Sabtu, 13 Julai 2013

The Malaysian Insider :: Food

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The Malaysian Insider :: Food

All-star line-up of chefs on ‘Ultimate Dinner’

Posted: 13 Jul 2013 04:15 PM PDT

Broccoli does it for Obama

US President Barack Obama likes burgers, hot dogs and such, but when it came time to answer a kid journalist's question about his favourite food, broccoli was the first word that sprang from his lips.This ... Read More

Mumford and Sons help create craft beer

Folk band Mumford & Sons have helped create a new craft beer with the oldest independent brewery in Sussex, England.The Lewes Stopover Brew, a 4 percent beer, is described as a 'soft golden ale' and is ... Read More

Can water help with weight loss?

New research suggests that guzzling water before your meals might help you lose a little weight in the long run.Research conducted at the Berlin School of Public Health, Charité University Medical Center ... Read More


The Malaysian Insider :: Sports

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The Malaysian Insider :: Sports

Woods, McIlroy set for second duel in China

Posted: 13 Jul 2013 01:03 AM PDT

July 13, 2013

Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy will go head-to-head in a two-man exhibition for the second time in China following last year's outlandish Duel at Jinsha Lake, organisers said today.

Golf's world number one and two will appear at an as yet unnamed venue on October 28, reprising their one-day meeting a year earlier which became infamous for its unruly crowds and gratuitous displays of wealth.

"Rory and I have played against and with each other a lot over the past few years, and he beat me in China last time so I'm looking forward to playing again," said Woods in a press release.

"We're good friends, but both of us love to win, so I'm expecting more great golf," added the 14-time major-winner.

"I've played in China since 2001 and the event last year showed me there's still huge enthusiasm for growing the game in cities all across the country, especially as it's again an Olympic sport in 2016."

McIlroy won last year's event in Zhengzhou but it is remembered mainly for the behaviour of fans who stole balls from the driving range and were rugby-tackled by staff as they mobbed the players on the fairways.

The 18-hole strokeplay tournament, held to advertise a new housing development, also featured the bizarre sight of models standing at the tee boxes, helicopters, drum majorettes, fireworks and a luxury yacht.

Few details were revealed about the upcoming event but McIlroy said he was looking forward to taking on Woods again.

"It's exciting to play against Tiger in this format. We've played together many times in regular four-day Tour events, but it's different when it's just the two of us in an 18-hole battle," said McIlroy, 24.

"Everyone knows he's hugely competitive each time he steps on the golf course, so I know he'll want to beat me, just as I'll be very keen to beat him again.

"The crowds we had last year were incredible. I had never seen so many people following one match and I'm sure we'll have more of the same this year. The support is testimony to the growing strength of golf in China and I'm looking forward to getting back there."

Event organiser Infinite Ideas International said several leading Chinese golf clubs were interested in holding this year's show and the venue will be announced soon. - AFP, July 13, 2013.

Arthur taking legal action over Cricket Australia axing

Posted: 12 Jul 2013 10:22 PM PDT

July 13, 2013

Sacked coach Mickey Arthur has hired a legal firm and is seeking compensation after Cricket Australia tore up his contract last month, a report said today.

The South African, the first foreign-born coach of the Australian team, was sacked just 16 days before the start of the Ashes series in England.

Cricket Australia high-performance manager Pat Howard and chief executive James Sutherland called Arthur into a meeting ahead of the Ashes and told him he was to be replaced immediately by Darren Lehmann.

Citing sources, The Weekend Australian newspaper said Cricket Australia had offered Arthur a cash settlement, hoping to head off a court battle.

Arthur had been contracted to the end of the 2015 World Cup and entitled to three months' notice, the newspaper said.

The Weekend Australian said there were legal concerns about the way Arthur's sacking was handled.

Arthur went quietly at the time, admitting he had been "shocked and shattered" and had had no idea he was about to lose his job when summoned to the meeting, it said.

He refused to blame the players and acted with good grace at a hastily-convened press conference to announce his departure.

"Nobody likes losing their job," he said at the time of his sacking. "All I can say is I have given this job 100 percent commitment.

"If it wasn't good enough, so be it. I leave with a lot of professional pride and a lot of professional dignity. That is how I always like to be remembered."

Arthur flew back to Australia immediately after the decision to consider his future, learning in transit that his mother had died.

The Australian said Arthur had appointed high-profile legal team Harmers Workplace Lawyers to seek damages.

Cricket Australia refused to comment on the report. - AFP, July 13, 2013.


The Malaysian Insider :: Showbiz

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The Malaysian Insider :: Showbiz

Lady Gaga to release new album in November

Posted: 12 Jul 2013 05:24 PM PDT

July 13, 2013

Pop star Lady Gaga will release her next album, "Artpop", on Nov. 11, a statement on the American singer's website stated yesterday.

The 27-year-old "Born This Way" singer - who cancelled part of a tour earlier this year to undergo hip surgery - will release a single from the new album on Aug. 19.

Gaga, whose real name is Stefani Germanotta, calls her fans "little monsters" and will release a social media app ahead of the album on Sept. 1, which the statement said would seek to make connections between music, art, fashion and technology.

"Altering the human experience with social media, we bring ART culture into POP in a reverse Warholian expedition", said the statement, referring to late US pop artist Andy Warhol.

The Grammy-winning singer first rose to prominence in 2008 with the release of her album "Fame" and is well known for her outrageous costumes and provocative music videos. - Reuters, July 13, 2013.


The Malaysian Insider :: Features

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The Malaysian Insider :: Features

Family planning, higher education are priorities globally, reveals survey

Posted: 12 Jul 2013 05:48 PM PDT

July 13, 2013

Family planning, higher education and quality time with loved ones are priorities for people around the world, according to a new global Nielsen survey focusing on lifestyle values released yesterday.

The Nielsen poll of more than 29,000 people in 58 countries also showed that most people think women should have a say in important household issues, but opinions diverged on how the roles of wife and mother are perceived.

"It was very striking that spending quality time with family was the No. 1 most important item," said James Russo, senior vice-president of Global Consumer Insights of Nielsen, a global provider of information and insights.

In Nielsen's first poll on lifestyle values, 80 percent of people surveyed said that spending time with family was most important, with the number rising to 88 percent in Latin America.

"One of the more interesting findings is the consistency in these values," Russo added, "which tells us that we are similar in many ways."

Family planning, or deciding on how many children to have, was a top issue, with 77 percent of people saying it was important, particularly in Latin America.

In largely Catholic countries such as Venezuela, Brazil and Mexico, 90 percent or more agreed that it was crucial, compared to 45 percent of Norwegians and more than 50 percent of Danes and French.

The rating for higher education was similar around the world, with 78 percent of people globally saying it was a priority.

In emerging markets like the Philippines, Brazil, Turkey, South Africa, Colombia, Venezuela and Mexico, 90 percent or more said higher education was crucial, compared to 35 percent in Thailand and 37 percent in Austria.

"The importance of a higher education really came to the forefront," said Russo. "Education is the engine for growth."

He added that a swift rate of change in emerging markets is being driven by a desire for higher education and financial stability.

Although 76 percent of people questioned thought women should have a say in household issues, only 43 percent agreed that the most important role for a woman was as a wife and mother, with ratings ranging from around 30 percent in North America and the Asia-Pacific region to 63 percent in Latin America.

Forty-six percent of men globally, compared to 39 percent of women, agreed about women's wife/mother role.

The survey also showed wide cultural differences about religion. In the Middle East and Africa, 71 percent thought it was a guiding source. But the number dropped to 20 percent in Europe and around 35 percent in the rest of the world.

Around the globe religion was more important to men than women.

Nielsen conducted the online poll around the globe between Aug. 10 and Sept. 7, 2012. The margin of error is plus or minus 0.6 percent. - Reuters, July 13, 2013.


The Malaysian Insider :: Books

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The Malaysian Insider :: Books

Google offers free e-book on smartphone photography

Posted: 12 Jul 2013 10:45 PM PDT

Four more books added to Humble eBook Bundle 2

An "XKCD" compilation, Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean's "Signal to Noise," Holly Black's "The Poison Eaters" and sci-fi short story collection "Machine of Death," co-edited by Ryan North of Dinosaur Comics, ... Read More

For Apple, much to gain in fighting e-books case

Apple Inc couldn't have been too surprised on Wednesday when a judge slammed the company for violating antitrust laws over e-book pricing - the judge had warned in May that she believed the government ... Read More

George R.R. Martin, Neal Stephenson feature in Amazon's comics label launch

Amazon has every intention of getting further into the digital comics market, securing adaptations of George R.R. Martin's "A Song of Fire and Ice" (i.e. "Game of Thrones") prequel "The Hedge Knight," ... Read More

Asia-Europe short story contest for Bali festival

Emerging writers from ASEM member countries can take part in an online short story contest, Long Way Home, via the platform.This is a first for the 2013 Ubud Writers & Readers Festival ... Read More

Manuscript of Beckett's first novel sells for RM5 million

A manuscript of Irish author Samuel Beckett's first novel, "Murphy", sold at auction in London on Wednesday for nearly one million pounds (RM5 million), meeting pre-auction estimates, according to auction ... Read More


The Malaysian Insider :: Bahasa

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The Malaysian Insider :: Bahasa

Ambiga: Bersih 4.0 diadakan pada Oktober jika daftar pengundi tidak dibersihkan

Posted: 13 Jul 2013 03:04 AM PDT

Oleh Hasbullah Awang Chik
July 13, 2013

Perhimpunan Bersih 4.0 akan diadakan pada Oktober sekiranya Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) tidak mahu membersihkan daftar undi yang sedia ada kata Pengerusi Bersama Bersih 2.0 Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan.

Beliau berkata penipuan SPR tidak dapat diterima dan seolah-olah menghina kebijaksanaan rakyat.

"Bersih 4.0 akan dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober jika SPR tidak bersihkan daftar pengundi," kata Ambiga ketika ditemui oleh pemberita selepas forum.

Setakat ini NGO itu sudah menganjurkan tiga perhimpunan raksaksa di Kuala Lumpur untuk menuntut pilihan raya bebas dan adil.

Ambiga menjelaskan SPR seharusnya membersihkan namanya sendiri dan bukan mengharapkan pihak lain seperti badan bukan kerajaan (NGO), mahu pun pimpinan masyarakat untuk menyelesaikan kemelut badan penggendali pilihan raya itu.

"SPR cenderung untuk menyalahkan Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN) atas semua masalah yang membabitkan badan itu namun jika saya menjadi Pengerusi SPR, puluhan laporan polis akan saya kemukakan jika berdepan dengan masalah sedemikian," jelas Ambiga semasa berucap di seminar pasca pilihan raya umum ke 13 anjuran Majlis Peguam di Kuala Lumpur hari ini.


Ibu tunggal rentung rumah terbakar di Sandakan

Posted: 13 Jul 2013 02:17 AM PDT

July 13, 2013

Seorang ibu tunggal mati rentung di rumahnya di Taman Indah Jaya, Sandakan, Sabah, semalam.

Mangsa dikenali sebagai Hasnah Astan, 42, dan mayatnya ditemui di tepi katil di dalam bilik utama di tingkat atas rumahnya.

Ketua Operasi Balai Bomba dan Penyelamat Sandakan, Devi Rashedee Ensoi, berkata kebakaran berlaku kira-kira jam 8 malam yang memusnahkan tingkat atas rumah itu.

Katanya, bomba seramai 16 anggota serta dua jentera mendapati api sudah merebak di tingkat atas sebaik mereka tiba.

"Kami terpaksa memotong kunci pagar dan pintu utama di tingkat bawah untuk masuk ke dalam rumah," katanya.

Mayat mangsa kemudiannya dihantar ke Hospital Duchess of Kent.

Seorang jiran mangsa yang enggan dikenali berkata, mangsa tinggal bersama anak lelaki dan perempuan yang masing-masing berusia lapan dan tujuh tahun, namun ketika kebakaran kedua-duanya tidak berada di rumah.

Punca kebakaran sedang disiasat. - Bernama, 13 Julai, 2013.


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