Rabu, 12 Mac 2014

The Malaysian Insider :: Food

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The Malaysian Insider :: Food

Literary supper club pairs food with books

Posted: 12 Mar 2014 09:28 PM PDT

March 13, 2014

The Impossible Island from ‘Life of Pi’ interpreted as black rice balls with yuzu and edible flowers by chef Chantal Hintze. – AFP/Relaxnews, March 13, 2014.The Impossible Island from 'Life of Pi' interpreted as black rice balls with yuzu and edible flowers by chef Chantal Hintze. – AFP/Relaxnews, March 13, 2014.A dining concept in Amsterdam has twinned the passions of bookworms and food lovers into a literary-themed dinner series.

Every two months, The Bookish Banquet hosts a dinner party themed after a classic novel for an event that's part book club, part multi-course dining experience.

It started as a one-off, Alice in Wonderland dinner party in Bristol, England: Guests were invited to dress up and chef Chantal Hintze served up rabbit stew in pastry top hats.

The evening's success inspired the chef and self-confessed bookworm to continue the concept when she moved to Amsterdam, this time with a more literary focus, she said.

Most recently, diners gathered around the award-winning novel "Life of Pi" by Canadian author Yann Martel and revisited key scenes of the book with courses like "After the Storm" and "Learning to fish" via dishes like braised beef cheeks and banana chips, black rice balls with yuzu and salmon-topped blinis.

A Sherlock Holmes-themed dinner party featured mini pigeon pies with chestnut puree to represent "A Journey through London Town," while "A flower from Professor Hora" was re-created into an edible flower pot with rose and vanilla marshmallows.

Throughout the evening, guests are also invited to discuss the themes of the book. Hintze cut her teeth working at her family's cafe in Marrakesh before moving on to Yotam Ottolenghi's deli in London.

It's a dining concept that has also seen growth in film, with edible cinema events popping up around the world.

In London, food is synchronized with the film that's being projected in order to add another sensory dimension to the movie-watching experience.

During a scene in "Pan's Labyrinth" in which characters run through a pine forest, for example, patrons at Edible Cinema were given pine-smoked popcorn to evoke the sensation of the trees and the sound of the needle-laden forest floor.

And at Nitehawk Cinema in Brooklyn, chefs create film and food pairings that include dishes like crispy pork belly, blood orange gastrique, and a "Bucket of Blood" cocktail during a screening of the horror flick "Carrie."

The next Bookish Banquet dinner is set for May 25 and will be themed after "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy." – AFP/Relaxnews, March 13, 2014.

And the most beautiful restaurant in the world is…

Posted: 12 Mar 2014 08:50 PM PDT

March 13, 2014

The Ithaa Undersea Restaurant at the Conrad Maldives Rangali Island resort is the most beautiful dining restaurant on the planet. – AFP, March 13, 2014.The Ithaa Undersea Restaurant at the Conrad Maldives Rangali Island resort is the most beautiful dining restaurant on the planet. – AFP, March 13, 2014.The world's most beautiful restaurant is located five meters below the sea in the Maldives and offers panoramic views of the marine underworld.

According to a ranking compiled by food blog The Daily Meal, the Ithaa Undersea Restaurant at the luxury Conrad Maldives Rangali Island resort is the most beautiful dining destination on the planet, not for cascading crystal chandeliers, gold-gilded decor or high end art, but for the stunning, unparalleled view.

Guests dine under a vaulted ceiling made of transparent acrylic that offers panoramic 180-degree views of the ocean and marine life.

Schools of rainbow-coloured, tropical fish and sharks glide overhead as guests tuck into dishes like duck agnolotti and Maldivian lobster carpaccio, and the restaurant is illuminated by blue-green hues of the sea above.

For the list, editors looked at restaurants that had won awards and accolades for their design, the clout of the designer, location, and the destination's overall reputation, be it from reputed sources like the Michelin guide or press reviews.

Taking the second spot is The Four Seasons Restaurant in New York, designed by celebrated architects Philip Johnson and Mies van der Rohe. The Grill was called "the city's greatest dining room" by New York Magazine and is also known as America's "most powerful lunchroom."

Walnut-paneled walls and soaring, two story windows characterize the Grill, while The Pool Room is described as more airy and romantic.

And in the No. 3 spot is Le Louis XV-Alain Ducasse in Monte Carlo, a sumptuously decorated restaurant in the style of Versailles splendor.

Here are the top 10 most beautiful restaurants in the world, according to The Daily Meal:

1. Ithaa Undersea Restaurant, Conrad Maldives Rangali Island, Maldives

2. The Four Seasons, New York, U.S.A.

3. Le Louis XV, Monte Carlo, Monaco

4. La Maison 1888, Da Nang, Vietnam

5. Tori Tori, Polanco, Mexico

6. Taj Lake Palace, Udaipur, India

7. L'Opera, Paris, France

8. Maiden's Tower, Istanbul, Turkey

9. Hakkasan, Beverly Hills, U.S.A.

10. Mugaritz, Rentería, Spain

– AFP/Relaxnews, March 13, 2014.

Kredit: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com

The Malaysian Insider :: Features

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The Malaysian Insider :: Features

Now the hard work starts for superstar pope

Posted: 11 Mar 2014 09:16 PM PDT

March 12, 2014

Pope Francis will mark one year in office tomorrow. – AFP pic, March 12, 2014.Pope Francis will mark one year in office tomorrow. – AFP pic, March 12, 2014.Now the hard work starts.

Pope Francis celebrates one year in office tomorrow, swaddled in a blanket of approval world leaders would die for and most of his predecessors could only dream of.

But he also knows that there is more to being pontiff than good PR. Bigger challenges lie ahead as Francis seeks to engineer a renaissance of his Church after years of scandals caused by paedophile priests and corruption and intrigue within the Vatican bureaucracy.

Spreading the word of God via Twitter, posing for selfies, paying his own hotel bills and washing the feet of young offenders, all have proved to be inspired moves for the erstwhile Jorge Mario Bergoglio.

Humble, modest, approachable and modern. After 12 months, the @Pontifex brand is thriving.

The 77-year-old is not only lovable, he's also cool. So far, his first year as pontiff has been marked by appearances on the covers of an unlikely trio of US magazines.

He was Time's person of the year for 2013. Esquire declared him their best-dressed man and Rolling Stone just decided – "He rocks."

Church attendances are said to be rising across the world and pilgrims are flocking to Rome in unprecedented numbers.

A UN report accusing the Catholic Church of having covered up for tens of thousands of child-abusing priests failed to dent the impression that Francis is serious about reshaping the Church in his own open and forgiving image.

Questions raised at the time of his appointment over whether he might have done more to oppose the 1970s military junta in his native Argentina also seem to have melted away.

Overall, things could hardly be rosier.

Reaching out to believers

Or could they? Within the walls of Vatican City, Francis's popularity is not universally acclaimed as a positive sign amongst traditionalists suspicious of the new pope's desire to reach out to believers who have abandoned regular interaction with the Church.

That has involved striking a more compassionate, understanding tone on the vexed issues of the Church's attitudes to homosexuality and its treatment of divorced people.

Francis made waves early in his papacy by telling journalists, "If someone is gay and seeks the Lord with good will, who am I to judge?"

More than any other, that remark helped secure the Time man of the year accolade. But Vatican insiders insist it would be wrong to infer from it that Francis is bent on breaking with established doctrine on this or any other issue.

Instead, his approach consists of finding practical ways to enable the Church to overcome the many chasms that have opened up between what it officially teaches, on an issue such as contraception for example, and what, in practice, most of its followers believe.

That will be the focus for a major synod on the family which Francis has called for later this year and which some observers have billed as potentially defining his papacy.

The synod has been preceded by an unprecedented process of consultation of ordinary Catholics around the world.

Traditionalists have seen this as potentially opening the door to an "a la carte" version of Catholicism in which the faithful are allowed to buy into or opt out of parts of official doctrine, as long as they keep turning up for mass.

Not true, says one of the pope's closest counsellors, the German Cardinal Walter Kasper.

Never judge

Kasper, 81, was the oldest member of the Conclave that elected Francis a year ago but he is firmly on the modernising side of debates raging in the Holy See.

Seeking new solutions to issues that have become a barrier between the Church and its followers, does not amount to an attack on doctrine, Kasper said this week in an interview with Italian daily La Repubblica.

"Rather it is about a realistic adaption of doctrine to the current situation.

"The Church must never judge as if it had a guillotine at the ready, rather it must always leave the door of mercy open, a way out that allows everyone a new start."

The issue has split the cardinals. Marriage, for all of them, remains an indissoluble sacrament, but many are acutely aware that those whose marriages have failed cannot be excluded from a Church that wants to prosper.

"When love fails, as often it does fail, we must feel the pain of this failure and accompany those who have known it. Do not condemn," Francis himself said at the end of last month.

Kasper acknowledged that some cardinals were opposed to the debate taking place at all, and there are those who fear Francis's honeymoon period could be headed for an acrimonious end.

"There have been open exchanges, but I am not afraid of that," Francis confided to another Italian daily, Corriere della Sera, last month.

The approach to divorced believers is similar to that envisaged on the gay issue.

Talking to NBC in the United States this weekend, Timothy Dolan, the conservative cardinal of New York, revealed that Francis wanted to understand, why so many countries had legalised same-sex unions.

But he was also at pains to stress that Francis had never expressed any kind of approval of them.

One year in, it is evolution not revolution that is on the menu in Rome. – AFP, March 12, 2014.

Kredit: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com

The Malaysian Insider :: Books

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The Malaysian Insider :: Books

On heels of memoir, Keith Richards to publish children’s book

Posted: 11 Mar 2014 07:29 PM PDT

March 12, 2014

Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards, famous for surviving years of rock 'n' roll excess, will release a children's picture book with illustrations by his daughter Theodora Richards, his publisher said yesterday.

The book, "Gus & Me: The Story of My Granddad and My First Guitar," tells the story of how Richards was first introduced to music by his grandfather and given his first guitar.

The hardcover and ebook will be released on September 9.

"'Gus & Me' invites readers to be in the room at the electrifying moment that Keith holds a guitar in his hands for the first time," Megan Tingley, executive vice president and publisher of Little, Brown Books for Young Readers, said in a statement.

In his memoir, "Life," Richards also recounts the role his grandfather – jazz big band member Theodore Augustus Dupree, who is known as Gus – played in his life.

In the best-selling book, Richards, 70, details his journey from being a shy, only child in London to co-founding the Rolling Stones in 1962 and becoming a rock and roll survivor following years of substance abuse.

"I have just become a grandfather for the fifth time, so I know what I'm talking about," Richards said in a statement about the children's book. "The bond, the special bond, between kids and grandparents is unique and should be treasured. This is a story of one of those magical moments."

"Gus & Me," which was written with Barnaby Harris and Bill Shapiro, will include pen-and-ink collages by Theodora, who was named after her grandfather, as well as photographs from the Richards family collection.

The hardcover edition will have an audio CD featuring bonus book content. – Reuters, March 12, 2014.

Kredit: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com

The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

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The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

Diari hari kedua di Tok Bali, pencarian MH370

Posted: 11 Mar 2014 04:00 PM PDT

March 12, 2014

Md Izwan adalah wartawan The Malaysian Insider. ‎Beliau berkicau di @izwan_noborders.

Langit di Tok Bali biru dan cerah, tiada ribut dan tiada jerebu seperti di Kuala Lumpur, hanya angin sepoi-sepoi.

Lautan tenang di perairan Laut Cina Selatan ini yang tahu cerita sebenar kehilangan MH370, sampai hari ini belum diketahui lokasinya.

Bot-bot kecil nelayan sibuk dengan urusan masing-masing, orang ramai juga ada berkelah di tepi pantai.

Hari kedua, saya dan jurugambar Najjua Zulkefli menginap di sebuah hotel murah Arwana Inn, selesa dan berdekatan dengan pusat operasi Agensi Penguatkuasaan Maritim Malaysia (APMM) bahagian timur.

Selepas dua hari, saya mula faham kemarahan orang ramai dan pembaca, tiada banyak maklumat yang boleh disalurkan kepada umum.

Masuk hari kedua, pegawai media memberitahu wartawan tiada sebarang sidang media akan diadakan hari ini kecuali jika ada pengumuman penting.

Pengumuman keputusan sampel minyak negatif semalam menambah lagi misteri kehilangan MH370, anggota APMM mengeluh kebingungan.

Laut Cina Selatan tidak sedalam dan seluas Lautan Atlantik, tetapi masih tidak menemui sebarang petunjuk, itu antara keluhan anggota APMM.

Di Kelantan, ada dua pangkalan operasi, satu di Gong Kedak dan Tok Bali. Gong Kedak untuk operasi udara, Tok Bali untuk operasi di lautan.

Prosedur di sini ketat, arahan kepada pihak berkuasa supaya tidak membawa wartawan ikut bersama menyertai operasi.

Sebaik tiba hari pertama semalam, saya sudah bertanyakan kepada pegawai APMM mengapa tiada media tempatan dibawa sama dalam operasi.

Pertama, pesawat MH370 belum ditemui. Kedua, tempoh masa sebuah kapal mencari akan belayar adalah empat hari sekurang-kurangnya kerana lokasi pencarian yang jauh lebih 100 batu nautika. Ketiga, pihak tentera mengawal operasi dan tidak memberi kebenaran untuk membawa media.

Wartawan juga tidak dibenarkan berada dalam kem Gong Kedak untuk membuat liputan.

Tiada banyak laporan yang boleh diberikan di sini, dan APMM masih belum menyesuaikan diri dengan media ketika berdepan situasi krisis begini.

Bayangkan, sejurus mendapat tahu wartawan dari Jepun akan turun, anggota APMM kelam-kabut menaikkan garis kuning kalau-kalau wartawan Jepun tersebut minta untuk meninjau kapal mencari tersebut.

Sukar untuk wartawan mendapatkan info dan maklumat semasa, anggota mengawal radar dan komunikasi tidak berhubung secara terus dengan wartawan tetapi pegawai komunikasi perhubungan menjadi perantara.

Pagi hari kedua, saya dan Najjua bangun jam 9 pagi bergegas ke lokasi nelayan mahu bertanyakan sama ada mereka akan membantu operasi mencari.

Jawab mereka:"Kami akan beritahu kalau ternampak objek atau serpihan pesawat, tak perlu lah nak suruh pun semua nelayan tahu nak buat perkara itu."

Saya mula terfikir, betul juga kata nelayan ini, takkanlah mereka tidak ada daya berfikir.

Selepas itu, kami menghala pulang ke tempat penginapan di Arwana Inn, berhampiran dengan ibu pejabat APMM.

Belakang hotel kami, bengkel membaiki kapal nelayan sedang melakukan kerja mereka. Seawal pagi, ujian siren kapal nelayan kejutkan kami.

Saya memberitahu jurugambar, kalau masuk hari ketiga tiada sebarang petunjuk, mungkin kita kena balik semula ke Kuala Lumpur.

Saya tidak mahu membazirkan masa, wang, atau pun tenaga.

Di tengah kekalutan operasi mencari, semalam rakan wartawan memberitahu kepada kami mengenai laporan polis penduduk kampung di Marang nampak sebuah pesawat terbang rendah.

Saya bertambah bingung, adakah benar ia berpatah balik melalui Selat Melaka? Persoalan ini belum terjawab, tiada pengesahan.

Laporan tersebut agak pelik kerana bukan apa, di sisir perairan Laut Cina Selatan inilah, ia menjadi laluan pesawat.

Hari kedua, semua masih menanti, saya dan jurugambar juga menanti, apakah selepas ini?

Di manakah MH370?

#prayforMH370 – 12 Mac, 2014.

* Ini adalah pendapat peribadi penulis dan tidak semestinya mewakili pandangan The Malaysian Insider. 

MH370 reveals true colours of Malaysians

Posted: 11 Mar 2014 03:28 PM PDT

March 12, 2014

Ying Hooi is attached with a local university. Her research interests cover the fields of civil society, social movements, protests, political participation, human rights and democratization.

Today is the fifth day since MH370 disappeared en route to Beijing. Amid all the speculations, the Boeing777 has yet to be discovered.

When I first heard the news on March 8, I could only gasp in shock at what happened.

Within seconds, social media sites become the main channel for people around the world to express hopes and prayers.

As I keep refreshing news more often than usual to find out what was happening, at the same time, I could not help but notice unkind comments.

While Malaysians and the international community brace themselves following the disappearance of MH370, Changkat Jering state assemblyman and former Perak menteri besar Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin tweeted that there is perhaps a new Bermuda Triangle in Vietnamese waters.

Local actor Zed Zaidi, too, was caught in a storm of protest following his insensitive tweet about the missing MH370.

Both tweets did not go down well with other Twitter users and they later apologised.

As devastated family members of the passengers await news of the missing aircraft and well wishers across the world offer prayers, it is regrettable that there are Malaysians who remain ignorant and inconsiderate to such an incident.

Some were MAS-bashing. Some even turned it into an issue of religion and race. There were several Facebook postings which caused a rage in cyberspace.

There were also sentiments of anti-government and anti-Barisan Nasional.

Some went beyond imagination and made claims that the missing aircraft incident is the government's strategy to shift attention away from Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's sodomy sentence, which happened just a day before the mishap.

As millions wait for news on the 227 passengers and 12 crew members on MH370, a great amount of assistance and prayers were offered.

In a tough time like this, we should be grateful that many countries such as Vietnam, China, Australia, Indonesia and Singapore have joined in the search and rescue operations to help locate the missing aircraft.

At the same time, many Malaysians continue to offer special prayers for the safe return of MH370's passengers and crew.

In KLIA, there are plenty of messages written by the public expressing hope for the missing aircraft.

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad tweeted: "Malaysia are being watched by millions of people all over the world right now. Be a grown up and stop embarrassing your country."

So please, Malaysians, it is not the time to blame or point fingers at people.

My heart goes out to the family members of everyone on board. I can only imagine what they must feel. Let us unite together and pray for the best for MH370. – March 12, 2014.

Kredit: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com

The Malaysian Insider :: Bahasa

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The Malaysian Insider :: Bahasa

APMM tidak dapat sahkan rakit penyelamat daripada MH370, pencarian buntu

Posted: 12 Mar 2014 02:35 AM PDT

March 12, 2014

Ketua Pengarah APMM, Laksamana Datuk Mohd Amdan Kurish bercakap pada sidang media petang ini di Pasir Puteh, Kelantan berhubung penemuan rakit penyelamat di Port Dickson. – Gambar The Malaysian Insider oleh Najjua Zulkefli, 12 Mac, 2014.Ketua Pengarah APMM, Laksamana Datuk Mohd Amdan Kurish bercakap pada sidang media petang ini di Pasir Puteh, Kelantan berhubung penemuan rakit penyelamat di Port Dickson. – Gambar The Malaysian Insider oleh Najjua Zulkefli, 12 Mac, 2014.Agensi Penguatkuasaan Maritim Malaysia (APMM) tidak dapat mengesahkan rakit penyelamat yang dikatakan ditemui di Port Dickson adalah daripada MH370 yang hilang.

Setakat ini, APMM tidak dapat memberi sebarang komen mengenai penemuan tersebut, malah Malaysia Airlines (MAS) dan Jabatan Penerbangan Awam (DCA) belum memberi sebarang pengesahan.

"Kami tidak menerima sebarang pengesahan daripada MAS dan DCA.

"Pengesahan perlu dibuat oleh pihak berwajib, iaitu MAS dan DCA," kata Ketua Pengarah APMM, Laksamana Datuk Mohd Amdan Kurish pada sidang media di pangkalan APMM di Pasir Puteh, hari ini.

Mohd Amdan bagaimanapun tidak menafikan APMM di Melaka melihat rakit tersebut tetapi gagal membawanya naik ke atas kapal.

"Bot yang menuju ke lokasi rakit dikatakan ditemui cuba bawa naik, tapi ia tiba-tiba tenggelam," katanya.

Usaha cuba membawa naik tersebut gagal kerana tidak mempunyai kelengkapan mencukupi dan ia terlalu berat.

"MAS sendiri perlu mengesahkan sama ada objek itu milik mereka atau tidak," katanya dan memaklumkan masih menunggu pengesahan MAS.

Terdahulu, The Malaysian Insider melaporkan Nelayan Port Dickson dakwa jumpa objek menyerupai rakit penyelamat pesawat ketika menangkap ikan, kira-kira 10 batu nautika dari pantai Port Dickson tengah hari semalam. - 12 Mac, 2014.


MH370: Jangan sebar maklumat tidak sah, kata Jailani

Posted: 12 Mar 2014 02:30 AM PDT

March 12, 2014

Seorang wanita menulis kata-kata semangat sebagai penghormatan kepada kehilangan pesawat MH370 di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur. – Gambar The Malaysian Insider oleh Afif Abd Halim, 12 Mac, 2014.Seorang wanita menulis kata-kata semangat sebagai penghormatan kepada kehilangan pesawat MH370 di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur. – Gambar The Malaysian Insider oleh Afif Abd Halim, 12 Mac, 2014.Masyarakat terus digesa agar tidak menyebarkan maklumat tidak sah berhubung insiden kehilangan pesawat Malaysia Airlines (MAS) MH370.

Ketika membuat gesaan itu, Timbalan Menteri Komunikasi dan Multimedia, Datuk Jailani Johari, berkata penyebaran maklumat yang diragui dan tidak diiktiraf bukan sahaja boleh menimbulkan kebimbangan dan menjejaskan siasatan malah boleh mengguris perasaan anggota keluarga dan kenalan penumpang pesawat terbabit.

"Dalam kes tertentu dikira melampaui batas dan menyebabkan satu pihak merasa jelik, terancam, difitnah dan sebagainya dan seterusnya pihak tersebut melakukan aduan kepada pihak berwajib seperti SKMM (Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia) maka tindakan undang-undang berdasarkan akta sedia ada boleh diambil.

"Sebaliknya sama-sama mendoakan kejayaan misi mencari dan menyelamat yang dijalankan dan semoga MH370 ditemui dan selamat, insya-Allah," katanya dalam satu kenyataan di Kuala Lumpur, hari ini.

Sementara itu, Jailani juga mengingatkan semua pengguna internet terutamanya media sosial seperti Facebook dan Twitter supaya sentiasa berwaspada dan mengamalkan etika yang betul di saat negara menghadapi cabaran hebat menangani kehilangan pesawat MH370.

Pesawat MH370 yang membawa 227 penumpang dan 12 anak kapal hilang ketika dalam penerbangan dari Kuala Lumpur ke Beijing, kira-kira sejam setelah berlepas dari Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur pada jam 12.41 pagi Sabtu. - Bernama, 12 Mac, 2014.

Kredit: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com

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