Isnin, 6 Mei 2013

The Malaysian Insider :: Food

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The Malaysian Insider :: Food

So, where is your coffee from?

Posted: 06 May 2013 06:00 PM PDT

The art of tea cuisine

By Eu Hooi Khaw

KUALA LUMPUR, May 4 — Once they had mastered the art of tea, the owners of Purple Cane Tea worked on creating a tea cuisine. It would be healthy, with less salt, sugar and oil, and engage the subliminal ... Read More

How to make silky chawanmushi

By Elaine Ho

KUALA LUMPUR, May 3 — I adore eggs so much that I can have them for breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper… you name it!Whether on its own or with a host of other ingredients, eggs are an absolute delight.Apart ... Read More

Erawan celebrates Songkran

By Eu Hooi Khaw

KUALA LUMPUR, May 2 — The Songkran Festival is when Thai chef Korn Yodsuk of Erawan draws upon his impressiveculinary repertoire to amaze his guests, mostly loyal diners at his restaurant, and ... Read More

One chef, one ingredient: the mint, basil, coriander mix by Gilles Choukroun

Posted: 06 May 2013 01:55 AM PDT

The art of tea cuisine

By Eu Hooi Khaw

KUALA LUMPUR, May 4 — Once they had mastered the art of tea, the owners of Purple Cane Tea worked on creating a tea cuisine. It would be healthy, with less salt, sugar and oil, and engage the subliminal ... Read More

How to make silky chawanmushi

By Elaine Ho

KUALA LUMPUR, May 3 — I adore eggs so much that I can have them for breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper… you name it!Whether on its own or with a host of other ingredients, eggs are an absolute delight.Apart ... Read More

Erawan celebrates Songkran

By Eu Hooi Khaw

KUALA LUMPUR, May 2 — The Songkran Festival is when Thai chef Korn Yodsuk of Erawan draws upon his impressiveculinary repertoire to amaze his guests, mostly loyal diners at his restaurant, and ... Read More

The Malaysian Insider :: Sports

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The Malaysian Insider :: Sports

Referees not always aware of racist incidents, says Webb

Posted: 06 May 2013 08:48 AM PDT

May 06, 2013

ZURICH, May 6 – Referees are on the front line in the fight against racism but cannot always be expected to be aware of what is going on off the field, English referee Howard Webb said today.

Webb took part in the first meeting of FIFA's anti-racism task force and said that one suggestion was the use of off-pitch officials to help referees identify serious incidents.

"We are very much in the front line, we are the first port of call for the players," Webb said after the meeting which he described as a "brainstorming" session.

"If we become aware of anything from the players or officials which they deem to be racist or discriminatory, then we've got an obligation to respond and referees will do that."

But he said that, ideally, referees needed help to take the pressure off them.

"We talked about the limitations because you are not always aware of what's happening in the stands," he said.

"Bear in mind that what we do as match officials is to shut the crowd out really, because we're trying to concentrate on the game itself, we are trying to focus on our job and not get distracted.

"Therefore, it's a fair comment to stay it's not easy to know what's happened."

He added: "The point was made this morning and... there was a discussion about maybe someone having a specific role of just identifying those types of behaviour, (someone) who has a good understanding of what constitutes a discriminatory act within the stadium, and can therefore guide the match official.

"It could be something like a venue co-ordinator, (it) could be someone in the stand, who could take the best position to get a feel for what's going on.

"It could be they have to move around the stadium to get a feel for what's happened, but it would take some of the pressure off the match officials."


European soccer's governing body UEFA issued guidelines four years ago outlining a three-step procedure of what to do in case of racist incidents during matches, putting the onus heavily on referees.

It said that the referee should first stop the match and ask for announcements to be made over the public address system. The second step would be to suspend the match for a given period of time and, finally, abandon it.

So far, those rules have not been invoked in European club competition and in March, UEFA said it would "fully support" referees who enforced them.

"Why that procedure has not been invoked, I don't know," said Webb, adding he had not been involved in a match where he felt it necessary to stop play.

"Maybe (it's) because there's an educational requirement needed for referees to make them aware it does exist.

"We need key indications to the officials of what they can do and can't do, and what they need to do should something come to their attention."

Webb was involved in an English Premier League match at Swansea City in December where Norwich City's Sebastien Bassong complained to him about racist abuse from a man in the crowd. The man was arrested and later charged.

"It worked really well on that occasion," said Webb. "It might be that racial gestures in the crowd are brought to the attention of the referee by the players, but it's possible that we wouldn't identify it when we're concentrating on the job that we're there to do." – Reuters

Team Sky choose Froome over Wiggins to lead Tour bid

Posted: 06 May 2013 07:04 AM PDT

May 06, 2013

PARIS, May 6 – Chris Froome, and not last year's winner Bradley Wiggins, will be Team Sky's leader on the Tour de France, the British team's head Dave Brailsford said today in ending months of speculation.

"As always, the team selection is a management decision and it will be evidence-based. However, it is crucial there is clarity of purpose and, for that reason, we will go to the Tour with one leader," Brailsford said on Team Sky's website (

"Taking that into consideration and given Chris's step up in performances this year, our plan, as it has been since January, is to have him lead the Tour de France team."

Wiggins, whose primary target this season is the Giro d'Italia, won the Tour last year after it had been made clear by Sky's management that he, and not fellow Briton Froome, was the sole leader on the race.

Froome (picture) expressed frustration on the bike as he at times looked capable of beating his leader, finishing second overall, but after the race Wiggins said he would repay his lieutenant in 2013.

Last week, Wiggins fuelled the speculation again by saying that he was considering a Giro/Tour double.

It prompted Froome to issue a personal statement in which he said he was to lead Team Sky on the Tour, which starts on June 29 in Corsica.

Froome has enjoyed a solid start to the season, winning the Tour of Oman, The Criterium International and the Tour de Romandie.

Wiggins has been less dominant than last year.

However, the time trial Olympic world champion sits in second place overall on the Giro after Team Sky won the second stage, a team time trial on Sunday.

Brailsford said Team Sky should be focusing on the Giro bid for now.

"We're in a fantastic position – we have two of the best GC (general classification) riders in the world and they are both great racers with a competitive will to win," he said.

"Since the start of season, Bradley's performance plan has focused around training specifically to try and win the Giro and then ride the Tour, whilst Chris's has been focused on attempting to win the Tour.

"Now we're here – the Giro has started and Bradley has done a brilliant job of getting in the best possible condition for his assault on the race." – Reuters


The Malaysian Insider :: Features

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The Malaysian Insider :: Features

Lessons we can learn from our pets

Posted: 06 May 2013 02:15 AM PDT

May 06, 2013

MELBOURNE, May 6 — I was going over in my head my last post on the lessons we can draw from playing golf when our cat jumped onto my lap, almost knocking over my cup of tea. I looked at her and wondered, what lessons can you teach us?

Most people I know like having pets, whether it be a dog, a cat, or a parrot. Some go to the extent of dressing them up, or buying them fancy accessories. And why not? Our pets bring us a lot of joy. Animals, especially the ones that we have for a long time, are always sensitive to us and our needs.

I know our cats know us well. When we feel sick, tired or even emotionally down, they can sense it. When that happens, they usually lie next to us, or just sit on our laps. Which is their way of showing us that they are there for us.

Our pets have traits that we can all learn from.

1. They love unconditionally

This is the one thing that we should always take to heart.

We can love without having to expect anything in return. This is a gift. Love someone for who they are and not for what they can give.

When was the last time you loved unconditionally?

2. They are loyal

No matter what, your pet will stick by you. Loyalty is a good trait to learn from our pets. Are you loyal to your friends and your family?

3. They will always ask for help

Our pets rely on us for their livelihood. They send signals to us when they are hungry or thirsty.

We all have our weaknesses, and it is not a sign of weakness to ask for help. I am not saying we should rely on others for our living. What is important is to have the courage to ask for help when you need it.

Do not be afraid to open up and talk to someone.

4. They never hold grudges

There are times when we need to discipline our pets. One thing we can learn from them is that they never hold that against us.

We sometimes hold grudges against people when things don't go our way. Being open to forgiveness and asking for forgiveness is important. In fact, it's vital to wellbeing.

5. They know how to show appreciation

Dogs always wag their tails when they are happy, and especially when given a treat. Our cats purr and rub up against us when we pet them. They are not afraid to show their appreciation.

It is always good to tell others from time to time that we appreciate them. Better yet, show them with

a simple hug, or through little tokens of appreciation.

6. They appreciate alone time

Our cats like playing with each other, but one thing I like about them is that they also value — and can appreciate — being by themselves.

I know some people hate being alone, but there needs to be a balance. We should not be afraid to have our alone time.

Take that time to develop and learn things that can benefit you in the long run.

Similarly, don't stop others from enjoying their alone time.

7. They are creative

I know some animals can sing and talk (just check out all the videos on YouTube!), while others are even cast in movies.

Animals have a way of being able to show their creativity, and they are not afraid to do so. We, too, should hone whatever God-given talents we have and not be afraid to share them.

We are all born creative, perhaps not to the same capacity, but we do have strengths that others can draw inspiration from.

8. They are who they are

Even if our pets tend to think they are one of us, they are still the pets that they are. They bark or purr, behave like all dogs and cats, and do not pretend to be anything else.

We too need to learn to be comfortable, and just be who we are. The only way we can find true contentment and happiness is by being able to find out who we are and to love ourselves.

If we can't love ourselves, how can we expect others to love us? We do not need to pretend we are someone we are not.

We often take our pets for granted, but if we take the time to look at them, we can see that they can teach us a thing or two about life, and how to live with each other.

* Giorgio is a proud family man, devoted dad, golf hack, extroverted introvert and all-round nice chap. As director of Coaching Services Australia, Giorgio helps people create careers they love, facilitates team communication as well as help small businesses make money. Follow him at @CoachGiorgio or contact him at [email protected]

International AIDS Candlelight Memorial Day

Posted: 05 May 2013 09:33 PM PDT

May 06, 2013

NEW YORK, May 6 — This month, the world lights candles to honour the 30th anniversary of International AIDS Candlelight Memorial Day, May 19.

The 30th Annual International AIDS Candlelight Memorial Day is the largest grassroots movement against the disease and is intended to create awareness and hope with a single gesture: light a candle.

More than 1,200 community organisations in 115 countries will host local memorials to honour those who lost the fight, and raise awareness about AIDS.

To find out what is taking place in your area or to dedicate a virtual candle, click here. — AFP/Relaxnews


The Malaysian Insider :: Books

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The Malaysian Insider :: Books

Author Murakami makes first Japan public appearance in 18 years

Posted: 06 May 2013 06:43 AM PDT

Beastie Boys memoir due 2015

LOS ANGELES, May 1 — Michael "Mike D" Diamond and Adam "Ad-Rock" Horovitz are teaming up with hip-hop scribe Sacha Jenkins to pen a memoir of the Beastie Boys' musical history.The Beastie Boys formed in ... Read More

The Malaysian Insider :: Bahasa

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The Malaysian Insider :: Bahasa

‘Tsunami’ pengundi Cina punca BN gagal dapat semula Selangor, kata Noh Omar

Posted: 06 May 2013 03:12 AM PDT

May 06, 2013

SHAH ALAM, 6 Mei — Barisan Nasional (BN) Selangor mengakui perubahan 'tsunami' pengundi Cina pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 (PRU13) semalam merupakan faktor utama yang menyebabkan gabungan itu gagal menawan semula Selangor daripada Pakatan Rakyat.

Timbalan Pengerusinya Datuk Seri Noh Omar (gambar) berkata kecenderungan kaum itu terhadap gabungan parti PAS-PKR-DAP di negeri itu telah menyebabkan BN kehilangan lebih banyak kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN).

Pada PRU 2008, BN memenangi enam daripada 22 kerusi Parlimen dan 20 daripada 56 kerusi DUN. Bagaimanapun, pada pilihan raya umum ini, BN Selangor hanya memperoleh lima kerusi Parlimen dan 12 kerusi DUN.

Noh berkata kajian mendalam akan dijalankan bagi mengenalpasti punca sokongan kaum itu beralih kepada pakatan rakyat serta kehendak sebenar pengundi Cina selepas BN banyak menyalurkan bantuan kepada mereka.

Misalnya, katanya walaupun beliau menang dengan majoriti 4,394 di kerusi Parlimen Tanjong Karang tetapi beliau kalah di kawasan pengundi majoriti Cina.

"Tidak ada peti undi yang boleh menang kalau ada majoriti pengundi Cina," katanya pada sidang media di Ibu Pejabat Umno Selangor di sini hari ini.

Beliau berkata BN Selangor terkejut dan kecewa dengan kekalahan banyak kerusi di kawasan ramai pengundi Cina walaupun beberapa kerusi berkenaan dilihat berpeluang cerah untuk menang.

"Saya rasa tidak ada yang saya tidak tolong orang Cina. Mengapa mereka tidak undi kita sedangkan dalam aktiviti dan program kita buat mereka tampil memberi sokongan," katanya.

Noh, yang mempertahankan kerusinya buat penggal kelima, berkata keputusan PRU13 menunjukkan proses pilihan raya berjalan lancar dan adil mengikut lunas-lunas demokrasi dan semua pihak perlu menerima keputusan yang ditentukan rakyat.

Ditanya sama ada faktor pemilihan calon BN turut menyumbang kepada kegagalan BN menawan semula Selangor, Noh menjelaskan ada kawasan di mana calonnya tidak dibantah dan dipertikaikan tetapi tetap tewas kepada lawan masing-masing.

Beliau juga tidak menolak faktor geografi turut memainkan peranan di mana ramai calon BN menang di sebelah utara Selangor seperti di Sabak Bernam, Sungai Besar, Tanjong Karang, Kuala Selangor dan Hulu Selangor.

Mengenai sokongan pengundi muda kepada BN, Noh berkata saluran anak muda bertambah dan kembali memberi sokongan kepada gabungan itu.

Ditanya mengenai penstrukturan semula kepimpinan BN di negeri itu dan pelantikan ketua pembangkang yang baharu, beliau berkata pihaknya akan menyerahkan kepada Pengerusi BN Selangor Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak untuk memutuskannya. — Bernama

Dr Mah satu-satunya calon bukan Melayu menang kerusi DUN Perak

Posted: 06 May 2013 03:04 AM PDT

May 06, 2013

IPOH, 6 Mei — Bekas pakar jantung Datuk Dr Mah Hang Soon merupakan satu-satunya calon daripada komponen Barisan Nasional (BN) selain Umno yang memenangi kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) di Perak.

Walaupun menang di Chenderiang, Dr Mah berkata tiada perasaan yang begitu istimewa dalam dirinya.

"Saya berasa sedih dan terkilan apabila apa yang berlaku pada pilihan raya umum (PRU) 2008 berulang kembali dan menjadi satu-satunya wakil BN bukan Melayu dalam DUN. Saya sebenarnya menaruh harapan tinggi agar lebih ramai calon BN bukan Melayu diberi peluang oleh rakyat," katanya ketika ditemui pemberita di kediaman rasmi Menteri Besar awal pagi tadi.

Pada PRU 2008, beliau merupakan satu-satu calon daripada BN selain Umno yang memenangi kerusi DUN di Perak.

Beliau kemudiannya dilantik sebagai anggota Exco kerajaan negeri sekaligus membuktikan BN mampu laksanakan perkongsian kuasa dalam kalangan komponennya.

Mengenai kemenangannya di kawasan itu, beliau berkata ia adalah sokongan semua kaum di Chenderiang.

Beliau yang merupakan Naib Ketua Pemuda MCA, menerima keputusan PRU ke-13 dengan hati yang terbuka apabila kesemua kerusi DUN yang diwakili calon BN daripada MCA tewas.

"Saya berpendapat keputusan itu membuatkan kita akan sentiasa memperbaiki dan memajukan diri sebagai wakil rakyat. Kita perlu membuat analisis supaya dapat memberi perkhidmatan yang lebih baik," katanya.

Pada PRU13, Dr Mah meraih 10,866 undi, menewaskan calon PKR Amani Williams-Hunt Abdullah yang mendapat 6,099 undi dengan majoriti 4,767 undi.

Jumlah undi majoriti yang diperoleh penyandang kerusi Chenderiang itu meningkat sebanyak 1,375 undi berbanding 3,392 undi pada PR12.

Dalam keputusan rasmi yang dikeluarkan Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya, Umno memenangi 30 daripada 36 kerusi DUN yang ditandinginya manakala MCA menjadi satu-satu komponen BN yang menyumbang satu kerusi iaitu Chenderiang. — Bernama


The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

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The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

Alas, I think too much about books

Posted: 05 May 2013 05:43 PM PDT

May 06, 2013

A geology graduate turned writer, Khairie Hisyam Aliman enjoys stating the obvious... occasionally in writing. He is still figuring out how to write a proper bio of himself.

MAY 6 — I wrote previously that starting a new job is like reading a new chapter in a book. In fact, each of our lives is like a book. It might even be a series of books — hopefully with happy endings where we at least survive very long.

We open our eyes in the morning and the narrative begins in our heads. As the story begins (with us gaining full consciousness over coffee), the narrative reminds us of our back-story (memories) and our heroic mission (dreams, ambitions, getting to the toilet before losing bowel control). The narrative reminds us of our purpose in the story (to perform gloriously heroic deeds, of course).

So here we are as the hero of the story, about to embark on another adventurous (and hopefully survivable) day. What perils might lie in wait? We are off (leave the house) to find out!

On some days, maybe we find excitement, good or otherwise, aplenty.

Maybe you dropped your phone from the third floor of the Mid Valley Megamall and it miraculously (with the maximum suspension of disbelief possible) fell straight into a woman's handbag on the ground floor who does not realise it — can you race down the packed escalators in time to catch her before she disappears into the throng?

Or perhaps your boss texted you urgently that you need to be at a specific place (that you've never been to before) in an unfamiliar neighbourhood (that you've never driven to before) by a specific time — with just enough time left to get there without getting even slightly lost. You drive nervously, flooring the pedal, tension building — oops, did you just take a wrong turn?

Or maybe you discovered a plot to slip a super-strong fast-acting laxative into your boss's daily morning cup of Chatime Pearl Milk Tea by vengeful former employees, which would be bad for you as your boss was supposed to sign your pay cheque that day. Can you stop the culprits in a race against time (and month-long diet of instant noodles)?

Or maybe it (disappointingly) turns out to be another long, dreary day at work with no adventure or excitement in sight. Alas, not all books are well-written or interesting. Some may even bore you to sleep while standing on one leg.

But the odds are there will be days where we find issues to resolve or challenges to overcome or tight spaces to squeeze out of. Like in the books, we find tension building as we try to do this while navigating the hurdles that inconveniently just happen to pop up (plot twists).

Eventually we reach the turning point. The climax. The moment of truth, they say. Can we or can we not save the day? Or are we doomed to staining our pants in public because we didn't make it to the toilet in time?

Whatever the answer is, the point is there is an answer. Every book gets a resolution — either we make it, or we don't.

Either way, life goes on. The built-up tension begins dissipating after that and slowly we gather the remains of the plot, make the best of the situation and carry on as best we can.

So the next time you feel like it's the end of the world, remember that nothing lasts in life. Not even the most torturous, horrific and horrendous parts. Life moves on, constantly, and there's a resolution somewhere down the road if you keep moving and doing what you have to.

There's an ending to every story; the only question is what sort of ending. In a good book, finding that out is always worth persevering to the last page — especially if it's our own book.

* This is the personal opinion of the columnist.

Buktikan kuasa Rakyat

Posted: 05 May 2013 05:24 PM PDT

May 06, 2013

Uthaya Sankar SB berkarya dalam Bahasa Malaysia. Beliau adalah presiden Kumpulan Sasterawan Kavyan (Kavyan) dan pemilik tunggal Perunding Media, Motivasi dan Penerbitan Uthaya. Selain menulis, membaca dan bercakap, beliau juga suka menonton filem.

6 MEI — Makalah ini ditulis sebelum tarikh Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-13 (PRU13) dan disiarkan selepas itu. Keputusan pilihan raya sepatutnya sudah diketahui semasa anda membaca makalah ini.

Sebenarnya, pada 30 April, saya nyatakan begini pada ruangan status di Facebook: "Alahai, sedihnya saya! Dalam masa beberapa hari lagi, politikus tertentu yang begitu rajin 'turun padang' bertemu Rakyat akan ghaib daripada pandangan — sebelum muncul kembali sekitar empat setengah tahun kemudian secara penuh mistik."

Tidak mustahil bahawa calon-calon PRU13 telah datang untuk bertemu, berbual-bual, bersalam-salaman dan bertanya khabar para pengundi di pasar malam, pasar borong, tandas awam, tepi jalan, tanah perkuburan, rumah atau di mana-mana tempat ada manusia. Tetapi semua itu hanyalah sehingga sehari sebelum tarikh mengundi.

Realiti yang tidak dapat dinafikan di negara bertuah ini adalah bahawa kebanyakan politikus akan ghaib entah ke mana selepas pilihan raya tetapi tiba-tiba muncul sekitar dua minggu sebelum pilihan raya seterusnya. 

Calon bebas biasanya dilihat hanya memecah undi.Maka, mulai hari ini, sama-sama kita lihat berapa ramai politikus yang masih akan terhegeh-hegeh pergi ke pasar dan kawasan kampung untuk bersalam-salaman dengan Rakyat (huruf besar sentiasa disengajakan).

Pada pendirian saya, pihak yang paling berkuasa dalam sistem pilihan raya demokrasi adalah Rakyat. Saya menamakan mereka "The Third Force". Malangnya, ramai Rakyat yang sekadar menjadi pengundi tetapi membiarkan sahaja diri mereka diperlakukan sesuka hati oleh politikus — termasuk Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) dan Ahli Parlimen yang mereka sendiri undi dahulu.

Usah kita lupa akan 8 Mac 2008 — tarikh yang mengubah sejarah dan masa depan negara tercinta, serta membuktikan bahawa kuasa sebenar terletak pada tangan Rakyat. Kita perlu memastikan bahawa semangat itu terus membara selepas PRU-13.

Sejak sebulan lalu, saya menggunakan ruangan foto profil dan foto kulit pada Facebook untuk "berkempen" agar Rakyat memiliki kesedaran asas berkaitan proses pilihan raya serta hak yang mereka miliki sebagai pengundi.

Misalnya, soalan pertama yang saya kemukakan pada 4 April: "Sudahkah calon pilihan anda menguasai Bahasa Malaysia?" Soalan ini mungkin kedengaran lucu dan tidak penting. Walau bagaimanapun, apa gunanya seorang ADUN atau Ahli Parlimen — tanpa mengira kaum dan latar pendidikan — yang belum mampu menguasai bahasa kebangsaan dan bahasa rasmi negara?

Mampukah calon pilihan anda mewakili Bangsa Malaysia tanpa mengira etnik, kaum dan agama? Pertanyaan ini juga mungkin kurang diberikan perhatian oleh orang ramai. Tambahan pula, budaya yang sudah dibawakan oleh Barisan Nasional (BN) sejak lebih 55 tahun dahulu adalah keadaan di mana Umno mewakili orang Melayu, MCA mewakili kaum Cina, MIC mewakili orang India, dan sebagainya.

"Badut Paul Lathic"

Pada pemerhatian saya, Rakyat pada masa kini sudah menolak politik yang berasaskan kaum dan ini belum lagi mengambil kira soal "politik perkauman" yang masih menjadi budaya dalam kalangan politikus.

Dalam sistem demokrasi, Rakyat adalah "majikan" dan politikus adalah "pekerja". Jangan biarkan kedudukan itu terbalik! Walaupun PRU13 sudah selesai dan politikus akan mula "ghaib" tetapi Rakyat sebagai "The Third Force" usah membiarkan mereka menghilangkan diri begitu sahaja.

Walau apa pun keputusan PRU13 (Ingat: makalah ini ditulis pada 3 Mei), saya sentiasa percaya bahawa Rakyat tidak pernah "tersalah pilih" semasa mengundi. Politikus yang biasanya berubah dan menderkaha kepada pengundi. Lihat sahaja apa yang berlaku di Perak selepas PRU12. Semoga insiden seperti itu tidak berlaku lagi.

Rakyat adalah 'majikan' yang memberi gaji kepada 'pekerja'.Sepanjang kempen PRU13, kita telah dapat perhatikan sendiri bagaimana BN begitu bersemangat menggunakan Bahasa Tamil dan Mandarin dalam berkempen. Bayangkan jika "tsunami politik" tidak berlaku pada 2007 (menerusi gerakan Hindraf yang asal) dan 2008 (kebangkitan Pakatan Rakyat).

Namun begitu, apa yang amat mengecewakan adalah bahawa aspek tulisan/ejaan Bahasa Tamil yang betul sering tidak diberikan perhatian yang sewajarnya. Lebih malang apabila para pemimpin MIC selaku "pejuang bahasa dan budaya Tamil" tidak pula berani menegur parti-parti komponen BN dalam hal ini.

Sejak Parlimen dibubarkan (3 April) dan Human Rights Party (HRP) pimpinan P Uthayakumar mengumumkan akan bertanding sebagai calon bebas menggunakan "aura" Hindraf, saya mula menulis beberapa artikel mengkritik calon-calon HRP dan MIC.

Sesungguhnya undi adalah rahsia tetapi tindakan mengkritik calon dan parti-parti politik secara terbuka adalah hak kita sebagai Rakyat dan pengundi. Melalui kritikan — serta maklum balas yang diterima — dapatlah kita menilai kualiti dan kelayakan mereka sebagai pemimpin.

Berkali-kali juga saya mengingatkan rakan-rakan menerusi paparan pada Facebook supaya jangan menjadi penyokong fanatik mana-mana parti politik atau mana-mana politikus. Sebaliknya, mereka (politikus) yang sepatutnya menjadi penyokong kita (Rakyat). Kalau mereka menyokong kita, barulah kita akan mengundi mereka!

Suatu lagi realiti dalam politik tanah air adalah bahawa ada calon yang pandai berlakon di depan kamera dan media. Lakonan mereka paling mudah disaksikan menerusi pelbagai media arus perdana. Namun, usah kita lupa bahawa Rakyat memerlukan "pekerja" dan bukannya "pelakon".

Memang ada calon yang pandai menangis semasa berucap meraih undi. Hal ini mungkin telah anda saksikan sendiri sejak beberapa minggu lalu. Pada pandangan saya, biarkan sahaja mereka (politikus) menangis. Apa yang lebin penting adalah bahawa jangan sampai Rakyat terpaksa menangis selepas politikus seperti itu menang dalam pilihan raya.

Saya sering menggunakan frasa "Badut Paul Lathic" bagi merujuk kepada golongan politikus seperti itu; sempena sebuah cerpen saya yang berjudul "Drama Paul Lathic" (Mingguan Malaysia, 8 Oktober 1995). Saya bukan ahli mana-mana parti politik dan saya tidak menyokong mana-mana parti politik. Bagi saya, "Badut Paul Lathic" adalah sekadar sumber inspirasi bagi penulisan cerpen.

Pada 10 April lalu, saya mengingatkan rakan-rakan supaya berhati-hati dengan mana-mana "calon bebas". Pada penelitian saya sebagai pengamal media dan pemerhati politik, ada calon bebas tertentu yang mungkin menanti dibeli "Parti X" atau sudah dibeli "Parti Y" dan/atau sekadar bertanding untuk memecah undi.

Rakyat masih ada impian selepas PRU13.Dalam isu wakil HRP bertanding sebagai calon bebas selepas "tuntutan" mereka khabarnya ditolak PKR, ramai pihak bimbang kerana tindakan itu akan memecah undi di kawasan kubu kuat PR; sekali gus membuatkan BN menang mudah. Malah, Bendahari HRP, A. Sugumaran (Cikgu Suguz) membuat pengakuan pada 10 April: "We (HRP) should contest as independent candidates & kacau daun!" (Kita patut bertanding sebagai calon bebas dan kacau daun!)

Saya lebih suka jika kita meraikan kepelbagaian serta menolak politik perkauman. Dalam pada itu, pengundi tidak wajar membiarkan sekampit beras dan sebuku roti "membeli" undi, maruah dan masa depan diri dan generasi akan datang. Memang menyedihkan apabila masih ada politikus yang "memancing" pengundi dengan makanan.

Sejak beberapa bulan lalu, memang ada pihak yang cuba menakut-nakutkan orang Melayu dengan mengatakan bahawa orang Melayu-Islam dan Bumiputera akan kehilangan kedudukan istimewa yang dinikmati sekiranya pucuk pimpinan (kerajaan) berubah.

Betapa tidak bermaruah dan betapa jahat niat puak seperti itu! Mereka sengaja menyembunyikan hakikat bahawa segala kedudukan istimewa orang Melayu dan Bumiputera — serta hak kaum-kaum lain — sebenarnya dilindungi sepenuhnya menerusi Wasiat Raja-raja Melayu yang ditandatangani pada Ogos 1957. Perkara-perkara berkaitan hal-hal itu dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan tidak boleh diubah/dipinda tanpa persetujuan Majlis Raja-raja Melayu.

Seterusnya, kesabaran saya benar-benar teruji pada 16 April lalu, sebaik sahaja Pengerusi BN, Datuk Seri Najib Razak mengumumkan Zulkifli Noordin sebagai "calon rakan BN" untuk bertanding bagi kerusi Parlimen Shah Alam dalam PRU-13.

Kalau Najib berani meletakkan calon-calon etnosentrik, rasis, fanatik dan ultra kiasu di Selangor, saya pula berani menyeru para pengundi Selangor menolak BN 100 peratus pada PRU13. Semasa makalah ini ditulis pada 3 Mei, saya masih berbisik dalam hati: "Tuhan, lindungi kami!"

Harapan saya adalah agar PRU13 menyaksikan Rakyat menolak sepenuhnya politik perkauman; calon rasis dari mana-mana parti; calon yang hanya mahu memperjuangkan nasib kaumnya; serta calon yang menghina mana-mana kaum dan agama.

Tahniah kepada kesemua calon yang menang kerusi DUN dan Parlimen. Tahniah kepada pihak (BN/PR) yang berjaya mendapatkan mandat Rakyat untuk membentuk Kerajaan Negeri dan Kerajaan Pusat.

Kepada orang ramai pula, jangan "biarkan" politikus ghaib begitu sahaja! Rakyat adalah umpama majikan yang membayar gaji kepada politikus untuk membuat kerja. Jangan biarkan "pekerja" kita mencuri tulang atau menikmati gaji buta.

Sama-sama kita berpegang pada semangat "The Third Force" dan kita buktikan bahawa sesungguhnya Rakyat yang paling berkuasa dalam sistem pemerintahan demokrasi.

* Uthaya Sankar SB adalah pengundi di DUN Sri Muda dan Parlimen Kota Raja.

* Ini adalah pandangan peribadi penulis.


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