Sabtu, 26 Oktober 2013

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The Malaysian Insider :: Sports

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The Malaysian Insider :: Sports

Lorenzo on pole for Japanese MotoGP, still in title chase

Posted: 26 Oct 2013 05:43 AM PDT

October 26, 2013

World champion Jorge Lorenzo (pic) continued his desperate fight to keep his MotoGP title by taking pole position for the Japanese Grand Prix in a wet qualifying session today.

The Yamaha rider swept around the circuit in one minute 53.471 seconds on his 24th of 25 laps to top the timesheets ahead of fellow Spaniard Marc Marquez, who could seal the title in his rookie season tomorrow if he outscores Lorenzo by eight points.

Today's entire practice programme was wiped out by fog and wet weather with the rain also forcing the cancellation of the morning's free practice session and leading to the extended 75-minute qualifying session.

American Nicky Hayden rounded out the front row on his Ducati with Marquez's Honda team mate Dani Pedrosa, the winner of the race for the last two years, relegated to the second row in fourth place.

A mistake from Marquez's team blew the 20-year-old's chance of clinching the title in Australia last weekend when he was disqualified but he gets a second chance in the penultimate race of the season tomorrow.

A seventh victory of his sensational debut season, combined with anything worse than second for Lorenzo, would make him the youngest champion in the top class of grand prix racing and he was delighted with second place given the conditions.

"It was quite difficult, it was my first time in Motegi, first time in qualifying without any practice sessions, in wet conditions and I took more risks than usual," he said.

"But we did a very good job because our target was the front row and we did it. We are hoping for a dry race."

The Honda-owned track was still slick with rain when the bikes finally got out of their garages for the first time this weekend and Marquez, Pedrosa and Hayden all set quickest times before Lorenzo took charge.

The 26-year-old said it had been tough having to push hard while riding in wet conditions for the first time since he broke his collarbone in a high speed crash in the Dutch round of the championship in June.

"I am very happy to get this second pole position in a row," said the twice world champion, who won in Australia last week to cut Marquez's championship lead to 18 points.

"It was hard because the last time I rode in the wet was in Assen, so at the beginning I was careful and not so confident and a bit scared.

"Little by little, I got better and in the end did a very good lap. Tomorrow is probably going to be dry so let's see what happens." – Reuters, October 26, 2013.

Vettel completes Indian GP practice sweep

Posted: 26 Oct 2013 12:43 AM PDT

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Red Bull's Sebastian Vettel (pic) completed a practice hat-trick on Saturday with the fastest time in a smog-shortened final session before qualifying for a race expected to bring him a fourth successive Formula One title. The 26-year-old German lapped the Buddh International Circuit with a best time of one minute 25.332 seconds, a whopping...


The Malaysian Insider :: Showbiz

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The Malaysian Insider :: Features

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The Malaysian Insider :: Features

Egypt’s top TV satirist back on air, pokes fun at all political camps

Posted: 25 Oct 2013 10:05 PM PDT

October 26, 2013

Egypt's most prominent television satirist, Bassem Youssef, known for his fierce jabs at ousted Islamist president Mohamed Mursi, returned to the airwaves on Friday following a summer break, poking equal fun at the fan frenzy surrounding Egypt's defense minister that has gripped the nation in recent months.

Youssef rose to fame with a satirical online show after the uprising that swept Hosni Mubarak from power in 2011. His programme, which has been compared to the U.S. satirical comedy "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart", is now broadcast on Egyptian TV.

Youssef had not been on air since July, when the head of the armed forces, General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, ousted Mursi in response to nationwide protests against his rule, fuelling speculation the show had been halted for fear of reprisal if Youssef were to make satirical remarks about the general.

But on Friday the comedian, along with his team of entertainers, poked fun at all camps - Mubarak loyalists, Mursi's Muslim Brotherhood supporters who have staged frequent protests since July, and Sisi's fans.

Early in the show, Youssef and others on the programme broke into a comic song-and-dance routine to the tune of the nursery rhyme "Old MacDonald had a Farm", which he said aimed to explain to Egypt's children the country's political events this summer.

"After the revolution we got a president who thought we would be duped", they sang in rhyme in Arabic, with the sound of drum beats in the background. "His Renaissance programme was a terrible idea ... so the people decided to revolt."

Referring to the ruler of the country, Youssef later jovially displayed a projected image of Sisi before quickly swapping it with the image of the interim president, Adly Mansour.

He poked extensive fun at the adulation of Sisi's fans.

"Sisi has turned into ... chocolate!" said Youssef, joking about the chocolate bars that have been moulded to the defence minister's likeness in confectionary stores.

"We're also selling Sisi-fours," said an actor on the show playing a pastry-shop owner, making a pun on the tea cake "petit fours."

Sisi has emerged as a popular figure since July. Posters of him with past Egyptian military heroes who became presidents are ubiquitous. Jewelry carrying his image is sold on the streets.

Military officers are pushing Sisi to run in the country's presidential elections, although the general has not said he would. Many Egyptians believe that if he ran, he would sweep the elections.

"I am not with the (Islamists), who attacked us and called us heretics ... and publicly called for our imprisonment," Youssef said. He had had an arrest warrant issued against him by Mursi's prosecutor general over allegations he insulted Mursi and Islam, but Youssef was later released on bail.

"At the same time, I am not with hypocrisy, deification of individuals and creation of Pharoahs," Youssef said. "We are afraid that fascism in the name of religion gets replaced with fascism in the name of nationalism."


Security forces have pursued a sweeping crackdown on the Brotherhood since July, arresting most of its top leaders and accusing many of them of fomenting violence or terrorism. Reconciliation efforts between the government and the Brotherhood have so far been fruitless.

"Are you with reconciliation?" Youssef asks the actor playing the pastry shop owner, to which the actor replies: "No, but we report anyone who buys Rabaa pastries," referring to the name of the neighbourhood in Cairo that became the epicentre of protests by Mursi's supporters since July.

"Bassem has become a kind of litmus test for freedom of expression in Egypt. Many people said he wouldn't dare mention al-Sisi, but he did," said Amr Helal, a 26-year-old marketing executive who watched the show.

But with political emotions running high in the country, and many Egyptians staunchly backing the army move in July, Friday's episode stirred mixed reactions.

Facebook and other social networking sites were rife with views both supportive and critical of the episode, with some commentators saying both camps were taking it too seriously.

"Bassem is a traitor. This is a dangerous time in Egypt. How can he satirize the man who saved us from the Islamists and their violence? Our soldiers are dying in Sinai every day at the hands of insurgents," wrote one Facebook commentator.

Another wrote: "Liberals worshipped Bassem when he criticized Mursi and the Islamists, but now they can't stand him when he criticizes al-Sisi? Where are the consistent values?"

A third commented: "Everyone should relax. At the end of the day it's just a comedy show not a political program."

Youssef, who had played host to Jon Stewart on his show in Cairo in June, repeatedly mentioned on his show on Friday that he knew his satirical references would unnerve many.

"Despite all the messes that have happened (in Egypt), there is hope, the revolution continues. No one can stifle your view ... surely after we got rid of those who call us 'heretics' we won't see those who call us 'traitors," he said. – Reuters, October 26, 2013.

Budget 2014: Hit or miss?

Posted: 25 Oct 2013 06:19 PM PDT

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Many budget watchers and speculators were expecting Budget 2014 to contain fiscal reforms to restore the country's fiscal health. However, at the same time, as times get harder, the government was also expected to address the welfare of the people. Subsidies and handouts were expected to reduce significantly, while certain taxes implemented,...


The Malaysian Insider :: Books

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The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

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The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

40 pistol dan keris Taming Sari

Posted: 25 Oct 2013 06:10 PM PDT

October 26, 2013

Haji Subky Abdul Latif seorang penulis bebas dan tinggal di Kuala Lumpur. Seorang pendiam, dia gemar meneliti perangai manusia dan berita politik di Malaysia.

Dalam Hikayat Hang Tuah disebut betapa aibnya Laksamana itu apabila mendapati keris panjang Taming Sari di pinggangnya didapati hilang semasa majlis penghadapan Seri Bentara Majapahit.

Dia tidak takut dirinya dan rombongan Sultan Melaka terancam tetapi jika audit Betara Majapahit mendapati senjata hilang, ia amat memalukan panglima terbilang Melaka itu.

Maka dia bertindak segera. Bila Seri  Betara minta tunjuk kerisnya, Hang Tuahpun menunjukkan keris yang menyerupai keris di pinggang Patih Gajah Mada. Patih Gajah Mada pun meraba keris di pinggangnya. Tidak ada senjatanya.

Demikian pantasnya Hang Tuah bertindak setelah mengetahui senjata di pinggang telah dicuri orang. Usaha Patih Gajang Mada untuk memalukan Hang Tuah gagal apabila dia bertindak mencuri balas keris Patih Gajah Masa.

Hang Tuah peka bila senjatanya hilang, maka sayogialah Menteri Dalam Negeri peka apabila 40 pistol dalam jagaannya hanya diketahui hilang selepas laporan Ketua Audit Negara dibentangkan.

Sekadar sepucuk pistol saja hilang di Balai Polis, katalah ditelan sawa, cukup  untuk semua petugas di Balai Polis itu dari Ketua Balai hingga tukang cuci disiasat dan dikenakan tindakan.

Sekalipun kemudian didapati ada sawa sekitar balai itu dan disahkan pistol yang hilang ada dalam perutnya. Balai dipersalahkan bagaimana ia boleh  dimasuki sawa?

Maka kisah 40 pistil ghaib tidak boleh ditangani, bagaimana cara menghadapi peletupan mayat Altantuya.

Jika didapati sepucuk pistol dimiliki oleh seseorang tanpa lesen, cukup untuk mendakwanya hukuman bunuh, maka kementerian dalam negeri boleh dikenakan tindakan gantung gaji semua orang di kawasan atau bangunan 40 pistol itu disimpan termasuklah menteri dan ketua setiausahanya.

Buatlah seperti  dikenakan kerajaan Amerika, semua jabatan kerajaan tutup dan semua kaki tangan tidak dapat gaji kerana kongres gagal meluluskan bajet.

Saya tidak pasti adakah laporan Ketua Audit Negara tentang bom yang digunakan bagi meletupkan mayat Alltantuya? Bom yang digunakan dikatakan hanya ada dalam simpanan pihak keselamatan saja. Adakah audit dibuat tentang bom itu? Adakah bom yang hilang atau semua bom itu tidak luak?

Kalau ada bom yang hilang, maka jangan didiamkan! Kalau ada semuanya, maka kementerian wajar menyiasat, siapa lagi yang memiliki bom yang tidak dibenarkan dimiliki oleh sesiapa selain dari pihak keselamatan?

Dalam apa keadaan pistol yang banyak itu tidak boleh hilang. Tidak siapa boleh memiliki senjata api tanpa pertanggungjawab yang besar. Polis yang dibenarkan membawa pistol mesti menjaganya lebih dari menjaga isterinya sendiri. Ia seperti menjaga nyawanya sendiri.

Pistol itu dalam semua masa misti ada bersamanya seperti Hang Tuah tidak boleh lekang keris dari pinggang.  Dalam keadaan dia hendak keluar tanpa pistol, maka pastikan ia tidak boleh terdedah kepada orang lain.

Pistol yang banyak itu hilang dalam suasana negara sedang berhadapan pembunuhan tembak menjadi-jadi di sana sini.

Kita katakan pistol itu sangat senang diseludup dari sempadan negara jiran. Maka tindakan hendaklah diambil terhadap orang dan kenderaan yang keluar masuk negara.

Tetapi dengan pendedahan 40 pistol hilang dalam simpanan, tidakkah mungkin pistol yang hilang itulah yanag digunakan oleh sekalian penjenayah yang menembak di sana sini itu?

Ketua Audit Negara juga perlu ditanya masa bila audit dibuat yang mendapati pistol itu hilang? Adakah semasa menteri sebelum ini? Atau ia diaudit selepas PRU 13?

Cuai tidak jadi asalan yang cukup kerana yang hilang bukan sepucuk. Andaian pertama, ia adalah gara-gara pengkhianatan. Dan bukan mustahil pengkhianatan bermotif politik bagi mengaibkan orang politik yang bertanggungjawab di kementerian, apa lagi dalam perlumbaan ke puncak kekuasaan. Tugas seterusnya terletak kepada PAC. – 26 Oktober, 2013.

* Ini adalah pendapat peribadi penulis dan tidak semestinya mewakili pandangan The Malaysian Insider.

40 pistol dan keris Taming Sari — Subky Latif

Posted: 25 Oct 2013 06:10 PM PDT

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Dalam Hikayat Hang Tuah disebut betapa aibnya Laksamana itu apabila mendapati keris panjang Taming Sari di pinggangnya didapati hilang semasa majlis penghadapan Seri Bentara Majapahit. Dia tidak...


The Malaysian Insider :: Bahasa

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The Malaysian Insider :: Bahasa

Gula: Najib kata lemah tenaga batin, Muhyiddin kata jangan jadi macam Azizan

Posted: 26 Oct 2013 12:41 AM PDT

October 26, 2013

Najib dan Muhyiddin mempertahankan tindakan kerajaan mengurangkan subsidi gula dalam Bajet 2014 yang dibentangkan semalam.Najib dan Muhyiddin mempertahankan tindakan kerajaan mengurangkan subsidi gula dalam Bajet 2014 yang dibentangkan semalam.Bagi mempertahankan pemotongan 34 sen subsidi gula, Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak berkata, pengambilan gula berlebihan boleh mengurangkan tenaga batin untuk lelaki.

"Saya rasa jika bekas Presiden Gerakan, Tun Dr Lim Keng Yaik berada di sini, beliau akan menerangkan dengan cara yang lebih berwarna-warni," kata Najib ketika merasmikan Perhimpunan Agung Gerakan sebagaimana dilaporkan oleh Malaysiakini.

Harga gula naik 34 sen hari ini menjadikan harganya RM2.84.

Timbalannya, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin ketika menyokong langkah kerajaan itu mengingatkan semua pihak agar jangan sampai terjadi kepada mereka apa yang berlaku kepada bekas Menteri Besar Kedah, Tan Sri Azizan Razak akibat mengambil gula terlalu banyak.

Menurutnya, tindakan kerajaan memotong subsidi itu untuk kepentingan orang ramai.

Allahyaraham Azizan terpaksa menjalani memotong kedua-dua belah kakinya akibat komplikasi penyakit kencing manis. Bekas Menteri Besar Kedah itu meninggal dunia pada 26 September lalu.

"Ramai meninggal dunia sudah ditakdirkan Allah, tetapi di dunia ini disebabkan banyak makan, di samping itu banyak ambil gula sampai tak usahlah saya cerita tentang almarhum (Azizan).

"Sebab itu juga dia terpaksa melalui proses kakinya terpaksa dipotong.

"Jadi kerajaan umum tidak ada subsidi umum tidak ada gula adalah keputusan tepat hendak menjaga maslahah am - hendak menjaga kesihatan," katanya dalam ucapan di majlis pertemuan bersama guru dan ibu bapa pelajar sekolah sekitar Yan dan Kuala Muda pagi tadi. – 26 Oktober, 2013.

Pahang tidak sekat pelajar yang ingin kembali ke Mesir

Posted: 26 Oct 2013 12:17 AM PDT

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Kerajaan Pahang tidak menyekat mana-mana penuntut dari negeri ini yang mahu melanjutkan pelajaran ke universiti di Mesir ekoran situasi tegang di negara itu sebelum ini telah kembali tenang. Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Dakwah Islamiah dan Tugas-Tugas Khas Negeri, Datuk  Syed Ibrahim Syed Ahmad (gambar) berkata, kerajaan negeri dengan  kerjasama...


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