Khamis, 26 September 2013

The Malaysian Insider :: Food

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The Malaysian Insider :: Food

Winners and losers of latest Michelin guide for Great Britain and Ireland

Posted: 26 Sep 2013 06:19 PM PDT

September 27, 2013

Michelin inspectors have admitted 15 new restaurants across Great Britain and Ireland into the exclusive one-star club, promoted two dining destinations and dealt a blow to French culinary giant Joel Robuchon in the latest dining guide.

In the 2014 edition of the Michelin Guide for Great Britain and Ireland, L'Atelier de Joel Robuchon in London was demoted from two stars to a single star.

The big winners of 2014, meanwhile, include Dinner by Heston Blumenthal at the Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park Hotel (pic) and The Greenhouse, both in London, which were given their second Michelin star.

And 15 restaurants also earned their first Michelin star, including Spanish chef Elena Arzak's debut in London, Ametsa with Arzak Instruction at the Halkin Hotel, and Lima, the first Peruvian restaurant in London to enter the Michelin club.

The full listing is available as of yesterday as an Apple app for £5.99, while the book will hit bookshelves October 4. – AFP Relaxnews, September 27, 2013.


The Malaysian Insider :: Sports

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The Malaysian Insider :: Sports

Italian athlete caught with fake penis in dope test

Posted: 26 Sep 2013 09:19 AM PDT

September 27, 2013

Italian athlete Devis Licciardi risks a two year ban after using a fake penis during a doping control.

The 27-year-old was caught with the artificial organ at the Italian championships at Molfetta last Saturday.

After competing in the 10km road race Licciardi was discovered with the device by a controller during a urine test.

Licciardi informed the official that he wanted to be alone to carry out the test only to be told: "No, I have to stay close to you as the rules stipulate," the Gazzetta dello sport reported.

After suspicions were raised and the discovery of the false penis filled with clean urine, the offending object was confiscated for investigation.

The device was hidden in the athletes' underwear.

Licciardi, who was quizzed on Monday by the Italian Olympic anti-doping committee, has declined to comment on the reports. - AFP, September 26, 2013.

Els, Garcia, Mickelson among stellar field competing at CIMB Classic

Posted: 26 Sep 2013 08:28 AM PDT

September 26, 2013

CIMB Group, the organiser of the 2013 CIMB Classic golf championship, today announced the confirmed field of PGA TOUR players for the tournament at the Kuala Lumpur Golf & Country Club next month.

In a statement today, it said American Bubba Watson, South African Ernie Els and Spain's Sergio Garcia (pic) were the latest additions to Phil Mickelson, Brandt Snedeker, Rickie Fowler, Keegan Bradley, Hideki Matsuyama as well as defending champion, Nick Watney, to compete for the US$7 million (RM21.9 million) purse.

The winner will also receive a two-year exemption on the PGA TOUR and a spot in the 2014 Masters at Augusta National

Entering its fourth year, the annual golf tournament will take place at the Kuala Lumpur Golf and Country Club (KLGCC) from October 24 to 27.

The complete field for the CIMB Classic will comprise 60 players from the PGA TOUR, the top 10 available players from the Asian Tour Order of Merit and eight sponsor's exemption.

"This is a stellar field and the strongest Asian has ever seen - 20 of the top 50 players in the world and 15 major championship victories and 170 PGA TOUR wins collectively.

"With so many great players taking to the course, we are bound to see some fantastic golf," said Datuk Seri Nazir Razak, group chief executive of CIMB Group.

Watson, a four-time PGA TOUR winner and 2012 Masters Champion, will play in the CIMB Classic for the first time while Els, the former world number one, will compete in the tournament for the second time.

Other notable names in the field include 2011 FedExCup champion Bill Haas, 2012 US Open champion Webb Simpson and 2010 Open Championship winner Stewart Cink. - Bernama, September 27, 2013.


The Malaysian Insider :: Features

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The Malaysian Insider :: Features

Want your daughter to be well-adjusted? Hold your tongue, mom

Posted: 26 Sep 2013 12:00 AM PDT

September 26, 2013

Mothers with daughters may do well to bite their tongue before dishing out more unsolicited advice or criticism, after a recent study found that overbearing moms can produce women with poor social skills and disordered eating attitudes.

According to research out of the University of Georgia in the US, more than overall family dynamics, it's the mother-daughter relationship that determines a woman's personal development when it comes to social competence.

And when mothers were hyper-involved and overly critical, daughters tended to have poorer social and relationship skills, which in turn led to higher levels of disordered eating attitudes like body dissatisfaction, eating disorders, unhealthy weight practices and overall bruised self-esteem.

For their study, published in the journal Communication Monographs last week, researchers collected data from 286 "triad" families consisting of a mother, young adult daughter (average age 21) and another adult sibling.

The offspring rated their interaction patterns with family members, and both mothers and daughters rated the daughter's social skills and her ability to form positive relations with others.

Daughters also rated their levels of depression, self-esteem, loneliness, self-perceptions of body shape, diet, and food preoccupation.

The result? Relationships fraught with overly involved and critical moms risked sabotaging the daughters' personal outcomes.

Other research out of the UK also suggests that girls may be at higher risk for depression if their parents' relationship is hostile or if there is a negative mother-daughter relationship. A University of Leicester study also found that children who blamed themselves for their parents' conflict were more likely to display anti-social behaviour, whereas children who feared the breakup of the family were more likely to experience depression. — AFP Relaxnews, September 26, 2013.

How new cancer drugs can skip randomised trials

Posted: 25 Sep 2013 11:01 PM PDT

September 26, 2013

In 2006 when doctors started testing a melanoma treatment made by Roche Holding AG on patients, they were used to facing slim odds — about one in eight — that the tumours would shrink on chemotherapy. This time, they couldn't believe their eyes.

With Zelboraf, a drug that targets specific mutations in cancer cells, eight out of 10 patients in an early-stage trial experienced significant tumour shrinkage. Roche clearly had a remarkable drug, though it only worked for people with a specific genetic makeup.

Research like the Zelboraf tests, that fine-tune treatments to the genetic profile of patients, is fuelling a rethink over how new cancer drugs are tested. The promise: medicines that, in theory at least, can win approval more easily and cheaply.

That also raises ethical questions. If you know a certain treatment is genetically bound to work much better on some people than on others, is it right to conduct randomized trials to see which works best? Zelboraf led some doctors to question whether to go ahead with the trials they had planned, trials that would pit Zelboraf against the standard treatment, a chemotherapy developed in 1975 called dacarbazine.

Some doctors believed that would risk patients' lives unnecessarily. US Food and Drug Administration cancer drug czar Dr. Richard Pazdur pushed for changes to shorten the trial. Others, such as Dr. Patrick Hwu of MD Anderson Cancer Center in Texas, refused to participate in a study that seemed bound to disadvantage some patients.

Ultimately, the trial proceeded and the drug won US approval in 2011. But experts say the controversy over Zelboraf broke the mould, potentially pointing the way to lower-cost drug development.

At least one company has already indicated it will cut prices. Earlier this year, GlaxoSmithKline Plc won approval from the US Food and Drug Administration for Tafinlar, a drug targeting the same mutant genes as Zelboraf, based on a single clinical trial of just 250 patients. It said the drug would cost $7,600 (RM2,4449.20) a month, 30% less than Zelboraf.

Whether others follow suit in cutting prices will depend on a host of issues, perhaps the biggest of which is the vast difference in the way the United States and Europe regulate drugs.

Pressure is mounting. A new and highly promising class of immunotherapy drugs — which some analysts see as a potential $35 billion (RM112.6 billion) a year market — may force companies' hands. These therapies will come to market just as more people are asking if health insurers and governments will keep paying sky-high prices.

Dr. Alexander Eggermont, chief executive of Institut Gustave-Roussy, France's largest cancer centre, was one of those who held a hard line on Zelboraf testing, insisting on a randomized trial. But Eggermont now says the standard of proof has changed and he believes immunotherapies — which he calls the "biggest game changer we have ever seen" — will cement the new approach to testing.

"We won't have to do those dinosaur trials," he said. "It will change the whole attitude in drug development."

Better science

Randomised controlled trials — where some patients are given the treatment that is being tested and others get a "control" substance for comparison — became known as the gold standard of drug testing because they were the most effective way of seeing if a drug worked. But for patients whose cancers are driven by specific genetic mutations, some argue that randomized approach could become obsolete.

"The types of drugs that we're seeing now are different. They are just simply better in terms of efficacy," says Pazdur, the FDA expert who wanted to shorten the Zelboraf trial.

The new drugs are born out of a better understanding of the molecular changes that fuel cancer growth. For example, an estimated 50 to 60% of melanoma patients have a specific genetic mutation. Zelboraf and Tafinlar target these people. By testing such treatments only on people with a specific mutation, researchers can work out more quickly, and with fewer patients, if a treatment is effective.

Zelboraf represented a watershed in treating melanoma, a notoriously deadly cancer, although it is not a cure: Most patients eventually develop resistance to the drug. The Zelboraf trial fuelled support for a new "breakthrough therapy" regulatory pathway that was signed into US law last year. It could shave years off the traditional drug approval process.

To qualify, a drug must show remarkable clinical activity in early stages of testing. The FDA's Pazdur, who has spent the past 14 years overseeing cancer drug approvals, calls them "knock-your-socks-off" treatments.

He says the FDA has already become more flexible in the kinds of evidence it will accept to speed new cancer drugs to patients.

For example, Stivarga is a pill from Bayer AG for some advanced gastrointestinal tumours. It was approved in February, just three years after the first patient with the condition received it in clinical tests. That's nearly twice as fast as Zelboraf. "That was like a land-speed record," says Dr. George Demetri of the Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, who worked to develop the medicine.

The drug was reviewed under another FDA scheme called the priority review program, which provides an expedited six-month process.

The step-change in the pace of cancer drug development has helped drive a recent improvement in overall pharmaceutical industry productivity. New cancer medicines are the main driver of a pick-up in the number of products coming to market. Since the start of 2012, one third of the 54 drugs approved by the FDA across all diseases areas have been for cancer.

Pricing backlash

But despite the faster approval times, the impact on drug prices so far has been limited.

Clinical trials are the biggest single cost in drug company R&D, accounting for 36% of total research expenditure in 2012, according to Thomson Reuters CMR International. Drugmakers traditionally argue that it is only by ploughing an average of a $1 billion-plus (RM3.22 billion) into each new medicine that treatments can be improved.

"The costs should be coming down tremendously," said Paul Workman, head of drug discovery at Britain's Institute of Cancer Research. "What's disappointing is that we haven't seen it happen yet. We are in a fascinating but frustrating period of transition."

Don Light, a Harvard professor who is a long-time critic of the drugs industry, is more blunt. He says companies are deliberately clinging to the notion of huge research costs despite the advantages of smaller trials in cancer.

"Claimed high costs are like bragging rights - the higher companies say they are, the more they create the impression of heroism and financial suffering," Light says.

Still, not everyone in the industry is toeing the line. GSK Chief Executive Andrew Witty startled a number of his peers earlier this year by telling a British National Health Service conference that the $1 billion (RM3.22 billion) price tag was "one of the great myths of the industry". Since the figure includes the cost of failures, any drug company that can improve its success rate should be able to charge less for new medicines.

"For the first time in my career, pricing is becoming a really interesting piece of the dynamic," Witty said in an interview. "If you believe you have a sustainable model that can churn out more product than anybody else, why wouldn't you do this?"

That could be particularly important as drug companies begin to combine treatments in hopes of achieving longer-lasting benefits. GSK, for instance, has a second melanoma drug called Mekinist that it plans to combine with Tafinlar. Both are cheaper than existing drugs, though combined, of course, they will still cost many thousands of dollars a year.

Doctors are getting restive. In April, more than 100 leukaemia specialists from around the world took the unusual step of complaining publicly in the American Society of Hematology's journal Blood that cancer drug prices were "too high, unsustainable, may compromise access of needy patients to highly effective therapy, and are harmful to the sustainability of our national healthcare systems".

With 11 of the 12 cancer drugs launched in the United States last year costing more than $100,000 (RM3.22 million) a year per patient, according to the paper, the debate is not going away.

United States

But faster trials in the United States won't always translate into cheaper drug development for companies that do business globally, in part because European authorities may not be willing to accept products based on the FDA's more flexible clinical trial standards.

Dr. Eric Rubin, head of oncology clinical development at Merck & Co Inc., said the FDA's willingness to allow accelerated approval based upon single-arm studies — without the traditional control group — is "a big step forward, but it's not universally agreed upon," especially in Europe.

Part of the issue is not with drug safety regulators but with government funding agencies, such as the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, or NICE, Britain's health cost watchdog. It decides whether the state-run health system will pay for a new treatment or drug. It often knocks back expensive drugs as not cost-effective.

"In Europe, it's a different world because you can get a drug approved by the European regulatory agencies - but if the governments won't approve funding for it, people can't access it," Demetri said.

As a result, companies may be forced to into longer, larger trials just to satisfy cost regulators.

"Positive results"

It's a problem that Merck and other companies developing new immunotherapy drugs will have to solve. The drugs, including Merck's lambrolizumab and Bristol-Myers' nivolumab, help the immune system fight cancer cells by disabling a protein called "programmed death 1" or PD-1 that acts as a brake on the body's ability to detect them.

Andrew Baum, an analyst at Citi, estimates treatments that coax the immune system to target cancer will become the backbone therapy for up to 60% of cancers over the next decade, generating $35 billion (RM112.6 billion) in annual sales.

Dr. Antoni Ribas at the University of California, Los Angeles says the immunotherapies are showing so much promise that they, like Zelboraf, raise doubts over whether randomized trials are needed. He believes they could be approved in the United States on the basis of a single-arm trial. Yet Merck has started enrolling patients in a study where patients will be randomized to get the new treatment or existing chemotherapy.

One patient who has already put himself forward for lambrolizumab is Stew Scannell, 65, head of operations at global defence company Northrop Grumman in Oklahoma City. Scannell, who served a couple of tours in Vietnam and spent several years in various deserts testing helicopters, figures his melanoma may be the result of cumulative sun damage.

When his doctors were talking about buying him another couple of months, he decided to do his own research. He started lambrolizumab shortly after his first meeting with Ribas, in April 2012.

Several of his tumours have disappeared. At his last scan in April, there was no sign of any tumour in his brain. In Merck's trial, the most common side effects of the drug include fatigue, fevers, skin rash, loss of skin colour and muscle weakness. But so far, Scannell has had none. "I really haven't missed a step. I've continued working. The radiation was difficult. But the marvellous thing about the immunotherapy is no side effects. No lethargy. No loss of appetite. No anything."

South African melanoma patient Christina Chrysostomou, 45, would be more than happy to see the end of randomized trials when a treatment has shown early promise.

After her cancer got worse on Bristol-Myers's immunotherapy Yervoy, she and her husband and 8-year-old son headed for the United States in the hopes of trying one of the new anti-PD-1 drugs.

But when she arrived in late June, Merck's Phase I trial had closed, and she was told she would have to take her chances in a randomized test. Luckily for her, a spot opened up in a non-randomized Phase I study and she is now getting lambrolizumab — but she feels for others less fortunate.

"It's really hard knowing there is something out there that could possibly help and having to go through a gamble and maybe not even get that," she said. — Reuters, September 26, 2013.


The Malaysian Insider :: Showbiz

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The Malaysian Insider :: Showbiz

Alex Proyas turns Gerard Butler and Geoffrey Rush into Gods of Egypt

Posted: 25 Sep 2013 11:54 PM PDT

September 26, 2013

The two actors will join Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (Game of Thrones) on the set of the forthcoming fantasy film inspired by ancient Egyptian mythology.

Gerard Butler (pic), the Australian actor who saved the US in White House Down, is interested in playing the villain in the next film from director Alex Proyas (I, Robot), reports. Butler is in talks to play Set, a conniving god who plots against Ra, the Egyptian sun god. Scottish actor Geoffrey Rush (The King's Speech) is in negotiations for the latter role, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Nikolaj Coster-Waldau will play Horus, the film's protagonist, who will join forces with Hathor, the goddess of love, and with a mortal thief to avenge the death of his father, Osiris, who was killed by Set, according to Egyptian mythology.

No word has surfaced on filming or release dates for Gods of Egypt, which will be produced by Summit Entertainment. — AFP Relaxnews, September 26, 2013.

Jason Segel prepping for maple syrup heist

Posted: 25 Sep 2013 09:58 PM PDT

September 26, 2013

The How I Met Your Mother star will play a criminal mastermind in a forthcoming Sony Pictures comedy that looks into one of the more bizarre robberies of recent history.

After wrapping up Sex Tape alongside Cameron Diaz, Jason Segel (pic) will take on the role of a rather creative thief in a comedy based on a true story. In 2012, a group of thieves made headlines throughout Canada by looting a maple syrup warehouse in Quebec. The total value of the syrup stolen was estimated at US$30 million (96.7 million).

The as yet untitled feature will take the form of a "dramedy", lightening the true-to-life crime story with humour.  The maple syrup caper will be directed by Seth Gordon, a veteran of the comedy genre, whose recent films include Horrible Bosses and Identity Thief. — AFP Relaxnews, Septemebr 26, 2013.


The Malaysian Insider :: Books

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The Malaysian Insider :: Books

Film critic Barry Norman reveals white-knuckle star encounters

Posted: 25 Sep 2013 10:14 PM PDT

September 26, 2013

See You in the Morning by Barry Norman. - AFP pic, September 26, 2013.See You in the Morning by Barry Norman. - AFP pic, September 26, 2013.Excerpts from the autobiography of British film critic and TV host Barry Norman reveal unusual encounters with Robert De Niro, Mel Gibson and John Wayne.

Writing for UK listings magazine Radio Times, Norman, who presented the BBC's weekly Film program for a quarter of a century, offered a preview of events discussed in See You in the Morning, due for publication on September 26.

After antagonizing Robert De Niro, inflammatory Travis Bickle in Taxi Driver, with an uncomfortable question, the pair ended up "nose to nose snarling at each other".

Another verbal tussle with John Wayne, this time over the rights and wrongs of the Vietnam War, resulted in the prominent Republican and True Grit star calling Norman a goddamn pinko liberal" before pitching up from his seat "with the obvious intention of thumping me.

His prickly brush with Mel Gibson came during a shared dinner when the two disagreed over who was taller.

Standing back to back on the suggestion of a fellow dinner guest, Norman said he could feel him going up on tiptoe behind me so that the top of his head would reach the same level as mine, whereupon the diplomatic soul pronounced us of equal height and Gibson said: "See? I told you so."

But though his upcoming memoir covers Norman's time as a show business journalist and prominent film entertainment broadcaster, See You in the Morning is centered around his relationship with Diana, his wife of 53 years, who herself was an accomplished reporter, a novelist, and mother of their two children. — AFP Relaxnews, September 26, 2013.

Pulitzer nominee, novelist chosen for MacArthur Fellowship

Posted: 25 Sep 2013 08:55 PM PDT

September 26, 2013

Novelist and professor Donald Antrim (pic) and Pulitzer nominee Karen Russell are among the 24 MacArthur Fellows elected for 2013.

Antrim, whose work can be found in The New Yorker, is known for three works of fiction: Elect Mr. Robinson for a Better World, published 1993, The Hundred Brothers in 1998, and The Verificationist in 2000, the middle of which was recognized by the PEN/Faulkner Award panel.

He currently teaches at Columbia University as an associate professor.

New York resident Russell achieved fame with Swamplandia! which drew on her knowledge of home county Florida, and led to her presence on that year's Orange Prize for Fiction longlist and won her a Pulitzer Prize nomination.

Her debut novel was St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves, while her latest publication, Vampires in the Lemon Grove, is a collection of short stories released in February of this year.

At 32 years of age, Russell joins Steppenwolf Theatre playwright Tarell McCraney as this year's youngest MacArthur Fellows.

The MacArthur Fellows Program, colloquially known as the Genius Grant, awards $625,000 (RM2.02 million) to each recipient over five years, given to US citizens that show "exceptional creativity in their work and the prospect for still more in the future". — AFP Relaxnews, September 26, 2012.


The Malaysian Insider :: Bahasa

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The Malaysian Insider :: Bahasa

Muhyiddin wakili kerajaan, Umno, BN ucap takziah kepada keluarga Azizan

Posted: 26 Sep 2013 02:21 AM PDT

September 26, 2013
Latest Update: September 26, 2013 05:48 pm

DYMM Sultan Abdul Halim, Menteri Besar Mukhriz Mahathir , Azmin Ali memberi kehormatan terakhir kepada Azizan yang meninggal dunia pada 26 September, 2013, di Pokok Sena, Kedah. Gambar The Malaysian Insider oleh Hasnoor HussainDYMM Sultan Abdul Halim, Menteri Besar Mukhriz Mahathir , Azmin Ali memberi kehormatan terakhir kepada Azizan yang meninggal dunia pada 26 September, 2013, di Pokok Sena, Kedah. Gambar The Malaysian Insider oleh Hasnoor HussainTan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin mewakili kerajaan Malaysia, parti Umno dan Barisan Nasional (BN) mengucapkan takziah kepada keluarga bekas Menteri Besar Kedah Tan Sri Azizan Abdul Razak yang meninggal dunia pagi ini.

Timbalan perdana menteri turut menyifatkan pemergian Azizan sebagai satu kehilangan kerana Allahyarham banyak menyumbang kepada pembangunan terutama di Kedah.

"Bagi pihak Kerajaan Malaysia, parti Umno dan BN, kami hendak merakamkan rasa sedih kerana Allahyarham sewaktu hayatnya telah beri banyak sumbangan kepada pembangunan di Kedah khususnya sewaktu menjadi menteri besar.

"Atas dasar itu, kami rasa pemergian itu satu kehilangan sebagai sahabat dan pemimpin. Kita ketepikan soal politik kerana kami yakin pemergian beliau adalah satu kehilangan bagi kita juga," katanya kepada pemberita di Parlimen di sini.

Muhyiddin berkata beliau mengenali Azizan secara peribadi dan pernah melawat pemimpin PAS itu di hospital sebelum ini.

Timbalan perdana menteri turut mendoakan agar roh Azizan dihimpunkan bersama-sama golongan yang soleh.

Azizan, 69, menghembus nafas terakhir di sisi keluarganya di wad Unit rawatan rapi, Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah, Alor Setar, pagi ini, selepas lebih empat bulan mengalami masalah kesihatan yang serius.

Jenazah beliau dijangka dikebumikan di Muassasah Darul Ulum, Alor Setar pukul 5.30 petang.

Terdahulu, Muhyiddin meluangkan masa kira-kira 30 minit menerima kunjungan delegasi Myanmar yang diketuai Speaker Parlimen negara itu Thura U Shwe Mann di pejabatnya di sini.

Turut hadir Timbalan Yang Dipertua Dewan Rakyat Datuk Ronald Kiandee.– Bernama, September 26, 2013.

RON95 naik lagi?

Posted: 26 Sep 2013 02:14 AM PDT

September 26, 2013
Latest Update: September 26, 2013 06:29 pm

Harga minyak petrol RON95 dijangka akan meningkat dalam jangkamasa terdekat sebagai sebahagian daripada usaha kerajaan untuk mengurangkan subsidi bahan api negara.

Langkah ini juga membantu usaha mengurangkan penyeludupan petrol ke negara-negara jiran, kata Presiden Persatuan Pengedar Petroleum (PDAM), Datuk Hashim Othman.

"Penyeludupan petrol dan diesel adalah berikutan bahan api ini lebih murah di Malaysia," katanya dipetik dari Sinar Harian Online.

Media melaporkan, Unit Anti Penyeludupan Kedah (UPP) pada Jumaat lepas melumpuhkan percubaan menyeludup 27,300 liter diesel bersubsidi bernilai RM54,600 ke Thailand.

Di sebalik usaha untuk membantu orang ramai menerusi subsidi, beliau kesal terdapat juga pihak yang mengambil kesempatan daripadanya.

Presiden PDAM itu berkata, pengurangan subsidi itu boleh menghalang mereka daripada menjalankan aktiviti itu.

Kerajaan baru-baru ini memperkenalkan harga baharu bagi RON95 dan diesel dengan pengurangan subsidi sebanyak 20 sen seliter kepada RM2.10 dan RM2.00 daripada RM1.90 dan RM1.80.

Harga ini masih dianggap murah berbanding negara-negara seperti Thailand, Indonesia, Singapura dan Filipina.

PDAM baru-baru ini mencadangkan penjimatan daripada pengurangan subsidi minyak digunakan oleh kerajaan untuk menghapuskan cukai jalan dan mengurangkan kadar insurans untuk kereta dengan kapasiti enjin kurang daripada 2,000cc.- 26 September, 2013.


The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

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The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

Hidup dan mati

Posted: 25 Sep 2013 04:30 PM PDT

September 26, 2013

Meor Yusof Aziddin adalah Malaysian folk singer/songwritter yang telah menghasilkan 10 album indipenden sejak tahun 2000 sehingga 2011. Juga penulis untuk buku tentang kehidupan, "Sembang Tepi Jalan" dan "Syurga Yang Hilang." Memblog di Berkerjaya sebagai "professional busker" di KL Sentral di bawah pengurusan KTMB sejak tahun 2010 sehingga ke hari ini.

Hidup ini pasangannya adalah mati. Seperti pasangannya lelaki dan perempuan, siang dan malam, matahari dan bulan. Cepat atau lambat semua kita akan mati. Mengapa kita perlu takutkan mati? Suka atau tidak, ia tetap akan datang menjemput kita. Dalam bentuk yang bagaimana, wallahualam.

Usia saya sudah menjangkau hampir separuh abad. Kawan-kawan sebaya saya ada yang dah pakai ketayap, ada yang dah nampak tua sangat, ada yang jiwa muda. Begitulah putaran alam dan turun naik nasib kita di muka bumi ini.

Yang dah meninggal pun ada juga. Kematian seorang sahabat baik sebaya usia saya, Amirul Fakir (penyair dan penulis) beberapa tahun yang lalu nyata mengingatkan kita bahawa kehidupan ini sangat rapuh sebenarnya, umpama barang yang mudah pecah.

Ia kadang membuatkan kita takut sehingga terlalu berjaga-jaga akan kehidupan dan kesihatan kita. Pun dalam sihat walafiat jika waktu sudah sampai dan maut itu datang menjemput, apa yang mampu kita lakukan? Di dalam tidur, di dalam jaga dia tetap akan datang juga.

Kita kalau boleh tidak mahu apa saja jenis penyakit datang kepada kita. Tapi kenyataannya jika kita perhatikan di mana-mana pun, kedai yang paling laku dan paling ramai pengunjung adalah kedai ubat atau farmasi. Hospital pula tidak pernah sunyi dan kosong, sentiasa penuh dengan pesakit yang datang pada setiap waktu tanpa henti.

Saya bersembang dengan seorang kawan, baru-baru ini. Topik yang kami bualkan adalah tentang kehidupan yang sementara ini. Beliau seorang yang islamik seperti mana ramai kawan saya yang beragama islam.

Nyata ketakutannya kepada Tuhan dan kematian nyata pada riak dan nadanya. Nyata juga dia cuba menghitung setakat mana amal yang dibuatnya untuk menjadi bekal akhirat.

Adakah itu cara terbaik untuk menilai kasih sayang dan perhubungan kita dengan Tuhan?

Saya katakan kepada kawan saya itu, jika kita hitung nilai baik dan terlalu berkira-kira dengan Tuhan dalam bab amal dan kebaikan, maknanya perhubungan kita denganNya masih jauh, sedang yang terbaik adalah apabila kita punya keyakinan yang kita ini sentiasa dalam pelukan kasih sayangNya, walau siapa pun kita.

Saya nyatakan juga, Tuhan memerlukan saya hidup buat masa ini, apa juga sebab dan musabab terkandunglah di dalam rahsiaNya, saya tidak perlu dan tidak akan tahu apa ceritaNya. Bukankah cerita kita di dunia ini adalah milikNya kerana kita bergerak dan bernafas atas keizinannya juga?

Bukankah kita hadir di dunia ini atas rahmat kasih dan sayangnya juga? Baik atau buruk adalah ciptaan dan permainan manusia untuk membezakan cara dan afaal kita di dunia ini.

Hukum karma mahupun qada dan qadar itu nyata dan kita perlu menerima apa yang terhidang dalam lapang dada kerana walau apa pun, nilai positif itu wajib tersemat di dalam dada dan di situlah nilai atau tahap yakin kita pada cerita dan takdir kita di dunia ini.

Innalillah itu adalah sebaik pengucapan kerana kita belajar untuk mengembalikan apa saja yang dipinjam apabila sampai masanya.

Jadi, perkara yang terbaik adalah inilah kita yang seadanya. Perlakuan mahu pun adab itu bergantung pada tahap faham dan kenal kita. Walau saya tidak kelihatan islamik pada mata yang memandang, saya juga punya keyakinan yang mungkin lebih daripada mereka yang nampak islamik.

Luaran bukanlah jawapan untuk Tuhan semestinya bersetuju dengan apa yang kita lakukan. Kerana nama pun luaran, jadi tidak ada yang kekal hatta apa yang terkandung di kotak fikir kita sekalipun. Fikiran kita sentiasa berubah-ubah mengikut keadaan dan semasa.

Yang kekal hanyalah roh kita. Yang itu semua kita memilikinya. Tak kira sama ada kita ini seorang perompak, penagih dadah, kongsi gelap, peguam, jurutera, doktor, pencuci, pemuzik, penceramah atau siapa pun kita. Kita memilikinya kerana cerita di dunia ini bergantung pada apa watak kita dan bagaimana kita menanganinya.

Roh itu singgah di jasad, menjadikan kita bernyawa dan hidup dalam acuan dari yang maha mencipta. Akal membentuk perjalanan hidup dan nafsu kita. Hitam atau putih kitalah yang mencorakkan, pun atas izinNya juga.

Jadi kesimpulannya perlukah kita terlalu berjaga-jaga akan kehidupan dan nasib kita? Adakah perlu kita ke masjid untuk mendekat dan mengingatkan kita kepada Dia selalu? Atau kita lebih takutkan dosa dari Tuhan itu sendiri sedang di mana-mana manusia tetap akan melakukan dosa, tanpa kita sedar mahupun dalam sedar.

Perhubungan kita dengan Tuhan bukan hanya melalui pengucapan dan ritual semata bahkan merangkumi segala macam aspek kehidupan yang kita sedang jalani ini. Segala jawapan akan kita temui di dalam diri kita sendiri, kerana kita tidak akan menipu diri kita sendiri sebagaimana kita menatap wajah kita sendiri di cermin.

Kita bercerita tentang mencari kasih-sayang Tuhan dalam konteks manusia yang beragama. Syariaat itu nyata dan kita tidak akan menafikan. Pun adakah ucapan dan kata-kata puji kita itu singgah dan melekat di jiwa atau hanya sekadar ucapan di angin lalu sahaja?

Apa yang nyata juga agama hari ini menjadi subjek atau isu yang sangat sensitif di kalangan kita dan mereka. Kita menjaja nilai baik dengan bermodalkan agama kerana itu dengan mudah akan mendatangkan rasa percaya dan yakin sesama kita.

Kita menjadikan ringgit dan kebendaan sebagai Tuhan secara tidak langsung walau kita kata Tuhan itu satu. Tidak susah untuk kita menyuci dosa dan menunjukkan kepada masyarakat yang kita ini makhluk yang punya nilai percaya tidak berbelah bagi. Kita hanya perlu ke Mekah menunaikan haji atau umrah dan kita pun bersih walau yang nyatanya tatkala bangun pagi mata kita masih hijau akan harta dan gilakan kemewahan, bukankah kita di sini hanya menipu diri semata ?

Saya percaya kepada keikhlasan kita dalam mengenal siapa kita dan alam ini, itu lebih bermakna dan memberi kesan kepada jiwa. Apabila pulang nanti sama ada suka atau tidak kita perlu meninggalkan apa yang tersayang dan apa ada di badan. Roh itu tidak perlukan intan berlian dan angan-angan untuk bekal mengadap pencipta.

Saya agak terkesan tatkala satu babak dalam filem Wali Sembilan dialog antara Sheikh Siti Jenar (pengamal aliran wahdatul wujud) dalam sidang para wali, yang mana katanya, "Di antara kita memang harus ada yang mati, dan aku memilih kematian. Kematian adalah sebuah tidur yang panjang (untuk kita lebih mengenal diri)."

Apa yang terbaik, jalanilah kehidupan ini dengan berlapang dada dan tanamkan keyakinan bahawa kita ini adalah makhluk yang istimewa seperti janjiNya. Belajarlah apa yang tersurat dan tersirat, apa ada di luar dan di dalam tembok. Kita tidak akan rugi untuk itu. – 26 September, 2013.

* Ini adalah pendapat peribadi penulis dan tidak semestinya mewakili pandangan The Malaysian Insider.


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