Selasa, 11 Disember 2012

The Malaysian Insider :: Food

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The Malaysian Insider :: Food

Judging with your mouth

Posted: 11 Dec 2012 04:21 PM PST

The canopied area in Times Square packed with people sampling all the hawker food. – Pix by Helen Ong

GEORGE TOWN, Dec 12 – I never thought I'd say this, but I have had enough of hawker food.

You would too if you've been indulging in it for nearly a week! However, I hasten to add: it was all for a good cause, as I was privileged to be invited to be one of the judges at the recent Battle of the Hawker Masters 2012, and indeed, the only one who managed (read: fool enough) to do it for all six days.

The event, held in Penang's canopied Times Square, was the second of its kind, with over 300 people queuing up to purchase tickets every day so they could take advantage of the very special price: for just RM10 per person, they could sample every one of whatever dish was being contested that day.

Some apparently even managed to put away 15 or more bowls, albeit admittedly smaller than average ones.

In fact, the final day saw some 500 people clamouring for tickets during which time three finalists from all six categories battled for top spot.

With Curry Mee, Nasi Lemak, Pasembur and Rojak, Hokkien Mee and of course the must-have Char Kuey Teow, it was without a doubt Penang hawker food paradise.

It may seem easy just sitting there and be served bowl after bowl of food but believe you me, it's not that easy being a judge.

With approximately 12-15 entries per category, you can imagine how many dishes we had to taste daily.

Char Kuey Teow galore... too much of a good thing?

Of course, one just sampled, but nevertheless, it resulted in total satiation as over the six days, I must have tried nearly 200 dishes.

Never have the words K'hua liao pun paa! (Just one look is enough to fill me up) been more true.

My doctor is going to have a fit when he checks my cholesterol level.

Even worse, we had to sit there eating as daintily as possible – quite difficult to achieve especially with hot noodles – and trying not to slurp it all over ourselves and everyone else. As you sit there eating, people are taking photos of you in the most ungainly poses.

Now I know how animals feel when they are being fed at the zoo!

The criteria were simple: we had to judge based on hygiene, presentation and of course the all-important taste. Although we more or less agreed on the finalists for each day, occasionally the judges begged to differ.

After all, as the saying goes, "one man's meat is another man's poison".

Case in point was during the Char Kuey Teow competition on Day 5 when a fellow judge and I compared notes. He had marked down the one I preferred most, and vice versa.

However, this discrepancy was clarified when he explained, "It's not surprising because when I order a Char Kuey Teow, I always tell them to hold the chilli and make it less oily."

Say no more.

One of the competitors preparing pasembur.

Over 50 hawkers took part in the competition, although it was a shame the really well-known stalls didn't take part, possibly because they would have had to take time out during one of the busiest times of the year when they could be earning real money, although the top prize of RM2,000 must go some way towards making up for it.

Possibly they didn't feel the need to prove themselves; after all, they are already famous enough. Some may have feared not making the grade; it was telling that none of last year's winners even bothered to sign up this time round. Perhaps they were being unselfish and wanted to let others have a chance.

Some of Penang's top hawker foods couldn't be persuaded to come in either – Assam Laksa, one of our most famous, did not even make an appearance, and neither did Mee Goreng nor Kuey Teow T'ng. 

However, it was good to see our top two there: Char Kuey Teow and Hokkien Mee.

I think it is high time Penang had such a contest, and hats off to Ivory Properties for taking the time and effort to do so yet again – it requires tremendous manpower and good organisation to pull off such a large-scale event. It can safely be considered a resounding success

"Response was even more overwhelming compared to last year, and the Battle has since become an annual affair for Penang," said Ann Tan, Corporate Communications Manager for Ivory Properties Group Berhad.

All this talk about hawker food has made me hungry so if you'll excuse me, I'm off to my local kopitiam for a bowl – or two – of my favourite noodles…

Did I really say I was fed-up with hawker food?

Robert Parker’s wine bible moving to Singapore

Posted: 11 Dec 2012 03:38 PM PST

SINGAPORE, Dec 12 – Influential US wine critic Robert Parker is moving the headquarters of his newsletter to Singapore after selling a major stake to investors based in the city-state, a report said Tuesday.

Parker told the Wall Street Journal he intends to step down as editor-in-chief of The Wine Advocate and phase out its print edition, giving oversight to his Singapore-based Asia correspondent, Lisa Perrotti-Brown.

"The Asian market has come of age in the last decade or so, and it would be unrealistic not to expect to be part of it," he said.

He declined to name his new investors but described them as "young visionaries" in financial services and information technology based in Singapore who presented him with a plan he could not refuse, according to the report.

"They love wine, but they also saw a great business opportunity," said Parker, who said he will become chairman of the new company and continue to review the wines of Bordeaux and the Rhone for the newsletter.

Parker said the Asian market has come of age in the last decade or so. – AFP pic

Despite having only 50,000 subscribers paying US$75 (RM230)a year for six issues, most of them living in the United States, the Wine Advocate can make or break a winemaker with reviews based on a 50-100 point quality grading system.

Parker said the Wine Advocate's print version might disappear before the end of next year, and he would offer incentives to print subscribers to make the change to an online-only format.

"Maybe we will offer them Kindles," he said.

The company's current office is next to Parker's home in Maryland farm country. Singapore is a Southeast Asian financial centre with close business and cultural links to China.

The new investors are planning an abbreviated Southeast Asian edition aimed at corporate clients such as airlines and luxury hotels, the report said, and the main newsletter will also put more emphasis on Asia's nascent wine industry.

Perrotti-Brown, who also writes for an online Wine Advocate offshoot called, plans to hire a new correspondent likely to be based in China.

"The correspondent will cover wines produced in China, Thailand and other Asian countries," she was quoted as saying.

"We envisage eventually allowing some advertising, but only from sponsors where there is absolutely no conflict of interest," said Perrotti-Brown.

No winery or wine-related business would be allowed to advertise but luxury watches or credit card brands would be acceptable, the report said.

Organisers of Asia's biggest wine and spirits fair Vinexpo Asia-Pacific, held in Hong Kong in May, said China leapt to fifth place among top wine-consuming nations last year, overtaking Britain.

Asia is expected to account for more than half of worldwide growth in consumption over the next three years, they added. – AFP-Relaxnews


The Malaysian Insider :: Sports

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The Malaysian Insider :: Sports

Arsenal suffer shootout Cup defeat at Bradford

Posted: 11 Dec 2012 03:09 PM PST

Bradford City's players celebrate after winning the penalty shootout against Arsenal. — Reuters pic

LONDON, Dec 12 — Arsenal lost 3-2 on penalties to fourth tier Bradford City in a humiliating League Cup quarter-final exit yesterday after the game had finished 1-1 at the end of extra time.

The Premier League club needed an 88th minute goal from captain Thomas Vermaelen to force the game into the extra period but failed to make their superiority tell and it was Vermaelen who missed their final spot kick to send the minnows through.

Garry Thompson had scored with a tidy far post finish in the 16th minute to give a surprise lead to the hosts who then held off a second-half barrage before Arsenal's Belgium centre back Vermaelen levelled with a far-post header.

In the night's other quarter-final, Andreas Weimann scored two late goals as Aston Villa booked a place in the last four by coming from behind to beat Norwich City 4-1 away.

Weimann, a first-half substitute for the injured Darren Bent, converted Eric Lichaj's cross to put Villa 2-1 ahead and then latched on to a Christian Benteke pass for his second goal.

Benteke scored Villa's fourth in added time.

The hosts went ahead when Steve Morison seized on a knockdown from Matt Lawton in the 19th minute and smashed the ball home on the half-volley.

But the lead lasted only two minutes before Brett Holman drew Villa level with a first-time shot from outside the area. — Reuters 

Hayatou only nominee for top African job

Posted: 11 Dec 2012 07:38 AM PST

CAPE TOWN, Dec 11 — Confederation of African Football (CAF) president Issa Hayatou has been nominated uncontested for another four-year term in charge of the continental body, officials said today.

The news sets up Cameroon's Hayatou to lengthen his tenure at the helm of African football to almost 30 years since his election to the post in 1988 but there is still a chance he may face a rival in the elections next year.

CAF have disallowed the candidacy of rival Jacques Anouma because he does not meet new criteria for presidential candidates but the Ivory Coast politician is expected to launch a legal bid to overturn the decision and be allowed to stand at the CAF Congress in Marrakech, Morocco, on March 10.

The 66-year-old Hayatou, anticipating Anouma's bid, engineered a change in the organisation's statutes to permit only voting members of its executive committee to run for the presidency.

The change was overwhelmingly approved at a special CAF Congress, arranged solely for the purpose of amending the rules, in the Seychelles in September.

Anouma is a member of CAF's executive committee only because he serves as one of the continent's representatives on the FIFA executive and he has no voting powers in CAF matters. — Reuters


The Malaysian Insider :: Features

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The Malaysian Insider :: Features

Wealthy Asian nations lead in education, studies find

Posted: 11 Dec 2012 06:16 AM PST

A student takes a nap on a desk during his lunch break in a classroom in Hefei, Anhui Province June 2, 2012. — Reuters pic

BOSTON, Dec 11 — Relatively wealthy Asian nations including South Korea and Singapore, as well as Hong Kong, led a ranking of international student achievement, a result that researchers said reflected a strong societal commitment to primary education.

Morocco and several Middle Eastern nations occupied the bottom of the rankings of fourth-grade student performances in reading, science and math, reflecting the challenges caused by poverty and relatively new educational systems, according to two Boston College-backed studies released on Tuesday.

The studies found that international student achievement generally has improved in the past decade as more nations have increased their focus on education, with top-performing Asian countries holding their lead in math and science and gaining ground in reading.

"In the beginning, when we were assessing the reading, they were not necessarily at the top of the charts," said Ina Mullis, a Boston College professor who worked on the studies. "A decade later they are."

The improvement reflects a focused effort both by parents to read more to their children in the home and official efforts to make school reading programs more rigorous, Mullis said.

The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study evaluated 63 countries' performance in science and math while the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study evaluated 49 nations' performance in reading.

Hong Kong, Russia and Finland recorded the top-three performances in fourth-grade reading, the studies found. In science, South Korea, Singapore and Finland led, with Singapore, South Korea and Finland leading in math.

The United States ranked sixth in fourth-grade reading, 11th in science and seventh in math.

Canada ranked 12th in fourth-grade reading. The nation did not participate in the science and math rankings, although the provinces of Quebec, Ontario and Alberta did and all three ranked above average in each subject.

Literacy challenge

The poorest reading performances came in Morocco, Oman and Qatar. Yemen, Morocco and Kuwait trailed in math, with Yemen, Morocco and Tunisia occupying the bottom spots in science.

Their struggles reflect the difficulty of establishing new school systems, said Boston College professor Michael Martin, another study author.

"Education is a multi-generational enterprise, so if you go back 30 or 40 years, many of these countries really did not have an education system, with only a small group of people getting a decent education," Martin said. "When parents haven't been to school and are not literate. This is a big problem to overcome."

While well-funded, well-organised school systems produced the most able students, the studies found performance was not purely dependent on schools. The top performing students were those children raised in homes where books were present and they regularly were read to and saw others reading or engaged in math-related activities like games.

The math and science studies found many countries did better in teaching the basic rules of those subjects than in teaching their application, with students struggling to think of ways to use their knowledge to analyse a problem.

The rankings are based on 900,000 tests of students in their fourth year of formal schooling, typically aged 10 or 11, in countries that opt into the studies. The math and science study is conducted every four years and the reading study every five. They overlapped this year by coincidence.

Martin said the studies aimed to improve world educational standards by showing educators what other countries had achieved.

"One thing you can learn from these is what's possible," Martin said. "That comes as a shock sometimes, what students in other countries can actually do and the gap sometimes between what your students are achieving and what students in other countries are achieving." — Reuters

Youth who overeat more likely to take up drugs, says study

Posted: 11 Dec 2012 02:46 AM PST

A US study found that youth who overate were more likely to start using marijuana and other drugs. — Reuters pic

NEW YORK, Dec 11 — Children and teens who reported overeating, including binge eating, were more likely to start using marijuana and other drugs, according to a US study looking at over 10,000 youths.

Binge eating, defined by loss of control during overeating, was also tied to a higher chance of depression and becoming overweight or obese, researchers writing in the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine said.

"Physicians and parents should be aware that both overeating and binge eating are quite common in adolescents, and these problems put them at risk for other problems, such as drug use," said lead author Kendrin Sonneville, from Boston Children's Hospital. "The earlier we can screen for who is at risk, the more able we are to prevent the onset of drug use."

This type of study does not prove that one behaviour causes another, but rather that one can be a warning sign of increased risk for the other.

Sonneville's team used data from a large study of 16,882 children and teens, initially between age nine and 15, who filled out health-related questionnaires every year or two between 1996 and 2005.

At any point during that time, up to one percent of boys and up to three per cent of girls said they binged regularly. Those rates were reversed - about three per cent of boys and one per cent of girls - among children who overate without loss of control.

During the study period, 41 per cent of youths started using marijuana and 32 per cent used other illicit drugs. Children and teens who had reported overeating on surveys were 2.7 times more likely to start using marijuana or other drugs, and binge eaters were 1.9 times more likely to take up drugs.

Researchers have thought teens who lose control while eating might also be at risk for other impulsive behaviours, such as drug use, Sonneville said. But her findings showed that any kids who overate - whether they reported losing control or not - were more likely to start experimenting with drugs.

It's not yet clear why that might be the case.

Overeating without loss of control wasn't tied to obesity, so it's important to know that eating too much can be a problem for reasons other than weight, Sonneville said, and that extra weight isn't the only sign of worrisome eating.

She said doctors should ask children and teens about their eating patterns, and parents who notice their children eating much more than usual in a sitting should go to their health care provider. Treatment from a dietician or therapist could help head off future problems, she added.

"It may be easy to overlook eating problems in normal-weight or healthy-weight kids," she said. "We need to think about eating habits even before they maybe affect a kid's weight, but realise these may be a risk factor for other problems down the road." — Reuters


The Malaysian Insider :: Breaking Views

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The Malaysian Insider :: Breaking Views

Atasi kesesakan lalu lintas di Bukit Bintang, kata Ng Yen Yen

Posted: 11 Dec 2012 07:50 AM PST

KUALA LUMPUR, 11 Dis — Pemain industri pelancongan di Bukit Bintang-KLCC perlu memberi cadangan dan pilihan untuk mengatasi kesesakan lalu lintas di kawasan tersebut, kata Menteri Pelancongan Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen Yen.

Beliau berkata beliau bersedia mendengar idea kepada penyelesaian masalah tersebut seperti survei yang dibuat oleh rangkaian berita global CNN baru-baru ini.

"Seperti yang kita semua tahu, pengangkutan awam kita tidak mendapat kedudukan baik dalam ranking CNN, yang keadaannya akan menjadi bertambah buruk dengan projek pembangunan yang sedang dilaksanakan sekarang," katanya semasa melancarkan program memasang lampu Krismas di Plaza Low Yat di sini hari ini.

Ng berkata sistem pengangkutan awam yang lebih baik dan kurang kesesakan lalu lintas menawarkan keselesaan kepada orang ramai untuk membeli-belah terutama di sekitar Bukit Bintang dan Kuala Lumpur City Centre (KLCC). Beliau berharap isu tersebut dapat dibaiki tahun depan sempena kempen Tahun Melawat Malaysia 2014. — Bernama

Israel raids Palestinian NGO offices

Posted: 11 Dec 2012 07:46 AM PST

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses the foreign media in Jerusalem December 10, 2012. — Reuters pic

RAMALLAH, West Bank, Dec 11 — Israeli soldiers raided the offices of three civil society organizations today in the heart of Ramallah, the de facto Palestinian capital in the Israeli-occupied West Bank.

Entering before dawn, troops wrenched open the doors of the Women's Union, the Palestinian NGO Network and Addameer, an advocate for Palestinians in Israeli jails, confiscating five computers from the latter group.

The sweeps were the first of their kind in a Palestinian city since the West Bank government won an initiative at the United Nations General Assembly on November 29 which recognised a de facto Palestinian state, stoking tensions with Israel.

"This comes in the context of the UN's decision," Allam Jarrar of the Palestinian NGO Network told reporters this morning, "boycott Israel" leaflets strewn on the floor of the raided office.

"This a message by the Israelis to the Palestinians, saying that when they take decisions or form patriotic organizations to seek their freedom, the occupation will use aggression to try and stop us," he said.

The Israeli military said the targeted offices were associated with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a small leftist faction with an armed wing in Gaza but engaged in peaceful civil activism in the West Bank.

The West Bank has seen mounting clashes between Israeli soldiers and Palestinian protestors, leaving two Palestinians dead since the launch on November 14 of an eight-day Israeli offensive in the Gaza Strip.

Nighttime arrests of Palestinians Israel suspects of militant activity have awoken small towns throughout the West Bank in the last week, provoking exchanges of gunfire by troops and stones heaved at them by increasingly defiant locals.

The secular, Western-backed Ramallah government coordinates closely with Israel's security forces, despite Palestinian officials accusing Israel of trying to punish them and their people for their achievement at the United Nations.

"The Israeli government decided to dock our money as a punitive measure and announced its intention to build thousands of settlement units in and around Jerusalem," Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas told the Turkish parliament on Monday.

"This was a threat to us not to seek protection for our people and our land and our holy places through specialized international organizations," he said.

Israel says it will withhold US$200 million (RM611 million) in customs duties it collects on the Palestinians' behalf and has announced a large expansion of Jewish settlements around the West Bank's Jerusalem hub, to the dismay of European countries.

Palestinian leaders have warned they might retaliate by pursuing resolutions censuring Israel in the U.N. Security Council or filing complaints against Israel at the International Criminal Court. _ Reuters


The Malaysian Insider :: Showbiz

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The Malaysian Insider :: Showbiz

Kristen Stewart confirms her presence in ‘Focus’ opposite Ben Affleck

Posted: 11 Dec 2012 07:11 AM PST

Kristen Stewart. — AFP pic

LOS ANGELES, Dec 11 — Kristen Stewart will replace Emma Stone to play opposite Ben Affleck in Focus, a romantic comedy about a couple of con artists, confirmed the actress in an interview with The Huffington Post.

Glenn Ficarra and John Requa ("Crazy, Stupid, Love") will direct the movie, for which they also penned the script.

Focus revolves around a veteran con artist who takes a female apprentice under his wing, which leads to a romantic relationship. Their trade, which requires a substantial amount of lying, causes them to part ways, and the film focuses on their attempt to reconnect later on.

Helmed by Warner Studios, the film will start shooting next April. — AFP-Relaxnews

‘Hobbit’ actor McKellen says has prostate cancer

Posted: 11 Dec 2012 06:17 AM PST

British actor Ian McKellan, as the character Gandalf, is pictured in a scene from the film "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" in this publicity photo released to Reuters on December 7, 2012. — Reuters pic

LONDON, Dec 11 — "The Hobbit" actor Ian McKellen said in an interview published on Tuesday that he had had prostate cancer for the last six or seven years, but added that the disease was not life-threatening.

McKellen, 73, played Gandalf in the hit "Lord of the Rings" movie trilogy, and reprises the role in three prequels based on J.R.R. Tolkien's novel "The Hobbit".

The first of those, "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey", recently had its world premiere in New Zealand, where it was shot under the directorship of Peter Jackson.

"I've had prostate cancer for six or seven years," McKellen told the Daily Mirror tabloid. "When you have got it you monitor it and you have to be careful it doesn't spread. But if it is contained in the prostate it's no big deal."

His representatives in London were not immediately available to comment on the interview.

"Many, many men die from it but it's one of the cancers that is totally treatable," added McKellen, one of Britain's most respected actors who is also well known in Hollywood for appearances in the X-Men franchise.

"I am examined regularly and it's just contained, it's not spreading. I've not had any treatment."

He admitted he feared the worst when he heard he had the disease.

"You do gulp when you hear the news. It's like when you go for an HIV test, you go 'arghhh is this the end of the road?'

"I have heard of people dying from prostate cancer, and they are the unlucky ones, the people who didn't know they had got it and it went on the rampage. But at my age if it is diagnosed its not life threatening."

"The Hobbit" opens in cinemas later this week. — Reuters


The Malaysian Insider :: Books

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The Malaysian Insider :: Books

London home of Charles Dickens open after renovation

Posted: 11 Dec 2012 12:50 AM PST

A general view shows the Charles Dickens Museum in central London December 10, 2012. — Reuters pic

LONDON, Dec 11 — The former London home of Charles Dickens reopened on Monday, after an eight-month, 3.1 million-pound (RM15 million) refurbishment celebrating the author's bicentenary.

Dickens lived at 48 Doughty Street in central London with his family between 1837 and 1839. There, in his mid-20s, he wrote "Oliver Twist" and "Nicholas Nickleby", novels that made him a rising literary star.

The four-storey brick row house was restored to its early Victorian splendour to feel less like a museum and more atmospheric, museum director Florian Schweizer told Reuters.

"We wanted to recreate it like a home, so visitors could feel like they're actually visiting Charles Dickens and that he might step back in at any time," Schweizer said.

Inaugurated in 1925, the museum is the author's only surviving London house. Its redesign, largely funded through the Heritage Lottery Fund, comes in the year marking the 200th anniversary of Dickens's birth in Portsmouth, Hampshire, and opens the house's kitchen and attic to the public for the first time.

Visitors are guided through the dimly lit home not by museum signage on the walls but painted silhouettes of a young Dickens, with long hair and no beard, challenging the mainstream image of "the older Dickens", said Schweizer.

They can tour the writer's dining room, wine cellar ("Dickens loved his booze"), bedroom and study. There, surrounded by ceiling-high bookshelves, stands the author's original desk, where he finished "The Pickwick Papers" and dreamed up the characters of Oliver Twist and Nicholas Nickleby.

"He could have just been a one-novel sensation, but it was here that he built on that first reputation made with The Pickwick Papers, and by the time he moved out it was pretty clear he was there to stay," Schweizer said, noting the house had an "inspirational" dimension, especially for young visitors.

"It's the beginning of a career - that makes it special."


Dickens lived in the house with his wife Catherine, the eldest three of their 10 children and his sister-in-law Mary.

A visitor views the Mary Hogarth room of the Charles Dickens Museum in central London December 10, 2012. — Reuters pic

Mary died in the house at age 17, a heartbreaking episode which left Dickens incapable of writing for weeks and inspired many of the angelic heroines and heroes in his novels.

The bedroom she died in is a space to reflect on the author's relationship with death and displays extremely rare photographs of the 1865 railway accident in Staplehurst, Kent, which Dickens survived with his young mistress Ellen Ternan.

This "more evocative, more immersive" version of the 87-year-old museum will offer guided costumed tours and workshops for school groups, Schweizer said.

The museum has also expanded into neighbouring 49 Doughty Street, which has been transformed into a learning centre to accommodate school trips and improve access for the disabled.

It features, until February, costumes from the recent film adaptation of Dickens' novel "Great Expectations", including that of Abel Magwitch, played by Ralph Fiennes, and Miss Havisham, played by Helena Bonham Carter.

The Charles Dickens Museum has so far welcomed about 30,000 visitors per year, with almost half coming from overseas, and numbers are expected to rise to 45,000 in 2013. — Reuters

Word by word

Posted: 10 Dec 2012 05:13 PM PST

Dec 11 – "Almost all good writing begins with terrible first efforts. You need to start somewhere." ― Anne Lamott, Bird by Bird

Step 1: Butter your bread

Giving yourself an opportunity to chase your dream may be the kindest thing you can do for yourself. I gave myself this opportunity 11 months ago when I accepted an assignment and wrote an article for this publication, for this very column, in fact.

I had taken Anne Lamott's advice and written about my childhood. I shared how I used to dread my mundane and never-changing breakfast food – bread and butter, and little else.

I had no idea if anyone would read it; I was sure no one would because my editor would probably see the error of her ways in asking me (she must have meant another Kenny, I thought, possibly one who could actually write) and throw my submission into her rubbish pile.

Imagine my surprise when I opened my Internet browser one morning and saw my article published. Not quite in print, if one insists on the paper version or nothing, but certainly in print in the only way that matters i.e. are there people reading this?

As it turned out, there were people reading it – readers who, judging by the comments they left, empathised with my slice of childhood days. Nostalgia can be a powerful way to connect and to unite. Readers of all races and ages shared their own stories of bread and butter; some had it with granulated sugar sprinkled on top, some had it as toast, and some had it just like the way I did.

One primary school friend messaged me out of the blue, after years of not being in touch, simply to tell me that he had bread and butter for breakfast too. And then: "Are you a writer now?"

How did I answer him? How do I answer?

I had written one article, sure. But does that make one a writer – simply the act of writing? I certainly didn't think so, to be honest, and so I told my friend no, I was not a writer.

Still, it occurred to me afterwards, I was not not a writer either. If I wrote more, would I be on my way to becoming one?

"I don't think you have time to waste not writing because you are afraid you won't be good at it." ― Anne Lamott, Bird by Bird

Step 2: Find your voice

A few months ago, I was invited to be a speaker at this writing seminar for young writers. I had been writing for several publications by this time and more importantly, writing on a regular basis, but I truly didn't feel like a writer yet. Why on earth was I asked to speak on writing then?

No clue, really. Perhaps there was a slip-up in the invitation process (the shade of The Other Kenny reappears again, like a bad plot device); it wasn't me whom they wanted.

The topic of the workshop was "Finding Your Own Voice in Writing", a theme which the first speaker, a noted author of over half a dozen books, expanded upon as covering perspective, personality, style, theme, belief, tone and desire. You had to be unique, she said. In other words, if you studied these aspects carefully, you will discover your own uniqueness, your own voice.

Then it was my turn. I got up, looked at the young faces seated before me, eager for knowledge and fearful at the same time that they might not make some invisible cut to become writers, and I recognised them. I used to be them. I was still them, to be honest.

"I have bad news for you," I told them, "there's no such thing as finding your voice in writing. You will never find it."

A pause; tiny hearts about to break, and then I continued, "You will never find it because you don't need to. You already have your voice. You, all of you, are already unique and have interesting things to tell us, to tell me. You have stories."

Another pause, then: "But these stories aren't going to come out on their own. You have to write them. You have to sit down every day and write. You have to find the time to write somehow. You have to find the discipline. You will discover all these wonderful things – perspective and tone and style – eventually; but first, you have to write."

It hit me then, as I hope it hit the participants, that I did write and I have been writing consistently now for some time. Isn't that what writers do – write?

Smiling, finally understanding it myself, I reminded the audience: "Just write."

"You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better." ― Anne Lamott, Bird by Bird

Step 3: Make good art

Two last pieces of advice; one from an editor and the other from a poet; both are writers and very serious about it.

My editor reminds me constantly that as a writer, our job is to write and to get on with it; there is nothing glamorous about writing – it's all hard work.

Our satisfaction comes from the process and from the knowledge we have done a good job, even if we will never think our writing is good enough.

It doesn't have to be perfect; only honest, real and filled with passion. We must never fake it.

My poet friend told me that one of our favourite authors, Neil Gaiman, had once recommended that all artists have a responsibility to "make good art"; and this has made me realise that writing is a privilege.

We must not squander this gift. There is no value in the pen that is not picked up and put to paper.

There is no waiting. Make good art and make it now.

Just write.

"Don't look at your feet to see if you are doing it right. Just dance." ― Anne Lamott, Bird by Bird

Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life, by Anne Lamott (Pantheon Books, 1994)

* Kenny is a writer. Read more of his stories at


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Aktivis: Putrajaya harus tangguh lesen Lynas jika iklas mahu pelihara alam sekitar

Posted: 11 Dec 2012 01:52 AM PST

Aktivis: Putrajaya harus tangguh lesen Lynas jika iklas mahu pelihara alam sekitar

Tapak operasi Lynas. — Gambar fail Reuters

KUALA LUMPUR, 11 Dis — Kerajaan harus menangguhkan serta merta lesen sementara kilang pemprosesan nadir bumi Lynas bagi memastikan keselamatan dan kesihatan rakyat Malaysia bukan sekadar retorik, kata pejuang alam sekitar.

Aktivis alam sekitar berkata, kenyataan dari pengarah urusan Lynas Malaysia, Datuk Mashal Ahmad bahawa syarikat tersebut tidak akan menghantar keluar sisa radioaktif, sebaliknya diproses di dalam negara membuktikan dakwaan bahawa Putrajaya bersekongkol dengan syarikat perlombongan Australia dan tidak akan menutup kilang tersebut walaupun ia membahayakan kesihatan dan ekologi telah dibuktikan.

"Jika kerajaan serius, sila lakukannya sekarang. Saya tidak mahu tindakan dilakukan selepas pilihan raya. Lakukan sekarang, hari ini," kata pemimpin Himpunan Hijau, Wong Tack kepada The Malaysian Insider apabila dihubungi semalam.

Beliau berkata, ketua pengarah Badan Perlesenan Tenaga Atom (AELB) sebelum ini berkata bahawa lesen operasi sementara (TOL) yang diberikan kepada Lynas membenarkan pengeluar nadir bumi itu untuk diproses dalam relau awal bulan ini berdasarkan perjanjian bahawa mereka akan mengeksport sisa radioaktif -- dengan empat kementerian bertanggungjawab dalam portfolio yang berkaitan dengan projek Lynas.

Dalam kenyataan bersama, Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed, Menteri Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi Datuk Seri Dr Maximus Johnity Ongkili, Menteri Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar Datuk Seri Douglas Unggah Embas dan Menteri Kesihatan Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai menegaskan Lynas mesti menghormati klausa perjanjian untuk membuang sisa dari pemprosesan nadir bumi keluar dari negara ini, dalam kerajaan cuba menangani kebimbangan orang ramai mengenai kilang pemprosesan kontroversi ini.

Kabinet juga menyokong saranan ini, kata mereka lagi. "Kerajaan tidak akan berkompromi dengan isu kesihatan dan keselamatan rakyat di samping alam sekitar apabila berurusan dengan Lynas," kata menteri-menteri tersebut dalam satu kenyataan.

Mereka juga berkata jika Lynas gagal mengikut syarat ini, AELB mempunyai kuasa dibawah Seksyen 22 Akta Perlesenan Tenaga Atom 1984 (Akta 304) untuk menangguhkan atau membatalkan TOL Lynas serta mengarahkan penutupan serta merta.

Lynas Corp mengulangi komitmen mereka untuk mengikut undang-undang yang telah ditetapkan oleh kerajaan Malaysia semalam.

Syarikat tersebut menafikan mereka akan menyimpan sisa tersebut di Malaysia, sebaliknya akan menukarkan sisa tersebut kepada bahan yang lebih selamat.

Marshal berkata, bahan tersebut akan dieksport berdasarkan standard dalam dan luar negara dan akan digunakan untuk bahan kejuruteraan awam.

Agensi berita kerajaan Bernama melaporkan Lynas menunjukkan demonstrasi ke atas kilang ini pada 7 Disember lalu kepada orang ramai dan wartawan bahawa bahan mentah tersebut adalah selamat kepada orang ramai, serta melaporkan kilang tersebut akan kilang pemprosesan penukaran sisa tersebut telah dibina di LAMP sudah mula bersedia untuk beroperasi.

Kilang pemprosesan nadir bumi di Gebeng itu mempunyai isu yang serius kepada kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN), terutamanya pilihan raya semakin hampir dalam masa beberapa bulan ini.

Tetapi Wong berkata, tindakan kerajaan tidak menunjukkan mereka benar-benar mahu membawa janji terhadap Lynas memandangkan masih membenarkan mereka walaupun syarikat tersebut melanggar beberapa syarat sebelum diberikan TOL, kata seorang lagi pemimpin akar umbi, Tan But Teet.

AELB memberi lesen TOL kepada Lynas pada awal Februari. "Sudah sepuluh bulan dan Lynas berkata mereka tidak akan mengeksport sisa mereka. Apa jalan penyelesaiannya?" katanya lagi.

"AELB mesti menjawab semua persoalan", kata Tan, seperti Wong, yang tinggal di Kuantan, berhampiran Gebeng di mana kilang pemprosesan termaju Lynas (LAMP) dalam tempoh percubaan dalam memproses nadir bumi untuk industri teknologi tinggi seperti telefon pintar.

Ahli parlimen Kuantan Fuziah Salleh, yang menjadi penentang utama projek Lynas memberitahu The Malaysian Insider bahawa kerajaan hari ini mahu mengaburi mata rakyat dengan mengulangi kenyataan bahawa pengurusan sisa tersebut tidak melanggar undang-undang, berdasarkan 11 cadangan dari pemeriksa radioaktif global seperti Agensi Tenaga Atom Antarabangsa (IAEA) selepas melawat ke kilang tersbut awal tahun ini.

Beliau mengata, kerajaan mempunyai kuasa untuk menentang Lynas dan menangguhkan tempoh lesen sementara mereka, dengan menggunakan Akta Kualiti Alam Sekitar (EQA), yang digubal tahun lalu termasuk menambahkan klausa tambahan kepada Lynas.

"Ada undang-undang dalam EQA yang boleh menghentikan Lynas, tetapi kerajaan tidak menunjukkan minat dan komitment untuk menggunakan undang-undang tersebut," katanya lagi.

Beliau berkata, klausa itu dibuat untuk mewajibkan penilaian kesan alam sekitar (DEIA) bagi memastikan sebarang projek yang melibatkan bahan radioaktif atau sisa radioaktif, tetapi Jabatan Alam Sekitar tidak lakukan kepada Lynas.

"Jika kerajaan bersungguh-sungguh, kerajaan boleh menguatkuasakan undang-undang ke atas Lynas bagi memastikan syarikat itu membuat penilaian terperinci kesan alam sekitar untuk beroperasi.

Kerajaan boleh menangguhkan pemberian TOL dengan memberikan mereka untuk membuat EIA.

Kerajaan sepatutnya menangguhkan pemberian TOL jika penilaian terperinci itu memberikan syarat supaya penilaian terperinci dikeluarkan dahulu.

Kerajaan mempunyai kuasa untuk menghalang TOL sebelum penilaian EIA, kerajaan seharusnya berbuat demikian," kata ahli parlimen PKR itu.

PAS Pahang: Kemana sisa loji Lynas akan dihantar?

Posted: 11 Dec 2012 01:37 AM PST

KUALA LUMPUR, 11 Dis — PAS Pahang mahu Putrajaya dan Lynas Corp menyatakan dengan jelas ke mana sisa Lynas akan dieksport terlebih dahulu sebelum kilang tersebut dibenarkan operasi untuk memproses nadir bumi.

Pesuruhjaya PAS negeri, Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man juga menggesa kerajaan menghentikan semua aktiviti harian di Lynas Advanced Materials Plant (LAMP) sehinggakan syarikat tersebut membuktikan negara asal syarikat tersebut akan menerima sisa pemprosesan merbahaya itu.

"Yang pasti, negara asal sumber nadir bumi itu, Australia tidak mahu menerimanya.

"Sebagaimana mereka tidak mahu memberi kelulusan kepada syarikat Lynas sendiri untuk beroperasi di negara sendiri," kata beliau (gambar).

Tuan Ibrahim juga mendakwa kenyataan empat orang menteri sebelum ini bercanggah dan tidak mencukupi tanpa menuntut Lynas untuk menyatakan dengan jelas di mana sisa LAMP itu akan dieksportkan.

"Ia adalah tidak mencukupi tanpa menuntut Lynas untuk menyatakan dengan jelas," tegas Tuan Ibrahim.

Empat menteri iaitu Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed, Datuk Seri Dr Maximus Johnity Ongkili, Datuk Seri Douglas Unggah Embas dan Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai sebelum ini memberi jaminan Lynas akan memenuhi syarat lesen pengendalian sementaranya (TOL) dengan mengeksport sisa keluar.

Selain itu, Tuan Ibrahim juga meminta surat atau dokumen perjanjian terhadap pengeksportan sisa tersebut serta mahu kerajaan menerangkan cara Lynas mengatasi kekangan undang-undang antarabangsa yang menghalang penghantaran bahan berbahaya ke negara lain.

"Kerajaan mesti menuntut surat atau dokumen perjanjian daripada Lynas untuk mengesahkan mereka sudah menjumpai negara yang sanggup menerima sisa-sisa radioaktif tersebut," kata beliau.

"Kerajaan juga mesti menuntut Lynas memperjelaskan bagaimana Lynas mengatasi kekangan undang-undang antarabangsa yang menghalang penghantaran bahan berbahaya ke negara lain seperti yang dinyatakan pengarah urusan Lynas Malaysia Mashal Ahmad."

Beliau juga meluahkan kebimbangan sisa tersebut tidak dieksport mungkinkah ia akan dibuang ke perairan laut antarabangsa di Laut China Selatan.

"Jika tiada negara yang sanggup menerimanya, apakah ada kemungkinan sisa toksik Lynas dibuang ke perairan laut antarabangsa di Laut China Selatan sebagai langkah mudah?" ujar beliau lagi.

Kontroversi kembali mendapat perhatian, malahan beberapa kumpulan bukan kerajaan dan juga beberapa ahli politik daripada Pakatan Rakyat yang mengkritik kerajaan ekoran kenyataan oleh pengarah urusan Mashal yang mengatakan bahawa sisa berkenaan tidak boleh dieksport baru-baru ini.


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The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

Tahrir Square sekali lagi?

Posted: 10 Dec 2012 06:33 PM PST

11 DIS — Gelombang belum berakhir

Memang pelik apabila kita mengkaji sejarah revolusi rakyat kerana satu perkara yang pasti ialah peristiwa post-revolusi diwarnai dengan ketidakpastian dan ketidakstabilan. Walaupun revolusi rakyat itu sendiri disokong oleh semua pihak secara pastinya tetapi ia tidak bermakna semua pihak bersetuju cara mengisi kekosongan yang ditinggalkan oleh regim diktator sebelumnya. Oleh itu, sebelum sesuatu kebangkitan itu benar-benar berjumpa penghujungnya secara nisbi, gelombang demi gelombang akan melanda sesebuah kebangkitan rakyat. Seperti halnya di Mesir dan lain-lain negara Arab yang melalui revolusi rakyat,rantau ini dijangka akan terus bergolak mencari identiti barunya sehingga tujuan utama revolusi itu tercapai.

Urusan post-revolusi

Di Mesir gelombang selepas revolusi belum reda, ini adalah kerana kekosongan yang ditinggalkan selepas Mubarak masih bergelora dengan berbagai perkembangan baru. Malang bagi Mursi kerana ia menjadi Presiden pertama Mesir era selepas Mubarak. Saya berkata "malang" kerana sesiapa sahaja yang memegang jawatan tertinggi itu akan mengalami nasib yang sama seperti Mursi. Mursi terpaksa berhadapan dengan saki baki regim lama, isu perundangan yang belum selesai dan penentangan pembangkang yang mahukan habuannya dalam revolusi ini. Dari segi lain pula ialah memulihkan ekonomi dan memantapkan institusi sosial-budaya yang akan membentuk celupan masadepan Mesir. Dua dimensi ini akan membuat sesiapa sahaja yang menjadi pemimpin masa itu tertekan antara menyempurnakan kehendak revolusi dan memulihkan negara.

Keunikan revolusi Mesir

Uniknya revolusi di Mesir ialah kerana di sebalik mendatarnya seluruh segmen kebangkitan rakyat, secara menegaknya pula, menyaksikan hubungan yang agak longgar dari sudut siapakah pemimpinnya? siapakah yang menguasainya? dan siapakah yang menyusunnya? Apa yang dianggap sebagai satu protes biasa tiba-tiba menjadi luar biasa dari bilik kawalan yang longgar dan tidak tersusun. Kecanggihan teknologi jaringan media tidak memerlukan seorang pemimpin menguasainya kerana setiap seorang itu boleh jadi pemimpin melalui jaringannya. Walaupun demikian suasana longgar ini tidak menjadi masalah pada saat kebangkitan, bagaimana pula post-kebangkitan? Apakah suasana yang sama terpakai setelah Mubarak tumbang? Di sinilah persoalan pengisian setelah revolusi memerlukan struktur organisasi yang tersusun dan teras ideologi yang mantap bagi mengisi kekosongan yang ada. Tidak syak lagi pergerakan Ikhwan yang paling berstruktur dan pemikiran ideologinya yang paling berpengaruh berjaya mengisi kekosongan ini melalui Parti Keadilan dan Kebebasan yang dibentuk setelah tumbangnya regim Mubarak. Pada waktu yang sama, faktor kemunculan Ikhwan mengisi ruang revolusi  ini menyumbang juga kepada keraguan pemulihan yang cuba dibawa atas alasan apakah Ikhwan mewakili sepenuhnya hasrat kebangkitan rakyat tempoh hari ataukah ia berada di situ untuk memenuhi kehendak ideologi organisasinya semata-mata?

Antara konsesi dan ketegasan

Menuntut Kebebasan adalah merupakan lambang dan mercutanda utama revolusi rakyat di Mesir malah di kebanyakan kebangkitan dunia. Apa yang lebih mencabar ialah menginstitusikan kebebasan melalui pemulihan yang diperlukan. Walaupun cabaran pertama Mursi dalam menuntut imuniti dekri Presiden disambut dengan penentangan keras, Mursi bersedia membuat konsesi bagi mengendurkan keadaan. Tetapi dalam isu menyediakan draf perlembagaan baru untuk diluluskan oleh Parlimen, Presiden Mesir itu nampaknya berkeras untuk meneruskannya juga hasratnya walaupun isu ini terus menjadi alasan baru bagi pembangkang untuk memenuhi Medan Tahrir sekali lagi. Perlu difahamkan bahawa isu mengemukakan draf perlembagaan Mesir menjadi gelombang baru yang mewarnai post Mubarak melalui perdebatan politik dari sudut isi perlembagaan itu sendiri dan isu bagaimana perlembagaan itu dibentuk dan dikemukakan. Isu Dekri Presiden seolah-olah tenggelam dengan perdebatan hangat yang baru samada Mursi telah melakukan sesuatu mengikut aspirasi rakyat ataukah aspirasi kelompoknya semata-mata dengan mengemukakan draf perlembagaan baru.

Isi dan isu draf perlembagaan baru

Perlembagaan baru menjadi perbincangan dari sudut isi kandongan yang dikatakan mempunyai beberapa perkara yang membimbangkan bagi sesetengah kelompok seperti kedudukan syariah, hak asasi, hak wanita dan hak pekerja. Isu-isu ini masih berada dalam daerah sensitif pengkritiknya yang dilihat dari berbagai perspektif. Satu lagi yang menjadi pertikaian ialah cara bagaimana draf perlembagaan itu dibuat di mana bagi sesetengah pihak ia dibuat dalam suasana yang penuh dengan kontraversi walaupun draf perlembagaan itu amat diperlukan. Mereka mengatakan adalah lebih baik ia dibuat dalam keadaan politik yang lebih stabil. Apapun, isu draf perlembagaan yang dijangka akan diluluskan hujung bulan Disember di Parlimen nanti terpaksa dibuat referendum kepada rakyat untuk dijadikan dokumen penting keabsahan usaha pendemokrasian selanjutnya.

Institusi kehakiman

Semasa artikel ini ditulis, Al Jazeera melaporkan bahawa Kelab Para Hakim telah pun mengisytiharkan tamatnya pemboikotan ke atas Presiden Mursi tempoh hari dalam isu dekri Presiden. Para hakim malah bersetuju untuk membantu dan membimbing proses draf perlembagaan baru yang dicadangkan oleh Mursi. Dalam satu tindakan yang agak mengejutkan orang ramai, Kelab Para Hakim menegaskan bahawa Presiden Mursi telah pun membuat konsesi dalam permohonan kekebalan dekri Presiden dan adalah menjadi tanggungjawab mereka menurut pengerusinya supaya draf perlembagaan baru diberi keutamaan buat masa ini untuk kepentingan revolusi rakyat.

Mursi melepasi halangan

Buat masa ini pengistyharaan para hakim memberikan kemenangan awal Mursi untuk meyakinkan rakyat bahawa beliau tetap komited untuk menjayakan agenda revolusi. Sokongan para hakim sangat diperlukan oleh Presiden saat ini dan nampaknya dia telah memiliknya. Presiden hanya perlu meyakinkan pembangkang seperti El Baradaie dan penentangnya yang lain untuk membuktikan keikhlasan beliau dan partinya untuk melangkah setapak lagi bagi mengisi kemenangan rakyat. Jalan masadepan yang tidak menentu adalah cabaran utama Presiden Mursi yang tertekan supaya beliau meletakkan jawatan, namun persistensi Mursi menjayakan agenda draf perlembagaan baru Mesir menunjukkan beliau tidak mudah tunduk kepada tekanan-tekanan ini. Apa yang menarik seterusnya ialah persoalan yang bermain dalam pemikiran para analisis iaitu apa yang akan berlaku lagi kepada politik Mesir post-Mubarak selepas halangan awal ini berjaya dilalui oleh Mursi? Tidak ada siapa yang mengetahuinya buat masa ini.

* Ini adalah pandangan peribadi penulis.

Counting down the months

Posted: 10 Dec 2012 03:54 PM PST

DEC 11 — And... finally! It had seemed like we were never going to get to this point. Speculation about the date of the next general election has been going on for months, so could this finally be it?

With five more months left on the clock, the mandate of the ruling coalition is seeing its sundown for the season. Everyone realises this, of course. 

But the comments that have been spewed by the ruling coalition seem to resemble nothing more than an overconfident, overcompensating statement to their history of missed opportunities to prove themselves.

The prime minister's latest bunch of proclamations shows that the ruling coalition has not learned that they need to stop making empty promises and, even more importantly, they need to stop making race a central theme in the politics of our country.

By stating that a vote for the opposition party is a vote that would send our country into calamity because of the breaking up of race is an amusing claim; where is the foundation in that? The continual emphasis about race and how it threatens our stability is really a joke.

This race-based rule is one that is archaic, passed down to us by our former colonial masters. To depend on those systems and mentalities that we have inherited only speaks of a laggard and backward mindset.

It is great that the opposition coalition has stepped up in its attempts to move away from ethnic politics since the last election. However, the lack of unity among its component parties is a cause for some unconfident sentiments among some voters.

At present, it is not entirely clear that the opposition would prove itself a definite or better change but it is a wise alternative that we have. But the disunity that is continually being harped on as the Achilles' heel of Pakatan may not prove to be such a bad thing.

In fact, having differences that are spelled out in the open may even be appealing because it hints at how divergent opinions will not be suppressed. This makes it a more believable and relatable coalition.

Of course there is some question about how divergent opinions, such as the Tunku Aziz incident, are dealt with. But in general, Pakatan still has a more favourable approach. It would be even more favourable if Pakatan adopted the approach of letting the public decide what ideology it wants out of Pakatan, eliminating further any need of self-criticism.

Having said that, the tussle between the two parties will still be as "hot" as ever. Personally, Pakatan still appears to have quite a task at hand. While it is quite secure in its support from middle- to upper-middle income groups and educated groups from more developed areas of the country, the support from other areas from Malaysia are difficult to accurately predict right now.

Unlike the 2008 elections where the game changers came primarily from the middle-class group, this other demographic of people will be the biggest determining factor in the outcome of the next elections.

Barisan's supposed tactic of prolonging the upcoming election could quite possibly only work in Pakatan's favour as it would buy Pakatan more time to secure the votes it needs to bring in a strong finish. After all, it is only a matter of time before the inevitable change happens.

* The views expressed here are the personal opinion of the columnist.


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