Jumaat, 23 Ogos 2013

The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

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The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

What is Najib’s response to arrest impending ringgit, equity and bond meltdown?

Posted: 22 Aug 2013 06:49 PM PDT

August 23, 2013
Latest Update: August 23, 2013 05:49 pm

Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad is a member of the PAS central working committee and ex-MP of Kuala Selangor.

Granted, the Asian currencies which have been weakening since May 2013 have been duly noted. The Malaysian ringgit's recent fall, in that sense, is in tandem with the regional currencies.

Many took comfort in observing that the depreciation is not a reflection of economic weaknesses but more as a result of strengthening of the US dollar, i.e. as a result of US bond purchase or tapering of the quantitative easing (QE).

Some economists went further as treating it as a blessing in disguise as to find our "natural economic equilibrium". While that may be arguably so, it is not entirely true or at best, only half-truth? We couldn't resist noting that it is too much of an apologia.

Already the Fitch Rating has mooted and alluded to the possibility of credit rating downgrading both the Indian rupee and the Indonesian rupiah if their governments fail to halt the slump in investors' confidence and maintain financial stability.

The far-reaching implication on the cost of funding and the impact quality of life, i.e. inflation and burden on debt repayment must be fully appreciated. This is especially so if income and wealth divides have been widening, hence affecting the lower income group more severely and creating social tension of sort.

While not forcing a similarity with the earlier crisis, wouldn't it better for the emerging economies to be more on the alert so as to avoid the recurrence of a catastrophic currency crisis and, subsequently, a full-blown Asian financial melt-down as seen in the late 1990s?

Which countries are at greater risk in these currencies free-fall and why? More importantly is to ask what could and should be done in order to halt the slump in confidence.

For the record, the Indian rupee fell to 64.13 per US dollar (a -13.67% move) and the Indonesian rupiah fell to trade at 10,700 to the greenback (a -10% move), its lowest since April 30, 2012.

After these two countries the next to be "contagiously infected" would be those that have a combination of these factors: "high fiscal deficits, high subsidies bill, slowing economies and high foreign ownership of government bonds". Malaysia and Thailand fit into these profiles.

The Thai economy incidentally shrank in the second quarter of this year and in fact went into a mild recession. Thailand's baht touched a 13-month low of 31.72 per US dollar(a -3.22% move), its weakest since July 2012.

Let us now consider a closer snapshot of the Malaysian case. The following are our takes that have caused foreign investors to re-evaluate their exposure to Malaysian assets:

  1. Economic growth is expected to slow to five years low in 2014,
  2. The ringgit currency has already been driven to three-year lows around 3.3 to the dollar, down more than 7% this year. Traders estimate the central bank has spent close to US$1.3 billion (RM4.3 billion) to defend the currency in recent days.
  3. Selling spread on Tuesday to the Kuala Lumpur's stock market – usually seen as a regional safe haven – dragging the main index down 1.85%.
  4. While most economists expect the current account to remain in surplus, its sharp fall to RM8.7 billion in the first quarter from RM22.8 billion in the previous period removed much of Malaysia's perceived protection from heavy fund outflows.
  5. Export plunges in recent months could push the current account into a quarterly deficit for the first time in 16 years. People weren't expecting the deficit to get anywhere close to zero six months ago. Five years of low trade surplus (due to plunging prices of Malaysia' palm oil exports and rising copper imports). Current-account surplus probably decreased to RM900 million (US$274 million) in the second quarter from RM8.7 billion in the previous three months. There are some in the market who think Malaysia could post a current-account deficit in the quarter.
  6. The government is silent on the much-needed reforms to fix a large fiscal deficit. The fact that the government remains relatively silent (the new government's first 100 days just slipped by quietly without an economic master plan) may add more to investors' uncertainty and ringgit weakness.
  7.  Despite the proposed set up of a "Fiscal Committee", the government must deal more with the roots of ringgit weakness which is ratings downgrade due to public finance disorders with lack of reforms to control Malaysia's household debt 83% debt-to-GDP ratio, government debt plus guarantees at 70% of GDP and corporate debt at an alarming 95.8% of GDP. There is high evidence that debt growth has been growing faster than GDP growth over the last 10 years which can be the tipping point to send our economy to vicious market instability spiral.
  8. We note that the month-long selling has pushed 10-year Malaysian government bond yields to their highest in 2-1/2 years (Ten-year bond yields have crossed 4% for the first time since early 2011) which can pressure borrowing cost and affect local investors.
  9. Given that overseas investors held 33% of Malaysian government debt and 25% of Malaysian equities (among the highest proportion among Southeast Asia's biggest economies according to central bank data), we expect more capital outflows over next few weeks which could cause the ringgit to underperform and people to lose more of their quality of life. Foreigners have been selling Malaysian bonds, reducing their holdings to RM138 billion in June from RM145 billion in May, according to the latest data.
  10. Ironically, we observe the local GLIC fund, pension fund and even local banks are purchasing less of Malaysian equities and bonds with most now focusing on overseas assets and this can be a serious worry.

Hardly surprising that the Fitch ratings agency cut its outlook on Malaysia's sovereign debt last month, citing worsening prospects for fiscal reforms, such as proposed cuts in the country's steep subsidy bill and a new consumption tax to reduce its reliance on oil revenues.

We also notice there wasn't a strong counter ringgit policy response from the government which is very important to spur investors' morale while breathing a positive perception into the fledgling new administration.

We believe the absence could be Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's strategy in response to the shrinking number of parliamentary seats won by BN and, of course, dwindling business electorate support (especially Chinese & urban middle class), which has dealt a certain blow to the PM.

Similarly, Najib faces a possible leadership challenge from within his ruling party in October, raising uncertainty over his pledge to cut one of emerging Asia's highest budget deficits of 4.5% of GDP.

Hence, we strongly advocate that the government to immediately release counter ringgit response and communicate with the business communities (investors, analyst and rating agencies) and come up with major manoeuvres within 48 hours to fix the country's economic problems so as to arrest the impending ringgit, equity and bond market meltdown.

* Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad is executive director PAS Research Centre (Corporate Finance Resource Group).

* This is the personal opinion of the writer or publication and does not necessarily represent the views of The Malaysian Insider.

Selamat berehat Tok Guru ku

Posted: 22 Aug 2013 04:19 PM PDT

August 23, 2013
Latest Update: August 23, 2013 03:19 pm

Zulkifli adalah bekas Ketua Pengarang Harakah, Harakahdaily dan Siasah. Selepas 26 tahun bersama kumpulan Harakah, beliau kini bersama pasukan The Malaysian Insider sebagai Pengarang Analisis dan Rencana.

"Mana Datuk Husam?" tanya Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat apabila terjaga dari tidurnya di atas katil Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM), Kubang Kerian, Kota Bharu.

Ekoran itu, keluarganya menelefon Naib Presiden PAS itu dan bergegaslah Husam ke HUSM menemui Nik Aziz. Namun Nik Aziz tertidur lagi. Husam tidak sampai hati untuk mengejutkan Mursyidul Am PAS itu.

Apabila terkejut dari tidur, sekali lagi Nik Aziz bertanya, "Mana Husam?". Sekali lagi, Husam terpaksa berpatah balik ke HUSM ketika beliau dalam perjalanan ke lapangan terbang Pengkalan Chepa untuk seterusnya ke luar negara.

Kali ini, Husam dapat mendengar apa yang hendak diperkatakan oleh Nik Aziz kepadanya. Namun ia hanya antara mereka berdua. Selepas tiga hari berlalu, sehingga kini ia tetap menjadi rahsia antara mereka.

Selain Husam, bekas Menteri Besar Kelantan itu turut menyebut nama Abang Ya (pegawai polis berpangkat Kopral, bekas pengawal peribadi beliau semasa menjadi MB), ketika beliau berehat di HUSM kali ini.

Sejak melepaskan jawatannya sebagai MB, kesihatan Nik Aziz merosot teruk. Beliau sering bersungut keletihan. Wad VVIP di tingkat 2 bangunan utama HUSM yang terletak kira-kira lima kilometer dari rumahnya di Pulau Melaka menjadi rumah kedua beliau.

Memang, dengan umurnya mencecah 82 tahun dan segenap tenaga diberikan untuk jamaah dan kerajaan selama ini, beliau wajar banyak berehat.

Namun beliau sering menyebut dua nama yang seangkatan dengan beliau apabila mengenangkan kesihatannya. Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad dan Lee Kuan Yew. Kedua-duanya lebih tua dari beliau namun masih aktif dan sihat sedangkan beliau terpaksa berulang alik ke hospital.

Saya membuat temujanji untuk mewawancara beliau pada jam 11.30 pagi 19 Ogos di JKR 10, Kota Bharu. Ketika itu, pihak yang menjaga beliau penuh yakin, ia boleh diadakan.

Di Kuala Lumpur, saya telah memberitahu pihak pengurusan The Malaysian Insider, ia bukan satu yang pasti memandangkan status kesihatan Tok Guru yang sangat disayangi ramai itu.

Selepas tidak boleh bertemu di JKR 10, saya ke HUSM petang itu juga untuk melihat sendiri keadaan beliau. Ketika itu anaknya, Nik Abduh Nik Abdul Aziz, anggota Parlimen Pasir Mas baru sampai dari Kuala Lumpur. Seorang doktor pakar ketika itu sedang memeriksa beliau.

"Ayah ok. Cuma dia perlu rehat," kata Nik Abduh."Tadi ayah bercakap dengan saya dan meminta membuat kenyataan mengenai Mesir," tambah Nik Abduh sambil membaca catatan kenyataan dari Nik Aziz itu yang sangat tidak berpuashati dengan regim tentera yang merampas kuasa dan seterusnya membunuh ribuan rakyatnya sendiri. Beliau juga tidak berpuashati dengan pemerintah Arab Saudi yang menyokong tindakan itu.

Doktor yang merawat beliau juga berkata, "Tok Guru ok. Insya Allah esok boleh kalau dia nak balik. Tetapi lebih baik dia rehat di sini."

Menurut Nik Abduh, di rumah mereka dekat Pulau Melaka orang ramai sentiasa datang untuk bertemu ayahnya walaupun sudah tidak menjadi MB lagi.

"Kami telah memberitahu mereka supaya datang waktu solat lima waktu. Kalau ayah turun solat, bermakna dia sihatlah," beritahu Nik Abduh. Sebab itu, orang ramai memenuhi masjid itu setiap kali solat waktu terutama waktu Subuh.

Di wad HUSM, Datin Tuan Sabariah, isteri Nik Aziz sentiasa berada di sisi beliau. Ibu yang melahirkan 10 orang anak yang hebat ini seorang pendiam dan tidak berminat langsung untuk ditemubual oleh media.

Menurut salah seorang anak beliau, Nik Aziz akan bangun secara automatik apabila terdengar bunyi azan.

"Bila Tok Guru boleh bangun bila dengar bunyi azan itu melambangkan minda dia sihat dan cergas," kata doktor yang merawatnya.

"Satu lagi saya nampak beliau akan bersemangat dan matanya terbuka luas kalau bercakap hal semasa dan politik," kata beliau sambil tersenyum.

Sebelum pulang ke Kuala Lumpur, sekali lagi kami datang ke HUSM untuk mengintai peluang untuk bertemu dan berbual dengan tokoh politik yang telah meletakkan kedudukan yang tinggi dalam bechmark politik Malaysia ini.

Wartawan Elizabeth Zachariah dan jurugambar Afif Abd. Halim tidak berpuashati selagi tidak dapat bertemu Nik Aziz kerana itulah tugasan mereka ke Kota Bharu.

Dengan ditemani seorang rakan dari Kota Bharu, kami memasuki wad VVIP di tingkat 2 bangunan utama HUSM itu. Kali ini, anak dan menantu serta cucu beliau dari Kuala Lumpur juga ada di dalam wad.

Nik Aziz sedang lena tidur. Abang Ya (bekas pengawal peribadinya yang disebut Nik Aziz) turut berada di wad.

Kami masuk ke dalam wad dan melihat beliau tidur lena. Saya mengusap lengannya (sebagaimana diajar Abang Ya) namun beliau terus lena. Elizabeth dan Afif melihat. Namun Afif tidak sampai hati untuk mengambil gambar insan hebat yang sedang tidur ini.

Selepas kira-kira 10 minit merenung Tok Guru yang sedang tidur ini, kami beredar dari wad itu sambil bersalam dengan anak menantunya.

Tok Guru, berehatlah.

Anda telah menyumbang lebih 60 tahun hayat mu untuk agama, bangsa dan negara mu. Anda telah meletakkan satu mercu tanda tersendiri untuk ahli politik di negara ini.

Kami yakin, tidak ada yang dapat memecahkan rekod kehebatan mu. Pengganti mu, Datuk Ahmad Yakub telah membuat sesuatu yang betul apabila menubuhkan 'Institut Pemikiran Tok Guru' untuk menghayati ilmu yang kamu berikan.

Benar kata beliau, ulama ramai di dunia ini. Tetapi ulama yang bersama jamaah dan membuktikan mereka layak untuk mentadbir negara tidak ramai. Ulama yang membuktikan mereka juga layak membuat tadbir urus yang baik untuk sebuah kerajaan.

Selamat berehat Tok Guru ku sayang. - 22 Ogos 2013.

* Ini adalah pendapat peribadi penulis dan tidak semestinya mewakili pandangan The Malaysian Insider.

Kredit: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com

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