Selasa, 30 Julai 2013

The Malaysian Insider :: Sports

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The Malaysian Insider :: Sports

Premier League teams count cost of Asia tours

Posted: 29 Jul 2013 10:27 PM PDT

July 30, 2013
Latest Update: July 30, 2013 01:42 pm

Vertonghen being stretchered off the pitch after suffering an injury in Hong Kong. AFP pic, July 30, 2013.Vertonghen being stretchered off the pitch after suffering an injury in Hong Kong. AFP pic, July 30, 2013.The Premier League's top teams swarmed to Asia chasing the region's growing wealth and unquenchable thirst for English football, but they go home counting the fitness costs.

At least two key players - Jan Vertonghen of Spurs and Matija Nastasic of Manchester City - suffered injuries during lucrative friendlies that could see them miss the start of the season, which kicks off in under three weeks.

Manchester United's Wayne Rooney was in Bangkok for less than 24 hours when he sustained a hamstring injury in training and was immediately sent back to Britain for rehabilitation. He is at least expected back before the start of the season and is pencilled in for a return on August 6.

Trips to Asia are becoming a hugely important revenue source for clubs keen to cash in on television and sponsorship deals, fees from friendly matches and sales of official merchandise.

But while the clubs' moneymen rub their hands together at the ever-increasing demand for live appearances across the continent, coaches and players alike have admitted the demanding schedule is exhausting.

Spurs manger Andre Villas-Boas was in open revolt after seeing Vertonghen, a first-choice defender, pick up an ankle injury playing on a surface in Hong Kong that his Sunderland counterpart Paolo Di Canio branded "a killer pitch".

"If I can be sincere, I would prefer not to play, but this is the reality that we have to face," said the Portuguese on the eve of his side's friendly against South China.

After seeing his team hammer the hopelessly outclassed local side 6-0, Villas-Boas said that he was just relieved to get out without any more injuries.

Hours later Manchester City manager Manuel Pellegrini found himself in the same boat when he lost first-pick centre-half Nastasic, also at Hong Kong Stadium, where days of heavy rain had the players slipping and sliding dangerously.

The young Serbian's injury was caused by a kick to the ankle, said Pellegrini, refusing to blame the muddy pitch. Nastasic appeared to be in considerable pain as he was stretchered from the field in front of a 40,000 sell-out crowd.

Manchester United were the most ambitious, jet-setting on a whistlestop tour of Thailand, Australia, Japan and Hong Kong. They played five times in just 17 days.

Their manager David Moyes said it was inevitable players would pick up minor injuries in such a tight schedule.

"When you've been away for three weeks and played the games in quick succession and had to travel there's always going to be slight niggles and strains which you want to protect," he said.

His Arsenal counterpart Arsene Wenger, whose side embarked on a two-week tour that took in Vietnam, Japan and Indonesia - where temperatures nudged above 32-degrees Celsius - also admitted four games in 13 days had taken its toll.

"We are well advanced in our preparation," Wenger said. "It depends now on how quickly we'll recover from that trip because it was very difficult. It will take a few days to recover from that."

The England striker Jermain Defoe, who hit a hat-trick in the romp over South China, was another to admit that playing on the other side of the world in the fierce summer heat and humidity had been draining.

"A lot of the boys have been really tired to be honest, as you can imagine with the time difference and training twice a day," he said.

"But it's a long season and you need to get fit. It's not a holiday, at the end of the day. We've had six or seven weeks to have our holidays and that, and now it's time to work."

Liverpool were also in town, playing friendlies in Indonesia, Australia and Thailand that racked up a total of seven goals, but thankfully for manager Brendan Rodgers there were no significant injury worries. - AFP, July 30, 2013.

Premier League teams count cost of Asia tours

Posted: 29 Jul 2013 10:27 PM PDT

July 30, 2013
Latest Update: July 30, 2013 01:42 pm

Vertonghen being stretchered off the pitch after suffering an injury in Hong Kong. AFP pic, July 30, 2013.Vertonghen being stretchered off the pitch after suffering an injury in Hong Kong. AFP pic, July 30, 2013.The Premier League's top teams swarmed to Asia chasing the region's growing wealth and unquenchable thirst for English football, but they go home counting the fitness costs.

At least two key players - Jan Vertonghen of Spurs and Matija Nastasic of Manchester City - suffered injuries during lucrative friendlies that could see them miss the start of the season, which kicks off in under three weeks.

Manchester United's Wayne Rooney was in Bangkok for less than 24 hours when he sustained a hamstring injury in training and was immediately sent back to Britain for rehabilitation. He is at least expected back before the start of the season and is pencilled in for a return on August 6.

Trips to Asia are becoming a hugely important revenue source for clubs keen to cash in on television and sponsorship deals, fees from friendly matches and sales of official merchandise.

But while the clubs' moneymen rub their hands together at the ever-increasing demand for live appearances across the continent, coaches and players alike have admitted the demanding schedule is exhausting.

Spurs manger Andre Villas-Boas was in open revolt after seeing Vertonghen, a first-choice defender, pick up an ankle injury playing on a surface in Hong Kong that his Sunderland counterpart Paolo Di Canio branded "a killer pitch".

"If I can be sincere, I would prefer not to play, but this is the reality that we have to face," said the Portuguese on the eve of his side's friendly against South China.

After seeing his team hammer the hopelessly outclassed local side 6-0, Villas-Boas said that he was just relieved to get out without any more injuries.

Hours later Manchester City manager Manuel Pellegrini found himself in the same boat when he lost first-pick centre-half Nastasic, also at Hong Kong Stadium, where days of heavy rain had the players slipping and sliding dangerously.

The young Serbian's injury was caused by a kick to the ankle, said Pellegrini, refusing to blame the muddy pitch. Nastasic appeared to be in considerable pain as he was stretchered from the field in front of a 40,000 sell-out crowd.

Manchester United were the most ambitious, jet-setting on a whistlestop tour of Thailand, Australia, Japan and Hong Kong. They played five times in just 17 days.

Their manager David Moyes said it was inevitable players would pick up minor injuries in such a tight schedule.

"When you've been away for three weeks and played the games in quick succession and had to travel there's always going to be slight niggles and strains which you want to protect," he said.

His Arsenal counterpart Arsene Wenger, whose side embarked on a two-week tour that took in Vietnam, Japan and Indonesia - where temperatures nudged above 32-degrees Celsius - also admitted four games in 13 days had taken its toll.

"We are well advanced in our preparation," Wenger said. "It depends now on how quickly we'll recover from that trip because it was very difficult. It will take a few days to recover from that."

The England striker Jermain Defoe, who hit a hat-trick in the romp over South China, was another to admit that playing on the other side of the world in the fierce summer heat and humidity had been draining.

"A lot of the boys have been really tired to be honest, as you can imagine with the time difference and training twice a day," he said.

"But it's a long season and you need to get fit. It's not a holiday, at the end of the day. We've had six or seven weeks to have our holidays and that, and now it's time to work."

Liverpool were also in town, playing friendlies in Indonesia, Australia and Thailand that racked up a total of seven goals, but thankfully for manager Brendan Rodgers there were no significant injury worries. - AFP, July 30, 2013.


The Malaysian Insider :: Features

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The Malaysian Insider :: Features

It’s good news for Global Tiger Day

Posted: 29 Jul 2013 07:47 PM PDT

July 30, 2013

Bengal tiger in Karnataka, India. - July 30, 2013.Bengal tiger in Karnataka, India. - July 30, 2013.The number of wild tigers living in Nepal has increased by 63% to 198 since 121 in 2009, a government survey has shown.

The survey, stated news agencies, which was carried out between February and June, assessed the Bengal tiger population across a 600-mile stretch in Nepal and India.

It found numbers had increased in all of Nepal's national parks. In particular, the tiger population in the south-western Bardia national park has risen from about 18 in 2009 to 50 this year.

Global Tiger Day, which falls on July 29 annually, is also known as International Tiger Day. According to the World Wildlife Fund, over the last century wild tiger numbers have fallen disastrously, by more than 95% - mainly due to poaching and the destruction of forests and other habitats they need for survival.

South Asian governments have committed to doubling tiger populations by 2022, but the animals continue to face threats from poaching and habitat loss.

There are thought to be fewer than 2,000 tigers left worldwide, with 60% of them in India, reported The BBC.

The survey covered tigers in the Terai Arc region, which spreads across the north Indian states of Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand and into southern Nepal.

Nepal's survey concentrated on five protected areas and three wildlife corridors.

Nepalese officials described the findings as a "milestone" in the bid to double the number of wild tigers by 2022, as agreed by the region's leaders at an international summit in 2010.

Tens of thousands of Royal Bengal tigers, the most numerous subspecies of tiger, used to roam Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Nepal, but their numbers have fallen dramatically in recent decades.

The tiger's massive decline is due to widespread deforestation, the shrinking of their habitat and loss of prey base, as well as illegal poaching and wildlife trade.

Earlier this year, a study by Cardiff University warned that Indian tigers could face extinction because of a collapse in the variety of their mating partners.

The study found that 93% of DNA variants found in tigers shot during the period of the British Raj are not present in tigers today.

Researchers say a loss of habitat has meant that tigers are no longer free to roam throughout the subcontinent, which in turn has restricted their gene pool.

For the next Year of the Tiger, in 2022, the WWF is asking the governments of tiger range countries to commit to a series of global wild tiger counts. It said that three comprehensive counts are needed – in 2016, 2020 and 2022.

"Tiger range countries have set an ambitious goal and WWF is committed alongside them to make it a reality," says Mike Baltzer, leader of WWF's Tigers Alive Initiative. "To know global tiger population numbers will be to know where we are... and will help understand what else we need to do together to put tigers in a safe place by 2022." – July 30, 2013.

For men, monogamy can have evolutionary benefits

Posted: 29 Jul 2013 04:39 PM PDT

July 30, 2013

Whenever a public figure cheats on his wife, pundits can be counted on to trot out the tired old claim that males are simply wired by evolution to be promiscuous.

Two studies released yesterday beg to differ.

By sticking to one female, they conclude, males of many species, especially primates, can increase their chances of siring many offspring who survive long enough to reproduce - the key factor in determining whether a particular behaviour survives the brutal process of natural selection.

In fact, the evolutionary advantages to males of being monogamous are so clear that the two studies reached competing conclusions about which benefit is greater for males. According to research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, protecting the lives of his offspring was the paramount benefit of monogamy.

Separate findings published in the journal Science said that keeping his mate faithful provided the greatest evolutionary edge.

Both studies addressed a conundrum: because male mammals can sire so many more offspring per breeding season than females, it would seem that mating with only one female would be less adaptive for a male than spreading his seed widely.

The PNAS paper, which analysed 230 species of primates, concludes that protecting the kids is the greatest benefit of male monogamy. By sticking close to his mate a male reduces the risk of infanticide.

Although the study examined only nonhuman primates, that reasoning has resonance in people, too, where children who grow up without a father in the household are more likely to die in childhood, according to government statistics.

"This is the first time that the theories for the evolution of monogamy have been systematically tested, conclusively showing that infanticide is the driver of monogamy," said anthropologist Christopher Opie of University College London, lead author of the PNAS paper, which analysed 230 species of primate. "This brings to a close the long-running debate about the origin of monogamy in primates."

Not so fast, according to authors of the Science paper.

Zoologists Dieter Lukas and Tim Clutton-Brock of the University of Cambridge examined the social structure of 2,545 species of mammals, of which 9 percent are socially monogamous. That was defined as a system in which a male mates with only one female and they "usually stay together until one dies," Lukas told reporters.

The Cambridge scientists conclude that guarding against infanticide played little if any role in the development of monogamy among such mammals as tamarins, marmosets, beavers, wolves, jackals and meerkats. Instead, the behaviour arose when females spread out over large territories and had zero tolerance for other females entering their turf.

That left a male little choice but to stick close to his mate, foreswearing others, because philandering risked leaving her to the sweet entreaties of a rival.

"Monogamy arose where guarding a single female was a male's best reproductive strategy," said Clutton-Brock.


Once monogamy set in for this reason, the care that faithful fathers provide their offspring can make the behaviour even more evolutionarily advantageous, since it increases their brood's chances of surviving.

In fact, the two studies are not that far apart, starting with their basic conclusion that male monogamy can be a winning strategy, evolutionarily, and thus be favored by natural selection - the "survival of the fittest" winnowing process that shapes species. Both studies also found that paternal care "is a consequence, not a cause, of monogamy," said Clutton-Brock, but one that made it even more beneficial: with monogamy, males are more likely to help care for their offspring.

That not only protects against murderous marauders but takes some of the burden of childcare from mum, preserving her health and allowing her to bear more healthy offspring, which count as additional evolutionary points for the faithful dad too.

It will take more research to sort out which evolutionary force - preventing infanticide or guarding against cuckoldry -had the strongest effect on the development of monogamy among some mammals.

The research is even less able to speak to monogamy - or the lack of it - in people. The Cambridge team believes that "humans are not socially monogamous," said Lukas, while the PNAS authors classify humans as both monogamous and polygamous, depending on their historical and social circumstances.

"Humans are such unusual animals, depending so excessively on culture, which changes so many of the ground rules of evolution," said Clutton-Brock.

Human monogamy might have arisen when females were separated and solitary, and a male needed to stick close to one mate to guard her, added Lukas, "but it is also possible that monogamy is a very recent, cultural arrangement of marriage within groups."

Whatever the initial reason and whenever it evolved, monogamy has been a boon for Homo sapiens. The study pointing to protection from infanticide as the prime force in male monogamy "allows us to peer back into our evolutionary past to understand the factors that were important in making us human," said Susanne Shultz of the University of Manchester, a co-author of the PNAS paper. "Once fathers decide to stick around and care for young, mothers can then change their reproductive decisions and have more, brainy offspring." – Reuters, July 30, 2013.


The Malaysian Insider :: Showbiz

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The Malaysian Insider :: Showbiz

Jolie tops Hollywood earning list in momentous year

Posted: 30 Jul 2013 08:21 AM PDT

July 30, 2013
Latest Update: July 31, 2013 07:21 am

Angelina Jolie (pic) has topped Forbes magazine's annual list of top-earning actresses after pulling in an estimated US$33 million (about RM100 million)in a year marked by her decision to have a double mastectomy.

Last year's top earner Kirsten Stewart slipped to third with US$22 million, behind Jolie and second-placed Jennifer Lawrence, whose Oscar for her performance in "Silver Linings Playbook" helped her pick up US$26 million.

Jolie's bumper earnings year reflected her return to blockbusters with the 38-year-old having signed up to star in Disney's "Maleficent", a new version of Sleeping Beauty which began filming last month and is due for release next year.

The film is the celebrated beauty's first since she revealed in May that she had undergone a double mastectomy and reconstructive surgery after being diagnosed as having a gene which gives her a very high chance of developing breast and/or ovarian cancer.

The decision to go public over a choice influenced by the loss of her mother to ovarian cancer at the age of 56 was widely praised as empowering for other women facing a similar dilemma, and appears to have had no impact on Jolie's standing in the business.

"Hollywood hasn't shied away from Jolie," Forbes reporter Dorothy Pomerantz wrote. "She's still one of the few actresses who can demand a pay cheque north of US$15 million for the right movie."

Lawrence meanwhile earned relatively modest fees for her Oscar Best Actress role and for starring in the hugely successful first movie in "The Hunger Games" series. But, according to Forbes, she was able to leverage that success into much bigger cheques for the upcoming "Catching Fire", which hits theatres in November, and for co-starring in the next X-Men film, "Days of Future Past".

Stewart's fortunes meanwhile appear to be on the wane now that another mega-hit franchise, the Twilight series, is finished.

Former "Friends" star Jennifer Aniston placed four on the list with estimated earnings of US$20 million while newcomer Emma Stone came fifth, with US$16 million. - AFP, July 30, 2013

Pakistan unveils first female cartoon super heroine

Posted: 29 Jul 2013 07:07 PM PDT

July 30, 2013

Step aside Wonder Woman as there is a new female cartoon superhero in town next month – Burka Avenger.

Set to debut on Pakistan's Geo TV, the caped crusader is a burka-clad mild-mannered teacher who fights local thugs seeking to shut down the girls' school where she works.

The Urdu language show is the brainchild of one of Pakistan's biggest pop stars, Aaron Haroon Rashid – popularly called Haroon - who conceived of it as a way to emphasise the importance of girls' education and teach children other lessons, such as protecting the environment and not discriminating against others, reported news agencies.

Female literacy in Pakistan is estimated at a grim 12% and the Taliban are continuing a campaign which has seen hundreds of girls' schools blown up in the north-west of the country, stated The BBC.

Haroon had actually set out to develop an iPhone game app by the same name last year.

A small animated video was developed to promote the app but the main character took on a life of her own, which has led to a 13-episode animated series.

"Each one of our episodes is centred around a moral, which sends out strong social messages to kids. But it is cloaked in pure entertainment, laughter, action and adventure," said Haroon, according to The Daily Mail.

Taha Iqbal, the head of animations for Burka Avenger, says like any other superhero, Burka Avenger had a back-story too and her reasons for wearing the burka have nothing to do with subservience.

"Besides she has to kick ass," he says. "Tight leather pants are hardly practical for that purpose."

The entire series has been developed in just over a year by a 22-member production team operating out of a small office in Islamabad.

The series is set in Halwapur, a fictional town nestled in the soaring mountains and verdant valleys of northern Pakistan, read The Daily Mail report. The Burka Avenger's true identity is Jiya, whose adopted father, Kabbadi Jan, taught her the karate moves she uses to defeat her enemies.

For the upcoming TV debut, music videos are also being released featuring some of Pakistan's top musicians like Haroon himself, Ali Azmat, Josh and Ali Zafar. T-shirts and other merchandise will also be put on sale. – July 30, 2013.


The Malaysian Insider :: Books

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The Malaysian Insider :: Books

Popular vegan blog gets cookbook deal

Posted: 29 Jul 2013 06:39 PM PDT

July 30, 2013

A gangsta vegan blog that got a shout-out from Gwyneth Paltrow and throws in F-bombs willy nilly is being turned into a cookbook.

Since launching last August the anonymously written blog Thug Kitchen gained a cult-like following for its tough-talking, gratuitous use of expletives and tasty vegan recipes like sweet potatoes and pinto bean tacos, and basmati-stuffed peppers.

Last week, the site announced that The Thug Kitchen Cookbook is 'officially f---ing happening," with a "s----load" of new recipes and photos.

The book will be published in the US by Rodale, and the House of Anansi in Canada. Discussions are also under way for a publishing in the UK, he (or she) writes.

The book is slated to release next fall.

In less than a year, the blog succeeded in amassing more than 340,000 Facebook fans and more than 35,175 followers on Twitter.

During a promotional appearance on the US daytime TV show the "Rachael Ray Show," healthy eating crusader Gwyneth Paltrow gave Thug Kitchen a shout-out, calling it "brilliant."

It was also named the best new blog in Saveur magazine's annual Best Food Blog Awards this year.

Looking for more vegan recipe ideas? Check out's picks for best vegan blogs at, which gives top nods to Post Punk Ktichen and VeganYumYum, both of which can also be found in hard-copy cookbook versions. – AFP/Relaxnews, July 30, 2013.

Lee Kuan Yew’s new book out on Aug 6

Posted: 29 Jul 2013 05:07 PM PDT

July 30, 2013

Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew in Hong Kong in 2008. – Reuters pic, July 30, 2013.Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew in Hong Kong in 2008. – Reuters pic, July 30, 2013.A new book by Singapore's former prime minister Lee Kuan Yew on the future of the major powers and regions of the world will launched on Aug 6.

Titled One Man's View of the World, the 400-page volume also covers Lee's views about the global economy and climate change, and reflects candidly on life and death, according to news reports.

The final chapter of the book captures a series of conversations between Lee and his old friend, former chancellor of West Germany, Helmut Schmidt. The two met to discuss international affairs over three days in May 2012 when Schmidt was in Singapore.

Published by Straits Times Press, the book will be available in bookstores for S$39.90. The book will be made available in Malaysia and around the region soon after the launch. Orders may be done through the Straits Times Press website at

Previous books by Lee, who turns 90 in September, include My Lifelong Challenge: Singapore's Bilingual Journey (2011), Lee Kuan Yew: The Man and His Ideas (1998), as well as the two-volume memoirs, The Singapore Story (1998) and From Third World to First (2000). – July 30, 2013.


The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

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The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

In search of real history

Posted: 29 Jul 2013 04:10 PM PDT

July 30, 2013
Latest Update: July 30, 2013 07:49 am

Syawal Hafriz is a third-year Government & Economics undergraduate at LSE, and the former chairman of UKEC. He also writes for CEKU at

Last year, the local entertainment scene was rocked by the debate over "Tanda Putera", a historical biographical film about how the May 13 incident was handled by the former Prime Minister Tun Abdul Razak and his team.

It was claimed to be a controversial film with the intention to incite racial hatred, since the Chinese were portrayed as the troublemakers in the events leading up to the biggest racial riots in the history of our country.

The debate became increasingly heated as the country was in the final preparation for the 13th General Election. Many demanded the movie to be banned, in order to protect racial sensitivity in Malaysia.

As a result, the release of the movie had been delayed several times. Fast forward a year later, the nation experiences déjà vu.

This time, it is about a new film called "The New Village", which depicts the relocation of Chinese villagers to curb communist activity back in 1949.

It was alleged that the film was trying to portray the Malayan Communist Party as the real fighters for our nation's independence.

The only difference is, unlike "Tanda Putera" in which its release has been delayed for almost a year, this film initially got the approval to be screened next month before being suspended by the Home Ministry pending further review by the Censorship Board.

Hence, the underlying question is, why the double standard? How come one film was given the immediate approval by the authorities to be released when another had to wait for so long?

Also, it is interesting to see how the same group of people who were so adamant that "Tanda Putera" should not be screened to the public under the banner of protecting the harmony of racial relationships have either remained silent or jumped into the defence of "The New Villlage" this time around.

I dare say that those who demanded for both movies to be banned have not actually seen the full versions of them. We passed our judgement without even giving the chance for the contents to be evaluated in the first place.

Our response is largely driven by emotion, especially now as we are in the state where there is deep polarisation within society.  

Even worse, we have politicians, who keep harping on racial rhetoric and politicise the whole issue for their own interest, resulting in further division within society.

Despite the controversies surrounding "Tanda Putera" and "The New Village", I still appreciate the fact that both of them are more than just two other purely entertaining movies.  

Surely there are some lessons to be learnt from the two historical incidents, therefore it is important that both of them are allowed to be screened to the public.

Truth be told, the younger generation do not appreciate history enough, and our education system is partly responsible for this.

Take the History subject in school for example: we are only told to memorise a given set of facts and that should be enough for us to secure good marks in exams. The older generations are able to appreciate history because they lived through it.

On the other hand, the younger ones do not understand history well enough for us to share the same appreciation for it. Learning history is much more than just memorising whole textbooks.

We need to know more than just a simple fact such as the Chinese were the culprits during the May 13 riots or the Malayan Communist Party killed thousands of innocent people during the Emergency.

Hence, learning history should be about comparing different sources of information to understand the real cause behind each event. It is more important for us to be able to find the relevant explanation behind every historical account, which will eventually help us draw some useful lessons for the future.

If the learning process is being transformed into a thought-provoking one rather than one featuring only memorising, then we will have greater appreciation for history.

This is where movies such as "Tanda Putera" and "The New Village" come in. While there are concerns that they may disrupt the harmony of our country, I think we are mature enough to evaluate the content on our own.

After all, the era of government knows best is over. If these movies will eventually spark the debate over both historical incidents, so be it.

History should be understood well enough by all Malaysians. Researching and learning about history on our own is more meaningful than being told by any party on what is the real history of our nation.

If we allow the lack of appreciation for history amongst the youth to continue, we are in danger of losing our national identity in the years to come. So, what are you waiting for? Screen both movies to the public and let us, the people, be the judge. - July 30, 2013.


The Malaysian Insider :: Bahasa

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The Malaysian Insider :: Bahasa

Isu larangan azan, saksi tidak pernah hubungi Dr Mohamad Khir

Posted: 30 Jul 2013 01:51 AM PDT

July 30, 2013

Bekas setiausaha Masjid Kota Damansara, Petaling Jaya tidak pernah menghubungi Dr Mohamad Khir Toyo bagi mendapat kepastian berhubung kenyataannya mengenai isu larangan azan yang diterbitkan Utusan Malaysia lima tahun lalu.

Menjelaskan di Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur, mengapa beliau tidak berbuat demikian, Ahmad Redzuan Samsudin, 32, dalam keterangannya berkata: "Siapa saya untuk menghubunginya (Dr Mohamad Khir)".

Beliau berkata demikian ketika disoal peguam Mohana Kumar TKB yang mewakili Utusan Malaysia dan kolumnis, Datuk Mohd Zaini Hassan dalam perbicaraan kes saman fitnah RM30 juta yang difail Ahli Parlimen kawasan Seputeh, Teresa Kok Suh Sim.

Ahmad Redzuan juga mendiamkan diri ketika disoal Mohana Kumar berhubung berlaku ketidakadilan terhadap bekas Menteri Besar Selangor itu disebabkan beliau tidak bertanyakan hal berkenaan.

Bagaimanapun, saksi kelima plaintif itu tidak bersetuju dengan cadangan Mohana Kumar bahawa Dr Mohamad Khir ada maklumat lain berhubung isu itu dan ia tidak diketahuinya.

Selaku setiausaha masjid pada masa itu, beliau ada pengetahuan berkaitan hal ehwal berkaitan masjid kerana ia masjid tunggal di Kota Damansara yang turut menaungi surau-surau lain.

Beliau juga memaklumkan mahkamah laporan polis dibuat Masjid Kota Damansara pada 10 September 2008 selepas Utusan Malaysia mengeluarkan artikel bertajuk "Ada Usaha Larang Azan di Masjid-Masjid Selangor" pada 9 September 2008.

"Setelah membaca artikel itu, ahli jawatankuasa (AJK) masjid  bermesyuarat pada sebelah malam (9 Sept) dan memutuskan untuk membuat laporan polis bagi mengesahkan bahawa fitnah (apa yang dilaporkan) Utusan Malaysia dalam artikel itu, palsu," katanya

Ketika ditanya Mohana Kumar sama ada terdapat minit mesyuarat pada 9 September 2008, Ahmad Redzuan berkata: "Tidak ada, yang ada hanya minit mesyuarat pada 13 September, selepas laporan polis dibuat".

Pada 9 Oktober 2008, Teresa memfail saman itu dengan mendakwa ia membawa maksud beliau seorang yang tidak boleh dipercayai, ahli politik yang jahat, bersikap perkauman dan antiIslam.

Beliau yang diwakili peguam, SN Nair, mendakwa artikel itu disiarkan semula dan diedar di seluruh Malaysia serta dunia menerusi perkhidmatan online Utusan, dan akibatnya, reputasi dan kewibawaannya tercemar.

Perbicaraan di hadapan Hakim Siti Khadijah S Hassan Badjenid bersambung 29 Ogos ini. - Bernama, 30 Julai, 2013.

Isu larangan azan, saksi tidak pernah hubungi Dr Mohamad Khir - Bernama

Posted: 30 Jul 2013 01:51 AM PDT

July 30, 2013

Bekas setiausaha Masjid Kota Damansara, Petaling Jaya tidak pernah menghubungi Dr Mohamad Khir Toyo bagi mendapat kepastian berhubung kenyataannya mengenai isu larangan azan yang diterbitkan Utusan Malaysia lima tahun lalu.

Menjelaskan di Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur, mengapa beliau tidak berbuat demikian, Ahmad Redzuan Samsudin, 32, dalam keterangannya berkata: "Siapa saya untuk menghubunginya (Dr Mohamad Khir)".

Beliau berkata demikian ketika disoal peguam Mohana Kumar TKB yang mewakili Utusan Malaysia dan kolumnis, Datuk Mohd Zaini Hassan dalam perbicaraan kes saman fitnah RM30 juta yang difail Ahli Parlimen kawasan Seputeh, Teresa Kok Suh Sim.

Ahmad Redzuan juga mendiamkan diri ketika disoal Mohana Kumar berhubung berlaku ketidakadilan terhadap bekas Menteri Besar Selangor itu disebabkan beliau tidak bertanyakan hal berkenaan.

Bagaimanapun, saksi kelima plaintif itu tidak bersetuju dengan cadangan Mohana Kumar bahawa Dr Mohamad Khir ada maklumat lain berhubung isu itu dan ia tidak diketahuinya.

Selaku setiausaha masjid pada masa itu, beliau ada pengetahuan berkaitan hal ehwal berkaitan masjid kerana ia masjid tunggal di Kota Damansara yang turut menaungi surau-surau lain.

Beliau juga memaklumkan mahkamah laporan polis dibuat Masjid Kota Damansara pada 10 September 2008 selepas Utusan Malaysia mengeluarkan artikel bertajuk "Ada Usaha Larang Azan di Masjid-Masjid Selangor" pada 9 September 2008.

"Setelah membaca artikel itu, ahli jawatankuasa (AJK) masjid  bermesyuarat pada sebelah malam (9 Sept) dan memutuskan untuk membuat laporan polis bagi mengesahkan bahawa fitnah (apa yang dilaporkan) Utusan Malaysia dalam artikel itu, palsu," katanya

Ketika ditanya Mohana Kumar sama ada terdapat minit mesyuarat pada 9 September 2008, Ahmad Redzuan berkata: "Tidak ada, yang ada hanya minit mesyuarat pada 13 September, selepas laporan polis dibuat".

Pada 9 Oktober 2008, Teresa memfail saman itu dengan mendakwa ia membawa maksud beliau seorang yang tidak boleh dipercayai, ahli politik yang jahat, bersikap perkauman dan antiIslam.

Beliau yang diwakili peguam, SN Nair, mendakwa artikel itu disiarkan semula dan diedar di seluruh Malaysia serta dunia menerusi perkhidmatan online Utusan, dan akibatnya, reputasi dan kewibawaannya tercemar.

Perbicaraan di hadapan Hakim Siti Khadijah S Hassan Badjenid bersambung 29 Ogos ini. - Bernama, 30 Julai, 2013.


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