Rabu, 19 Jun 2013

The Malaysian Insider :: Food

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The Malaysian Insider :: Food

Yunnan Red, anyone? Chinese wine heads to Europe

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 10:05 PM PDT

Lacoste and Fauchon team up for limited-edition éclairs

For the 80th anniversary of Lacoste, the clothing brand's famous crocodile will be making a special appearance on éclair pastries by French luxury food retailer Fauchon. Starting June 17 and for a limited ... Read More

Belgian fast food chain creates Homer Simpson-themed menu

After launching burgers made with black buns to promote the last Star Wars release, novelty Belgian fast food chain Quick has struck again, this time appealing to "The Simpsons" fans with a Homer-themed ... Read More

Polish snail farms inch towards huge potential

Kransin, Poland, June 18, 2013 - At a snail farm in lake-rich northern Poland, one of a growing number of breeders across the country, it is easy to accidentally step on a mollusc making a break for ... Read More

Undersea, in jail, aloft: a blitz tour of the world's most outlandish restaurants

June 17, 2013 (Relaxnews) - Some very off-the-wall restaurant concepts are popping up in all corners of the world.While fresh-air fanatics will have the chance to eat Dinner in the Sky over Venice from ... Read More

Flash Mob of 11,000 Picnickers In White Descend On Paris

Paris, June 16 2013 - To mark their silver anniversary, organizers of the oldest, largest and most exclusive outdoor dinner party in Paris sent 11,000 guests to two of the most iconic landmarks in Paris: ... Read More

Lacoste and Fauchon team up for limited-edition éclairs

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 09:17 PM PDT

Lacoste and Fauchon team up for limited-edition éclairs

For the 80th anniversary of Lacoste, the clothing brand's famous crocodile will be making a special appearance on éclair pastries by French luxury food retailer Fauchon. Starting June 17 and for a limited ... Read More

Belgian fast food chain creates Homer Simpson-themed menu

After launching burgers made with black buns to promote the last Star Wars release, novelty Belgian fast food chain Quick has struck again, this time appealing to "The Simpsons" fans with a Homer-themed ... Read More

Polish snail farms inch towards huge potential

Kransin, Poland, June 18, 2013 - At a snail farm in lake-rich northern Poland, one of a growing number of breeders across the country, it is easy to accidentally step on a mollusc making a break for ... Read More

Undersea, in jail, aloft: a blitz tour of the world's most outlandish restaurants

June 17, 2013 (Relaxnews) - Some very off-the-wall restaurant concepts are popping up in all corners of the world.While fresh-air fanatics will have the chance to eat Dinner in the Sky over Venice from ... Read More

Flash Mob of 11,000 Picnickers In White Descend On Paris

Paris, June 16 2013 - To mark their silver anniversary, organizers of the oldest, largest and most exclusive outdoor dinner party in Paris sent 11,000 guests to two of the most iconic landmarks in Paris: ... Read More
Kredit: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com

The Malaysian Insider :: Sports

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The Malaysian Insider :: Sports

Full English Premier League fixture list 2013/14 season

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 05:49 AM PDT

June 19, 2013

Read and drool, or don't, fans of the 2013/14 English Premier League. The fixture list was released today in London and the good news is that you get to know what's good and what's not in terms of match-ups. The downside is that there's some way to go before it all begins again. It kicks off on Aug 17 and one supposes that those who did not taste success last season can dream of what might be - if only for a while. Kickoff times are 1500 London time unless stated. Fixtures are subject to change.

17 August 2013

Arsenal v Aston Villa

Chelsea v Hull City

Crystal Palace v Tottenham Hotspur

Liverpool v Stoke City

Manchester City v Newcastle United

Norwich City v Everton

Sunderland v Fulham

Swansea City v Manchester United

West Bromwich Albion v Southampton

West Ham United v Cardiff City

24 August 2013

Aston Villa v Liverpool

Cardiff City v Manchester City

Everton v West Bromwich Albion

Fulham v Arsenal

Hull City v Norwich City

Manchester United v Chelsea

Newcastle United v West Ham United

Southampton v Sunderland

Stoke City v Crystal Palace

Tottenham Hotspur v Swansea City

31 August 2013

Arsenal v Tottenham Hotspur

Cardiff City v Everton

Chelsea v Aston Villa

Crystal Palace v Sunderland

Liverpool v Manchester United

Manchester City v Hull City

Newcastle United v Fulham

Norwich City v Southampton

West Bromwich Albion v Swansea City

West Ham United v Stoke City

14 September 2013

Aston Villa v Newcastle United

Everton v Chelsea

Fulham v West Bromwich Albion

Hull City v Cardiff City

Manchester United v Crystal Palace

Southampton v West Ham United

Stoke City v Manchester City

Sunderland v Arsenal

Swansea City v Liverpool

Tottenham Hotspur v Norwich City

21 September 2013

Arsenal v Stoke City

Cardiff City v Tottenham Hotspur

Chelsea v Fulham

Crystal Palace v Swansea City

Liverpool v Southampton

Manchester City v Manchester United

Newcastle United v Hull City

Norwich City v Aston Villa

West Bromwich Albion v Sunderland

West Ham United v Everton

28 September 2013

Aston Villa v Manchester City

Everton v Newcastle United

Fulham v Cardiff City

Hull City v West Ham United

Manchester United v West Bromwich Albion

Southampton v Crystal Palace

Stoke City v Norwich City

Sunderland v Liverpool

Swansea City v Arsenal

Tottenham Hotspur v Chelsea

5 October 2013

Cardiff City v Newcastle United

Fulham v Stoke City

Hull City v Aston Villa

Liverpool v Crystal Palace

Manchester City v Everton

Norwich City v Chelsea

Southampton v Swansea City

Sunderland v Manchester United

Tottenham Hotspur v West Ham United

West Bromwich Albion v Arsenal

19 October 2013

Arsenal v Norwich City

Aston Villa v Tottenham Hotspur

Chelsea v Cardiff City

Crystal Palace v Fulham

Everton v Hull City

Manchester United v Southampton

Newcastle United v Liverpool

Stoke City v West Bromwich Albion

Swansea City v Sunderland

West Ham United v Manchester City

26 October 2013

Aston Villa v Everton

Chelsea v Manchester City

Crystal Palace v Arsenal

Liverpool v West Bromwich Albion

Manchester United v Stoke City

Norwich City v Cardiff City

Southampton v Fulham

Sunderland v Newcastle United

Swansea City v West Ham United

Tottenham Hotspur v Hull City

2 November 2013

Arsenal v Liverpool

Cardiff City v Swansea City

Everton v Tottenham Hotspur

Fulham v Manchester United

Hull City v Sunderland

Manchester City v Norwich City

Newcastle United v Chelsea

Stoke City v Southampton

West Bromwich Albion v Crystal Palace

West Ham United v Aston Villa

9 November 2013

Aston Villa v Cardiff City

Chelsea v West Bromwich Albion

Crystal Palace v Everton

Liverpool v Fulham

Manchester United v Arsenal

Norwich City v West Ham United

Southampton v Hull City

Sunderland v Manchester City

Swansea City v Stoke City

Tottenham Hotspur v Newcastle United

23 November 2013

Arsenal v Southampton

Cardiff City v Manchester United

Everton v Liverpool

Fulham v Swansea City

Hull City v Crystal Palace

Manchester City v Tottenham Hotspur

Newcastle United v Norwich City

Stoke City v Sunderland

West Bromwich Albion v Aston Villa

West Ham United v Chelsea

30 November 2013

Aston Villa v Sunderland

Cardiff City v Arsenal

Chelsea v Southampton

Everton v Stoke City

Hull City v Liverpool

Manchester City v Swansea City

Newcastle United v West Bromwich Albion

Norwich City v Crystal Palace

Tottenham Hotspur v Manchester United

West Ham United v Fulham

3 December 2013

Arsenal v Hull City, 7.45pm

Crystal Palace v West Ham United, 8pm

Liverpool v Norwich City, 8pm

Manchester United v Everton, 7.45pm

Southampton v Aston Villa, 7.45pm

Stoke City v Cardiff City, 7.45pm

Sunderland v Chelsea, 7.45pm

Swansea City v Newcastle United, 7.45pm

West Bromwich Albion v Manchester City, 8pm

4 December 2013

Fulham v Tottenham Hotspur, 8pm

7 December 2013

Arsenal v Everton

Crystal Palace v Cardiff City

Fulham v Aston Villa

Liverpool v West Ham United

Manchester United v Newcastle United

Southampton v Manchester City

Stoke City v Chelsea

Sunderland v Tottenham Hotspur

Swansea City v Hull City

West Bromwich Albion v Norwich City

14 December 2013

Aston Villa v Manchester United

Cardiff City v West Bromwich Albion

Chelsea v Crystal Palace

Everton v Fulham

Hull City v Stoke City

Manchester City v Arsenal

Newcastle United v Southampton

Norwich City v Swansea City

Tottenham Hotspur v Liverpool

West Ham United v Sunderland

21 December 2013

Arsenal v Chelsea

Crystal Palace v Newcastle United

Fulham v Manchester City

Liverpool v Cardiff City

Manchester United v West Ham United

Southampton v Tottenham Hotspur

Stoke City v Aston Villa

Sunderland v Norwich City

Swansea City v Everton

West Bromwich Albion v Hull City

26 December 2013

Aston Villa v Crystal Palace

Cardiff City v Southampton

Chelsea v Swansea City

Everton v Sunderland

Hull City v Manchester United

Manchester City v Liverpool

Newcastle United v Stoke City

Norwich City v Fulham

Tottenham Hotspur v West Bromwich Albion

West Ham United v Arsenal

28 December 2013

Aston Villa v Swansea City

Cardiff City v Sunderland

Chelsea v Liverpool

Everton v Southampton

Hull City v Fulham

Manchester City v Crystal Palace

Newcastle United v Arsenal

Norwich City v Manchester United

Tottenham Hotspur v Stoke City

West Ham United v West Bromwich Albion

1 January 2014

Arsenal v Cardiff City

Crystal Palace v Norwich City

Fulham v West Ham United

Liverpool v Hull City

Manchester United v Tottenham Hotspur

Southampton v Chelsea

Stoke City v Everton

Sunderland v Aston Villa

Swansea City v Manchester City

West Bromwich Albion v Newcastle United

11 January 2014

Aston Villa v Arsenal

Cardiff City v West Ham United

Everton v Norwich City

Fulham v Sunderland

Hull City v Chelsea

Manchester United v Swansea City

Newcastle United v Manchester City

Southampton v West Bromwich Albion

Stoke City v Liverpool

Tottenham Hotspur v Crystal Palace

18 January 2014

Arsenal v Fulham

Chelsea v Manchester United

Crystal Palace v Stoke City

Liverpool v Aston Villa

Manchester City v Cardiff City

Norwich City v Hull City

Sunderland v Southampton

Swansea City v Tottenham Hotspur

West Bromwich Albion v Everton

West Ham United v Newcastle United

28 January 2014 (kickoff 1945 unless stated)

Aston Villa v West Bromwich Albion

Crystal Palace v Hull City (2000)

Liverpool v Everton (2000)

Manchester United v Cardiff City

Norwich City v Newcastle United

Southampton v Arsenal

Sunderland v Stoke City

Swansea City v Fulham

29 January 2014 (1945 local)

Chelsea v West Ham United

Tottenham Hotspur v Manchester City

1 February 2014

Arsenal v Crystal Palace

Cardiff City v Norwich City

Everton v Aston Villa

Fulham v Southampton

Hull City v Tottenham Hotspur

Manchester City v Chelsea

Newcastle United v Sunderland

Stoke City v Manchester United

West Bromwich Albion v Liverpool

West Ham United v Swansea City

8 February 2014

Aston Villa v West Ham United

Chelsea v Newcastle United

Crystal Palace v West Bromwich Albion

Liverpool v Arsenal

Manchester United v Fulham

Norwich City v Manchester City

Southampton v Stoke City

Sunderland v Hull City

Swansea City v Cardiff City

Tottenham Hotspur v Everton

11 February 2014 (1945 local time unless stated)

Arsenal v Manchester United

Cardiff City v Aston Villa

Hull City v Southampton

Stoke City v Swansea City

West Bromwich Albion v Chelsea (2000)

West Ham United v Norwich City

12 February 2014 (1945 local unless stated)

Everton v Crystal Palace

Fulham v Liverpool (2000)

Manchester City v Sunderland

Newcastle United v Tottenham Hotspur

22 February 2014

Arsenal v Sunderland

Cardiff City v Hull City

Chelsea v Everton

Crystal Palace v Manchester United

Liverpool v Swansea City

Manchester City v Stoke City

Newcastle United v Aston Villa

Norwich City v Tottenham Hotspur

West Bromwich Albion v Fulham

West Ham United v Southampton

1 March 2014

Aston Villa v Norwich City

Everton v West Ham United

Fulham v Chelsea

Hull City v Newcastle United

Manchester United v Manchester City

Southampton v Liverpool

Stoke City v Arsenal

Sunderland v West Bromwich Albion

Swansea City v Crystal Palace

Tottenham Hotspur v Cardiff City

8 March 2014

Arsenal v Swansea City

Cardiff City v Fulham

Chelsea v Tottenham Hotspur

Crystal Palace v Southampton

Liverpool v Sunderland

Manchester City v Aston Villa

Newcastle United v Everton

Norwich City v Stoke City

West Bromwich Albion v Manchester United

West Ham United v Hull City

15 March 2014

Aston Villa v Chelsea

Everton v Cardiff City

Fulham v Newcastle United

Hull City v Manchester City

Manchester United v Liverpool

Southampton v Norwich City

Stoke City v West Ham United

Sunderland v Crystal Palace

Swansea City v West Bromwich Albion

Tottenham Hotspur v Arsenal

22 March 2014

Aston Villa v Stoke City

Cardiff City v Liverpool

Chelsea v Arsenal

Everton v Swansea City

Hull City v West Bromwich Albion

Manchester City v Fulham

Newcastle United v Crystal Palace

Norwich City v Sunderland

Tottenham Hotspur v Southampton

West Ham United v Manchester United

29 March 2014

Arsenal v Manchester City

Crystal Palace v Chelsea

Fulham v Everton

Liverpool v Tottenham Hotspur

Manchester United v Aston Villa

Southampton v Newcastle United

Stoke City v Hull City

Sunderland v West Ham United

Swansea City v Norwich City

West Bromwich Albion v Cardiff City

5 April 2014

Aston Villa v Fulham

Cardiff City v Crystal Palace

Chelsea v Stoke City

Everton v Arsenal

Hull City v Swansea City

Manchester City v Southampton

Newcastle United v Manchester United

Norwich City v West Bromwich Albion

Tottenham Hotspur v Sunderland

West Ham United v Liverpool

12 April 2014

Arsenal v West Ham United

Crystal Palace v Aston Villa

Fulham v Norwich City

Liverpool v Manchester City

Manchester United v Hull City

Southampton v Cardiff City

Stoke City v Newcastle United

Sunderland v Everton

Swansea City v Chelsea

West Bromwich Albion v Tottenham Hotspur

19 April 2014

Aston Villa v Southampton

Cardiff City v Stoke City

Chelsea v Sunderland

Everton v Manchester United

Hull City v Arsenal

Manchester City v West Bromwich Albion

Newcastle United v Swansea City

Norwich City v Liverpool

Tottenham Hotspur v Fulham

West Ham United v Crystal Palace

26 April 2014

Arsenal v Newcastle United

Crystal Palace v Manchester City

Fulham v Hull City

Liverpool v Chelsea

Manchester United v Norwich City

Southampton v Everton

Stoke City v Tottenham Hotspur

Sunderland v Cardiff City

Swansea City v Aston Villa

West Bromwich Albion v West Ham United

3 May 2014

Arsenal v West Bromwich Albion

Aston Villa v Hull City

Chelsea v Norwich City

Crystal Palace v Liverpool

Everton v Manchester City

Manchester United v Sunderland

Newcastle United v Cardiff City

Stoke City v Fulham

Swansea City v Southampton

West Ham United v Tottenham Hotspur

11 May 2014

Cardiff City v Chelsea

Fulham v Crystal Palace

Hull City v Everton

Liverpool v Newcastle United

Manchester City v West Ham United

Norwich City v Arsenal

Southampton v Manchester United

Sunderland v Swansea City

Tottenham Hotspur v Aston Villa

West Bromwich Albion v Stoke City

Source: Premier League website (http://www.premierleague.com) - Reuters, June 19, 2013.  

Miami Heat beat San Antonio in overtime to force Game 7

Posted: 18 Jun 2013 10:02 PM PDT

June 19, 2013

Spurs's Manu Ginobili (20) is stopped from scoring in the final second of the 4th quarter by Miami Heat's Chris Bosh (1) and Ray Allen (34) during Game 6 of the NBA Finals. - Reuters, June 18, 2013.The Miami Heat produced an extraordinary comeback to beat the San Antonio Spurs 103-100 in overtime yesterday to force a decisive seventh game in the National Basketball Association (NBA) Finals, played in Miami.

Needing a win to keep their title defence alive, Miami clawed back from a 13-point deficit in the third quarter before Ray Allen drained a three-pointer with five seconds remaining that tied the game at 95-95 and forced overtime.

Miami then won a nerve-jangling extra five-minute period to tie the championship series at 3-3 and set up a winner-takes-all decider at Miami on Thursday.

LeBron James, the NBA's Most Valuable Player in four of the past five seasons, had a game-high 32 points for the Heat, including 21 in the second half, while Mario Chalmers had 20, featuring 4-of-5 three-pointers.

Tim Duncan had 30 points for the Spurs, who led 71-58 in the third quarter, but found themselves behind in the last quarter before going on a 8-0 run in the last two minutes to regain the lead.

They still led by five points with 28 seconds to go when Miami pulled off a miraculous comeback. - Reuters, June 19, 2013.

Kredit: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com

The Malaysian Insider :: Showbiz

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The Malaysian Insider :: Showbiz

Spider-Man will be back in theaters in 2016 and 2018

Posted: 18 Jun 2013 11:39 PM PDT

June 19, 2013

Columbia Pictures has already scheduled the releases of the third and fourth chapters of "The Amazing Spider-Man."

 As long as no major issue is encountered, Andrew Garfield's version of Spider-Man will continue his adventures until 2018. 

"The Amazing Spider-Man 3" will be released in theaters on June 20, 2016 in North America. 

The fourth chapter will come out nearly two years later, on May 4, 2018. 

This announcement proves Columbia Pictures' faith in Marc Webb, the young director who succeeds Sam Raimi in helming the Spider-Man franchise. 

The studio also mark the several blockbuster releases in the coming summers and indicates that it's far from ready to give back the cinematic rights to the superhero - which they've held since 1999 - to Marvel. 

The second chapter in 2014 "The Amazing Spider-Man 2" will come out on the big screen next May 2 in North America. 

Andrew Garfield will be seen once more as Peter Parker, aka Spider-Man. 

That movie will focus on his relationship with Mary Jane Watson (Shailene Woodley), and the hero will have to face The Green Goblin (Chris Cooper), Electro (Jamie Foxx) and the Rhino (Paul Giamatti) in his fight for justice. - AFP/Relaxnews, June 19, 2013.

Angelina Jolie stunt double sues News Corp over hacking

Posted: 18 Jun 2013 05:25 PM PDT

June 19, 2013

A stunt double for Oscar-winning actress Angelina Jolie has sued News Corp over allegations its British newspapers hacked her phone, the first lawsuit in the United States against the company since the scandal broke two years ago.

The lawsuit, filed on June 13 by professional stunt double Eunice Huthart, said reporters from News Corp's tabloids The Sun and the defunct News of the World, hacked her mobile phone while she was working for Jolie on location in Los Angeles.

The allegations include stories that ran in the tabloids about Jolie's budding relationship with actor Brad Pitt – when only a tight circle of people had knowledge of it – while they were filming the movie Mr. & Mrs. Smith.

A spokesman for News Corp declined to comment on the lawsuit.

Huthart's lawsuit said the hacking occurred in 2004 and 2005 while she was in the United States and Britain and resulted in lost voice messages that she never received. It said the London police have a file of Huthart's phone logs demonstrating the times when representatives from News of the World called her mobile.

The missing voice mails provided information later used in news reports, according to the court document in U.S. District Court in California.

In one instance, Huthart was instructed to meet Jolie, who was checked into a hotel under the pseudonym "Pocahontas". Huthart said she never received the message with the code name even though Jolie's assistant said she left it for her on the phone.

The lawsuit said that the tabloids intercepted messages left by Jolie regarding her movie career. It cited a News of the World article with the headline "Pitt Stop for Jolie" that began "Hollywood babe Angelina Jolie has threatened to quit the movies for good," according to the complaint.

Huthart of Liverpool, England, is godmother to one of Jolie's children.

The phone hacking scandal sent shockwaves through the British establishment, forced the closure of the Sunday tabloid News of the World, prompted a huge police inquiry and lead to the arrest of more than 60 people.

But until the Huthart lawsuit, the scandal has been contained in Britain.

Huthart, who is seeking unspecified damages, is being represented by New York based attorneys Siegel Teitelbaum & Evans and Steven Hyman of McLaughlin & Stern as well as The Stein Law Firm in Los Angeles.

The New York law firms have ties to the British lawyer Mark Lewis, who represented the family of a murdered teenage girl, Milly Dowler. Two years ago, news broke that reporters from News of the World hacked the mobile phone of Dowler, provoking wide- spread outrage about the illicit news gathering practices of British tabloid journalists.

Last summer, Lewis teamed up with Norman Siegel of Siegel Teitelbaum & Evans and the former executive director of the New York Civil Liberties Union and Steven Hyman of McLaughlin & Stern to pursue claims that four of his clients had been hacked by Rupert Murdoch's now-defunct tabloid on U.S. soil.

Siegel and Hyman have been pursuing their own inquiry into the possible hacking of 9/11 victims' phones by News of the World.

News Corp is preparing to split its publishing assets, which includes its British newspapers, the Wall Street Journal and book publisher HarperCollins, from its cable networks and movie studio on June 28. – Reuters, June 19, 2013.

Kredit: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com

The Malaysian Insider :: Features

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The Malaysian Insider :: Features

Nvidia To License Graphics Technology

Posted: 18 Jun 2013 05:12 PM PDT

June 19, 2013

Nvidia Chief Executive Jen-Hsun Huang (pic) said he will license graphics technology to other companies, a new model for the chipmaker that could lead to new business with Apple, Samsung and other mobile device makers.

Huang told the Reuters Global Technology Summit in San Francisco on Tuesday that licensing graphics cores and visual patents would help Nvidia take greater advantage of the booming market for smartphones and tablets and tap markets it could not reach through selling its own chips.

"The bottom line is the world has changed and we're expanding our business model to serve markets that we historically could not serve by selling chips alone," Huang said.

With its core PC market struggling, Nvidia in recent years has established itself in the fast-growing mobile market, creating processors for tablets that take advantage of its graphics expertise.

But Nvidia has faced tough competition from the much larger Qualcomm, limiting its success. Apple designs its own processors for the iPhone and iPad, and top Android smartphone maker Samsung Electronics increasingly uses its own processors in its devices.

Licensing its graphics technology to those or other companies could help Nvidia, with a market capitalization of about $8 billion, reach further into the mobile industry than it has done on its own.

The move will put Nvidia into direct competition with UK-based Imagination Technologies, whose graphics technology is used in Apple's iPhone, Samsung's Galaxy S4 smartphone and other devices. Apple and top chipmaker Intel own stakes in Imagination.

Asked whether Nvidia hopes to license graphics technology to Apple and Samsung, Huang said he is beginning to engage with the marketplace.

"We will target customers where their capacity and desire to build their own application processors is great," said Huang, who co-founded Nvidia two decades ago.

"This is a way for us to engage customers who don't like to buy chips because they like to create their own, because they have the capacity, creativity and now the scale to build their own," he said.

Nvidia will also be competing against UK-based ARM Holdings , which licenses processor technology to chipmakers including Nvidia and is increasingly targeting graphics as well.

Qualcomm uses its own graphics technology on its mobile processors.

Nvidia is also open to licensing its soon-to-launch Long Term Evolution (LTE) modem technology, Huang said.

Nvidia is integrating LTE features on upcoming versions of its Tegra chips, making them compatible with high-end carrier networks. Lack of LTE technology has kept Nvidia, Intel and other chipmakers out of the top-tier smartphone market, dominated by Qualcomm.


"This is a maturation in their mobility play," Pat Moorhead, an analyst at Moor Insights and Strategy, said of Nvidia's licensing plans.

"It widens the aperture for them because now they can look at Samsung and Apple, and HTC, and basically everyone who doesn't use Qualcomm."

Top chipmaker Intel has been slow to modify its powerful PC chips for low-power smartphones and tablets, but its newest crop of mobile chips is expected by many analysts to show major improvements and lead to even more competition in the already crowded mobile chip market.

Nvidia plans to start by licensing its Kepler architecture that it uses to make high-end graphics chips for PCs.

Global PC sales plunged 14 percent in the first three months of the year, the biggest decline in two decades of record-keeping, as tablets continue to gain in popularity and buyers appear to be avoiding Microsoft Corp's new Windows 8 operating system, according to IDC.

Asked whether Nvidia could eventually depend on royalties for most of its business, Huang said, "I think the shape of companies in the future will look increasingly hybrid. Microsoft licenses software, they sell devices, they have services. All of the above. I think you'll see more and more companies that are like that.

He said Nvidia's revenue from licensing would trail revenue from chip sales for a long time, and that gross margins would improve as the company wins more royalties.

Nvidia previously licensed graphics technology to Sony for the Playstation 3. In 2011, Intel agreed to pay Nvidia $1.5 billion over six years as part of a cross-licensing agreement.

"The opportunity went from a few million game consoles a year to now, billions of devices per year. The opportunity is now much bigger," Huang said.

In a major break from its traditional business of designing chips, Nvidia later this month plans to begin shipping a hand-held game device using its Tegra 4 processors, a bid to use its appeal with PC game enthusiasts to challenge console makers like Sony Corp and Microsoft.

Also underscoring its pursuit of new markets, Nvidia this year has shown off new graphics-intense server products for games and offices, also made with its processors, San Francisco. - Reuters, June 19, 2013.

Kredit: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com

The Malaysian Insider :: Books

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The Malaysian Insider :: Books

Hirsuite portrait chosen for Steve Jobs paperback

Posted: 18 Jun 2013 11:55 PM PDT

Hirsuite portrait chosen for ‘Steve Jobs’ paperback

Posted: 18 Jun 2013 11:51 PM PDT

Kredit: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com

The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

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The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

Malacca’s 100 year old school - Sin Chew Daily

Posted: 18 Jun 2013 04:54 PM PDT

June 19, 2013

I visited my secondary school, Malacca Pay Fong High School, last weekend to attend its 100-year celebration.

In a very slow pace, I walked around the campus while chatting. I enjoyed the lively atmosphere of the celebration, while trying to look for the trail of history.

How did Malacca look like 100 years ago? How was the school established?

What have it changed and created after 100 years? And what would it achieve in the next 100 years?

I kept thinking about these questions perhaps because I had spent six years studying in this ancient school.

I turned into the school from Jalan Tan Chay Yan and saw the Au Boon Haw memorial. Passing through the auditorium, I came to the four-section compound and found the school motto carved on a reconstructed building.

Although the campus has encountered many changes, its basic structure has been retained.

Tan Chay Yan was the main school founder. He was a tropical botanist from a prominent family.

At that time, the British introduced rubber tree seeds from Brazil but failed to grow them and were about to give up. Tan, however, never failed to see hope. He personally went to Brazil to do research and bring back seeds. He later planted rubber on a commercial basis in Malacca.

He was only 25 years old at that time. After successfully planted the trees, he started to provide the public free seeds and technology. He laid a foundation in the development of rubber industry in the country and was then called the "Father of rubber".

Tan's vision and ambition had surpassed economic and material achievements, as well as the era he lived.

The then overseas Chinese community had just experienced the impact of Revolution and was still in the joy of the foundation of the Republic. Tan, however, had thought of the population's survival and development needs.

He knew that the Chinese was not only passing-by Malaya. Instead, they would settle down and make here their permanent home.

Together with a number of people with lofty ideals, he advocated the concept of political reform. He was also active in Chinese education work along with Sim Hong Paik, the late father of Datuk Sim Mow Yu, and other Chinese educationists.

It was the beginning of an era, as well as the rise of Chinese education movement. Such an ambitious idea had led to the foundation of Pay Fong High School.

The school then encountered a few difficult years, particularly during the World War II, the school was closed and faced a depression when it reopened. However, the enthusiasm and ambition retained and inherited by Aw Boon-Haw.

Aw was an entrepreneur before and after the WWII and was best known for introducing Tiger Balm, as well as several newspapers, including Sin Chew Daily and Guang Ming Daily. His ambition had also extended to education.

His lofty sentiments had contributed to the revival of Pay Fong Hing School. The school was reconstructed and more students were enrolled. Tthe school was later turned into the Chinese cultural benchmark in Malacca.

It was an extraordinarily significant part of history.

Today, the school is facing a different environment and different challenges.

The new era is asking for quality education, global vision, competitiveness and openness, instead of wallowing in the tragic past. The mentality of self-enclosure must be particularly abandoned.

Just like Tan and Aw, Chinese education activists in this era must be courageous and responsible, while having foresight and an open mind to turn culture into roots and face the challenges in the next 100 years. - Sin Chew Daily, June 19, 2013.

When winner takes all, science loses

Posted: 18 Jun 2013 04:47 PM PDT

June 19, 2013

Science may be humankind's greatest success as a species. Thanks to the scientific revolution that began in the 17th century, humans today enjoy instant communication, rapid transportation, a rich and diverse diet, and effective prevention and treatment for once-fatal illnesses.

Moreover, science is humanity's best hope for addressing such existential threats as climate change, emerging pathogens, extra-terrestrial bolides, and a burgeoning population.

But the scientific enterprise is under threat from both external and internal forces. Now the scientific community must use its capacity for self-correction — based on new information, discoveries, experiences, and ideas (the stuff of scientific progress for centuries) — to address these threats.


A major hindrance to scientific progress is the increasing scarcity of research funding — a trend that has been exacerbated by the global economic crisis. Uncertain funding prospects not only discourage scientists from pursuing risky or undirected lines of research that could lead to crucial discoveries; they also make it more difficult to recruit the best and brightest for scientific careers, especially given the extensive training and specialisation that such careers require.

Furthermore, leaders from across the political spectrum are questioning scientifically-established principles — such as anthropogenic climate change, evolution, and the benefits of vaccination — with no scientific basis. At best, such statements serve as a distraction from important issues; at worst, they distort public policy.

Although such threats are outside of scientists' direct control, improved communication with political leaders and the public could help to reduce misinformation and bolster confidence in science. But the field's credibility is also being undermined from within, by the growing prevalence of scientific misconduct — reflected in a recent spate of retracted scientific publications — and an increasingly unbalanced scientific workforce that faces perverse incentives.


Although the vast majority of scientists adhere to the highest standards of integrity, the corrosive effects of dishonest or irreproducible research on science's credibility cannot be ignored. The problems are rooted in the field's incentive structure — a winner-take-all system in which grants, prizes, and rewards go to those who publish first.

While this competitive mentality is not new in science — the 17h-century mathematicians Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz spent more than a decade fighting bitterly for credit for the discovery of calculus — it has intensified to the point that it is impeding progress.

Indeed, scientists today are engaged in a hypercompetitive race for funding and prestigious publications that has disconnected their goals from those of the public that they serve.

Last year, for example, when C Glenn Begley and Lee Ellis sought to reproduce 53 "landmark" preclinical cancer studies, they discovered that nearly 90 per cent of the findings could not be reproduced. While the researchers who originally published those studies may have profited from increased funding and recognition, the patients who need new cancer treatments gained nothing.

Moreover, this winner-take-all system fails to account for the fact that scientific work is largely carried out by research teams rather than individuals. As a result, the scientific workforce is beginning to resemble a pyramid scheme: Unfair, inefficient, and unsustainable.

The incentives associated with the winner-take-all system encourage cheating — ranging from questionable practices and ethical lapses to outright misconduct. This threatens to create a vicious circle in which misconduct and sloppy research are rewarded, undermining both the scientific process and its credibility.


The problems are clear. But addressing them requires a prudent strategy that accounts for the structural fragility of the scientific enterprise, in which scientists must complete extensive training, regulation can easily stifle creativity, and funding limitations can substantially delay progress.

Because of this fragility, few countries have been able to establish highly productive scientific enterprises — even though scientific innovation and technological breakthroughs are crucial to a country's productivity, economic growth and influence. Given the challenges implicit in establishing and maintaining a robust scientific sector, reform efforts must be undertaken carefully. At the same time, the reforms must be comprehensive, addressing methodological, cultural and structural issues. Methodological reforms should include revised training requirements that allow for less specialisation, together with improved training in probability and statistics.

Scientific culture must be reformed to abandon long-standing practices, such as those that determine how credit is assigned. And structural reforms aimed at balancing the scientific workforce and stabilising funding are crucial.

Some reforms should be easy to implement. For example, it would not be difficult to win support for improving education in the ethical aspects of scientific research. But other important reforms, such as creating alternatives to the winner-take-all incentive system, will present enormous challenges.

An effective reform strategy should employ the tools of science — specifically, data collection and analysis. More data are needed to understand workforce imbalances, the peer review system, and how the economics of the scientific enterprise influence scientists' behaviour.

Science has been studied by sociologists, historians and philosophers, but rarely by scientists themselves. Now, with perverse incentives undermining their credibility and hampering research, scientists must take matters into their own hands.

Applying the scientific method to the problems of science could be scientists' best hope for regaining public confidence and reinvigorating the quest for transformative discoveries. PROJECT SYNDICATE


Arturo Casadevall is Professor and Chair in Microbiology and Immunology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York. Ferric C Fang is Professor of Laboratory Medicine, Microbiology, Medicine, and Pathobiology at the University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle. - TODAY Newspaper, June 19, 2013. 

Kredit: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com

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The Malaysian Insider :: Bahasa

Polis: Laporan siasatan mangsa dikhuatiri tertimbus selesai

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 01:52 AM PDT

June 19, 2013

Laporan siasatan berhubung kematian seorang lelaki yang dikhuatiri tertimbus di kawasan runtuhan penebat kilat di Jalan Macalister di sini telah selesai, kata Ketua Polis Daerah Timur Laut ACP Gan Kong Meng.

Beliau berkata hasil penemuan siasatan itu akan diserahkan kepada Menteri Dalam Negeri, Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid pada hari ini bagi proses permohonan sijil kematian.

"Polis bertindak berpandukan apa yang telah kita peroleh seperti rakaman CCTV (kamera litar tertutup) untuk melakukan kerja mengesan dan menyelamat dan kita percaya mayat mangsa berada di sekitar kawasan kejadian, tetapi tidak dapat dijumpai," katanya kepada pemberita di sini hari ini.

Beliau berkata pasukan Jabatan Kimia dan Forensik dari Hospital Pulau Pinang turut selesai melakukan ujian di sekitar kawasan kejadian semalam dan tidak menemui sebarang tisu badan dan kesan darah di tempat itu.

Gan berkata kertas siasatan dibuka berdasarkan laporan orang hilang dan sijil kematian dijangka dapat diserahkan kepada keluarga mangsa, Jumaat ini.

Dalam kejadian angin kencang Khamis lepas, seorang penjual nasi Lim Chin Aik, 44, dikhuatiri tertimbus apabila pasukan mencari dan menyelamat menemui beberapa bahagian kereta Honda City berwarna gelap terbenam di kawasan runtuhan pada Sabtu.

Polis mengesahkan nombor casis kereta yang terbenam itu sepadan dengan kereta milik mangsa yang dilapor hilang sejak hari kejadian selepas keluar mengambil anaknya di sekolah.

Susulan itu, pihak berkuasa memulakan operasi mencari dan mengesan mangsa, tetapi operasi terpaksa dihentikan sepenuhnya pada 8 pagi Isnin untuk mengelak struktur bangunan warisan di kawasan itu terjejas. - Bernama, 19 Jun, 2013.

Tukar sekolah vernakular kepada sekolah kebangsaan, kata bekas Hakim

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 01:50 AM PDT

Oleh Md Izwan
June 19, 2013

Bekas Hakim Mahkamah Rayuan Datuk Mohd Noor Abdullah mencadangkan supaya sekolah vernakular Tamil dan Cina ditukar menjadi sekolah kebangsaan yang mengajar pelbagai bahasa.

Mohd Noor telah menimbulkan kontroversi bulan lalu apabila mangatakan kaum Cina bakal menerima tindakan daripada Melayu akibat daripada "pengkhianatan" dilakukan dalam Pilihan Raya 2013.

"Kita bukan mahu membunuh bahasa mereka," kata Mohd Noor dalam satu forum bertajuk "Kedudukan Sekolah Vernakular dari Perspektif Artikel 152 Perlembagaan Persekutuan" di sini.

"Kita mahu semua orang diberikan peluang untuk belajar bahasa-bahasa itu," tambah beliau lagi.

Menurut Mohd Noor, terma vernakular "Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan" ditukar kepada terma baru "Sekolah Kebangsaan" ataupun "Sekolah Kerajaan" bertujuan supaya sistem persekolahan negara tidak hanya khusus kepada suatu kaum sahaja.

"Kita bukan menghapuskan sekolah tersebut.

 "Jenama tersebut memecah belah. Guru dan sekolah boleh lagi berada dalam sekolah tersebut tetapi frasa vernakular boleh digugurkan," katanya.

Di samping itu, beliau turut berkata sistem sekolah tersebut perlu diselarikan dengan sekolah kebangsaan sedia ada dan mencadangkan "sekolah bahasa" yang khusus mengajar bahasa kaum tertentu diwujudkan sekiranya terdapat permintaan untuk mempelajari bahasa tersebut.

"Sistemnya mesti sama dengan sekolah kebangsaan lain... dan jika terdapat permintaan, wujudkan sekolah bahasa untuk mereka mempelajari bahasa asal mereka," jawab Mohd Noor apabila ditanya tentang cadangan penjenamaan tersebut merangkumi perubahan sistem persekolahan sekolah vernakular yang sedia ada.

Bekas hakim tersebut sebelum ini mencetuskan kontroversi selepas menuduh Cina merancang untuk "merampas kuasa politik" daripada Melayu, walaupun sudah mendapat manfaat dari segi ekonomi dari "setia kawan" Melayu.

Mohd Noor turut dilaporkan berkata sistem persekolahan tersebut tidak diiktiraf dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan negara dalam satu forum bertajuk "Wacana Post-Mortem PRU13: Bicara Kepimpinan dan Survival Ummah" anjuran Gabungan Pelajar Melayu Semenanjung (GPMS) di Kuala Lumpur pada 12 Mei lalu.

"Menurut Perlembagaan, kita sepatutnya hanya ada satu aliran sekolah sahaja. Sepatutnya kita hapuskan sekolah jenis kebangsaan (SJK).

"Hapuskan oleh kerana Perlembagaan tak iktiraf sekolah jenis kebangsaan kerana adanya sekolah kebangsaan dan jenis kebangsaan, adanya sekolah Cina, India, ia memecah-belahkan rakyat," kata beliau.

Sejurus kenyataan kontroversi itu, parti pembangkang Pakatan Rakyat (PR) mengecam kenyataan tidak bertanggungjawab kedua-dua individu tersebut dan menegaskan Perlembagaan Persekutuan melindungi sekolah vernakular dan pendidikan dalam bahasa ibunda, memetik Perkara 152 (1) (a) dan (b) dalam undang-undang tertinggi negara.

PR juga mengkritik dan mengecam kedua-dua individu tersebut kerana dilihat cuba mencetuskan ketegangan antara masyarakat Cina dan Melayu di dalam negara.

Malah, Pengerusi DAP Karpal Singh pada 15 Mei lalu membuat satu laporan polis ke atas Mohd Noor yang juga merupakan salah seorang panel dalam Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) atas kenyataan berbentuk hasutan tersebut dan menggesa Pejabat Peguam Negara mengambil tindakan.

Barisan Nasional (BN) menang tipis pada 5 Mei dengan hanya 133 kerusi Parlimen berbanding 89 kerusi oleh PR lebih rendah daripada 140 kerusi yang mereka menangi dalam Pilihan Raya 2008.

Presiden Umno Datuk Seri Najib Razak mencadangkan "tsunami Cina" menyebabkan BN mendapat keputusan pilihan raya terburuk dalam sejarah.

Utusan Malaysia, akhbar dimiliki Umno, juga mencadangkan pengundi Cina cuba melakukan provokasi kaum dengan mengundi menentang BN, dengan satu tajuk muka hadapan akhbar itu berbunyi, "Apa lagi Cina Mahu?".

Akhbar itu - dilihat bersekutu dengan Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad dan pemimpin parti lain - secara konsisten berhujah undi menentang Umno yang mengetuai BN sama dengan undi menentang Melayu.

Ini berlaku apabila secara faktanya parti PR, PAS dan PKR sebahagian besarnya ahlinya Melayu-Muslim. DAP turut meletakkan calon Melayu dalam pilihan raya. - 19 Jun, 2013.

Kredit: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com

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