Jumaat, 14 Jun 2013

The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

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The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

Tukar sistem pilihanraya, bukan jadi republik

Posted: 13 Jun 2013 04:49 PM PDT

[unable to retrieve full-text content]14 JUN — Jika Pakatan Rakyat selepas PRU13 banyak bercakap tentang polemik betapa wajarnya difikirkan mengubah sistem pilihanraya yang memberi kemenangan kepada undi popular, bukanlah ia menganjurkan supaya ditukar sistem pemerintahan beraja kepada pemerintah republik. Yang menyebabkan ada orang terkeliru konon Pakatan Rakyat mahukan republik ...

Happy birthday, Che!

Posted: 13 Jun 2013 04:27 PM PDT

June 14, 2013

Zan Azlee is a documentary filmmaker, journalist, writer, New Media practitioner and lecturer. He runs Fat Bidin Media www.fatbidin.com

JUNE 14 — Ah yes! As we celebrate the birthday today of one of the world's great rebels and human rights fighter, Ernesto "Che" Guevara, it is hard to forget that it is also my birthday.

If Che was alive today, he wouldn't be looking as vibrant and youthful as his iconic picture — the one on T-shirts and posters all around the world — as he would really be 85 years old today.

I, on the other hand, am only 35 today, and still look very vibrant and youthful so it is a shame my face isn't on T-shirts and posters all around the world!

I would like to take this opportunity to deny my on-coming mid-life crisis and share some life lessons.

This article is really for my daughter Athena Azlee, but if you readers feel like I'm making sense, then please feel free to agree with me!

So here goes.

Dearest Athena. After 35 years of living a life that has been nothing short of blessed, your Pops has some words of advice so you can have a life that is just as blessed, if not more so.

1. Never ever care about what people think of you. The only important person whose perception has an impact on you is yourself.

2. Money is not important for happiness and should never be the objective for anything you do. Lots of people will tell you otherwise, but they're just dumb.

3. Always do things you love and enjoy. If you're doing something you hate, don't hesitate a second longer to stop doing it.

4. Life must never be without a passion. This will give your life meaning, and because if you don't, you will forever be mediocre.

5. Always stand firm for what you believe in and never ever compromise on it. You're too good for that.

6. No matter how strong or how weak you are, make sure that you will always stand up and fight for those who are weaker than you.

7. Always remember and practise the concept of Wasatiyah. It means moderation, balance and simplicity in every aspect of life.

8. Always be content with what you have.

9. Honesty really is the best policy. It really is and I'm not lying!

10. Love and respect your family as they will always be there for you. You can't even imagine how unconditional that is.

11. Your mummy must forever be the most important person in your life. Never forget that.

12. All human beings are equal to you, no matter what race, colour, size, smell, the number of limbs, how good looking or ugly, how smart or stupid, how big or small their noses are or whether their hair is curly or straight.

13. Always be brave. If you're not, then you're just a coward.

14. Knowledge is the key to almost everything. You can never get enough of it. But the good thing is you can find it everywhere!

15. Do unto others as you would have them do to you. Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Bahai-ism, Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism and Zoroastrianism never got it so right.

16. You can do and be whatever you want.

17. You have a very handsome and cool Pops.

18. Always be happy. There's just no point in not being so.

19. Always be frank. There's no point beating around the bush or even worse, be what Malays say "berkias-kias."

20. Always be understanding and compassionate.

I'm sure there's more to this, but I've only been alive for 35 years. Give it some time and we can add to the list.

* This is the personal opinion of the columnist.

Kredit: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com

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