Something more than thumbtacks and basic office stationery?

Well, when questions are asked, then answers can appear quite quickly too, especially when they are manufactured with the environmental standards of Lynas. Indeed in the longstanding traditions of columns with quickfire but highly suspect responses, here you have it, the things that Najib may arguably desire (may I add, with the curiosity of a nine-year-old playing computer games at midnight at a cybercafe).

More Chinese in the Cabinet

It is maddening that while everyone is hurling all kinds of abuse at the prime minister, some say 51 per cent of the country, the man behind 1 Malaysia (depending on who you ask, preferably not Najib) is standing stout with his brand.

And in true leadership style, unfazed by those accusing him of being anti-Chinese, Najib remains the only leader who has two open spots in his Cabinet, despite both the MCA and Gerakan refusing to forward names, for ethnic Chinese from the peninsula.

To ensure that there is good faith in his offer, he has asked his cousin Hishammuddin Hussein to sit temporarily as transport minister until a proper MCA man is found. Hishammuddin is reportedly taking the bus to work, which has surprised staff who are not used to seeing him work.

So you see, Najib needs the Chinese. Can't abuse them if they don't want to play with him anymore.

A hundred Zahid Hamidis

Many say that England would have won a World Cup again if it had 18 Wayne Rooneys (including a substitute goalkeeper), and if that is true, then a hundred Zahid Hamidi would help Najib secure power nationally and in his party polls.

The new home minister has taken internal security to heart; there are suggestions he handcuffs himself to his bed at night so that he knows how his political opponents feel. 

He has given ultimatum after ultimatum, leaving a breathless nation wondering how else is he going to top his previous ultimatums. This column recommends he spells aloud his threats before reading them, so that there is more aplomb to the declarations. His staff members are refusing to say that he has gone full retard and deny having caught "Tropic Thunder".

He may also read any of the Wayne Rooney biographies, they have many pictures in them.

Muhyiddin to go away

He is rumoured to have struck a deal with his present deputy, Muhyiddin Yassin, when they eased out the previous prime minister. Putting to pasture Rip Van Winkle was not the challenge, keeping a warlord from competing was, and that is why Najib has looked over his shoulder constantly.

Muhyiddin is older and a traditionalist. He does not care if #PagohDin trends or not. He does care about Umno middle-managers' support, fortunately they care for him too since they can associate their race antagonism with Muhyiddin. Perhaps the older heir apparent does not meet the hate requirement as much as ex-PM and kingmaker Mahathir Mohamad yearns for, but in this new age of tolerance and love for each other the old doctor has to settle for a pop-corn vilifier.

If there was no Muhyiddin, then there is no problem. Vice-president Zahid Hamidi would be too busy in mortal combat with his other 100 Doppelgängers, and Hishammuddin waiting for his bus. Shafie Apdal is from Sabah, so he's just for show. There is no Wanita anymore in real terms, and Khairy Jamaluddin will be possibly busy with a reality sports show in the near future.

For everything to be fine, all Najib needs is for Muhyiddin to disappear. It has happened before. People disappearing I mean.


He'd like to quantum leap the country to 1974. The whole country.

For back in 1974, in a time of a divided nation, his dad was able to cobble together almost all parties to form the first unity government, under Barisan Nasional (BN). From the spectre of a fractured nation Razak managed to weld together a new coalition and lead them to electoral landslide win. And kept Anwar Ibrahim in jail. To trump it all, Petronas was formed to fuel a new oil economy for Malaysia.

But more importantly bell-bottoms were in and a much-younger Najib chilling it out in the United Kingdom.

A little voice in him would be urging him on, saying, come on let's buy a time machine for the country.

In the list of incredulous purchases causing defence pundits to mortar pound their technical reports and analyses, an actual buy of a time manipulation device may not be out of pattern. Plus, if it did not work it would be exactly like all key procurements during the Najib years as defence minister.

A football club

When even Tony Fernandes' team stops flying in the premier league, why would Najib want a football club? The same reason why rich people do stupid things or buy objects they don't care about, other rich people have.

Plus this could be the moment for his own individual brilliance.

Technocrats, consultants and dealers may have scuppered his vision of a Blue Ocean Strategy nation in Malaysia, but a football club can adopt his thinking and genius.

From owner to football manager and then to the players, there are only that many flights of stairs from the owner's office to the directors' box.

It's not the losing that matters, it is the joy of being able to throw tantrums and have them covered inexhaustibly by journalists with names like Fernsby or Dankworth.

Or any of these

If anything, the list above shows that Najib cannot lack wants, there is so much to aim for.

He probably likes the common Malay speech and style, which the more grassroots members of Umno speak and who find greater connection with Muhyiddin.

Or a small role in the next Bond film. Being prime minister may be important and all, but to get a Bond villain name like Mr Big, Oddjob or Nick Nack is the real bomb. And to cavort with Bond Girls like Pussy Galore, Penelope Smallbone and Peace Fountains of Desire, well that's like going back to 1974.

It appears there is so much more Najib can want, and continue to want.

But it appears that he is likelier to get those things, except maybe the time machine, than the rest of Malaysia.

Anyway, personally, I'd go for 1980.

* This is the personal opinion of the columnist.


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