Isnin, 26 Disember 2011

The Malaysian Insider :: Sports

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The Malaysian Insider :: Sports

Eusebio beating pneumonia, to leave hospital this week

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 08:12 AM PST

LISBON, Dec 26 — Former Benfica and Portugal striker Eusebio is shaking off pneumonia and is likely to leave Lisbon's Luz hospital by the end of this week.

"Our perspective is that he might be discharged from hospital between Thursday and Friday. It is likely he will be able to go home by then," Luz hospital clinical director Jose Roquette told reporters today.

"Eusebio (picture) had a very good night, he is doing very well. We lowered the monitoring and he will now go to a room (from intermediate care), where he will enjoy the company of his family," he said.

Eusebio, who turns 70 in January, was moved out of the intensive care unit last Saturday and spent Christmas with his family in hospital. He was admitted to hospital last week diagnosed with bilateral pneumonia.

"His state has evolved according to expectations ... and he has been an excellent patient," Roquette said.

The Mozambique-born Eusebio helped Benfica reach four European Cup finals, the last in 1968 when they lost in extra-time to Manchester United at Wembley. Benfica won the trophy in 1961 and 1962.

He retired in 1975 after a career that included 64 caps and 41 international goals plus an emotional Wembley appearance against England when Portugal lost in the semi-finals of the 1966 World Cup, where he was top scorer. — Reuters

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Chelsea held by Fulham as title hopes begin to fade

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 07:15 AM PST

Chelsea's goalkeeper Peter Cech (left) reacts after Fulham's goal. — Reuters pic

LONDON, Dec 26 — Chelsea's faltering title challenge suffered another blow when they were held to a 1-1 draw by neighbours Fulham in today's early kickoff at Stamford Bridge to register their third successive draw in the Premier League.

They took the lead through Juan Mata who lashed in a left-foot shot after 47 minutes but Fulham, who have not won at Chelsea since 1979, equalised with a close-range Clint Dempsey goal nine minutes later.

Chelsea's Juan Mata shoots and scores today. — Reuters pic

The visitors played the better football for the rest of the match and left with a well-earned point.

Since beating leaders Manchester City on December 12, Chelsea have drawn at Wigan Athletic and Tottenham Hotspur and today's result left them in fourth place on 34 points from 18 games — 10 behind City.

City are in action later today at West Bromwich Albion in a busy Boxing Day holiday programme when second-placed Manchester United host Wigan. Tottenham Hotspur, who are third, visit Norwich City tomorrow.

City lead with 44 points from 17 games ahead of United who have 42 with Spurs on 35 plus a match in hand on the top two.

While today's result was a bad one for Chelsea, it was a good point for Fulham who responded well after losing 5-0 at home to Manchester United on Wednesday and they stay 13th. — Reuters

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The Malaysian Insider :: Showbiz

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The Malaysian Insider :: Showbiz

Vogue’s vast archives make online leap from paper

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 07:49 AM PST

WASHINGTON, Dec 26 — Bookshelves groaning under the weight of every issue of American Vogue ever published since December 17, 1892, and there have been about 2,800 of them, can now heave a sigh of relief.

Two years in the making, an online Vogue Archive is being pitched to fashion designers, photographers and stylists for whom rummaging through musty back issues for inspiration is an everyday part of the job.

"That's about 400,000 pages. It's everything," said Matt Dellinger, a writer and multimedia producer who directed the digital project for Vogue's publisher Conde Nast. "When you're looking at this, you're looking at the actual pages of the magazine ... exactly as they appeared."

At US$1,575 (RM4,969) a year, or the price of a Dolce and Gabbana lace and satin bustier dress at Net-a-Porter, enjoying instant access to nearly 120 years of a single magazine title doesn't come cheap.

"If you live in a New York City apartment, and were thinking of getting a subscription to Vogue's newly-launched archive site, how does not paying your rent for a month sound?" quipped the Fashion Bomb Daily style blog.

But in a telephone interview from New York, Dellinger said the archive's real value lies in how every photograph, every advertisement and — so far from October 1988 — every garment has been assigned a "tag" or search label.

"Most of our work was creating an index so that you can find (a particular) ad or a photo," he said. "That's kind of the special sauce here" because, with most online archives, only the text is searchable, if at all.

So someone looking for, say, a pleated dress by Balenciaga from an era when pleats were all the rage — will be swept back to the September 15, 1939 issue and an otherwise hard-to-find crisp line drawing of a black number from the Spanish couturier.

Other searches reveal that over the years, Vogue has carried 12,406 references to "Chanel," 8,970 to "Dior," and 6,136 to "Yves Saint Laurent" unless you search for "YSL," in which case that number goes up to 7,381.

Graphs at the foot of the website reflect the ebb and flow of a particular trend. "Corduroy," for instance, literally goes off the charts in the 1910s, then subsides before its notorious comeback in the 1970s.

Calling up the very first Vogue ("a weekly magazine of fashion and society") finds the first cover girl to be an anonymous New York debutante. From London, a correspondent reported: "Dogs are the fashionable fad at the moment."

The word "supermodel" first appeared in the August 15, 1972 issue to describe the African-American model Naomi Sims. (Vogue was a weekly until 1912, then a biweekly, going monthly in 1973.)

But nothing's perfect: a search for "we don't wake up for less than US$10,000 a day" manages to miss the October 1990 feature in which Linda Evangelista first uttered the infamous phrase.

Karin Bohleke, director of Shippensburg University's fashion collection in Pennsylvania, one of the biggest in the United States, said rummaging through back issues of fashion magazines is a key part of the creative process.

"You get the context. You see the evolution and development, you see parallels, things like that," Bohleke, author of a study of 19th century American and French women's magazines, told AFP.

Vogue's archrival Harper's Bazaar did not respond when asked if it might put its own back issues online, and there are no plans for similar digital archives of the British, French, Italian, Japanese or other editions of Vogue.

But a spokeswoman for Conde Nast in London said in an email that the publisher was monitoring the American Vogue project "with interest." — AFP/Relaxnews

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Spielberg seeks ‘old-fashioned’ spectacle in war film

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 07:40 AM PST

LOS ANGELES, Dec 26 — Steven Spielberg's new film "War Horse" is almost deliberately old-fashioned, pitting noble beast against the horrors of war, with sweeping, emotional set pieces — and dividing critics as Hollywood's awards season looms.

The movie, which got a Golden Globe nomination this month ahead of its Christmas Day release in the United States, is even made on good old celluloid in a snub to the digital revolution.

"I think that movies like that don't get made much any more, you know the kind of epic sweeping historical drama that were used to be made quite a bit 30, 40 years ago," producer Kathleen Kennedy told AFP.

"It's what makes the movie a little old-fashioned but at the same time modern," she added.

The movie tells the story of Joey, a horse raised in a bucolic English countryside who is torn away from his home — and stable lad Albert — and sent to France to the battlefields of World War I.

To a soundtrack heavy on violins, the moviegoer is swept into the epic struggle Albert has in finding his equine partner amid the blood, mud and misery of the Great War.

"World War I was the last hurrah for the horse (in) warfare," three-times Oscar winner Spielberg — who also has his 3D "Adventures of Tintin: Secret of the Unicorn" out for the holidays — told industry daily Variety.

"It was a time when the technological revolution, mainly in the implementation of new technologies to kill more efficiently and more cruelly, were supplanting the usefulness of the horse, which had brought terror into the hearts of standing armies for centuries," Spielberg said.

"And after World War I, that was over and the horse went back to a more bucolic and sane way of life. So it's really more of a story about courage and connections and less of a story about combat."

"War Horse," which is on the shortlist for the best dramatic film Golden Globe, is based on a 1982 children's book of the same name by British writer Michael Morpurgo, and the play adapted for the stage by Nick Stafford.

Almost two years ago, Kennedy was on vacation in London and went see the stage version of the story with her daughters.

"When I got home I talked to Steven (Spielberg) about it and told him what the play was about and he said 'Wow, that sounds like a story, it would make a wonderful movie'," she told AFP.

The most difficult thing, said the producer — who worked with Spielberg on classic movies including "E.T," "Indiana Jones" and "Schindler's List," was the use of "so many animals," she said.

"Whenever you are using animals in a movie you have to take extraordinary care, I mean, you do that to the people as well, but when you have innocent animals, it requires that everybody involved being specially careful."

Joey, the real hero of the movie, was played by around a dozen horses from all from around the world, notably Spain. Stable boy Albert is played by 21-year-old British actor Jeremy Irvine, who had previously only worked in TV.

"Steven felt that he wanted to make a discovery, he wanted to bring a young actor to the role who hadn't necessarily done a lot of things in the movies," said Kennedy.

Most critics so far have been broadly positive, although some have questioned Spielberg's approach, like the Guardian's newspaper critic Andrew Pulver, who said the director "can't seem to snap out of a now-habitual mode of vitality-erasing, dewy-eyed affectation."

Todd McCarthy of the Hollywood Reporter said the film "possesses a simplicity that is both its greatest strength and an ultimate liability.

"Whatever its missteps, this is a film that kids, middle-aged adults and grandparents can all see — together or separately — and get something out of in their own ways," he wrote.

"There are precious few films that fit this description today, and hats off to Spielberg for making one." — Reuters

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The Malaysian Insider :: Features

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The Malaysian Insider :: Features

Naples invents big bang ‘The Spread’ firecracker

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 02:52 AM PST

Apart from football legend Diego Maradona, who used to play for Napoli, other firecrackers in recent years have been named after Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein and – somewhat incongruously – Pope Benedict XVI. –

ROME, Dec 26 – Illegal New Year fireworks on sale in Naples are taking inspiration from the debt crisis this year, with the most powerful ones named after sovereign bond spreads and Italy's new prime minister, Mario Monti.

"The Spread" and "The Mario Monti" have "a shockwave more powerful than the famous Maradona bomb and are the instruments of choice for Neapolitans to exorcise the crisis," said a report by ANSA news agency recently.

Apart from football legend Diego Maradona, who used to play for Napoli, other firecrackers in recent years have been named after Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein and – somewhat incongruously – Pope Benedict XVI.

This year the spread – the differential between the rates on Italian 10-year government bonds and benchmark German ones – has risen to record highs because of fears about Italy's toxic mix of high debt and low growth.

Panic on the markets helped push Silvio Berlusconi out of power and bring in Monti, a mild-mannered professor who has promised to save Italy but has pushed for Italians to make sacrifices with tax hikes and pension reforms.

Recently, Naples city officials launched a public awareness campaign advising people not to buy illegal firecrackers which they likened to "hand grenades" and to come and watch official firework displays instead.

New Year celebrations in Naples are famously riotous. Apart from powerful firecrackers, pedestrians also have to keep an eye out for falling crockery as household goods are frequently thrown out of windows in an age-old tradition.

"It's getting worse because of the import of illegal pyrotechnic material from China. It's a subculture phenomenon that has to be crushed," Mariano Marmo, a local doctor leading the campaign, said at a press conference. – AFP

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China to release six pandas into wild

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 12:20 AM PST

Six captive pandas will have a new home in an enclosed forest in southwestern China next year. –

BEIJING, Dec 26 – Six captive-bred pandas will be freed into an enclosed forest in southwestern China next year in the first mass release of the highly endangered animals, the official Xinhua news agency said recently.

It said the six, aged two to four, had been chosen from 108 captive-bred animals at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, and researchers believed the mass release would increase their chances of survival.

A total of 10 pandas have been individually released since 1983, it said, but only two remain in the wild, with the breeding centre taking six back after they lost weight, one found dead and the other also believed to have died.

Despite three years of preparatory training the confirmed fatality, Xiang Xiang, a five-year-old male, was found dead a year after his 2006 release, following a fight with wild pandas in a remote part of a nature reserve.

"Human-raised pandas have great difficulty surviving in the wild," Xinhua said, citing a statement from the breeding centre.

China engages in "panda diplomacy", using the endangered but iconic bears as diplomatic gifts to other countries, and also runs a lucrative trade hiring the animals out to foreign zoos.

Only around 1,600 remain in the wild in China, with some 300 others in captivity. – AFP

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The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

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The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

Wishlist for 2012

Posted: 25 Dec 2011 03:22 PM PST

DEC 26 — It is a little less than a week to 2012. 

As many of you know, the Mayan civilization had many theories about the world ending on December 21, 2012. Some also spoke about the return of Planet X with six orbiting satellites displacing our solar system causing... well, the apocalypse that will be the end of planet Earth as we know it.

While the scholars and the astrologists debate about this, Malaysians have much to look forward to in 2012. 

The police and armed forces, for instance, can look forward to a better year ahead, with better equipment and whatnot.

Those who earn less than RM25,000 a year can also look forward to cheaper or more affordable housing under the People's Housing Project, and more shelters will be built for the homeless under the Anjung Singgah initiative.

Anjung Singgah, apparently, will also provide food and welfare aid to those in need.

Taxi drivers can also look forward to a better year with tax exemptions on locally-made taxis, and compensation should they want to dispose of their old ride. This piece of news is, I suppose, the closest our taxi drivers will get to "Pimp my ride."

Just read the "Budget for the people 2012" and I'm sure you will find something in there for you. 

In case the Mayans are right, I am look for something bigger this new year. I am looking for something that cannot be bought, exchanged or traded for. As such, I wish this for all Malaysians, of all walks of life.

I wish Malaysians have better work ethics and take pride in what they do, especially those contractors who build sub-standard roads that become a minefield of potholes after a few weeks, or those who build stadia that last only a few years. 

I wish that Malaysians will stop littering everywhere and I wish that we are allowed to throw water balloons at smokers who light up near us. 

I want our public toilets to emulate those of the PLUS R&R's, and I wish the urinals would stop breaking down and the cleaners have better standards of cleanliness when cleaning the toilets.

I also wish that Malaysians have more courtesy. Don't fart, dig your nose and scratch your front and behind in public, please. Give up your seat to the elderly and expectant mothers in the trains and buses without people asking and hinting for it. Everyone has a handphone so no need to show off by talking loudly on it, especially in cinemas unless you want popcorn emptied over your head.

I wish Malaysians would drive better, and abide by the signboards instead of treating them as part of the scenery. Slow drivers shouldn't keep to the fast lane and those who speed, please do not use the emergency lane. It may be a good idea to have stickers for the elderly, women, pregnant mothers and those who enjoy the scenery by driving at 35km/h.

I've held, and watched, accident victims as they died by the road side while waiting for the ambulance. So maybe, just maybe we should start clearing up the dedicated lanes meant for emergency vehicles please? And if possible have the ambulances on standby at strategic locations instead of lumping all of them in the hospital?

I want to have more halal versions of Chinese cuisine around, i.e. "bak kua" substituted with beef, and let us have more of the chicken and beef floss, please?

On a similar note, but on a different level, I wish our leaders will make smarter statements, and that Santa would bring them more books to read. I also wish that they would stop bickering about Omega watches, porn stars, skin colour, the banning of books, politician's version of Hudud, and instead put Malaysians' welfare and progress where it matters most — in their hearts. We are losing FDI to our neighbours, and even sliding by Transparency International's standards. 

By the way, I am still waiting to hear whether or not Limbang is ours, or if it has been sold for some RM300 billion worth of oil to Brunei.

I have not given up on our MACC, and I wish them the best of luck reducing the outflow of illicit money that came close to RM1 trillion in the past 10 years. I wish that they will act without fear or prejudice for the sake of the people and country they swore to protect. RM1 trillion would have allowed us to have a few successful GTPs, catapulting us many times into the league of the developed world. 

Of course, it goes without saying that I hope there won't be any more "suicides" within MACC compounds nationwide.

To our men in blue, please look after us and not those who abuse us. Please help us keep the streets safe for the next generation and in turn you will get the respect that you so deserve. Tell your colleagues to dress smartly on patrols, and do not try making a quick buck, tarnishing the entire force's integrity in the process. Remember this old adage, respect has to be earned and not demanded. 

As for our students, I wish you all the best in your endeavours as our revered leaders decide on a lasting, education policy. Master English and learn another language or two from your friends. We are after all a nation of colourful fabric.

To all Malaysians, let's look forward by learning from the past. Let the politicians bicker while we hold steadfast to our principles and not let skin-deep arguments tear us asunder. We as a nation, are more mature, and are definitely more grown up today than before. 

Together we rise, and divided we fall. Let's all make this wish list come true, say before December 21, 2012?

From the bottom of my heart: Happy New Year, Malaysia.

* The views expressed here are the personal opinion of the columnist.

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Pak Lah bakal senasib ‘empat penulis teraniaya’?

Posted: 25 Dec 2011 03:14 PM PST

26 DIS — Dalam pada orang ramai menarik nafas lega kerana "sandiwara politik" ("Drama Paul Lathic") berhubung novel Interlok Edisi Murid sudah tamat pada 21 Disember 2011, jangan pula kita lupa akan satu lagi isu yang juga berkaitan teks Komponen Sastera Dalam Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Malaysia (Komsas).

Saya merujuk pada kes Rohani Deraman, Amy Suzani Mohd Ainuddin, Hazama Harun dan Mohd Izan Abd Hazes yang terus dinafikan hak royalti walaupun karya mereka dijadikan teks Komsas.

Tidak keterlaluan (dan tidak juga bersikap mendabik dada) apabila dikatakan bahawa sehingga kini, hanya Kumpulan Sasterawan Kavyan (Kavyan) yang tampil memperjuangkan serta membela nasib "empat penulis teraniaya" itu.

Pak Samad menyokong "empat penulis teraniaya".

(Untuk makluman, satu kes lain berjaya diselesaikan pada peringkat permulaan manakala satu lagi kes selesai hampir sebulan selepas diketengahkan oleh Kavyan.)

Kavyan turut menerima sokongan dan kerjasama secara senyap daripada lebih 50 individu yang membantu dari pelbagai segi bagi terus memperjuangkan nasib "empat penulis teraniaya".

Sasterawan Negara Datuk A. Samad Said yang juga Penasihat Agung Kavyan sejak 2003, juga menyokong usaha murni memperjuangkan hak royalti, hak cipta dan harta intelektual pengarang.

Topik berkenaan turut dibincangkan semasa pertemuan kami di Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur pada 24 November 2011.

"Memikirkan bahawasanya sasterawan (penulis) adalah golongan yang selalunya tertindas, saya fikir, secara insani, penerbit haruslah menjadi pihak yang tahu ihsan. Apa salahnya diberikan sejumlah hasil (royalti atau honorarium) kepada penulis yang menghasilkan karya itu? 

"Jadi, perlu ada perikemanusiaan. Tapi dalam kes ini, nampaknya Kementerian Pelajaran pun tidak berbuat apa-apa bagi membela hak penulis. Pada hal, kementerian patut membantu. Walaupun barangkali ada tugasnya yang lebih besar, tapi ini adalah rakyat juga. Seniman adalah rakyat," beliau menegaskan.

Sasterawan berjiwa rakyat yang lebih mesra dengan panggilan "Pak Samad" berpendapat bahawa Kementerian Pelajaran perlu "membisikkan" kepada para penerbit terbabit supaya "berdamai" dan memberikan sedikit hasil yang wajar kepada penulis berkenaan. 

Seperti kata Pak Samad, tindakan penerbit tidak membayar royalti akan memulakan suatu permusuhan antara pihak penulis (yang sentiasa merasakan dirinya agak tertindas) dengan pihak penerbit (yang sentiasa untung).

Bercakap mengenai isu pembayaran royalti, Pak Samad mengakui bahawa beliau juga ada pengalaman seperti itu.

"Agak buruk juga. Tapi akhirnya berjaya diselesaikan barangkali kerana penerbit terbabit tahu bahawa saya boleh 'memanjat' jauh lebih tinggi jika hak royalti itu dinafikan. 

"Empat penulis yang terlibat dalam kes ini, barangkali dilihat sebagai tidak begitu besar dan penerbit fikir boleh ditindas tanpa ada pihak yang tampil membela nasib mereka," kata Pak Samad yang sentiasa mengikuti perkembangan Kavyan dari jauh dan dekat. 

Surat seorang Exco kepada penerbit terbabit.

Di pihak "empat penulis teraniaya", mereka gembira dan bersyukur kerana Pak Samad sudi tampil memberikan sokongan pada saat begitu ramai "rakan seperjuangan" (penulis dan persatuan) memilih untuk berdiam diri seolah-olah tiada apa-apa yang berlaku.

Selepas lebih empat bulan isu berlanjutan, saya bertanya kepada mereka, adakah mereka masih yakin bahawa pihak terbabiy akan membela nasib mereka dalam isu royalti teks Komsas.

"Saya rasa Menteri Pelajaran beranggapan isu ini isu remeh yang tidak penting walhal teks Komsas melibatkan ratusan ribu pelajar di Malaysia," Amy Suzani meluahkan perasaan kecewa baru-baru ini.

Bagi Rohani, beliau merasakan seolah-olah menteri berkenaan bukan sahaja tidak sudi membantu, malah tidak mahu menjeling pun masalah mereka. 

"Tak tahulah sama ada beliau tidak tahu, tidak diberitahu atau tidak mahu tahu. Kalau beliau tidak mahu ambil tahu, maknanya beliau adalah pemimpin yang tidak ambil berat tentang masalah penulis dan rakyat," tegas penulis sepenuh masa itu.

Pasangan suami-isteri Mohd Izan dan Hazama juga mengeluh dengan berkata, "Keyakinan kami semakin terhakis. Sudah nyata, Menteri Pelajaran bagaikan tidak berminat membela nasib penulis."

Bagi Kavyan, perjuangan belum selesai. Seperti ditegaskan Mahatma Gandhi, "Tidak akan tercapai kebaikan sekiranya tidak ada sesiapa yang berani mengetegahkan kebenaran."

Pak Samad turut menegaskan bahawa penindasan atau penganiayaan dalam apa bentuk sekali pun tidak harus dibenarkan. 

"Kalau dikatakan 'kerajaan', perlulah sentiasa membela 'rakyat'. Para penulis ini pun rakyat juga. Saya fikir, Kementerian Pelajaran harus segera beri perhatian terhadap hal ini dan selesaikan segera kerana isu ini ada kaitan dengan hasil cipta, hak cipta dan rezeki yang halal," beliau menegaskan.

Pak Samad menghuraikan bahawa jika kementerian tidak memberi perhatian segera, maka menteri terbabit seolah-olah sengaja membiarkan penulis-penulis kecil sentiasa ditindas penerbit. 

Mengenai tindakan "empat penulis teraniaya" meminta campur tangan dan bantuan Wakil Rakyat atau ADUN, Pak Samad melihat tindakan itu sebagai langkah bijak dan positif.

"Memanglah, akhirnya, kalau tak boleh bergantung pada menteri yang kita harapkan, kita kena ada saluran alternatif. Kalau mahu minta bantuan Wakil Rakyat dari parti pembangkang pun tidak salah. Biar orang kata kita 'buat bising' tapi itu adalah 'bising' yang wajar," katanya.

Surat Pejabat Menteri Pelajaran kepada penulis terbabit.

Mungkin juga ada pihak yang mempersoalkan mengapa penulis terbabit meminta bantuan Wakil Rakyat atau ADUN, dan bukan menghubungi mana-mana persatuan penulis (selain Kavyan).

"Kami juga rakyat Malaysia. Malah, hasil karya kami dibaca dan dipelajari oleh rakyat Malaysia. Jadi, tentulah tak salah minta Wakil Rakyat membantu kami dalam isu ini," Amy Suzani menjawab.

Rohani pula berhujah begini: "Kami bersedia menemui Wakil Rakyat kerana kami adalah 'rakyat' dan mereka adalah 'wakil'. Wakil Rakyat memang dipilih oleh rakyat untuk membela nasib rakyat. Untuk mengadu kepada persatuan penulis tertentu, kami dikatakan tak layak. Pertama, kami bukan ahli persatuan. Kedua, kami hanya penulis kecil yang belum ada nama."

Pada pengalaman Mohd Izan dan Hazama pula, persatuan penulis tertentu tidak berminat dan langsung tidak mengambil tahu meskipun keluhan dan rintihan mereka berempat sudah sampai ke pengetahuan persatuan terbabit.

"Mungkin bagi mereka, kami adalah beban. Maka, kepada Wakil Rakyat kami kemukakan dengan harapan mereka akan melaksanakan tanggungjawab sebagai 'wakil rakyat'. Kami rakyat Malaysia, bukan pendatang asing tanpa izin (PATI) atau imigran," Hazama menegaskan.

Kavyan menghubungi beberapa Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) dan Ahli Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri (Exco) bagi tujuan ini atas permintaan "empat penulis teraniaya". 

Saya bertemu ADUN dan Exco terbabit untuk menjelaskan kedudukan sebenar. Malah, mereka sudah sedia mengikuti perkembangan isu royalti teks Komsas menerusi laporan media dan blog saya sejak 15 Ogos 2011. 

Pada 19 Disember lalu, salah seorang Exco mengirim surat rasmi kepada penerbit terbabit iaitu Edu Quest Publisher, Penerbit Mega Setia Emas Sdn Bhd, Nur Ilmu Sdn Bhd, Associated Education Distributors (M) Sdn Bhd, Karya Hartamas Enterprise dan V-Nice Resources.

Sebelum ini, kesemua penerbit terbabit tidak sedikit pun gentar walaupun laporan polis dibuat dan aduan dihantar ke Pejabat Menteri Pelajaran. 

Seolah-olah (ulang: seolah-olah) penerbit ada "sokongan" orang dalam; atau penerbit "lebih berkuasa" daripada Menteri Pelajaran.

Terkini, bagi surat rayuan yang diserahkan pada 29 September 2011, Amy Suzani menerima surat makluman pada 18 Disember lalu yang memaklumkan:

    "Pejabat YAB Menteri Pelajaran telah meneliti dan memanjangkan surat tersebut kepada Pengarah, Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum, Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia untuk perhatian dan tindakan selanjutnya."

Bagi saya, kesemua penulis terbabit sebenarnya sudah mendapat "kemenangan moral" sebaik mereka berani tampil bersuara apabila penerbit tidak mahu membayar royalti bagi karya mereka yang dijadikan teks Komsas.

Pak Lah perlu dibayar royalti bagi "Interlok Kulit Merah" dan "Interlok Kulit Biru".

Pak Samad juga menegaskan bahawa walaupun akhirnya nanti "empat penulis teraniaya" mungkin tidak akan dibayar royalti, tapi ini adalah permulaan supaya penulis-penulis lain (yang sekarang ini masih memilih untuk membisu!) sedar bahawa jika mereka tidak ada kesedaran, mereka juga akan menjadi mangsa. 

Mengulas lanjut, Pak Samad menjelaskan bahawa dalam dunia ini, selalunya perjuangan adalah perjuangan menentang ketidakadilan. 

"Kita tidak harus malu untuk berjuang. Walaupun kita tidak terus menang, tidak apa. Kalau kita hanya "menang dalam kalah" (kemenangan moral) pun tidak mengapa.

"Seperti kata Allahyarham (Sasterawan Negara) Datuk Usman Awang, "jangan diam". Maksudnya, berterusanlah bersuara dan berjuang demi hak dan menentang ketidakadilan," Pak Samad memberikan kata-kata semangat.

Ya, tentu sahaja Kavyan akan meneruskan perjuangan walaupun dipandang serong dan penuh iri oleh pelbagai pihak.

Malah, dalam perkembangan terbaru kontroversi novel Interlok Edisi Murid karya Sasterawan Negara Datuk Abdullah Hussain (Pak Lah), novel itu ditarik balik secara rasmi dan digantikan dengan Konserto Terakhir.

Kini, Kavyan mahu Kementerian Pelajaran serta Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP) memberi jaminan bahawa Pak Lah tetap dibayar royalti penuh bagi sekitar 390,000 naskhah "Interlok Kulit Merah" (cetakan 2010) dan sekitar 390,000 naskhah "Interlok Kulit Biru" (cetakan 2011).

Jika tidak, tentu sahaja nasib Pak Lah nanti sama seperti Rohani, Amy Suzani, Hazama dan Mohd Izan. Lahirlah "lima penulis teraniaya"!

Dan tidak mustahil bahawa penulis dan persatuan penulis tertentu yang "membisu" sekarang akan terus "bisu" pada waktu itu kerana mahu "carma" seperti kata Pak Samad.

* The views expressed here are the personal opinion of the columnist.

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The Malaysian Insider :: Bahasa

Ramasamy: The Star punca pertelingkahan dengan Karpal

Posted: 25 Dec 2011 10:37 PM PST

KUALA LUMPUR, 26 Dis — Timbalan Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang II, Dr P. Ramasamy hari ini menyalahkan akhbar The Star atas pengeluaran artikel yang menjadi punca pertelingkahan dirinya dengan Karpal Singh kerana memutar belitkan fakta.

Ramasamy mendakwa kenyataannya berkenaan terdapat penyelewengan dalam kalangan pemimpin DAP dan pergerakan untuk menyingkirkan dirinya dari dalam parti seperti yang dilaporkan akhbar The Star pada 23 Disember lalu adalah tidak benar dan berasas.

Menurut Ahli Parlimen Batu Kawan ini, kenyataan yang dibuatnya adalah berkisar pembangunan Pulau Pinang dan bukannya terdapat cubaan untuk menyingkirkan dirinya dari parti dan penyelewengan dalam DAP.

"Punca kepada kontoversi yang timbul baru-baru ini adalah daripada perbualan saya dengan dua wartawan, seorang dari The Star dan seorang lagi daripada wartawan 'online' pada 21 Disember.

"Saya tidak pernah mengeluarkan kenyataan sedemikian. Saya yakin 99 peratus daripada perbualan berkenaan hanya berkisar berkenaan pembangunan Pulau Pinang dan tidak melibatkan sebarang tuduhan terhadap pemimpin DAP," katanya lagi.

Tambahnya lagi, "kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh The Star itu adalah tidak berasas dan dilakukan dengan sewenang-wenangnya".

"Saya tidak pernah membuat kenyataan sedemikian, dan wartawan terbabit turut menyatakan kekesalan terhadap perkara yang berlaku.

Menurut Ramasamy (gambar) lagi, wartawan 'online' terbabit turut menyemak semula kenyataannya dan mengesahkan beliau tidak mengeluarkan kenyataan sedemikian.

"Saya sudah menyatakan kekesalan kepada wartawan terbabit atas berita yang dikeluarkan, dan wartawan berkenaan berjanji akan memperbetulkan kesilapan terbabit, namun begitu, keesokan harinya, kenyataan yang dikeluarkan dalam satu ayat itu berbunyi '' Professor menukar kenyataan lagi'' dan pada hari yang sama juga, Pengerusi DAP, Karpal Singh menuntut saya meletak jawatan," katanya menjelaskan perkara itu dalam sidang media di sini.

Ketika ditanya berkenaan krisis antara dirinya dan Karpal, Ramasamy enggan memberikan sebarang ulasan, sebaliknya menyerahkannya kepada pimpinan parti itu.

"Tiada komen, saya tidak mempunyai masalah dengan Pengerusi DAP,  biar parti yang tentukan," katanya lagi.

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PAS kutuk serangan ke atas gereja dan masyarakat Kristian di Nigeria

Posted: 25 Dec 2011 09:41 PM PST

KUALA LUMPUR, 26 Dis — PAS hari ini mengutuk sekeras-kerasnya serangan ke atas penganut Kristian dan gereja di Nigeria sempena perayaan Krismas di negara itu baru-baru ini.

Dipetik Harakah Daily, Pengerusi Lajnah Antarabangsa PAS, Datuk Kamarudin Jaffar berkata, PAS mengutuk tindakan terbabit malah pihaknya menyokong kenyataan Majlis Muslim Britain yang turut mengutuk serangan itu.

"PAS bersama masyarakat antarabangsa mengutuk sekeras-kerasnya serangan terhadap penganut dan gereja Kristian terbabit.

"Malah, kita juga menyokong kenyataan Majlis Muslim Britain yang mengutuk serangan tersebut," katanya.

Setiausaha Agung Majlis Islam Britain, Murad Farooq, dalam kenyataannya sebelum ini berkata bahawa orang Islam yang beriman tidak boleh membiarkan serangan ke atas tempat-tempat ibadat penganut agama lain termasuk Kristian apatah lagi serangan itu berlaku pada perayaan yang paling penting bagi mereka.

"Ia menyakitkan hati dan umat Islam mengutuk keras tindakan itu yang telah mengancam hubungan antara orang Islam dan Kristian, yang telah damai di masa lalu.

Pada pagi Krismas lalu, gereja St Teresa dan Evangelical diserang sekumpulan individu yang menamakan diri mereka "Boko Haram".

Sekurang-kurangnya 15 orang menjadi mangsa dalam serangan terbaru itu.

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