Rabu, 15 Mei 2013

The Malaysian Insider :: Food

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The Malaysian Insider :: Food

Steamed dumpling restaurant in Taipei named best in Asia

Posted: 15 May 2013 10:43 PM PDT

Bon Appetito at icook Italian Gastronomia

By Eu Hooi Khaw

PETALING JAYA, May 11 — We had fresh squid ink tagliatelle drenched in a tomato seafood sauce. Eat it quickly, said my friend Ivy, before it goes cold and clumps together.She didn't have to encourage us ... Read More

UN, Slow Food agree to boost local recipes

Posted: 15 May 2013 04:26 PM PDT

Bon Appetito at icook Italian Gastronomia

By Eu Hooi Khaw

PETALING JAYA, May 11 — We had fresh squid ink tagliatelle drenched in a tomato seafood sauce. Eat it quickly, said my friend Ivy, before it goes cold and clumps together.She didn't have to encourage us ... Read More
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The Malaysian Insider :: Sports

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The Malaysian Insider :: Sports

Motor racing’s Ecclestone denies bribery in German case, say lawyers

Posted: 15 May 2013 08:44 AM PDT

May 15, 2013

Formula One boss Bernie Ecclestone. — Reuters picFRANKFURT, May 15 — Lawyers for Formula One chief executive Bernie Ecclestone reiterated today he had not bribed a German banker during the 2005-6 sale of a stake in the motor racing business, after a newspaper reported he had been charged by prosecutors.

Prosecutors in Munich have completed an investigation into Ecclestone and German newspaper Sueddeutsche Zeitung reported today they had charged the 82-year-old Briton, who has turned the sport into a global money spinner over the past three decades, with bribery and inciting others to a fiduciary breach of trust.

"The documents with the charges from the Munich prosecutor's office have not yet been received by the defense," German law firm Thomas Deckers Wehnert Elsner said, acting for Ecclestone.

"Therefore we cannot provide a statement. The defense sticks to its view that Mr. Ecclestone has neither committed bribery nor played any part in committing a fiduciary breach of trust," added the firm, based in the German city of Duesseldorf.

The Munich prosecutor's office declined to comment on the Sueddeutsche Zeitung report. On Monday, it said it had finished its investigation, but declined to comment on what it might do next.

Under the German legal system, once a preliminary investigation has been completed, prosecutors need to decide whether to press ahead with charges or drop the matter. Prosecutors could also drop the proceedings in exchange for a "non penal payment."

At issue is whether Ecclestone bribed a German banker in a business deal in which lender BayernLB sold a 48 per cent stake in a Formula One holding company to CVC, a private equity investor, which Ecclestone was keen to see as a new shareholder.

Ecclestone made payments to Gerhard Gribkowsky, BayernLB's former chief risk officer, who has since been jailed for tax evasion. BayernLB had ended up with the Formula One stake following the bankruptcy of the media empire of Leo Kirch. BayernLB assigned Gribkowsky with the task of hiving it off.

In June last year, Ecclestone denied the payments to Gribkowsky amounted to bribes. Instead, he told a Munich court in November 2011 that he paid Gribkowsky to "keep him quiet" after the German put him under pressure over his tax affairs, and not to smooth the sale to CVC.

CVC owned a 63 per cent stake in Formula One but has since cut that to around 35 per cent in a series of deals.

Ecclestone told Reuters last month that the company behind Formula One could be floated in Singapore at the end of this year. — Reuters

Lithuanian Navardauskas wins stage 11, Nibali leads

Posted: 15 May 2013 08:35 AM PDT

May 15, 2013

British cyclist Bradley Wiggins poses for photographers during a press day for the Giro d'Italia cycle race at the Kilhey Court hotel in Standish, northern England April 29, 2013. — Reuters picVAJONT, May 15 — Lithuanian Ramunas Navardauskas claimed a solo victory on the summit finish of stage 11 at the Giro d'Italia today while Italian Vincenzo Nibali retained the overall lead.

The Garmin-Sharp rider shook off his closest pursuer, Italian Daniel Oss, to go clear five km from the finish line at Vajont.

Oss finished in second place, just over a minute back, with Italian Stefano Pirazzi third.

Italy's Vincenzo Nibali of Astana remains the overall leader, finishing safely in the main pack of contenders about five minutes back, with Australia's Cadel Evans in second spot and Colombia's Rigoberto Uran third.

The Giro finishes in Brescia on May 26. — Reuters

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The Malaysian Insider :: Features

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The Malaysian Insider :: Features

US, Britain most desirable spots for foreign workers - poll

Posted: 15 May 2013 08:42 AM PDT

May 15, 2013

LONDON, May 15 — Britain has leapfrogged Australia to become the world's second most desirable location for professionals looking to live and work abroad, trailing only the United States, a survey found today.

Worries about Britain's fragile economy, high household bills and squeezed wages were eclipsed by its growing reputation as a centre for fast-expanding technology companies, the poll said. — AFP picWorries about Britain's fragile economy, high household bills and squeezed wages were eclipsed by its growing reputation as a centre for fast-expanding technology companies, the poll said.

The United States held on to its status as the most popular location for professionals moving overseas, followed by Britain, Australia, Singapore, Canada and Switzerland.

"The United States is still the dominant force, but the UK is definitely on the march," said Dan Fox of recruitment company Hydrogen, which commissioned the survey of 2,000 people in 90 countries.

"We are seeing a lot of Europeans coming to work in the UK. It is all about wanting to work for the up-and-coming companies."

The biggest motivators for staff looking to work abroad were better career chances, new experiences and the potential to earn more, the survey said. — Reuters

Rich nations’ wealth gap widens as welfare cut

Posted: 15 May 2013 08:40 AM PDT

May 15, 2013

Weighing into a debate on inequality in developed countries, the 33-nation Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development said welfare spending had mitigated an increase in the wealth gap that emerged with the 2008-2009 financial crisis, but that was running out. — Reuters picPARIS, May 15 — A growing divide between rich and poor risks will yawn still wider if cash-strapped governments keep cutting back the welfare state, an industrialised nations' think-tank warned today.

Weighing into a debate on inequality in developed countries, the 33-nation Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development said welfare spending had mitigated an increase in the wealth gap that emerged with the 2008-2009 financial crisis, but that was running out.

Excluding social transfers and taxes, income inequality rose more in the three years to the end of 2010 than in the previous 12 years, a report by the Paris-based think-tank found.

"As the economic and especially the jobs crisis persists and fiscal consolidation takes hold, there is a growing risk that the most vulnerable in society will be hit harder as the cost of the crisis increases," it said.

The richest 10 per cent of society in OECD countries pocketed 9.5 times as much market income as the poorest 10 per cent in 2010, up from 9 times in 2007.

The widest gap between rich and poor was found in Chile, Mexico, Turkey and the United States while Iceland, Slovenia, Norway and Denmark were the most egalitarian societies.

"These worrying findings underline the need to protect the most vulnerable in society, especially as governments pursue the necessary task of bringing public spending under control," OECD head Angel Gurria said in a statement.

He added that governments should not neglect fairness when they craft their policies, especially when they reform their tax systems.

With many developed countries facing the pinch of austerity, economic inequality has become a hot topic especially after an ECB study last month found that households in many peripheral euro zone countries are on average wealthier than those in the bloc's core due to higher levels of home ownership.

Long a staunch advocate of free-market reforms shunned by some left-wingers, the OECD has become an increasingly vocal supporter of the welfare state for its capacity to soften the blow of hard economic times.

The study said the pain of the crisis was unevenly spread. Poorer households either lost more income from the recession or benefited less from recovery. Children and young people suffered more than the elderly, whose incomes were relatively immune. — Reuters

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The Malaysian Insider :: Showbiz

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The Malaysian Insider :: Showbiz

A Minute With: Zachary Quinto on ‘Star Trek,’ Spock and coming out

Posted: 15 May 2013 07:14 AM PDT

May 15, 2013

Reuters file pic of actor Zachary Quinto.LOS ANGELES, May 15 — Actor Zachary Quinto has transitioned swiftly from a television villain into an unlikely action film star in J.J Abrams' rebooted "Star Trek" franchise, playing the series' most recognizable half-Vulcan, Spock.

The 35-year-old actor, who gained fame as super-villain Sylar in sci-fi television series "Heroes," will reprise his role as the pointy-eared first officer of the starship Enterprise in "Star Trek Into Darkness," which will be released in theaters on Friday.

The actor spoke to Reuters about the challenges of playing Spock and why he chose to go public about being gay.

Q: "Star Trek Into Darkness" has more action, set pieces and destinations than the 2009 reboot. Is that right?

A: You're right. It's a larger scale version of the "Star Trek" story. The first one was about re-conceiving people's perceptions of "Star Trek," and trying to infuse it with new energy. The self-contained and more intimate nature of that film made sense. Now, people are more familiar with us as these characters so this movie builds on that and expands on it.

Q: What is Spock struggling with in this film?

A: I think he's learning how to be accountable and responsible to the people he loves and cares about. He is learning to embody and live the qualities of what it means to be a friend and what it means to be responsible to other people emotionally, because that's not the place from which he leads. He needs to learn how to integrate that part of himself and honor the feelings he has for the people he loves.

Q: What do you learn from Spock on a personal level?

A: I have an inherent understanding to his nature, which is one of duality - the head versus the heart. That is certainly something I can relate to. As someone who has been considered pretty intellectual and wordy, I also have a deep well of emotional life. I understand what it means to be in constant relationship to both of those aspects of myself.

Q: Which of Spock's qualities do you aspire for yourself?

A: The equanimity with which he deals with every situation in front of him, and the thoughtfulness and care he gives to measure his reactions. Sometimes I can be a little extreme in my reaction to something. I respect his reservedness and pensive consideration, which is an aspect of me but outweighed by my instinctual or impulsive reactions to things sometimes.

Q: In this film you're jumping into volcanoes and off of barges. You're fighting, running, chasing. Did you ever think of yourself as an action star?

A: I can't say I ever planned on that. But I will say I really thrived in that environment. I enjoyed those specific challenges and the relentlessness of it. I don't necessarily know I want every movie to be that way, but I wouldn't mind revisiting that again at some point down the line.

Q: How close are you with the cast?

A: We are very, very good friends in real life. When the first movie happened, it was a life changing experience for all of us. We were going through it at the same time and relied on each other for support and for the excitement of that time. That energy is starting to kick back up again. We look forward to spending time together on these extended periods where we're traveling around the world.

Q: You used your "Star Trek" clout to form a production company, Before the Door Pictures, whose first film, 2011's "Margin Call," was nominated for a best screenplay Oscar. Did that change things for you?

A: I think "Margin Call" did similar things for my production company that "Star Trek" did for me as an actor. The way that film was received really did authenticate my company and allowed us more access and more connections than we might have had otherwise.

Q: In between the two "Star Trek" films, you made some headlines when you said you were gay. Was coming out a big deal?

A: It was obviously a very big deal. It wasn't about formality or stopping rumors because I don't really pay attention to rumors in the first place. It was a very specific move that I made because there was a rash of teen suicides at the time (the victims were gay).

Q: How did that relate to you?

A: I felt it incumbent upon me to do something about that if it was in my power, which is was. So for me that was a very specific and emotional time. I felt very grateful for the response that it generated and the work on behalf of the LGBT community it has allowed me to do subsequently.

Q: Some actors feel that by coming out it could impact the roles they get to play. Did you feel it hindered your career?

A: Not one bit.

— Reuters

Cannes set to ditch austerity with ‘Great Gatsby’ launch

Posted: 14 May 2013 08:01 PM PDT

May 15, 2013

Spielberg with a director's clap set to get the ball rolling. — Reuters picsCANNES, France, May 15 — The Cannes film festival may get some of its swagger back today when it opens with Baz Luhrmann's lavish 3D period drama "The Great Gatsby", an opportunity to shed the caution of recent years overshadowed by broader economic gloom.

Leonardo DiCaprio and his British co-star Carey Mulligan will walk the red carpet on the French Riviera to promote the US$105 million (RM313.9 million) adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel, which has already opened in North America.

Over 12 days of world premieres, champagne parties and sun- and celebrity worship, Michael Douglas, Matt Damon, Ryan Gosling, Emma Watson and Bollywood legend Amitabh Bachchan are among the big names in town promoting their latest pictures.

Festival veterans are eager to see if Luhrmann can top his opening in 2001, viewed as the last truly extravagant launch on the palm-lined Croisette waterfront, when he filled the red carpet with can-can girls to promote his movie "Moulin Rouge".

"For a few years the mood at Cannes was a bit more subdued but the economy has picked up a bit and business is good so people are expecting a big opening," said Wendy Mitchell, editor of trade magazine Screen International.

"The Great Gatsby" was seen as a surprise choice for Cannes, given that the prestigious opening slot is traditionally reserved for a world premiere and all the media buzz and excitement that can bring.

But "The Great Gatsby" has already screened to mixed reviews in North America, where it opened to a larger-than-expected US$51 million at the box office for distributor Warner Bros, a unit of Time Warner Inc.

Nicole Kidman waves on arrival at the Grand Hyatt Cannes Hotel Martinez.Some industry insiders said the concession was indicative of increasingly cosy ties between Tinseltown and the French festival that champions eclectic, low-budget movies as well as big-budget blockbusters produced on the US West Coast.

A decade ago relatively few US studios ventured to the annual cinema showcase, but festival director Thierry Fremaux has strengthened ties with Hollywood and the event is now the prime industry marketplace where titles are bought and sold.

Hollywood muscle

In Luhrmann's "The Great Gatsby", DiCaprio stars in the title role, a millionaire pining for a lost love during the height of the "Roaring Twenties". Tobey Maguire and Joel Edgerton also appear and rapper Jay-Z produced the soundtrack.

Vidya Balan, another member of the jury.DiCaprio's performance and the glamorous costumes have been widely praised by critics, but some said the movie failed to grasp the vision of the 1925 book that exposes the emptiness of excess while others disliked its "lurid overabundance".

"It's best to accept before buying the popcorn that this is not a literary adaptation but a 3-D blockbuster with Gatsby as a superhero," wrote critic Kate Muir in Britain's Times.

After the opening night the focus will shift to hundreds of other films screening at Cannes, including 20 movies from 10 countries competing for the coveted Palme D'Or award presented on the final day, May 26.

The list includes five US movies — the highest number in six years — from directors Steven Soderbergh, Jim Jarmusch, Alexander Payne, the Coen brothers, and James Gray.

Oscar-winning filmmaker Steven Spielberg is heading a star-studded jury to decide the prizes, along with Australian actress Nicole Kidman and two of 2013's Oscar winners, Taiwan-born director Ang Lee and Austrian actor Christoph Waltz. — Reuters

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The Malaysian Insider :: Books

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The Malaysian Insider :: Books

Jeff Kinney, VlogBrother win Children’s Choice Book Awards

Posted: 14 May 2013 05:12 PM PDT

When he was a kid…

By Alan Wong

KUALA LUMPUR, May 13 — Childhood stories. Most people wrote theirs; fewer have drawn theirs. But one thousand words is not easy to write, and a picture does not have to be too detailed to tell a good ... Read More
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The Malaysian Insider :: Bahasa

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The Malaysian Insider :: Bahasa

Pelantikan semula sebagai TPM hadiah hari jadi buat Muhyiddin

Posted: 15 May 2013 03:05 AM PDT

May 15, 2013

KUALA LUMPUR, 15 Mei — Pelantikan Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin sebagai Timbalan Perdana Menteri buat penggal kedua merupakan hadiah paling bermakna bagi beliau yang menyambut ulang tahun kelahiran ke-66 hari ini.

Pelantikan beliau diumumkan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak ketika mengumumkan senarai Menteri Kabinet baharu di bangunan Perdana Putra, Putrajaya hari ini.

Muhyiddin juga dilantik sebagai Menteri Pelajaran I. Dilahirkan pada 15 Mei 1947, beliau mendapat pendidikan awal di Sekolah Kebangsaan Bandar Maharani, Muar, serta memperoleh Sarjana Muda (Kepujian) Ekonomi dan Pengajian Melayu dari Universiti Malaya pada 1970.

Muhyiddin mendirikan rumah tangga dengan Puan Sri Noorainee Abdul Rahman pada 1972 dan dikurniakan empat cahaya mata.

Beliau memulakan karier politiknya sebagai bendahari Umno Bahagian Muar-Pagoh, sebelum dilantik sebagai Ketua Pemuda Umno Pagoh dan Naib Ketua Umno Bahagian itu pada tahun 1975.

Beliau kemudiannya dipilih sebagai anggota Majlis Tertinggi Umno pada pemilihan parti pada tahun 1987. Pada 1978, Muhyiddin dinamakan calon Barisan Nasional bagi kerusi Parlimen Pagoh dan seterusnya menjadi wakil rakyat di kawasan itu selama dua penggal.

Bintangnya dalam arena politik semakin menyinar apabila dilantik menjadi Menteri Besar Johor selama sembilan tahun bermula 1986 apabila memenangi kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri Bukit Serampang sehingga tahun 1995.

Beliau kemudiannya kembali bertanding Parlimen Pagoh pada 1995 dan mengekalkan kerusi itu hingga sekarang.

Pada pemilihan Umno Mac 2009, Muhyiddin dipilih sebagai Timbalan Presiden Umno apabila memperoleh 1,575 undi.

Pada pilihan raya umum ke-13 (PRU13) 5 Mei lepas, Muhyiddin mempertahankan kerusi Parlimen Pagoh buat penggal kelima apabila menewaskan calon PAS Mohamad Rozali Jamil dengan majoriti 12,842 undi.

Dalam Kabinet, beliau dilantik menjadi Menteri Belia dan Sukan pada 1995 dan empat tahun kemudian dipindahkan ke Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna di mana beliau memainkan peranan penting memperkenal harga siling beberapa barangan keperluan dan membanteras CD dan VCD cetak rompak.

Rombakan Kabinet pada 2004 ekoran pelantikan Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi sebagai Perdana Menteri menyaksikan Muhyiddin memegang portfolio Menteri Pertanian sehingga kementerian itu dijenamakan semula sebagai Kementerian Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani, dua bulan kemudian. Selepas pilihan raya umum Mac 2008, beliau dilantik sebagai Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri sebelum mengangkat sumpah sebagai Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan Menteri Pelajaran pada 10 April 2009. — Bernama

BN perlu sediakan ‘garis putih’ untuk terus relevan, kata Saifuddin

Posted: 15 May 2013 03:03 AM PDT

Oleh Mohd Farhan Darwis

May 15, 2013

SHAH ALAM, 15 Mei — Barisan Nasional (BN) perlu sedia meminta maaf atas kesalahan lalu, dan melangkah ke hadapan bagi terus kekal relevan dalam arena politik, kata Ahli Majlis Tertinggi Umno Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah.

Menyifatkan perkara itu sebagai 'garisan putih' BN jelas bekas ahli Parlimen Temerloh itu juga seharusnya bersedia berjanji tidak akan mengulangi kesilapan lalu dan memulakan tadbir urus yang baru untuk terus menjadi pilihan rakyat.

"Untuk BN terus dipilih oleh rakyat, soalnya harus ada garis putih, dengan menyatakan bahawa minta maaf kesilapan masa lalu, dan berjanji tidak akan ulang kesilapan, dan mulakan kehadapan dengan cara urus tadbir baru, dan perlakuan itu harus bentuknya baru," kata Saifuddin ketika Wacana Sinar Harian Siri 20; bertajuk Pasca PRU 13: Ke Mana Haluan Politik Melayu di Kompleks Auditorium Karangkraf di sini.

"Orang lama tak mengapa, asalkan dia nak ikut cara baru," tegas Saifuddin lagi ketika membicarakan perkara itu bersama dua lagi panel iaitu Ahli Parlimen Kuala Terengganu dari PAS, Raja Datuk Kamarul Bahrin Shah Raja Ahmad, dan Ahli Parlimen Bukit Bendera, dari DAP, Zairil Khir Johari.


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The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

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The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

Cina bukanlah MCA dan DAP saja

Posted: 14 May 2013 06:00 PM PDT

May 15, 2013

Haji Subky Abdul Latif seorang penulis bebas dan tinggal di Kuala Lumpur. Seorang pendiam, dia gemar meneliti perangai manusia dan berita politik di Malaysia.

15 MEI ― Harga MCA sudah amat jatuh. Yang naik melangit ialah harga DAP.

Maruah MCA sudah boleh dikatakan tidak ada lagi. Maruah yang tinggal hanya kesediaannya menerima tanggungjawab atas kekalahannya dengan menolak semua jawatan yang ditawarkan dalam kerajaan, dari menteri hinggalah ke JKKK.

Jika betul ia enggan menerimanya, maka ada juga nilai moralnya. Jika keputusan itu dibatalkan, maka moralnya habis.

Bukanlah kali pertama MCA bercadang menolak sebarang jawatan tanpa meninggalkan Barisan Nasional atau dulunya Perikatan.

MCA pernah kalah teruk dalam PRU 1969. Komen Tun Dr Ismail, orang kedua selepas Tun Razak ialah MCA tak mati dan tak hidup. Sehari sebelum 13 Mei, 1969 Tun Tan Siew Sin mengumumkan, MCA menolak sebarang jawatan dalam kerajaan Perikatan.

Esoknya berlaku 13 Mei. Justeru kecelakaan itu MCA tak jadi dari diri.

Dan sekarang ramai yang susah hati atas sikap MCA itu, takut Cina tidak diwakili dalam kerajaan. Apakah MCA sekadar mengugut, justeru ia mahu menguji harga dirinya?

Antara orang Umno yang pitam atas perkembangan itu sudah mencadangkan supaya ambil DAP sebagai ganti kerana tidak boleh kerajaan majmuk Malaysia ini tanpa Cina. Cadangan itu seperti membuang atau menyembelih MCA yang sesak nafas itu.

Begitulah Umno bila ia tersepit. Bila BN kalah di Selangor tahun 2008, Umno Selangor cari Hasan Ali dan PAS, ajak dia jadi Menteri Besar dalam kerajaan baru BN Selangor. Di Perak mereka cari Ustaz Ahmad Awang, Pesuruhjaya PAS Perak masa itu untuk tubuh kerajaan bersama Umno dengan PAS jadi Menteri Besar.

Sama seperti pasca 13 Mei, 1969. Tun Razak yang menggantikan Tunku Abdul Rahman tawar kerjasama Perikatan-Gerakan kepada Dr Lim Chong Eu, Ketua Menteri Gerakan Pulau Pinang ketika itu dan cari Datuk Asri, ajak bentuk kerajaan campuran Perikatan-PAS.

Tokoh pembangkang Dr Lim Chong Eu setuju, maka bermulalah kehancuran Gerakan. Datuk Asri juga bersetuju, maka bermulalah kejatuhan pimpinannya dalam PAS.

Sekarang dianjurkan pula supaya DAP dibawa ke dalam kerajaan BN supaya ada wakil Cina yang kuat dalam kerajaan. Ketika yang sama banyak pula menasihatkan MCA pertimbang semula cadangan tarik diri.

Saya tidak fikir Lim Kit Siang selemah Dr Lim Chong Eu. Mati balik hidup dia tidak akan terima beban politik Umno, BN dan kerajaan BN. DAP sudah kata banyak tentang kelemahan kerajaan, PM dan BN. Tidak mungkin dia telah air liur yang sudah diludahnya.  Memujuk MCA ibarat berkawan terus dengan orang yang diserang angin ahmar, memikul beban tetapi berpahala. Ia tidak memulihkan kelumpuhan kerajaan BN.

Jika Najib dan BN perlukan penyertaan Cina dalam kerajaan, Cina itulah ada dalam MCA dan DAP saja. Ramai lagi Cina yang boleh diambil dan tidak semestinya dalam pertubuhan politik saja. Ramai Cina bebas yang terkenal. Antaranya aktivis sosial Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye, Prof Khoo Khay Kim, Lim Kok Weng atau Cina Islam seperti Ridhuan Tee yang mesra dengan kerajaan BN. Atau pun pengerusi Dewan Perniagaan Cina dan saudagar Vincent Tan dan lain-lain. Atau Datuk juara badminton Chong Wai.

Mereka boleh mewakili Cina dalam kerajaan. Apakah mereka boleh menggantikan MCA dan Gerakan sebagai kerabat BN adalah hal lain. Apakah mereka diterima oleh MCA dan DAP tidak berbangkit. Yang penting Cina ada dalam kerajaan.

DAP tetap berdepan dengan BN dan Umno hinggalah ia sampai ke Putrajaya.

* Ini adalah pendapat peribadi penulis

The time for raging has passed

Posted: 14 May 2013 05:35 PM PDT

May 15, 2013

Native Sabahan Erna is (not) Malay but loves Malay literature. Her hobbies: cats/gaming/blogging at ernamerin.com/Tweeting at @ernamh.

MAY 15 ― Help! The armchair political analysts have staged a hostile takeover of my social media feeds.

The nation, I think, needs a break from thinking about the last general election. I am a little tired of the never-ending tirades I see over on Facebook and Twitter.

Yes, we get it. Pakatan Rakyat lost the election. The Election Commission stumbled over its own feet.

And Barisan Nasional really has nothing to crow about and should really be eating humble pie.

In the meantime, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is doing his own private tour of the nation decrying what he considers to be an "unacceptable" election result.

But the reality is that the time for grief and anger must give way for a time to get the nation back on its feet after a long semi-paralysis.

Salvation is not to be found with politicians, but in our own collective power as concerned citizens. There is no better time than now for civil society activists to harness the growing awareness among Malaysians that they, too, can count.

There are more pressing issues to address in society that must be tackled. Crime. Poverty. Our children being deprived of the education they deserve.

I think we need to truly ask ourselves what keeps us up at night. You as a citizen: What makes you so angry, what riles you up, what is the first thing you could change if you had the means?

It is not enough to just get all worked up about it on social media. I only get a free pass because social media is part of my work but not everyone should sit around thinking passive advocacy is enough.

Social media has lulled too many into the lazy complacency of thinking: "Oh I posted up and shared or liked this message and I have done my part."

Care about animal welfare? If you do not have the time to volunteer then donate. If you cannot give huge lump sums to your favoured cause or organisation even a small but regular donation can be more helpful than you realise.

It is not enough to care or feel. What the nation needs now is doers.

Leave the ballot box behind, Malaysians. Time to tackle the next items on our gargantuan national to-do list.

* This is the personal opinion of the columnist

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