Selasa, 24 September 2013

The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

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The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

Mukhriz, the new player in Umno

Posted: 23 Sep 2013 04:56 PM PDT

September 24, 2013

Datuk Zaid Ibrahim founded Malaysia's largest law partnership before focusing on politics. He was a minister in the Abdullah administration, was in Umno, PKR and last in KITA as its president.

All the interest in the upcoming Umno elections is understandable because the party's president becomes prime minister of the country. It's usually a boring affair, especially when there is no contest for Umno's top two positions.

Cynics will say it's the same routine, with the oligarchs who have ruled for decades taking their turns to rule and, at the same time, deciding who is next in line to succeed them. It's like a game of musical chairs being played by a small and very elite group.

What I find laughable is the contention that Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir's challenge for the vice-president's post is an attempt by the old, conservative guard to cling to power. Some even say that the challenge is an attempt to bring Mahathirism back into  Malaysian politics, without even bothering to explain what that really means.

Before we get carried away, let's be clear about one thing: there is no right or left wing in Umno. There is only the business wing.

There is hardly any division within the party that is based on ideological or philosophical differences. The contestation is never about political ideas or about the fate of the nation, but about control over power.

The  focus of this year's party elections will probably be the same. This time we have a new policy to empower the Bumiputera and during the speeches there will probably also be an adequate supply of Chinese-bashing and tongue-lashing against "ungrateful" Malays.

No faction or group will talk about corruption or abuse of power or take an interest in the country's finances. Clearly, the fate of other Malaysians who do not carry the Bumi tag does not matter.

This time around however, there is a significant difference to the proceedings: Dato' Sri Najib Tun Razak has opened up the party by allowing more contests at the divisional and Supreme Council levels. This is a positive development. It shows that the president is reasonably confident of his position and that he is trying to create more choices for the party, whether for political or business positions.

Mukhriz's candidacy for the vice-president's post is important in this regard. Umno will rule this country for quite a while longer, at least for as long as race-based politics hold sway and until the Opposition are able to get their collective act together.

Mukhriz is a member  of Umno's elite group and only from this group will we find the leaders who will rule Malaysia. If there  choices within Umno's elite, then all the better for the country. The present crop of top leaders does not inspire confidence so adding a few more from the elite group is good.

One of these future leaders took great pains to explain how sincere Umno is about empowering the Malays. The question however, is which Malays are being empowered?

Will the party deign to help Opposition-held states? Will the federal Government help Kelantan financially so it can overcome its water woes? Will they help Malays who voted against them in the last General Election? Will they practise an open tender system for contracts and be transparent with their procurement policy? Will they prosecute Umno corrupt leaders? Will party leaders explain how they got to be rich and where their family members got all their wealth from?

The answer is "No" and that's why Umno is not sincere in helping and empowering the Malays. They can flaunt their oratorical skills and shout "Hidup Melayu!" as loudly as they want to but no one will believe them.

I remember that in 1998, former Prime Minister and party president Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad ordered the Ministry of International Trade and Industry to display at the party's General Assembly the full list of Bumiputera who got special share allocations to show that he was not making his children and cronies rich with the Bumipolicy. He wanted to disprove the allegations made against him.

The only way people can believe the sincerity of leaders is when these leaders are not afraid to be examined, to be transparent and to properly answer allegations made against them. Anything less is hogwash. - September 24, 2013.

* This is the personal opinion of the writer or publication and does not necessarily represent the views of The Malaysian Insider.


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