Sabtu, 1 Februari 2014

The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

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The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

Bagaimana kalau Pakatan pinjam PAS di Selangor?

Posted: 31 Jan 2014 03:00 PM PST

February 01, 2014

Haji Subky Abdul Latif seorang penulis bebas dan tinggal di Kuala Lumpur. Seorang pendiam, dia gemar meneliti perangai manusia dan berita politik di Malaysia.

Apakah perbezaan pendekatan dua pemimpin kanan PKR di Selangor antara Azmin Ali, ketua parti dan Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim, ketua kerajaan tidak dapat diredakan kalau pun tidak diselesaikan sama sekali?

Saya tidak tahu bagaimana hendak mengatasi perbezaan itu. Mengikut kata almarhum Ustaz Hassan Shukri semasa hidupnya, perbezaan peribadi selalunya diatasi dengan salah seorang meninggal dunia. Saya tidak mahu salah seorang daripadanya mati dalam waktu yang terdekat.

Sekalipun perbezaan yang ada tidak sampai meruntuhkan kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat (PR) di Selangor tetapi penyokong kerajaan di luar kerajaan payah hendak berdepan orang ramai termasuk hendak meredakan kekeliruan penyokong parti masing-masing.

Dalam pergolakan yang mungkin tidak besar tetapi tidak juga kecil, sekutu PKR iaitu PAS dan DAP tidak ada apa-apa masalah muafakat kerajaan yang ada. Kalau ada masalah pun boleh dirujuk kepada pimpinan PR. Jika hal ini berlanjutan, payah bagi PR untuk menghadapi pilihan raya umum (PRU) akan datang.

Tidak saja ia mengelirukan orang di negeri Selangor, bahkan ia menyukarkan PR di seluruh negara untuk mengaut momentum baru bagi mengambil Putrajaya.

Sedikit sebanyak ia mengganggu tumpuan PR untuk menghadapi isu kepincangan BN dalam isu kos sara hidup melambung.

Jika PKR payah meredakan pergolakan itu, mungkin Anwar Ibrahim sendiri mengambil pentadbiran Selangor atau apa kata kalau PKR pinjamkan pentadbiran negeri Selangor itu kepada PAS? Tidak bijak bagi PAS untuk mengambil alih kuasa daripada kerajaan yang sama ditegakkannya sekarang.

Tetapi tentulah PAS dan DAP tidak seronok dengan perkembangan yang berlarutan itu.

Daripada kedua-duanya memendam rasa dan terbuku di hati, apakah salahnya PKR berundur bagi laluan kepada PAS bagi meneruskan suasana dan pentadbiran yang baik sekarang?

Bukan hendak kuasa tetapi hendak meredakan keadaan supaya rakyat senang dan pegawai kerajaan pun selesa menjalankan tugas.

Mungkin Solihin Mohyi atau Iskandar Samad menjadi menteri besar yang baru bagi meneruskan pentadbiran sudah disudah dimantapkan oleh Tan Sri Khalid itu.

Kedua-dua Tan Sri Khalid dan Azmin Ali diperlukan di Selangor. Tan Sri Khalid boleh dikekalkan sebagai penasihat ekonomi dan pentadbiran kerajaan yang bergaji tetap, berpejabat dan ada kakitangan khas.

Kalau Anwar Ibrahim kini menjadi penasihat ekonomi tidak bergaji, maka kedua-dua Datuk Seri Anwar dan Tan Sri Khalid boleh diberi gaji supaya mereka menggunakan kebolehan dan kemahiran masing-masing untuk meningkatkan lagi kemajuan negeri.

Kedua-duanya boleh berkeliling dunia untuk menarik pelaburan. Kalau tidak ambil peeruntukan baru daripada wang kerajaan tidak mengapa untuk gaji mereka tetapi potongan kenaikan elaun untuk MB, Exco dan Speaker mungkin dapat menampung keperluan mereka.

Kecekapan Azmin juga boleh digunakan bagi membantu menteri besar baru daripada PAS untuk  membangunkan lagi Selangor. Mana yang Azmin rasa payah untuk disumbangkan dulu, munkin tidak banyak masalah untuk disalurkan.

Bila saya cadangkan PR boleh meminjam khidmat PAS bagi meneruskan kelangsungan pentadbiran/kerajaan PR negeri Selangor tidak pula bererti merebut peluang sama buat DAP.

Mungkin PAS tidak banyak kelebihan berbanding DAP tetapi keadaan yang ada payah bagi DAP untuk mengemukakan calon menteri besarnya kerana suasana politik perkauman dan prejudis yang ada terutama di kalangan penyokong BN, maka DAP tidak mahu terlibat dalam suasana bising yang diada-adakan.

DAP adalah selesa dengan keadaan yang ada, maka ia tidak sedia mencari susah. Dan DAPpun tidak ada Adun Melayu. Tidak semestikan ia satu lagi hak istimewa orang Melayu, masyarakat belum bersedia menerima MB bukan Melayu.

Dengan apa yang Datuk Seri Nizar Jamaluddin buat di Perak dulu, DAP lagi fobia dengan pemimpin PAS untuk memimpin kerajaan negeri.

Cetusan saya ini terpakai kalau PKR tidak dapat meredakan masalahnya. – 1 Februari, 2014.

* Ini adalah pendapat peribadi penulis dan tidak semestinya mewakili pandangan The Malaysian Insider.

Enticing FA Cup ties to jump start local football season

Posted: 31 Jan 2014 02:53 PM PST

February 01, 2014

As a player, Shebby Singh won everything there was to win in Malaysia football, and represented the country on the international stage.

There is plenty to look forward to this weekend, with tantalising matchups in both domestic and international leagues.

But first, let me take a moment to convey my deepest condolences to the family of Wong Choon Wah, a Malaysian football legend, who sadly passed away yesterday morning. His passing is a great loss for the national football fraternity.

Moving on, before I get to the tale about a Norwegian getting a Brazilian, let us look at the Malaysian FA Cup Round of 16, which throws up some interesting fixtures.

Interesting is indeed the word as the state of both the Malaysian Super League and Premier League have been marred by inconsistent performances all around. A lot of huffing and puffing to go, but expect issues to be ironed out after six or seven games.

The biggest clash of this round is Lions XII hosting Pahang.

The Lions have had two great results, a stoppage time bullet header from Khairul Amri that sealed all three points at home to Selangor, before an inspired comeback from two goals down against league favourites Johor Darul Takzim 1.

Into the knockout stage, expect Fandi Ahmad's troops to make life very difficult for Pahang.

The team from the East Coast have proven to be unpredictable but do look out for young Hafiz Kamal in central midfield. A slick passer of the ball who never backs down from a battle (and yes, two qualities that do not go hand in hand), Hafiz's left peg can prove decisive.

Decisive again is the word when we look at the Pablo Aimar-inspired Johor Darul Takzim 1 as they seek early season revenge over T-Team.

The team from Terengganu stunned the Johoreans 1-0 in Kuala Terengganu. So, this presents an early opportunity for manager Cesar Gimenez to readjust tactically and claim a morale-boosting turnaround after that "limpless" performance in their Super League clash.

As for Aimar, it has been money well spent by the Southern Tigers, with him completely dictating play when on the pitch. It is a pity, however, as physical requirements of Southeast Asia are taxing on footballers not used to the climate.

The Northern Derby brings Kedah and Perlis together again and after the 4-1 thrashing at Darul Aman, expect another spanking as Kedah certainly have shown their pedigree.

This Kedah team has a nice mix of young and the experience, Khyril Muhymeen certainly seems like the only local striker of note who starts regularly for his team in the Super League right now.

And last but not least, bad boys Sime Darby will aspire to keep all eleven players on the pitch in an all-Premier League FA Cup clash against Felda United.

To get one player sent off is difficult at any level, but a double send off is suicide. Let's see if cooler heads prevail in what is sure to be a well-drilled match.

Solskjaer gets a Brazilian

Moving a lot further west, to Wales to be more specific, just what was Ole Gunnar Solskjaer thinking of when he signed fullback Fabio da Silva from Manchester United?

One half of perhaps the most un-Brazilian twins in European football, Fabio has most resembled Wes Brown instead of Daniel Alves, whom he was projected to develop into.

Having been at Manchester United for five years and playing just 56 games in all competitions, Solskjaer will be hoping he can coax the best out of the still young Brazillian (23 years of age).

When the twins arrived in England at the age of eighteen, it seems that they have had the composure on the ball of Brazilians coached out of them, replaced by a rather more traditional view on fullbacks in the United Kingdom.  Now, the twins just kick anything that moves! Hopefully for Solskjaer's sake, this move works out.

A simple "you are Brazilian" reminder every day might do the trick!

Bottom-of-the-table Cardiff City will take on Norwich City tonight (11pm).

At the other end, new table-toppers Manchester City have got a home date with third-place Chelsea on Monday night (4am, Tuesday morning).

My prediction... well, how about this, 0-0 at the Etihad? Jose Mourinho parks the bus and goes home claiming Chelsea were the better team.

Seriously though, the Chelsea manager's only hope is for Manchester City to have a complete off-day. And these things can happen in football.

However, a dominating performance for Manchester City will only help strengthen their title credentials and pulling one over Jose Mourinho would surely please Manuel Pellegrini.

Over at the Serie A this weekend, a Juventus versus Inter Milan clash would have set the pulse racing mere seasons ago, however, watching Inter has been like watching paint dry this season.

If there are a few Manchester United fans who think Sir Alex Ferguson did not leave much behind for David Moyes, consider this, Mourinho left Inter with nought.

Despite winning the UEFA Champions League title, Mourinho has always been best with extracting top performances from senior and experienced players, not a growing team filled with youth potential.

Expect Juventus to seal all three points. Perhaps there will be many Manchester United fans watching too as they ponder how Paul Pogba would have looked alongside Michael Carrick in this current Red Devils squad, and rue the day he was let go. – February 1, 2014.

* This is the personal opinion of the writer or publication and does not necessarily represent the views of The Malaysian Insider.


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