Khamis, 25 Julai 2013

The Malaysian Insider :: Food

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The Malaysian Insider :: Food

Can a veggie be trendy? Bon Appetit says yes

Posted: 25 Jul 2013 07:03 PM PDT

July 26, 2013

Like shoulder pads and skinny jeans, food also goes through trend cycles, including those in the vegetable kingdom.

That's according to Bon Appétit magazine which recently traced the "trendiest" vegetables over the past 44 years, identifying the very year when beets, for instance, reached the height of culinary sophistication.

It was 1982. Chef Wolfgang Puck, caterer to the stars, paired beets with goat cheese. The world never looked at beets quite the same way again.

In 2004, eating heirloom tomatoes was akin to toting a designer handbag, acting as a "status symbol of the new foodie elite."

Brussel sprouts in vogue for 2013. - commons wikimedia pic, July 26, 2013.Brussel sprouts in vogue for 2013. - commons wikimedia pic, July 26, 2013.And the year 1985 belonged to sun-dried tomatoes, an ingredient which, like animal print, risks overkill, editors say.

"Their punchy flavor made them instantly addictive. Rampant overuse made them a punch line."

Market research firm Technomic meanwhile predicted 2013 to be the year of the vegetable, when the humble plant kingdom would finally take centre stage on dinner plates as the star ingredient, and not just play the sidekick. Analysts also predicted kale and Brussel sprouts to be this year's menu protagonists.

Other vegetables that made Bon Appétit's list for enjoying their epicurean 15 minutes of fame include the avocado (traced to 1969 when major appliances took on the subdued green hue); arugula; asparagus; Portobello mushrooms (which despite insistence, don't taste like steak, editors point out); Brussels sprout; heirloom carrots; and for 2012, the ubiquitous kale in all its forms -- sautéed, raw, and roasted as chips. – AFP/Relaxnews, July 26, 2013.

The world according to Bernardo

Posted: 25 Jul 2013 05:38 PM PDT

July 26, 2013

Bernardo paces the day with a carajillo in hand. - July 26, 2013.Bernardo paces the day with a carajillo in hand. - July 26, 2013.Can Maño is his world, and Bernardo is truly proud of it. He's our idol - the owner of a Small Giant that has withstood the test of time to be one of the most sought-after little restaurants in Barceloneta, Spain.

People from Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia as well as the United States and the world over have heard of this little locale; most come to stuff their faces like there's no tomorrow. Then you have the odd British couple who subject their poor child to chips and sausages.

The best thing about Can Maño in the fishing barrio of Barcelona is, no doubt, the fish. White and blue fish - such as sardines, boquerones (anchovies), barat (mackerel), as well as grilled squid, cuttlefish, and, my favourite chipirones (baby squid). Grilled seafood come drizzled with good oil and parsley, so don't expect Asian-style seafood with rich sauces.

Juan Luis and I have been going to Can Maño for 6 years, ever since I came to Barcelona, April 2007. As my late maternal grandmother used to say in Cantonese: yat yat dou hai sang yat (every day is your birthday). And we truly feel that every time we're at Can Maño, it's as if we were celebrating our birthdays. A regular who works at the local Maritime Club says there are other restaurants in Barcelona which serve food as cheap and good as Bernardo's, but he stays faithful to Can Maño.

We stay faithful to Bernardo too because although he's the boss, he's plainly not forgotten his roots nor the obvious principles of what makes a Small Giant: fresh, honest food, consistently good quality, quiet attentiveness and a genuine desire to do dana, the practice of cultivating generosity as defined in Buddhism and Hinduism, though he knows not the word. Pili (the diminutive of Pilar), his daughter, takes after her father in a way and takes pride in making the best coffee in the barrio. A meal for two comes up to a very reasonable 35 euros, drinks and coffee included, but we're small eaters so our bill is often about 28 euros for two.

The oldies are ravenous - they seem to eat for the entire week - and they easily eat double our share. Even so, 50 euros for two is an excellent price as it'll cost double were you to eat on the main promenade, Passeig de Joan de Borbó.

Mum and dad love their cafés con leche with their meal which we find too milky, so we go for beer and cortados (espresso with a tinge of milk). Some locals, like Bernardo, end their meal with a carajillo (espresso with any liquor such as rum, whisky, brandy, anís or cognac). Bernardo has his with Anís del Mono. I've had a carajillo on an odd winter's day which warms up the belly in a flash. Bliss. But I prefer sober mornings, and have given that initial novelty up. The origin of this drink - similar to the Italian drink known as caffè corretto, dates to the Spanish occupation of Cuba. "The troops combined coffee with rum to give them courage (coraje in Spanish), hence 'corajillo' which was modified to carajillo in recent years."

Chipirones (baby squid). - July 26, 2013.Chipirones (baby squid). - July 26, 2013.Can Maño was established by a relative of Bernardo's father who took over in 1961 and then passed on the reins to his son. Father and son made it a point to maintain quality. They kept it so even though the price of a plate of fish rose from 2 pesetas in the pre-euro days to 2.5o euros (it now costs about 5-8 euros for a plate of fish, and about 16 euros for grilled prawns). An euro was the equivalent of 166,386 pesetas. "Fue un subidón." (It was an immense price hike.)

Habas con chorizo, morcilla y tocino (Fava beans with 'sacraments'). - July 26, 2013.Habas con chorizo, morcilla y tocino (Fava beans with 'sacraments'). - July 26, 2013.Bernardo -  who comes from Sagunto, capital of the Campo de Morvedre county north of the province of Valencia - knows the price of everything, and the value of time. He's never in a hurry, pacing himself for long, sultry days, and a break from taking orders and serving, once in a while, to play with his grandson Cesc (the diminutive of Francisco in Catalan). Pili is the proud mother of this little dragon boy - he's lost his baby fat, but none of his firm grasp. His father Francesco, of Sardinia, Italy, is popular with the locals and manages the crowd that stream in from 12.30pm onward.

"What's your vision of the future, Bernardo?" He's 65 in July, the age of retirement, but sees himself staying on at Can Maño - "to help my daughter" and ensuring a smooth transition when the time is right. The future is bright with Cesc, born in the Year of the Water Dragon, who reaches out to family and strangers with happy, fearless eyes. - July 26, 2013.

* Sue is a Malaysian writer based in Barcelona, Spain. She blogs at and twitters @suechienlee

* Can Maño is on Calle del Baluard, 12, Barcelona, Spain (La Barceloneta). Tel: 93.319.30.82. ( It opens daily from 08:00-11:00 h. / 12:30-16:00h / 20:00-23:00 h, and is closed Saturday evenings, Sundays and Monday mornings.


The Malaysian Insider :: Sports

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The Malaysian Insider :: Sports

Thais face sanctions over badminton brawl

Posted: 25 Jul 2013 06:52 AM PDT

July 25, 2013
Latest Update: July 25, 2013 09:56 pm

Two Thai badminton players are facing potential sanctions over a vicious on-court brawl after the sport's world body opened disciplinary proceedings today.

Bodin Issara and Maneepong Jongjit could be hit with bans, suspensions or fines after last week's fight, which unfolded during the Canada Open men's doubles final in front of shocked spectators.

Video footage showed Bodin chasing Maneepong, his partner at last year's Olympics but now teamed with Nipitphon Puangpuapech, on to a neighbouring court and dragging him to the ground.

He then punched his prone countryman twice and appeared to try to stomp on him before being dragged away from Maneepong, who got up shirtless and was helped away.

Fans were heard screaming and calling for the fight to end during Sunday's ugly incident in Vancouver. Footage of the brawl has gone viral on the Internet.

The Badminton World Federation (BWF) said Bodin was facing five charges including physical abuse, while Maneepong would answer three including oral abuse and unsportsmanlike conduct.

The BWF will review evidence including statements from the two men before making a decision, a statement said.

Badminton is still reeling from a scandal at the Olympics when eight doubles players were banned for trying to lose group matches, in the hope of gaining a favourable quarter-final draw.

Bodin and his partner, Pakkawat Vilailak, were disqualified from the Canada Open final after the fight. - Reuters, July 25, 2013

United’s chase of Fabregas is “on-going”, says Moyes

Posted: 25 Jul 2013 06:06 AM PDT

July 25, 2013
Latest Update: July 26, 2013 05:06 am

Manchester United have not given up their pursuit of Barcelona's Cesc Fabregas and talks to bring the Spain midfielder to Old Trafford are "on-going", manager David Moyes said today.

Moyes confirmed this week that the club had made a second bid for the 26-year-old though Fabregas's Barca team-mate Gerard Pique told British newspaper The Sun that United were wasting their time chasing the playmaker.

Negotiations to sign the Spaniard "are on-going", Moyes, who replaced the long-serving Alex Ferguson at the end of last season, told reporters in Osaka ahead of the club's friendly with J-League club Cerezo Osaka tomorrow.

Moyes also said the recovery of Wayne Rooney, who left the Asia-Pacific tour early with a hamstring injury, fuelling intense speculation that he was on his way out, was on track.

"Wayne's running, probably at the level where we thought he would be just now, and he'll pick up his work again," Moyes said.

The English champions have lost two matches and won one so far on their tour with the latest defeat coming on Tuesday when a youthful side lost 2-3 to Japan's Yokohama F. Marinos.

Former Everton manager Moyes said he would try to rotate his players to spare them from the intense heat and humidity.

"It's not as important as winning the first game of the Premier League season but you want to win as often as you can and we'll try and do so," he added.

"We're not used to training or playing in these conditions but I hope it will benefit us when we go back to England from playing in such warm conditions.

"We're meaning to use all our players tomorrow night to make sure everybody doesn't have to lose so much weight and fluid. I'm sure it will be a very hot evening." - Reuters, July 25, 2013


The Malaysian Insider :: Features

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The Malaysian Insider :: Features

Sleep well to look young, says study

Posted: 24 Jul 2013 07:51 PM PDT

July 25, 2013

Want better, younger looking skin? Get better sleep, a new study finds.

In a small study at University Hospitals Case Medical Center in Cleveland, Ohio, poor sleepers were found "to show increased signs of skin aging and slower recovery from a variety of environmental stressors," such as ultraviolet radiation, the researchers said. The study, presented at the International Investigative Dermatology Meeting in Edinburgh, Scotland, was commissioned by Estée Lauder. 

"While chronic sleep deprivation has been linked to medical problems such as obesity, diabetes, cancer and immune deficiency, its effects on skin function have previously been unknown," said head researcher Dr. Elma Baron. 

The study involved 60 women between the ages of 30 and 49, with half of participants falling into the poor quality sleep category. The classification was made on the basis of average duration of sleep and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, a standard questionnaire-based assessment of sleep quality. 

Poor quality sleepers showed increased signs of intrinsic skin aging including fine lines, uneven pigmentation and slackening of skin and reduced elasticity. The researchers found that good quality sleepers recovered more efficiently from stressors to the skin, such as sunburns.

Self perception of attractiveness was also significantly better among subjects who slept well compared to those who didn't.  

If you think you fall in the poor sleeper category, WebMD and the Mayo Clinic offer the following tips to boost your zzzs: Stick to a regular sleep schedule, even on weekends. Eat well, and avoid caffeine in the evenings or overeating before bedtime.

Also try sleep accessories, such as a white noise machine or ear plugs, to block out distractions. Exercise during the day, which can aid sleep, and try to clear your mind from too much clutter before bedtime by writing in a journal beforehand, for example. Though you may think chronic sleep deprivation is just stress-related, it could also be caused by an underlying medical problem like sleep apnea, so it's a good idea to talk to your doctor. – AFP/Relaxnews, July 25, 2013.


The Malaysian Insider :: Showbiz

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The Malaysian Insider :: Showbiz

The rebirth of singer-songwriter Roy Harper

Posted: 24 Jul 2013 06:30 PM PDT

July 25, 2013

After decades as a critically acclaimed but fringe figure in music, British singer-songwriter Roy Harper is suddenly finding himself in demand.

Aged 72 and some 50 years into his career, Harper has been "discovered" by the young - drawn by his complex, intelligent lyrics and his persona as poetic outsider.

Where once he was embraced by the likes of Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin - he sang "Have A Cigar" for the former and had "Hats Off To (Roy) Harper" written about him by the latter - he now counts new-folkies like Fleet Foxes, Joanna Newsom and Jonathan Wilson as ardent fans.

Newsom, a 31-year old Californian harpist and singer, went as far as to persuade him to appear with her at the Royal Albert Hall in 2007 and to play his most popular album, "Stormcock", in its entirety.

Harper is now about to release his first collection of new songs in over a decade, the perhaps aptly named "Man and Myth".

"I thought I had retired," Harper said, adding that he had been happily working away building a garden in his Irish home and cataloguing his life's work.

"I was in one world, but the next world had found me, so I had to respond to it," he said. "That meant gathering my wits and going forward with a new record."

Harper - who is celebrated in part for his refusal to seek commercial fame as his '60s and '70s contemporaries did - expresses little surprise that a young audience, much of it on America's West Coast, has found him.

"Every generation searches for something to inspire them. It is just the same as I would have been as a younger person looking at those older people like Jelly Roll Morton, Charlie Parker and Miles Davis," he said.

"For some reason or another that's the kind of modus operandi that exists between young and old."


British musician Roy Harper in London on July 19, 2013. – Reuters handout pic, July 25, 2013.British musician Roy Harper in London on July 19, 2013. – Reuters handout pic, July 25, 2013.There is a part of Harper - shoulder-length white hair and all - that thinks of himself as part of that young generation, a group he sees as coalescing culturally until it breaks off into nuclear units to have children.

"They have statements to make when they are all together... That's the phase that interests me. That's the phase that can make a shift in human culture.

"I do think of myself as being a member of the youth culture, although my looks would belie that. I am 18 until I look in the mirror - and then the horrible truth dawns."

The new album, to be released in late September, is classic Harper, full of poetic musings such as "The punters gather at prime time/On the flat screens of their dreams/To vote for dumb celebrity/And witter into gathering storms of universal screams".

It will be his 23rd studio album, added to around as many compilation and live releases. He was also on a generation-defining sampler called "The Rock Machine Turns You On" in 1968, along with the likes of Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen and The Byrds.

Harper says there is a certain maturity to his songs these days that comes with age, but that basically not much has changed since he was a child.

There is a consistency of vision, he says, and all he does is add to it as an artist might add to a big canvas.

"(The vision) is based on what I think of as my own primitive criteria. I am pretty much the same person as I was at six. I have just added to that," he said. – Reuters, July 25, 2013.

11 years later, Salman Khan pleads not guilty to hit-and-run charge

Posted: 24 Jul 2013 06:14 PM PDT

July 25, 2013

Bollywood actor Salman Khan at a news conference, for his 2010 film “ReadyBollywood actor Salman Khan at a news conference, for his 2010 film "ReadyBollywood star Salman Khan has pleaded not guilty to fresh charges for  culpable homicide not amounting to murder in the 2002 Mumbai hit-and-run case.

If convicted, he faces 10 years in prison.

Salman is one of Bollywood's major stars with a loyal fan base. Among his 80-over movies are  the award-winning "Dabangg" and "Bodyguard".

The actor, who sat in the dock with his bodyguard close to him, also claimed trial yesterday to rash driving, causing injuries, and negligence, reported news agencies.

He faces more charges under India's Motor Vehicles Act and other laws.

Salman had last appeared in court for the case on July 19.  According to a Times of India report, the actor was once again accompanied by his sisters Alvira and Arpita. Salman was seen dozing off several times during the proceedings.

ToF reported that sessions judge U.B. Hejib initially expressed his reluctance to proceed with the case as it was set to be transferred to another court. However, public prosecutor Shankar Erande pressed for framing of charges on the grounds that Salman was scheduled to travel abroad for the next two months and this could delay the trial.

During the hearing, Salman's defence lawyer Shrikant Shivade referred to an earlier application regarding media restraints, asking for "factual reporting".

According to The BBC, Salman had allegedly driven his Toyota Land Cruiser into a bakery in Mumbai on Sept 28, 2002.

The vehicle ran over five people sleeping on the streets, killing one man and seriously injuring three others.

ToF reported that the Indian police built their case around a statement made by Salman's bodyguard, Ravindra Patil, who said that the actor was under the influence of alcohol.

This is not the first time Salman has been jailed. In 2006, stated The BBC, he was sentenced to five years in prison for hunting a protected deer, but released on bail after spending less than a week in jail. – July 25, 2013.


The Malaysian Insider :: Books

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The Malaysian Insider :: Books

Rowling’s continuing saga, with fake signatures and secrets

Posted: 24 Jul 2013 06:58 PM PDT

July 25, 2013

Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling spent a whole weekend practising a fake signature for her crime-writing alter-ego Robert Galbraith, she revealed yesterday.

Sales of "The Cuckoo's Calling", a critically-acclaimed detective novel supposedly by rookie novelist Galbraith, have rocketed since it emerged this month that the author is Rowling.

Writing on a website set up for Galbraith, the British author confirmed that she has just finished a sequel, which will be published under his name next year.

Rowling, who has sold more than 450 million copies of the Harry Potter books, was accused of planning her own unmasking as a publicity stunt -- but she insists she had wanted her identity to stay secret.

"If anyone had seen the labyrinthine plans I laid to conceal my identity (or indeed my expression when I realised that the game was up!) they would realise how little I wanted to be discovered," the 47-year-old wrote.

The author described how she spent days working on Galbraith's signature for the relatively few signed copies that are now in circulation.

"My Robert Galbraith signature is distinctive and consistent; I spent a whole weekend practising it to make sure," she said.

British legal firm Russells apologised to the mother-of-three last week after it discovered that one of its partners was the source of the leak, having told his wife's best friend "in confidence" about Galbraith's true identity.

Sales of the book -- the tale of a private detective investigating a model's apparent suicide -- have risen 41,000 percent in the last week, according to data released by Nielsen BookScan.

Two television companies had also expressed an interest in adapting the novel before its true author was revealed, said Rowling.

Galbraith was originally described by the publisher as a former member of the Royal Military Police who has been working in the civilian security industry for the last decade.

This backstory provided him with "a solid excuse not to appear in public or provide a photograph", the multimillionaire Rowling said.

She revealed she had chosen the name Robert after her hero Robert F. Kennedy, the US politician who was assassinated in 1968.

The reason behind the surname was more random: "When I was a child, I really wanted to be called 'Ella Galbraith', and I've no idea why," she wrote.

Rowling said she wrote under a pseudonym because, as one of the world's most famous authors, she had been yearning to "work without hype or expectation and to receive totally unvarnished feedback".

Her first novel for adults, "The Casual Vacancy", was published last year to mixed reviews. – AFP/Relaxnews, July 25, 2013.


The Malaysian Insider :: Bahasa

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The Malaysian Insider :: Bahasa

Jerebu beralih ke utara Malaysia - Bernama

Posted: 25 Jul 2013 02:21 AM PDT

July 25, 2013

Jerebu beralih ke utara tanah air dengan Ipoh di Perak dan Seberang Jaya di Pulau Pinang mencatat kualiti udara tidak sihat dan sederhana petang ini.

Menurut laman web Jabatan Alam Sekitar, Indeks Pencemaran Udara (IPU) yang direkod sehingga 3 petang ini di Ipoh menunjukkan bacaan tidak sihat iaitu 104 manakala Seberang Jaya mencatat IPU 100.

Sebanyak 36 kawasan lain mencatat bacaan IPU sederhana termasuk Seri Manjung di Perak yang menghampiri paras tidak sihat dengan IPU 93, selain Cheras (89), Putrajaya dan Batu Muda di Kuala Lumpur (60) serta Shah Alam (70).

Sebanyak 15 kawasan lagi mencatat kualiti udara baik termasuk di Sabah, Sarawak dan Johor.

Bacaan IPU antara 0 dan 50 dikategori sebagai baik, 51 hingga 100(sederhana), 101 ke 200 (tidak sihat), 201 hingga 300 (sangat tidak sihat) dan 300 ke atas (bahaya). - Bernama, 25 Julai, 2013.

Saya spontan tunjuk kertas undi, kata Tengku Zaihan - Bernama

Posted: 25 Jul 2013 02:11 AM PDT

July 25, 2013
Latest Update: July 25, 2013 05:31 pm

Insiden menunjukkan kertas undi oleh calon Barisan Nasional (BN) bagi Pilihan Raya Kecil (PRK) kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Kuala Besut, Tengku Zaihan Che Ku Abd Rahman adalah satu tindak balas spontannya selepas diminta bertalu-talu oleh jurufoto.

Tengku Zaihan, 37, atau dikenali 'Abe Ku' (Abang Ku) oleh penduduk setempat berkata, beliau tidak berniat untuk menunjukkan kertas undi itu, tetap bertindak spontan disebabkan keadaannya yang agak letih berkempen selama 12 hari sejak 12 Julai lalu.

Bekas jurutera Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran (JPS) Putrajaya itu antara pengundi yang awal mengundi di Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Kuala Besut pada hari pengundian semalam.

"Maklumlah saya tidak cukup tidur berbelas hari, badan pun letih. Keadaan itu menyebabkan tindakan saya jadi spontan.

"Masa hendak lipat kertas undi itu masuk ke dalam kotak undi, jurugambar tidak henti-henti panggil saya dan saya pun tidak sengaja menunjukkan kertas undi sebab mahu memberi respon," katanya.

Beliau berkata demikian sebagai mengulas isu yang dibangkitkan pembangkang kononnya beliau  melanggar peraturan pilihan raya apabila menunjukkan kertas undinya kepada jurufoto pada hari mengundi semalam.

Pada pilihan raya kecil DUN Kuala Besut semalam, Tengku Zaihan mengalahkan calon PAS Endot@Azlan Yusof, 48, dengan majoriti 2,592 undi selepas Tengku Zaihan memperoleh 8,288 undi manakala Azlan mendapat 5,696 undi.

Tengku Zaihan berterima kasih kepada penduduk Kuala Besut yang mengundinya dan masih mengekalkan jiwa 'Gelombang Biru' hingga berjaya mengelakkan DUN Terengganu daripada tergantung 16:16 seperti yang dicanangkan oleh PAS mengenai 16:16 Terengganu Baharu.

"Saya bukanlah penyelamat tetapi pengundi Kuala Besut yang sebenarnya memainkan peranan utama dalam menentukan kemenangan BN dan meneruskan kesinambungan BN memastikan penduduk sini mendapat pembangunan berterusan.

"Selain daripada sokongan setempat, saya lihat pengundi muda mula beri sokongan kepada BN. Mungkin juga ia ada kaitan dengan faktor calon muda diketengahkan BN," katanya.

Terdahulu Tengku Zaihan memulakan tugas hari pertamanya sebagai wakil rakyat dengan bertemu penduduk di sekitar kawasan itu seawal 10 pagi.

Beliau bermula dengan mengunjungi bapanya, Che Ku Abdul Rahman Che Ku Abdullah, 74, di Kampung Gertak Seratus untuk memohon restu sebelum memulakan tugas pertamanya.

Tengku Zaihan yang ditemani isteri, Siti Salbiah Osman, 34, turut bertemu golongan peniaga di Pasar Tani Kuala Besut kira-kira 30 minit sebelum melawat rumah penyokong BN yang meninggal dunia pagi tadi akibat penyakit lelah sejak lapan tahun lalu di Kampung Kayu Kelat di sini.

Dalam pada itu, Tengku Zaihan berkata untuk permulaan beliau akan menjalankan tugas sebagai wakil rakyat dengan melihat kembali perancangan yang dibuat wakil rakyat terdahulu.

Dalam pada itu, Tengku Zaihan turut mengakui skop tanggungjawabnya kini lebih luas berbanding pekerjaannya sebelum ini yang juga harus turun bertemu rakyat.  Bernama, 25 Julai, 2013.


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The men of God

Posted: 24 Jul 2013 09:17 PM PDT

[unable to retrieve full-text content]JAIS is preparing to take action against the four Muslim girls who participated in the Miss Malaysia World 2013 beauty contest in contravention of an earlier fatwa banning Muslims from taking part in beauty pageants. I am writing to appeal to the department to desist from doing so. Any action by the religious authorities to enforce this fatwa...


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