Ahad, 9 Februari 2014

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The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

Give PR people a break

Posted: 08 Feb 2014 08:17 PM PST

February 09, 2014

Cass Shan started off as a copywriter tasked with understanding buying behaviour. She now immerses herself in understanding buy-in behaviour.

Everybody loves a public relations person.

Sure, you get the stereotype "bitchy" gay PR person on TV, but the reality is PR people love what they do and they do it because they genuinely care about people's feelings.

The true PR person knows that words play an important role in conveying key messages.

It takes year of experience to do the job right and climb the PR ladder in the industry. 

The truth is PR people are portrayed with two personalities – the fake nice front and the hard "bad" front for a reason.

PR people are just like you and me. They have feelings, too, and have every right to have feelings of frustration, anger, demotivation and any highs and lows that us mere mortals have, too.

That's the reason they sometimes appear to have dual personalities – the nice front and the so-called bad front.

People need to understand that being a PR person is not easy.

After all, how many of us can keep a cheerful outlook all day, every day?

We need to understand that PR people have an important job of keeping everyone else happy – even when they themselves may be having a bad day.

Which is why PR people give the improper impression of being two-faced.

At this point, I may as well clarify that the previous article I wrote on Brickfields Asia College was not an advertorial.

It happens to be my true feelings of the college based on what I know about them.

Perhaps, because I was trained as a copywriter and wholeheartedly admit to having being one, that people misunderstood and assumed that it was a paid advertorial when, in fact, it was an opinion piece which happened to have been written by an ex-copywriter who decided to share her thoughts in writing.

Back to PR people, that's the same issue they face. While they may be sharing their true positive feelings through their words, people who misunderstand them and may think they're being "two-faced" and mistrust occurs.

I must say that people who climb through the corporate ladder to achieve a PR director position do so with much patience, having seen much in their years of experience and dealt with practically every PR issue in town.

I have much respect for people who climb their way up and earn their position.

It's not easy being on top.

Sometimes, it gets lonely. My heart goes out to the top PR people who must walk into the office every day, shouldering a great responsibility and balancing the need to practise PR at work with their staff while taking work seriously at the same time.

There are PR directors who are so loaded with work that they desperately want people to take their workload off them to help ease their schedule.

I always try to volunteer to take some work off from the boss when I can because I understand the pressure they're under.

Rule No. 1: Always support your boss.

PR directors need all the support they can get and it's a tough role to play. That's why I wish people would stop stereotyping PR people and give them a break when they rightfully deserve a break.

I will never forget the numerous PR people I've met who do it so well because I know I still have much to learn every time I watch how well they do it.

Here's kudos to the PR people I've met who never stopped teaching me how they do it. – February 9, 2014.

* This is the personal opinion of the writer or publication and does not necessarily represent the views of The Malaysian Insider.

Di mana Najib Razak?

Posted: 08 Feb 2014 03:23 PM PST

February 09, 2014

Amin Iskandar adalah penerima anugerah zamalah Asian Public Intellectuals (API) bagi sesi 2009-2010. Kini merupakan Pengarang Berita bagi The Malaysian Insider. Beliau "berkicau" di www.twitter.com/aminiskandar.

Di manakah Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak ketika Malaysia memerlukan kepimpinannya?

Ketika provokasi demi provokasi yang mungkin akan memusnahkan keharmonian kaum dan agama, Najib tidak berbuat apa-apa untuk menghentikannya.

Lebih memburukkan keadaan apabila Menteri Dalam Negeri, Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi berkata semalam, tawaran RM1,200 daripada sebuah pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO) yang berjaya menampar Teresa Kok tidak dianggap sebagai satu ancaman.

Ahmad Zahid juga berkata, polis hanya akan bertindak sekiranya NGO tersebut mahu membunuh.

Jika di negara maju, menteri kanan yang 'pintar' seperti Ahmad Zah‎id sudah pasti akan dipecat kerana kenyataannya akan dianggap mewakili kerajaan.

Akan tetapi di Malaysia berbeza, seseorang menteri boleh berbuat dan berkata apa sahaja‎.

Apakah Najib akan membiarkan kenyataan Ahmad Zahid mewakili pendirian kerajaan Malaysia?

Bayangkanlah bagaimana rakyat mahu merasa selamat apabila seorang menteri kanan boleh mengatakan sesuatu galakan  jenayah secara terbuka seperti ditawarkan NGO Islam itu bukanlah sesuatu yang dianggap sebagai ancaman.

‎Jadi selepas ini jika terdapat tawaran berbentuk ganjaran wang daripada pihak pembangkang kepada seluruh rakyat yang berjaya menampar Ahmad Zahid, apakah jawapan sama akan diberikannya?

Najib harus bertindak segera sebelum terlambat.

Beliau juga harus ingat, ayahnya, Tun Abdul Razak Hussein, dihormati kebanyakan rakyat Malaysia.

Jangan sampai beliau jadi pemusnah kepada legasi Abdul Razak.

‎Bagaimana pula dengan reputasi Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara berbilang kaum dan agama?

Apakah Najib mahu melihat ia turut musnah?

‎Isu pengharaman penggunaan kalimah Allah oleh bukan Islam sudah menyebabkan Malaysia ditertawakan di persada antarabangsa.

‎Selepas ini, kita akan ditertawakan lagi dengan jawapan menteri kanan seperti Ahmad Zahid ketika ditanya tentang jenayah.

Jangan sampai tragedi berdarah antara kaum tidak diingini seperti pernah ‎berlaku satu ketika dahulu berulang semata-mata kerana Malaysia mempunyai perdana menteri yang tidak memimpin.

Provokasi perkauman seperti yang berlaku pada Khamis, jika tidak dihentikan akan menyebabkan keadaan menjadi lebih buruk.

Jika Najib sudah penat dan tidak lagi larat lagi untuk memimpin negara, lepaskanlah jawatan tersebut.

Beri peluang kepada yang benar-benar mampu untuk memimpin.

Setidak-tidaknya, bubarkanlah Parlimen untuk membenarkan rakyat Malaysia berpeluang memilih semula setelah negara tidak kemana selepas sembilan bulan  sejak Pilihan Raya Umum ke 13. – 9 Februari, 2014.

* Ini adalah pendapat peribadi penulis dan tidak semestinya mewakili pandangan The Malaysian Insider.

Kredit: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com

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