Jumaat, 5 Julai 2013

The Malaysian Insider :: Food

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The Malaysian Insider :: Food

UN Seeks $1 billion to feed Sahel, says Syria distracting

Posted: 05 Jul 2013 05:43 PM PDT

The juice on beef at The Beato

By Eu Hooi Khaw

Once you are seated at The Beato Aged Steakhouse in Solaris Dutamas, a board is brought to your table showing the cuts of beef available and the weight of each. Would you consider a porterhouse, ribeye, ... Read More
Kredit: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com

The Malaysian Insider :: Sports

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The Malaysian Insider :: Sports

Cameroon football federation criticises ban

Posted: 05 Jul 2013 02:23 AM PDT

July 05, 2013

Cameroon's football federation (FECAFOOT) today criticised the sport's world governing body FIFA, after it was provisionally suspended from all competitions over governance issues.

FECAFOOT spokesman Junior Binyam told AFP the suspension was "deplorable" and would damage the prospects of young footballers, including the best who wanted to play abroad.

"If a young Cameroon footballer is courted by a club such as Arsenal, he will not be able to go because the Cameroon federation will not be in a position to give him an international transfer certificate," he added.

Cameroon were due to play Gabon on Saturday in the qualifying round for the African Nations Championships (CHAN) but the match will not now go ahead because of the ban.

"If this suspension is not lifted by September, Cameroon will not be able to play in the World Cup qualifiers," added Binyam.

"We can only hope that the normalisation committee will start work without hindrance so the suspension can be lifted."

FIFA yesterday said it had provisionally suspended FECAFOOT from international competition because of "government interference" in its running.

The decision came a week after the re-election of the outgoing president of the federation, Iya Mohammed, was declared void following his imprisonment for alleged misappropriation of funds.

FIFA said Cameroon, who are competing for a place in the World Cup finals in 2014, will not be able to play in any competition for the duration of the suspension.

The ban will be lifted only when the Cameroon authorities allow a special committee to run FECAFOOT and be able to run its affairs without hindrance.

The committee, whose members will be appointed by FIFA and the African Football Confederation (CAF), will notably work to revise FECAFOOT's statutes and organise new elections between now and March 31 next year. - AFP, July 5, 2013.

Argentina’s Flores joins Mariners

Posted: 05 Jul 2013 01:33 AM PDT

July 05, 2013

Argentina playmaker Marcos Flores has left Melbourne Victory to sign a one-season deal with Australian A-League champions Central Coast, the Mariners said today.

Flores, who won the Johnny Warren Medal winner as the A-League player of the 2011 season, was released today from Victory where he was the club's standout players.

The former Newell's Old Boys and Adelaide United attacker will join Central Coast within the next fortnight once he finalises his relocation from Victoria, the Mariners said.

"We are excited to have signed such a talented player as Marcos Flores," Mariners coach Graham Arnold said.

"It is well known that Marcos was Victory's marquee player last year, so for us to not only sign him but fit him inside the salary cap is a fantastic coup for the club."

"We are sure Marcos will be a great addition to the team," Arnold added. - AFP, July 5, 2013

Kredit: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com

The Malaysian Insider :: Showbiz

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The Malaysian Insider :: Showbiz

Winnie Mandela biopic due out in September

Posted: 04 Jul 2013 07:16 PM PDT

July 05, 2013

A movie starring Jennifer Hudson and Terrence Howard (pic)

 as the Mandelas is slated for US theatrical release on September 6.

"Winnie," by South African director Darrel J. Roodt, tells the story of Nelson Mandela's second wife, recounting her eventful private and public life from her childhood through her activism to her various criminal convictions. Jennifer Hudson, who won the TV reality competition "American Idol" and went on to become an actress ("Dreamgirls," "Sex and the City"), will play the controversial "Mother of the Nation," the icon of the struggle against apartheid.

Winnie supported her husband during his incarceration from 1962 to 1990, during which she was only allowed two visits a year. Upon his release, however, Nelson Mandela chose to distance himself from her owing to her increasingly radical politics. The couple divorced in 1996 after nearly 40 years of marriage.

Terrence Howard ("The Company You Keep") co-stars as the first black president of South Africa.

"Winnie," which was actually made in 2011, will be coming out this fall three months before "Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom." In the latter, a biopic about Nelson Mandela, Idris Elba ("Luther") plays the Nobel Peace Prize winner opposite Naomie Harris ("Skyfall") as his wife. This film will be released on November 29 in the US. -AFP, July 4, 2013.

Metallica to rock Malaysia on Aug 21

Posted: 04 Jul 2013 04:55 PM PDT

July 05, 2013

Thrash metal band Metallica (pic) will make its concert debut in Kuala Lumpur's Stadium Merdeka on Aug 21, 2013.

The Grammy-winning band last played in Southeast Asia in 1993, with a sold-out show at the Singapore Indoor Stadium. "We've said it before ... with more than 30 years of travelling around the world behind us, there are very few places that we have yet to explore.

"So it's rather thrilling for us to be back with yet another first, a stop in Kuala Lumpur," said the band in a statement on its official website.

Metallica, which includes frontman James Hetfield, 49, drummer Lars Ulrich, 49, guitarist Kirk Ham­mett, 50, and bassist Rob Trujillo, 48, has sold 110 million albums worldwide since it emerged from San Francisco, the United States, in 1981.

Tickets for Metallica Live in Malaysia 2013 are RM680, RM550, RM450, RM380, RM350 and RM195. Online ticket sales will begin on Monday at 10am at www.ticket charge.com.my.

Kredit: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com

The Malaysian Insider :: Features

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The Malaysian Insider :: Features

Papaya leaf juice to treat dengue fever

Posted: 04 Jul 2013 06:28 PM PDT

July 05, 2013

The papaya fruit is a great source of vitamins A and C, but its leaves hold the possible answer to treating dengue fever.

According to Yahoo News, a group of Malaysian researchers have found that juice extracted from papaya leaves helps increase the platelet count in patients with dengue fever.

Dengue has plagued Malaysia since 2002, with a whopping 20,000 case reported last year. All doctors and nurses can do at the moment is provide treatment - known as supportive treatment - to manage the infection in patients.

This means that a person suffering from dengue fever or dengue hemorrhagic fever will only be treated with either fluids or blood transfusions, to manage the symptoms of the disease. Unfortunately, this type of treatment does not always work.

All that may just change with this discovery. Led by Dr Soobitha Subenthran, a team from the Institute for Medical Research in Kuala Lumpur discovered that the 'carica papaya' leaf juice helps increase platelet count in patients with dengue fever. Their results were published in March, in an Egyptian-based medical journal called, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, published by Hindawi Publishing Corporation (see website).

Carica Papaya is a fancy name for the typical papaya tree you see growing all over Malaysia. The team tested the juice to make sure that it is safe for human consumption. They then worked with teams from the Tengku Ampuan Rahimah Hospital in Klang to conduct clinical trials on 228 patients with dengue fever and dengue haemorrhagic fever.

Half of the patients received 50 grams of fresh papaya leave juice for three consecutive days while the rest received standard treatment.

While the treatment was administered, the team studied the patients' blood count for two days.

They found that the platelets in the blood of the patients that received the juice had increased significantly.

The breakthrough in this government-funded research is important because previous attempts to find a cure for dengue faced many obstacles, including having to deal with mutations of the virus. "It can be concluded that the administration of 'carica papaya' leaf juice in dengue fever is safe and does induce the rapid increase in platelet count. - July 5, 2013.

Kredit: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com

The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

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The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

Your child can vote however she wants!

Posted: 04 Jul 2013 05:41 PM PDT

July 05, 2013

Zan Azlee is a documentary filmmaker, journalist, writer, New Media practitioner and lecturer. He runs Fat Bidin Media www.fatbidin.com

As a parent, you start to lose control of your children as they start to grow up, get older, mature and become less needy.

And as s a parent, you have to learn to let go. It's the natural way. I just didn't think it would happen as soon as Athena turned two!

Athena is quite an active child. It's like she has a solar panel on her head that constantly charges her batteries and allows her to have limitless energy.

And leaving her cooped up at home everyday when her mother and I are out at work seemed to be boring her out.

So we decided to send her off to school. After a bit of hunting around, we found a nice little kindergarten that accepted kids from the age of two. Perfect!

The first few days (weeks actually!), she went through the separation anxiety phase where she would cry when we drop her off but be fine 2 minutes after we leave.

It's been a couple of months of her attending school now and we've noticed certain things about her that we had never seen before.

Relax! Her hair isn't getting all fuzzy at night, and she is not spinning her head around 360 degrees or climbing up walls and cursing Jesus.

One day she came back and grabbed her bath towel, put it around her neck and ran around screaming 'Superman!'. She even made the flying 'swish' sound!

As far I know, my wife and I have never watched any Superman cartoons or movies ourselves, much less with Athena.

So I'm assuming that she picked it up in school, a place where I have no control over anything she is exposed to whatsoever.

Another time, she came back with a small party pack (one of her classmates celebrated her birthday in school) which contained all kinds of princess paraphernalia!

And if anyone knows me, they would know that I hate anything princess-ish because it is irresponsible for adults to infect their daughters with the princess syndrome virus.

When we first visited Athena's kindergarten, I had specifically asked the principal on their stand on the princess syndrome.

She assured me they were against it, as they believe that girls needed to be raised with self-esteem and grounded in reality. And that sold it for me!

But I guess they can't do much when excited parents (albeit not very smart ones!) come with a cake and party packs to be shared with the other kids on their child's birthday.

So that brings me back again to the fact that Athena is now in the big wide world where I can't be there all the time to protect her from things that aren't good for her.

It's a tough realisation for a parent like me to learn, especially when most parents learn when their child turns into a teenager, while I am experiencing it within just two years of becoming a parent.

But it's a beautiful thing to see your child developing before your eyes. It's an incredible feeling when Athena learns something new and excitedly wants to share it with me at the end of the day.

It could be something as complicated as learning a new song complete with lyrics, or as simple as a new dance twirl her friend taught her.

She has her whole life ahead of her of learning and experiencing new things as she makes her way through the world. A big world where I can't and won't be with her everywhere.

So I guess this begs the clichéd question that parents have to ask themselves:

How do you let go of your children and trust they will choose the right party when they become eligible to vote in a general election? - July 5, 2013.

Kredit: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com

The Malaysian Insider :: Bahasa

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The Malaysian Insider :: Bahasa

Pegawai kanan Petronas didakwa terima rasuah, terlibat aktiviti pengubahan wang haram

Posted: 05 Jul 2013 02:56 AM PDT

July 05, 2013

Seorang pengurus di Petroliam Nasional Berhad (Petronas) dihadapkan ke Mahkamah Sesyen di sini atas lima pertuduhan menerima rasuah bernilai RM403,000 dan empat pertuduhan melibatkan diri dalam pengubahan wang haram berjumlah RM385,000 melalui beberapa keping cek serta deposit tunai.

Idris M. Shuhud, 47, yang bertugas di projek penggantian saluran paip syarikat itu, didakwa menerima rasuah daripada pengarah syarikat Penaga Orbit dan Genius Response Kamaruddin Mohd Daud untuk pembayaran terhadap pembelian dan pengubahsuaian rumahnya di Bandar Tun Hussein, Cheras sebagai upah kerana meluluskan dokumen urusan rasmi Petronas.

Dokumen berkenaan ialah Penilaian Bidaan Teknikal, Penilaian Bidaan Komersial dan Sijil Penyiapan Kerja. 

Tertuduh, yang ketika itu bertugas sebagai pengurus kanan Hook-Up Commisionin (HUC) Bahagian Pembangunan di Petronas, didakwa melakukan kesalahan itu di sekitar Kuala Lumpur antara 5 Mac 2009 dan 20 Jan 2012.

Bagi kesalahan itu, Idris didakwa mengikut Seksyen 17(a) Akta Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia 2009 yang membawa hukuman maksimum penjara 20 tahun dan denda lima kali ganda nilai suapan atau RM10,000 mengikut mana lebih tinggi, jika sabit kesalahan.

Bagi pertuduhan melibatkan diri dalam pengubahan wang haram, dia didakwa melakukan satu kesalahan Maybank cawangan KLCC dan tiga kesalahan di Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad, Seksyen 14 Shah Alam antara 5 Mac 2009 dan 20 Jan 2012.

Idris didakwa mengikut Subseksyen 4(1)(a) Akta Pencegahan Pengubahan Wang Haram dan Pencegahan Pembiayaan Keganasan 2001 yang membawa hukuman maksimum penjara lima tahun atau denda RM5 juta atau kedua-duanya sekali, jika sabit kesalahan.

Pendakwaan kes rasuah dikendali Timbalan Pendakwa Raya Afifah Mamat@Yusof manakala kes pengubahan wang haram oleh Mohd Farez Rahman.

Hakim Ahmad Zamzani Mohd Zain membenarkan Idris diikat jamin RM15,000 bagi setiap pertuduhan dengan seorang penjamin dan menetapkan 1 Ogos untuk sebutan semula untuk membolehkan tertuduh melantik peguam.

Sementara itu, di mahkamah sama, seorang pengurus kanan pengurusan risiko pelanggan Petronas Ishak Yusof, 47, mengaku tidak bersalah terhadap tiga pertuduhan menerima rasuah berjumlah RM23,000 sebagai upah untuk pembekalan cecair gas asli sebanyak 125 lori ke syarikat Erision Chem Sdn Bhd.

Dia didakwa melakukan dua kesalahan di Maybank cawangan Segambut dan satu lagi di lobi Hotel Corus, Jalan Ampang di sini antara 27 Ogos dan 19 Sept 2008.

Ishak didakwa mengikut Seksyen 11(a) Akta Pencegahan Rasuah 1997 yang membawa hukuman maksimum penjara 20 tahun dan denda lima kali ganda nilai suapan atau RM10,000 mengikut mana lebih tinggi, jika sabit kesalahan.

Ahmad Zamzani membenarkan tertuduh diikat jamin RM8,000 bagi setiap pertuduhan dengan seorang penjamin dan mengarahkan Ishak menyerahkan pasportnya kepada mahkamah. 

Mahkamah menetapkan 2 Ogos ini untuk sebutan semula kes.

Terdahulu, Timbalan Pendakwa Raya Kevin Morais menawarkan jaminan RM10,000 bagi setiap pertuduhan, bagaimanapun, peguam Jasvinder Jit Singh memohon mahkamah mengurangkan jumlah itu kerana tertuduh perlu menanggung tiga daripada empat anaknya yang bersekolah. - Bernama, 5 Julai, 2013.

Tan Sri MCA ‘trauma’ selepas tembak mati perompak

Posted: 05 Jul 2013 02:46 AM PDT

Oleh Lee Shi-Ian
July 05, 2013

Taikun balak, Tan Sri Lim Sing @ Lam Kam Sang memiliki lesen senjata api sejak lebih 20 tahun lalu tetapi tidak pernah menggunakannya sehinggalah malam tadi.

Beliau menjadi bahan berita selepas anak jati Pahang itu menembak  mati seorang perompak bersenjata sebuah klinik di Taman Permata, Cheras.

Berusia 68 tahun, Ketua Bahagian MCA Raub itu memberitahu The Malaysian  Insider, beliau menghala pistol jenis Glock ke arah kumpulan perompak termasuk seorang yang berparang dan cuba menetaknya.

"Saya cuba mengelak dari melepaskan tembakan tetapi perompak itu terus  mengancam mahu menetak saya. Saya terpaksa menembak beberapa das," kata Presiden Persatuan Dewan Perdagangan Cina dan Industri itu.

Taikun itu berkata, beliau datang dari Pulau Pinang ke Kuala Lumpur atas  urusan perniagaan tetapi berasa tidak sihat dan mengunjungi sebuah klinik.

"Selepas berjumpa doktor, saya menunggu giliran mengambil ubat. Tiba- tiba, dua lelaki bersenjatakan parang masuk ke klinik.

"Kemudian, seorang lagi perompak masuk dan menutup pintu gril dan kami terperangkap dalam klinik. Ketika itu, beberapa pesakit  ada bersama doktor bersama tiga kakitangan dalam bilik rawatan.

Perompak merampas semua barangan mereka sebelum nampak Lim yang duduk di  luar. Seorang daripada mereka menghampiri Lim yang kemudian mengeluarkan  pistol dan memberi amaran supaya tidak mendekatinya.

"Perompak itu juga cuba  merampas pistol saya. Selepas saya melepaskan  tembakan, semua tiga lelaki itu lari dari klinik berkenaan," katanya.

Seorang daripada mereka kemudian ditemui mati kira-kira 30 meter dari  klinik berikutan terkena empat tembakan.

Hanya beberapa selepas kejadian, Lim mengakui berasa tidak selesa di  perutnya.

"Ini pertama kali saya 'dipaksa' menggunakan pistol saya. Saya berasa amat  tidak selesa," katanya yang seakan-akan trauma dengan kejadian itu.

Bapa kepada enam anak itu memberi keterangan kepada polis sebelum  membuat pemeriksaan kesihatan di Pusat Rawatan Universiti Kebangsaaan Malaysia.

Beliau baru-baru ini menerima anugerah Panglima Seri Mahkota dari Yang  Di-Pertuan Agong yang membawa gelaran Tan Sri.

Sabtu lalu, rumah Menteri Belia dan Sukan, Khairy Jamaluddin di Bukit  Damansara dimasuki tiga perompak yang melarikan beberapa komputer riba  dan beberapa jam tangan.

Kejadian itu mendorong pembangkang mendesak kerajaan untuk mengakui  betapa kadar jenayah di negara ini memerlukan perhatian serius.

Pemimpin DAP, Tony Phua berkata, kejadian jenayah yang berleluasa sejak beberapa bulan kebelakangan ini membuktikan gambaran yang dibuat polis, salah.

Beliau mendesak kerajaan supaya telus dalam membentang indeks jenayah berikutan kerajaan memberi gambaran tidak benar mengenai tahap keselamatan, malah memanipulasi statistik jenayah.

Polis sebelum ini membuat pengumuman bahawa jenayah jalanan menurun 40 peratus manakala indeks jenayah berkurangan sebanyak 25 peratus sepanjang tahun lalu. 5 Julai, 2013.

Kredit: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com

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