Sabtu, 20 Ogos 2011

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The Malaysian Insider :: Features

Happiness is … a life without money in rich Germany

Posted: 20 Aug 2011 03:11 AM PDT

WILHELMSHAVEN, Aug 20 — Sixty-nine-year-old German Heidemarie Schwermer never thought she could go so long without money, but what begun as a 12-month experiment became a unique lifestyle 15 years ago.

With only a touch of makeup, a light pink cotton sweater and string of fake pearls, the elegant pensioner with a warm smile says she can hardly remember the last time she spent a cent.

Schwermer sits on her bed holding her suitcase containing all her belongings. — AFP pic

Instead, since 1996, she has lived by a unique scheme of swaps and barters she says has held her in good stead.

Not a religious ascetic or a commune dweller, Schwermer is an urbanite living in the heart of a materialistic society and says she has no plans to go back to the world of euros and cents.

"Giving up money gave me quality of life, inner wealth and freedom," she says.

Turning one's back on consumerism in Europe's top economy, particularly now in a period of relative growth compared to its neighbours, has a radical charm rooted in a tumultuous life history.

Born during World War II in what was then East Prussia, Schwermer as a child joined the flood of refugees expelled by Russian forces. Her family arrived in Germany penniless.

"I saw how you were considered to be even less than worthless if you did not have possessions or money," she said.

In the late 1960s, she spent a year in Chile, and "I saw extreme poverty there."

Back in Germany, she had two children, divorced and moved to the western city of Dortmund in 1982, where she opened a psychotherapy practice.

"I wanted to understand what is going on in the minds of human beings. But that was not enough, I wanted to do more for the world," she explains.

Thus the idea was born in 1994 to start a swapping network for people short of cash — a groundbreaking notion. Pensioners and students answered the call in droves.

Schwermer began to housesit in exchange for payment in kind. She quickly noticed that she could take care of almost all of her material needs without ever stumping up.

In 1996, she took the decisive leap: she quit her job, moved out of her rented home, gave away all her possessions, closed her bank account, cancelled her health insurance and threw herself into what was planned as a year without money.

Those closest to her were baffled. "My daughter was worried to death, my friends nearly cried. Now they're behind me."

Schwermer flopped on sofas where she could and started writing a book about her experience, which has also been translated into other languages.

"I earned a lot of money with that book," she confides. "I gave it all away to passers-by, in five-mark bills", Germany's currency at the time.

She has appeared on television, moderated seminars and been the subject of a documentary film.

Now she is editing her third book in a house in the northern seaside city of Wilhelmshaven where she is crashing for a while. In return, she takes out the trash and mows the lawn.

Schwermer gives her pension of €700 (RM3,000) per month to "acquaintances who need it" and refuses to think about old age or go to the doctor.

She found a health food store in Dortmund that gave her discarded produce, and now in Wilhelmshaven a friend sometimes hands her vegetables from her garden. If need be, she occasionally seeks the help of a soup kitchen.

"Of course I worry if there is nothing in the fridge," she says. "In the beginning I was afraid all the time but what I love above all (about the lifestyle) is not knowing what will happen tomorrow."

Schwermer said she is not seeking disciples but perhaps "to help people reflect on their way of life and their relations with others."

In two months, she will take out her small suitcase, which holds all of her earthly possessions, bound for Destination Unknown. — AFP-Relaxnews

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Military boot camps lure South Korean teens, families

Posted: 20 Aug 2011 01:59 AM PDT

SEOUL, Aug 20 — They rappel off an 11-metre height in seconds, run with an open parachute strapped to their shoulders, march with a heavy pack and brave a gas-filled chamber.

It could be a typical day at the South Korean army's Special Warfare Command base in western Seoul — except that the "soldiers" are teenage boys and young women, often accompanied by their families.

South Korean women pull a parachute during a training camp for civilians at a military base. — AFP pic

The army's twice-yearly "boot camps" for civilians, offering basic military training for four days, began in 2003 and have proved a big hit.

They are open to anyone aged over 13 who pays 40,000 won (RM108) and have drawn more than 17,000 people so far.

Military culture is deeply ingrained in South Korea, ruled by army-backed regimes till the mid-80s. All able-bodied men are still subject to a mandatory two years of conscription to guard against attacks from North Korea.

Boot camps — run by the military or private firms — have become increasingly popular in recent years, drawing people ranging from nostalgic veterans to school kids, company employees and those seeking special family vacations.

The army says they are an opportunity to "test your limits, enhance physical ability...and learn a strong spirit of 'making the impossible possible'."

"Boys obviously make up the biggest part because they have the mandatory service coming up," said Major Lee Joo-Ho, a boot camp spokesman.

"But more young women are showing an interest, since they were allowed to join a college-based officer commissioning programme last year."

On a typical day this month the muddy training field at Gangseo echoed to squeals, screams and shouts from 230 participants on their third day of training.

In pouring rain, youths practised a mock parachute landing — jumping into a sandbox with their hands in the air and repeating instructions to land on the balls of the feet.

"Yes, sir!" "I can do it!" they shouted, hitching up baggy, rain-drenched uniform trousers with sneakers peeking out underneath.

"Let me hear your voice! Shout out your girlfriend's name real loud!" a military instructor commands a boy climbing down a cable from a 20-metre platform to simulate a descent from a helicopter.

The nervous-looking trainee murmurs inaudibly, prompting the stern-looking commando to grab the cable and leave him in mid-air.

"Is this what you got? Louder!" he orders repeatedly, until the boy finally yells "I love you, Choi Yoon!" and is allowed to descend.

Fifteen-year-old Yeom Hyuck said he was "very nervous but thrilled" before he hurled himself off an 11-metre parachute jump tower and ziplined to the ground.

"Everything is fun — but right now I miss my parents," he said.

Kim Tae-Hoon, 17, said his father's dream of joining the army was foiled by poor eyesight. The father pushed his son to attend camp as soon as he turned 13.

Since then, Kim has been back every summer and winter — a total of nine times.

"This is so good at relieving stress and much more fun than playing computer games," he said.

Since last winter Kim has been joined by his younger brother Tae-Hun, who found it "so thrilling" even to experience the gas-filled chamber, designed to test training against chemical attacks.

"I'm glad I've lost some weight... and I feel more like a man," said the chubby, red-cheeked 13-year-old.

Not everyone was so thrilled.

Cho Byung-Chan, panting hard after rappel training, said he was "a little bit" angry with his parents for sending him.

"They said I need to grow up," said the 15-year-old, who usually spends school breaks playing computer games.

"It's hard... I'm hungry," he said.

Former army commando Yoon Jeong-Sik was spending his summer vacation at the boot camp with his two daughters and wife, 24 years after retiring from the same unit.

Yoon said he wants his family to learn what he did — self-confidence, pride and how to get along with others.

"So I cajoled my ladies into coming here for character education," said the 47-year-old, water dripping from his hair and soaking his uniform after a mock river crossing.

"At first they were pretty jolly since they had no idea how hard it would be... now I'm trying not to meet their eyes," he said, bursting into laughter with his family. — AFP-Relaxnews

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The Malaysian Insider :: Bahasa

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The Malaysian Insider :: Bahasa

Pakatan kaji pulau panel Parlimen jika Najib mahu panggil PRU awal

Posted: 20 Aug 2011 02:40 AM PDT

KUALA LUMPUR, 20 Ogos – Pakatan Rakyat akan mempertimbangkan kemungkinan menarik diri daripada jawatankuasa pilihan khas jika Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak berhasrat untuk mengadakan pilihan raya umum ke-13 sebelum panel itu membuat syor pembaharuan pilihan raya untuk dilaksanakan.

"Ada cadangan supaya kita menarik diri... tidak guna kita menganggotai jawatankuasa, bincang, buang masa dan buang duit, tetapi mengadakan pilihan raya umum sebelum jawatankuasa khas membuat syor dan kerajaan melaksanakan syor-syor itu," kata Ketua Penerangan PAS Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man.

Ketika bercakap kepada The Malaysian Insider, Tuan Ibrahim berkata, Pakatan Rakyat akan memutuskan pendiriannya pada satu mesyuarat majlis kepimpinannya Rabu ini.

"Pada 24 Ogos ini kami akan membuat keputusan," kata beliau.

Tuan Ibrahim yang juga Pesuruhjaya PAS Pahang berkata kenyataan Najib semalam menimbulkan polemik baru kerana beliau mengatakan pilihan raya umum boleh diadakan bila-bila masa dan tidak terikat dengan hasil mesyuarat jawatankuasa pilihan khas.

"Kita tidak mahu jawatankuasa pilihan khas ini mengadakan mesyuarat dan menyediakan laporan tetapi kerajaan tidak terima, macam panel ekonomi ketika era (Tun) Dr Mahathir (Mohamad), pandangan diberikan tetapi kerajaan tidak menerima. Kita tidak mahu perkara macam itu berlaku lagi," katanya lagi.

Barisan kepimpinan pembangkang melahirkan rasa sangsi dengan keikhlasan Najib mahu membentuk jawatankuasa tersebut.

Terdahulu, Mursyidul Am PAS Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat dan Timbalan Presiden DAP Kebangsaan Dr Tan Seng Giaw mempersoalkan ikhlasan Najib mengumumkan pembentukan jawatankuasa tersebut.

Bersih 2.0 juga menggesa pilihan raya umum ke-13 tidak wajar diadakan selagi syor-syor jawatankuasa pilihan khas Parlimen berkaitan sistem pilihan raya tidak dilaksanakan sepenuhnya.

"Bersih 2.0 dengan keras mengulangi tuntutannya bahawa kerajaan tidak harus mengadakan mana-mana pilihan raya sehingga dan melainkan syor-syor jawatankuasa pilihan khas Parlimen berkaitan pembaharuan segera dilaksanakan," kata gabungan lebih 60 pertubuhan bukan kerajaan ini dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.

Malah kata beliau, jika keanggotaan jawatankuasa itu terdiri daripada ahli-ahli Parlimen sahaja, kedudukan mereka akan terbatal sebaik sahaja Parlimen dibubarkan untuk diadakan pilihan raya.

"Oleh itu, jawatankuasa ini tidak harus dinamakan jawatankuasa pilihan khas Parlimen, tetapi hanya jawatankuasa khas yang boleh dianggotai pelbagai pihak, bukan setakat ahli-ahli Parlimen sahaja," katanya lagi.

Tuan Ibrahim juga membuat cadangan jawatankuasa khas pilihan raya dibentuk bagi mengkaji sistem pilihan raya negara agar ia diterima dan diyakini oleh rakyat.

Cadangan ini dibuat beliau untuk memberikan keyakinan kepada rakyat berbanding jawatankuasa pilihan khas Parlimen yang dicadangkan oleh kerajaan sekarang untuk membaikpulih sistem pilihanraya yang ada yang dianggap tidak bersih dan adil.

"Bayangkan lebih separuh daripada anggota dan ketua jawatankuasa ini terdiri daripada manusia-manusia yang merasakan sistem pilihan raya negara ini selama 54 tahun yang lepas adalah bersih, adil dan bebas, apa yang boleh rakyat harapkan daripada jawatankuasa khas ini?" kata beliau.

Katanya, perkara paling penting dalam penubuhan jawatankuasa khas ini ialah badan ini mestilah diyakini mampu membuat perubahan kepada sistem pilihan raya yang lebih bersih dan adil.

"Sekiranya ia gagal meyakinkan masyarakat, maka ianya tiada makna ditubuhkan jawatankuasa sedemikian," tambah Tuan Ibrahim.

Tuan Ibrahim mencadangkan agar keanggotaan jawatankuasa ini disusun semula untuk dianggotai 12 orang, dengan tiga ahli dari parti yang memerintah dan masing-masing tiga lagi dari pembangkang dan pertubuhan bukan kerajaan, seorang dari Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya dan Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara.

"Pengerusi yang dilantik oleh jawatankuasa terbabit mestilah seseorang yang diterima baik dan diyakini oleh semua lapisan rakyat sebagai seorang yang adil dan tegas dalam isu reformasi pilihan raya seperti wakil dari Bersih 2.0 dan juga Suhakam," katanya lagi.

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Pilihan raya ‘olok-olok’ Umno Kelantan dua minggu mulai 16 Sept

Posted: 20 Aug 2011 02:24 AM PDT

KOTA BARU, 20 Ogos – Umno Kelantan akan mengadakan simulasi pilihan raya di negeri itu selama dua minggu mulai 16 September ini, kata Pengerusinya Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed.

Mustapa berkata sebagai persediaan, pihaknya kini mengadakan taklimat secara berperingkat kepada semua ketua peti undi dan cawangan parti itu.

"Sehingga kini, saya nampak semangat ahli Umno semakin tinggi dengan kerja yang dilakukan di peringkat akar umbi, dan kita amat berharap simulasi ini dapat sambutan baik dengan semua jentera parti bergerak cergas," katanya dipetik Bernama Online.

Simulasi pilihan raya itu adalah susulan daripada arahan Umno pusat selepas Majlis Tertinggi parti pada 27 Mei memutuskan langkah tersebut perlu sebagai persediaan berdepan pilihan raya umum ke-13.

Mustapa yang juga Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri, berkata 'orang muda' merupakan antara calon yang bakal disenaraikan Barisan Nasional (BN) untuk bertanding di Kelantan pada PRU akan datang.

Beliau berkata muka baru perlu diberi peluang untuk bertanding sebagai nilai tambah bagi membantu parti meraih kejayaan pada pilihan raya umum akan datang.

"Secara umumnya, orang muda lebih memahami kehendak dan keperluan pengundi muda, justeru harus ada sebilangan golongan muda dalam senarai calon yang akan bertanding," katanya.

Mustapa berkata bakal calon daripada golongan muda perlu memenuhi kriteria pemilihan, termasuk memperlihatkan ciri 'calon menang' yang disenangi rakyat.

Beliau menjangkakan calon pilihan raya umum kali ini sebahagiannya mungkin terdiri daripada anggota badan bukan kerajaan, agensi kerajaan, pesara, tokoh agama atau ahli akademik.

Katanya, pertikaian berhubung calon yang dipilih pucuk pimpinan serta budaya 'cah keting' perlu dihindari kerana ia tidak menguntungkan parti.

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The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

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The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

Manchester United, down but not out!

Posted: 19 Aug 2011 04:58 PM PDT

AUG 20 — With only one home win on Matchday 1 of the English Premier League (EPL), courtesy of Manchester City last Monday, will we see home sweet home perhaps on Matchday 2?

If you are a Spurs fan, then the answer must surely be "Most likely, yet unfortunately", tradition suggests three points will be dropped at Old Trafford.

This despite the injury-hit defence, for Manchester United had encountered problems of the same nature or worse in previous seasons too.

I still remember the Michael Carrick-Darren Fletcher central defensive partnership from a couple of seasons ago.

Certainly the natural centre-back pairing of Jonny Evans and Phil Jones will provide more solidity in front of David de Gea.

But is de Gea, the new Robert Green or is he the heir apparent to Heurelho "Ho Ho Ho" Gomes, who will be standing between the posts for Spurs.

The Red Devils will want to protect their goalkeeper on his Old Trafford debut to prevent his career being curtailed early.

The game of the week is surely at The Emirates with Arsenal looking a little shorn of ideas in midfield.

The departure of Cesc Fabregas came a season too late as his unhappiness eventually distracted the squad and laid seeds of doubt in the players' minds. 

Add to that, the ongoing saga of Samir Nasri, who is hoping to leave as well. 

However, such talk has shifted the spotlight onto Thomas Rosicky and Andrei Arshavin, two of their less-consistent performers, but just as talented footballers, last season.

The biggest question is if Theo Walcott is ever going to be a true premiership class players never mind world class.

This is a big season for Walcott to build his career upon by being more consistent and imaginative.

The Reds played very well for 60 minutes against Sunderland but pressure on the defence forced the midfield to be bypassed in search of relief and with Lucas and Charlie Adam too deep to win the second ball, the Black Cats chanced upon an apparent weakness.

King Kenny could do with a younger pair of central defenders.

Still, we will expect a good game of football if Luis Suarez has anything to do with it.

The EPL looks too easy for him and no surprise then that another South American striker too made his debut look like a stroll in the park.

The introduction of Kun Aguero galvanised Manchester City and to see a top class striker make an effortless transition is like music.

After the huff and puff of Carlos Tevez's performances, it is great to see the difference genuine world-class strikers make.

It is Bolton next for Aguero and quite an interesting clash as two teams with full points and four goals respectively between them promise more fun and games.

Now, let me take a moment to offer my heartiest congratulations to Tan Sri Tony Fernandes for taking over Queen's Park Rangers.

His new club's visit to Goodison Park for Everton's first match of the season (since their match against Spurs last weekend was postponed) should see a buoyant performance after the thrashing at the hands of Bolton.

There are big questions to be answered but Tone is tailor-made for making and taking big decisions.

Down at Villa Park, the Villans should not be unduly worried as little then a month ago they beat Blackburn Rovers in Hong Kong in the Premier Asia Trophy.

Although, I think they could do well to keep an eye on Mauro Formica. The Argentinean has got the style and an eye for a pass quite like Kaka and will be the key for the Rovers not to lose two in a row.

There seems to be more promise this weekend and it could well all kickoff the EPL season for real after a slightly false start last weekend.

* The views expressed here are the personal opinion of the columnist.

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New boys going down?

Posted: 19 Aug 2011 04:55 PM PDT

AUG 20 — With the new English Premier League season less than a week old, there are already ominous signs for the newly-promoted clubs with Queens Park Rangers (QPR) and Swansea suffering 4-0 thrashings against Bolton and Manchester City in their respective opening day fixtures, and Norwich scraping a 1-1 draw at Wigan.

In my estimation, QPR, now owned by Malaysian businessman Tony Fernandes after Thursday's takeover, have the most to fear and I'd be surprised if the West London club can extend their long-awaited return to the top flight beyond the one solitary season.

Even this early into the new campaign, and despite the riches promised by Fernandes, there are serious problems at Loftus Road. Gaining promotion should be, and nearly always is, a joyous, inspiring and entirely positive experience, but Rangers have endured a summer of discontent to lose their momentum and make memories of last season's title-winning campaign recede into the distance.

In fact, the influx of negativity around the club started before the end of last season, which saw Rangers stutter into the Premier League by winning just one of their last five games.

A particularly sour note came in March, when their impending promotion was threatened by an investigation into their signing of Argentine midfielder Alejandro Faurlin. It was alleged that Rangers had breached "third party ownership" rules and, although they were eventually fined rather than deducted points, the saga certainly put a dampener on their promotion celebrations.

The problems continued into the summer, with battle-hardened veteran manager Neil Warnock regularly intimating that he expected to be sacked due to the board's supposed desire to install a higher profile name.

For now, Warnock's job has remained safe — but it would be a bold man who wagered anything on him remaining in place until the end of the season.

Similarly questionable is the future of Rangers' most talented creative player, Adel Taraabt. The volatile but gifted former Spurs trainee, who won the Championship's player of the year award last season, was heavily linked with a move to Paris St Germain that ultimately failed to transpire, but it would be no surprise if he heads elsewhere before the end of August — or when the transfer window reopens in January.

 Further disquiet was caused amongst supporters when ticket prices were subjected to a huge increase for the new campaign, making Loftus Road one of the most expensive venues to visit in the Premier League — despite possessing probably the worst facilities out of all top flight stadia.

The new ticket prices were probably a contributory factor to the attendance of just over 15,000, well below capacity, for the opening fixture against Bolton.

With all that bad stuff going on, the last thing Rangers needed was to endure further demoralisation by suffering a home thumping in their first game, but that's exactly what happened last weekend when they capitulated to a 4-0 loss against experienced Premier League campaigners Bolton.

Now they need to bounce back quickly, starting with today's tricky trip to Everton — the optimism generated by Fernandes' arrival could quickly dissipate unless results improve soon.

Despite suffering a similarly heavy 4-0 thrashing in their opening fixture at Manchester City, fellow new boys Swansea City can be far more upbeat about their chances of survival.

The Welsh club can take genuine solace in the fact that they won't face many tougher tests all season than their opening day trip to the Etihad Stadium, and there was plenty of encouragement to be garnered from the way they passed the ball in the opening 20 minutes on Monday night.

My fear for the Swans is their lack of physicality. The biggest single difference between the Championship and the Premier League is the strength, power and speed of nearly every player, and Swansea's squad does look lightweight in purely physical terms.

They pass the ball superbly and possess some wonderfully talented footballers in Leon Britton, Joe Allen, Scott Sinclair and Nathan Dyer, but all four of them are notably small in stature and may find themselves bullied out of games by more experienced Premier League opponents — just as they were following their bright start against City.

Swansea manager Brendan Rodgers, a former colleague of mine at Reading, is an ambitious, intelligent and astute coach who spent four years on the coaching staff at Chelsea and therefore fully understands the mental and physical demands of the Premier League.

Until now Rodgers has insisted that Swansea will not compromise their style of play, with its emphasis on controlled passing, but he's too clever not to realise that his team may have to modify their approach if they are to retain their status — especially away from home.

Swansea's home form will be crucial. Their proud and boisterous fans are guaranteed to create a magnificent atmosphere inside the Liberty Stadium, and it could just be that their purist footballing approach will yield sufficient points on home turf to keep them safe. Today's home opener against Wigan (managed by former Swansea boss Roberto Martinez) will be a fascinating starting point.

The other top flight newcomers are Norwich City, and I'm prepared to be more honest than many pundits by admitting that I don't know much about them.

Unlike QPR, the Canaries are bursting with momentum after gaining two successive promotions and their relatively unknown squad of players, which contains very little Premier League experience, will be desperate to prove themselves as capable performers at this level. That kind of hunger can often be a recipe for success, and will give Norwich the best possible chance of surviving.

* The views expressed here are the personal opinion of the columnist.

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