Selasa, 27 Mei 2014

The Malaysian Insider :: Food

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The Malaysian Insider :: Food

Knowledge of nutrition vital to avoid unhealthy food

Posted: 27 May 2014 08:37 AM PDT

May 27, 2014

An employee at a store in Shah Alam checks the serial number of two Cadbury products which were found to have traces of pork DNA. – Reuters pic, May 27, 2014.An employee at a store in Shah Alam checks the serial number of two Cadbury products which were found to have traces of pork DNA. – Reuters pic, May 27, 2014.The public should have a more holistic understanding of nutrition to avoid being tricked into eating food products which could affect their health.

Kuala Lumpur Hospital's (HKL) Department of Catering and Dietetics head, Ridzoni Sulaiman said consumers should also equip themselves with knowledge and awareness of food intake to stay healthy and active.

"We should not jump when there is an issue about food products on the market, what is important is that we be careful before buying a product.

"Consumers need to read and get information about the codes of ingredients used," he told Bernama today.

On the two samples of Cadbury chocolates, the Cadbury Dairy Milk Hazelnut and the Cadbury Dairy Milk Roast Almond which were reportedly detected to contain procine DNA, Ridzoni said the issue of non-halal ingredients frequently emerged and it was time that the local authorities tightened enforcement of the laws.

Last Saturday, the health ministry revealed that two samples of the Cadbury Dairy Milk Hazelnut and the Cadbury Dairy Milk Roast Almond were detected to contain porcine DNA.

Jakim has since suspended the halal certification of the two products, with immediate effect. – Bernama, May 27, 2014.

The biggest pet peeves for restaurant goers

Posted: 26 May 2014 08:54 PM PDT

May 27, 2014

Screaming babies topped a list of the top 15 pet peeves for restaurant goers. – AFP/Relaxnews pic, May 27, 2014.Screaming babies topped a list of the top 15 pet peeves for restaurant goers. – AFP/Relaxnews pic, May 27, 2014.Noisy, unruly children; servers who go missing in action and restaurants that take plates away mid-bite before diners have a chance to finish are among some of America's top dining pet peeves.

That's according to online restaurant guide Urbanspoon, which looked at the most common complaints posted on user reviews and solicited "expert" feedback to compile a list of the top 15 restaurant pet peeves.

Topping the list is "unsupervised kids", a recurring topic that generates no small amount of heated debate.

Earlier this year, Michelin-starred Chicago chef Grant Achatz kicked off an online ruckus when he took to Twitter to complain about a crying baby that was disturbing the service and his patrons at his restaurant Alinea.

In what was promptly dubbed "Babygate", parents and childless diners weighed in on the touchy subject, with one camp defending the right to dine with kids, another camp defending the right to dine in quiet, and yet another camp deriding the controversy altogether for being "bourgeois".

Rounding out the top three pet peeves was slow service, and, on the flip side, rushed service.

Here are the top 15 dining pet peeves:

1. Screaming babies and unruly children
2. Slow service and servers who go missing in action throughout the meal
3. Fast service, defined as restaurants that take plates away before diners have had a chance to finish eating
4.  No substitutions or accommodation for food allergies
5. Unexplained wait times for tables that are readily available
6. Menu typos
7. Couples who engage in excessive PDA
8. Talking on the phone
9. Dirty silverware or glasses.
10. The refusal to seat diners until the last person has arrived
11. Nosy neighbours who blatantly eavesdrop
12. Rowdy diners
13. Indecipherable menu descriptions that require culinary dictionaries
14. Watered down, weak drinks
15. Having to ask for items that should be staples such as cutlery, salt and pepper, water and bread. – AFP/Relaxnews, May 27, 2014.


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