Selasa, 25 Mac 2014

The Malaysian Insider :: Food

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The Malaysian Insider :: Food

Huge abroad, Greek yoghurt almost unknown in Greece

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 08:54 PM PDT

March 26, 2014

Sheep yoghurt cups are pictured in a small factory in the outskirts of Athens on February 20, 2014. Yoghurt is a global health fad with millions of adherents in Europe and the United States, and yet in Greece, many people have never heard of 'Greek yoghurt'. Strained yoghurt, made from cows' milk, is the stuff of millions today – and its popularity the cause of litigation. – AFP pic, March 26, 2014.Sheep yoghurt cups are pictured in a small factory in the outskirts of Athens on February 20, 2014. Yoghurt is a global health fad with millions of adherents in Europe and the United States, and yet in Greece, many people have never heard of 'Greek yoghurt'. Strained yoghurt, made from cows' milk, is the stuff of millions today – and its popularity the cause of litigation. – AFP pic, March 26, 2014.It's a global health fad with millions of fans in Europe and the United States, and yet in Greece, many people have never heard of "Greek yoghurt".

Equally surprising in an age when billions are spent on marketing, the term is basically a quirk of fate.

"What is known abroad as 'Greek yoghurt' is called 'straggisto' (strained yoghurt) in Greece," explained Prokopis Ploumbis, a cheesemaker in the rural outskirts of Athens.

"The secret lies in the milk," he adds.

Creamy, rich in protein and low in fat, strained yoghurt made from cow's milk is increasingly prized by health-conscious consumers, and it has benefited from the growing popularity of the Mediterranean diet in the Western world.

And yet, in terms of marketing, neither the Greek state nor any Greek company had sought to stamp a patent on the product, unlike feta cheese which is now a protected EU term.

No court would have accorded protection for "Greek yoghurt" when the term is not even used in Greece.

It therefore lay open for the taking.

Sensing an opportunity, Turkish entrepreneur Hamdi Ulukaya was able to make a killing on the American market with his yoghurt company, named Chobani, which comes from the Turkish word for shepherd.

It is also similar to the Greek word for shepherd, and Chobani packages prominently call it "Greek yoghurt" in the United States.

Meanwhile the Greek company that first broke open the US and European markets decades ago, Fage, features "Greek strained yoghurt" in smaller type on its packages.

In just seven years, Chobani's "Greek yoghurt" has become the best-selling yoghurt brand in the United States, and strained yoghurt now accounts for 35% of the US yoghurt market, from only four percent in 2008.

"Because it was introduced in this country by a Greek company, they called it 'Greek yoghurt.' It doesn't matter whether it's Greek yoghurt or Turkish yoghurt, as long as it's a good yoghurt," Ulukaya told Fortune magazine in 2011.

Fage fought back.

"Fage is the one that made known to the world the creamy texture of Greek yoghurt, its protein concentration, its rich taste," said the company's commercial director Alexis Alexopoulos.

However the 88-year-old Athens-based family company, which exports dairy products to 40 countries, eventually had to concede defeat in the United States. But it moved to protect its 95% share in the British market.

In British courts, Fage based its argument on the fact that unlike Chobani, its yoghurt is actually made in Greece, and won the case on appeal in January.

Chobani now markets its yoghurt as "strained" in Britain, and "Greek" in the United States.

Fage sells its product in Britain as "authentic Greek yoghurt".

Strained yoghurt is also popular in Greece, where it also serves as a key ingredient for staple dishes like tzatziki dip.

But for traditionalists, there is also a significant yearning for non-strained and fattier yoghurt made from sheep's milk.

Yoghurt made from sheep's milk has 6.5% natural fat, compared to around 2.0% in cow's milk.

All over the country there are hundreds of traditional yoghurt-makers catering to the countryside or island markets.

Many of these products are consumed locally and never reach the big supermarket chains in Athens.

"Greek ewes graze in the mountains and receive no additives in their food," said Ploumbis, the cheesemaker in Vilia, some 60 kilometres west of Athens.

"The best milk comes in the spring. The animals eat hundreds of different plants, it's an unimaginable richness," he added, pointing to the valley around the sheep pens, covered in shrubs and almond trees in bloom. – AFP, March 26, 2014.


The Malaysian Insider :: Sports

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The Malaysian Insider :: Sports

Pandelela’s confidence boosted after winning two silver medals in World Series

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 08:55 AM PDT

March 25, 2014

Pandelela with the bronze she won at the London Olympics in 2012. The Sarawakian has improved on her form since then. - March 25, 2014.Pandelela with the bronze she won at the London Olympics in 2012. The Sarawakian has improved on her form since then. - March 25, 2014.Winning two silver medals at the FINA World Series Championship in Dubai, United Arab Emirates on Sunday is expected to boost National diving queen Pandelela Rinong's confidence further.

Pandelela who competed against two of the world's best divers, namely Liu Huixia from China and Filion Roseline of Canada, said: "I am very happy because not only I succeeded in winning a silver yesterday but it is also the second silver I won in the same event in the FINA World Series this year," said the 21-year-old diver from Sarawak when contacted yesterday.

In the first series of the FINA World Series Championship in Beijing early this month, Pandalela won a silver medal in the individual 10m platform and a bronze from the 10m Synchronized diving with Leong Mun Yee.

"After winning the silver medal in Beijing last week, I was definitely more confident at the FINA World Series Championship here (Dubai, United Arab Emirates). I was totally focused on my diving and happy to have succeeded in performing well.

"I will be more confident when going into the third series in London, United Kingdom, from April 25 to 27, after winning two silver medals," she said.

Pandelela said her target was to improve on her diving and hoped to give a tough fight to Huixia in London.

After having won a silver medal in the individual event, Pandelela partnered Mun Yee to capture another silver from the women's 10m Synchronized diving event with 358.75 points.

Meanwhile, Liu Huixia retained the gold medal she had won in the first series in Beijing after collecting 400.70 points while Canadian diver Filion Roseline took the bronze with 355.20 points.

After the third series in London, the championship moves on to Moscow, Russia (May 2-4); Windsor, Canada (May 30-June 1) and the final round in Monterrey, Mexico from June 6-8. – Bernama, March 25, 2014.

Football development plan to continue regardless of changes in Ministry

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 05:51 AM PDT

March 25, 2014

The Dewan Rakyat was today told that the 2014-2020 Football Development Plan would continue even if there were changes within the top leadership of the youth and sports ministry.
Its deputy minister, Datuk M. Saravanan said the plan would continue in stages until its objectives were met in developing national football.
"I give you my assurance. Even if the minister and deputy minister are to go, the plan will continue," he said, replying to a supplementary question from Datuk Takiyuddin Hassan (PAS-Kota Bharu).
Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin was reported saying the plan would enhance the quality of football in Malaysia and would be presented to the Cabinet soon.
The plan focuses on national football development, especially in moulding players from seven to 17 years of age into skilled players.

Meanwhile, replying to another supplementary question from Tan Sri Annuar Musa (BN-Ketereh) who wanted an assurance from the government that the long term plan remained intact, Saravanan said the suggestion would be relayed to the ministry.
Earlier, Annuar, who was former Kelantan Football Association president and deputy president of the Football Association of Malaysia (FAM), said the football development plan had to be carried out in the long term, as was done by Japan which had a development programme which stretched to 50 years.
Annuar claimed that those managing football in the country were being elitist and would not accept criticism.
"Based on my own experience, they are not transparent and not open to criticism. Just because I replied to the media's query, I was suspended," said the former youth and sports minister who, in 2012, was suspended by FAM from taking part in any football activity due to his critical statements on the national team. - Bernama, March 25, 2014.


The Malaysian Insider :: Showbiz

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The Malaysian Insider :: Showbiz

2014’s most popular YouTube ads so far

Posted: 24 Mar 2014 09:50 PM PDT

March 25, 2014

​YouTube Malaysia is turning out to be a favourite destination for creative agencies and brand campaigns that are made to engage audiences online. As we wrap up 2014 first quarter, we look back on some of the most interesting ads from YouTube's quarterly ads leaderboard.

As the Internet user base in Malaysia continues to grow, brand managers and creative agencies are realising the true potential of YouTube. Digital ads create a level of brand engagement that is not possible through TV alone. On the Internet, people don't just watch ads, they like them, comment on them, share them with friends and in some cases remake them. In short, great ads on YouTube are able to draw the user in unlike other platforms.

Looking at the top YouTube ads in the first quarter of 2014 in Malaysia the following trends emerge:

Festive themed campaigns are cross-pollinated: With Chinese New Year in February, festival themed campaigns struck a chord this quarter. Many leading brands are now making web-only or web first campaigns - releasing their campaigns on the web first -- as well as complementing their offline campaigns with online engagement.

Ads with emotion and humour rule: Petronas continues to tap into the nation's emotional core while Cadbury appealed to the bittersweet. Tesco, Nissan and KIA went with humour while 100Plus highlighted it's experiential campaign.

Longer form ads offer more creative potential: Similar to YouTube ads trends we saw in 2013, these are exciting times for creative professionals as they have the freedom of going beyond 30 second limit and inspire people to share ads with their circle of friends. Creative professionals are experiencing a new high in the era of digital platforms, which is unshackling the talent of highly skilled advertising professionals in Malaysia.

Malaysian agencies continue to up their game. The most-watched YouTube ads in Malaysia by Malaysians in the first quarter of 2014 were produced locally.

The top 10 YouTube ads of Q1 2014 in Malaysia (by views, mixture of organic and paid):

1. Petronas – CNY 2014: Young Hearts

2. Cadbury – The most unexpected Ang Pow

3. 100PLUS – Win The Day Challenge

4. Tesco – #ongmali CNY 2014 TVC

5. Nissan – Learn how to avoid this mistake during CNY

6. KIA – Happy Chinese New Year 2014 | KIA Commercial #1 of 3

7. Pizza Hut – Golden Fortune

8. RHB Group – Chinese New Year Greeting 2014

9. Kakao Talk – See what happens when you ask, "Where to eat?" in Malaysia

10. Nescafe – Morning Moments – It All Starts With A NESCAFÉ!

– March 25, 2014.


The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

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The Malaysian Insider :: Opinion

Jangan timbulkan lagi isu siapa MB

Posted: 24 Mar 2014 05:04 PM PDT

March 25, 2014

Shukur mempunyai lebih 30 tahun pengalaman sebagai wartawan dan bekerja dengan pelbagai media. Beliau kini pencen tetapi menjadi pemerhati politik yang tegar.

Selepas kemenangan cemerlang calon PKR/Pakatan Rakyat, Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail dalam PRK Kajang, Ahad lalu, semua pihak dalam Pakatan Rakyat perlu memikirkan persoalan yang jauh lebih besar, iaitu bagaimana hendak mengukuhkan lagi Kerajaan Pakatan di Selangor.

Dalam masa yang sama juga Pakatan perlu memikirkan bagaimana dengan kekuatan Pakatan Selangor itu boleh menjadi pemangkin dalam meneruskan perjuangan untuk sampai ke koridor kuasa di Putrajaya. 

Keyakinan ini mesti dibina oleh pendukung Pakatan Rakyat sekukuh-kukuhnya dengan usaha besar semua pihak dalam Pakatan, mengelakkan perselisihan sesama sendiri, mengatur strategi dengan bijaksana dan yakin akan kemampuan Pakatan.

Selepas kemenangan besar Pakatan, terutama di Selangor dalam PRU yang lalu dan menyusul kemenangan manis Pakatan di Kajang Ahad lalu, ada petunjuk yang sangat jelas bahawa rakyat sangat mengharapkan kemampuan Pakatan Rakyat untuk membela mereka bukan saja di Selangor, Kelantan dan Pulau Pinang bahkan seluruh Malaysia – Sabah dan Sarawak.

Maka itu, selepas kemenangan Dr Wan Azizah ini, janganlah ada lagi suara yang membangkitkan isu siapa menteri besar Selangor selepas ini. Justru saya memikirkan ini kerana sebelum ini sudah sangat hebuh suara keras dan nyaring mengenai siapa sepatutnya menerajui Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Sekangor.

Ini menyebabkan tercetus masalah dalaman yang sangat serius sebelum PRK Kajang itu. Sebab itu, isu siapa MB Selangor ini janganlah dicetuskan kembali hingga menggugat kekuatan Pakatan Rakyat bukan saja di Selangor, tetapi juga seluruh negara.

Biarlah isu ini diselesaikan oleh para pemimpin tertinggi Pakatan, kerana kita yakin dengan segala kemampuan mereka boleh menyelesaikan isu tersebut.

Biarkan para pemimpin tertinggi Pakatan berunding semasak-masaknya dalam perkara ini dan berilah mereka mandat sepenuhnya untuk berunding dan menentukannya.

Janganlah ada selepas ini, suara sumbang di sana sini, kenyataan demi kenyataan yang bercanggah, tuntutan yang tidak munasabah, yang semuanya hanya mencederakan Pakatan Rakyat, khususnya di Selangor. 

Janganlah ulangi lagi hal seperti ini di masa depan.

Ini kerana, rakyat telah menaruh harapan tinggi kepada Pakatan untuk terus memerintah negeri Selangor, bahkan negeri lain di Malaysia. 

Maka itu jika berlaku perbalahan dalaman yang tidak berkesudahan, maka rakyat akan merasa sangat kecewa dan mungkin kekecewaan itu akan diterjemahkan dalam peti undi di PRU akan datang dan ini sangat merbahaya.

Sementara itu keputusan pilihan raya kecil Dun Kajang Ahad lalu menyaksikan perkembangan baik buat Pakatan Rakyat apabila dua peti undi majoriti pengundi Melayu berjaya dimenangi.

Menurut Ketua Pengarah Pilihan Raya PAS, Dr Mohd Hatta Ramli, kemenangan dua peti undi di Sungai Sekamat dan Taman Delima menggambarkan Pakatan Rakyat berjaya mengembalikan sokongan daripada pengundi Melayu.

Baginya, ini satu berita yang mengembirakan di mana satu perubahan yang luar biasa telah berlaku. Bagaimanapun kata Dr Hatta, Pakatan Rakyat perlu melihat kembali terhadap penurunan undi kaum Cina kepada mereka dalam PRK ini.

Beliau tidak menolak pengundi di kawasan Cina agak menurun khususnya di saluran anak muda mungkin kerana mereka tidak ada di dalam kawasan pada Ahad lalu.

Mungkin, katanya, mereka merasakan tidak penting untuk kembali mengundi dan kita perlu melihat kedudukan sebenar perkara ini. Beliau menyatakan ini di Pusat Penjumlahan Undi di Stadium Bangi.

Menurut Dr Hatta, walaupun undi untuk Dr Wan Azizah menurun, tetapi pencapaian peratusan undi Pakatan kali ini meningkat kepada 65%.

Di sini beliau meminta rakyat sedar bahawa "kita buat penilaian awal terhadap kerajaan BN, nampaknya mereka masih tidak sedar lagi bahawa mereka tidak popular. Inilah kesan PRK Kajang."

Dalam hal ini sesuatu yang sangat penting difikirkan ialah penambahan undi di kawasan tradisi Melayu, malah di kawasan bandar Kajang sendiri di mana jumlah pengundi Melayu juga ramai.

Kontijen PAS pimpinan Dr Hatta itu dengan kerjasama jentera PAS Selangor pimpinan pengarah pilihan raya Selangor, Cikgu Jaafar Shamsudin, dilihat bertumpu di kawasan pengundi Melayu tradisi. 

Ini tugas yang sangat mencabar, justru memikirkan Umno sudah begitu lama bertapak di kawasan itu dan orang Melayu di kawasan seperti itu adalah pengundi tegar Umno/BN.

Sebab itu, kejayaan Dr Hatta dan Cikgu Jaafar serta pasukannya memberi makna yang besar.

Perubahan sikap pengundi Melayu ini yang mula menyokong Pakatan Rakyat, perlu dikekalkan. Walaupun perubahan ini mungkin hanya dalam kes PRK Kajang, tetapi ia petanda baik untuk memikirkan keseluruhan perubahan sikap pengundi Melayu.

Sepanjang sejarah pilihan raya di Malaysia, menunjukkan pengundi Melayu paling sukar untuk memilih pembangkang, kecuali dalam beberapa pilihan raya seperti pada 1969, 1999 dan beberapa pilihan raya lagi.

Malah pada PRU 2008 dan 2013 yang lalu, pengundi Melayu, dilihat kebanyakannya masih kekal bersama Umno/BN.

Tetapi petunjuk dan perkembangan terkini ini, memperlihatkan perubahan sudah sangat ketara dan pengundi Melayu kelihatan bersedia membuat perubahan.

Dalam hal ini, anak muda Melayu bandar dilihat menjadi pelopor kepada perubahan ini kesan dari pengaruh media baru yang mereka kuasai.

Maka itu, pengundi baru ini, sewajarnya diberi perhatian untuk menjadi pemangkin kepada kemenangan Pakatan Rakyat dalam PRU akan datang.

Dalam PRK Kajang Ahad lalu, undi anak muda semua bangsa memberi sumbangan besar kepada kemenangan Dr Wan Azizah.

Untuk itu, menurut pendapat saya, Pakatan Rakyat mestilah memberikan perhatian besar kepada aliran pengundian anak muda.

Jika pengundi tradisi Melayu sudah menampakkan perubahan, sementara undi anak muda terus kekal berpihak kepada Pakatan Rakyat, maka lebuh raya ke koridor kuasa di Putrajaya akan mudah dilalui.

Ini sebuah keazaman, bukan sebuah ilusi. Orang politik tidak berilusi, tetap berazam dan berusaha merialisasikannya. – 25 Mac, 2014.

* Ini adalah pendapat peribadi penulis dan tidak semestinya mewakili pandangan The Malaysian Insider.

A goal-den weekend of stars, from Rooney to Messi

Posted: 24 Mar 2014 04:17 PM PDT

March 25, 2014

As a player, Shebby Singh won everything there was to win in Malaysia football, and represented the country on the international stage.

Can you beat that!

When Wayne Rooney hit the ball on the half volley from just inside the halfway line, it took my mind back to a former Spurs player, Nayim, doing a similar thing in the 1995 Cup Winners Cup Final for Zaragoza against Arsenal.

That was the winning goal coming deep in extra time, and although Rooney's strike was in the first half, the euphoric reactions from his teammates and coaching staff alike were akin to the wild celebrations of the Spaniards some 19 years ago.

A great strike indeed, as Manchester United brought freshness and variety to Upton Park. In total control especially in midfield (a rare occurrence this season), the Red Devils could also count on the calmness and composure of Michael Carrick filling in at central defence.

A few articles ago, this column suggested a similar position for Carrick in the England team for Brazil 2014.

Carrick may not be the speediest, nor win any "most likely to get stuck in" awards, but his sense of positioning and reading of the game makes him perfectly suited for the role of a sweeper.

At Stamford Bridge, the game between Chelsea and Arsenal was over as a contest in the first ten minutes. Forget the case of mistaken identity, it was all over when Chelsea sliced open the Arsenal midfield for two quick goals.

The sending-off by Andre Marriner was curious to say the least. So confident in singling out Kieran Gibbs for handball (plot twist: it wasn't him), there was no hint of hesitation in brandishing a red card despite Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain's (the real culprit) attempts to reason.

They should be more careful, these footballers - trying to reason with a referee? Who do players think they are? The gall of it all.

It was the 1,000th game for Arsene Wenger, and I salute his loyalty to football development and playing philosophy, but to look at the team against Chelsea is to realise the fatal flaw in Wenger's match-day setup - the lack of balance in midfield was diabolical.

Contrast that to Jose Mourinho starting with David Luiz and Nemanja Matic in central midfield, and it was easy to see how Arsenal would be overpowered down the middle.

Why Mathieu Flamini, an individual who should be an automatic choice in midfield slugfests, started on the bench is a mystery; perhaps Wenger thought he could take the game to Chelsea, and for the first 3 minutes it certainly seemed that way.

Oliver Giroud had a glorious opportunity to give Arsenal an early led, but his weak shot across Petr Cech's body was comfortably pushed aside.

No "weak foot" excuses this time, he simply failed to strike the ball well enough with only the keeper to beat.

"It could have been so different" would be an unfortunately apt description of Wenger's last six seasons as manager, the players letting him down on big occasions being one constant thorn in his side.

The one player Wenger has never truly replaced is Patrick Vieira, and the return of Mathieu Flamini addressed that issue to a certain extent earlier this season, but to trust Mikel Arteta to be an enforcer is just beyond reason.

Arteta has featured in the deep lying midfield role once too often - the 5-1 defeat against Liverpool being another example showing how Arteta is simply incapable of performing the role of holding midfielder all by himself.

Horses for courses? Just ask Mourinho.

Defence? Who needs 'em!

It was fun and games in Cardiff City as Liverpool, the great entertainers despite not starting main clown Kolo Toure, managed to let in three goals and still pull off a victory.

The truly world class Luis Suarez once again shows why he is the best striker in the world.

Player of the season by a mile (and most certainly in the conversation for the Best Player in Europe award), Suarez certainly deserves a gong sooner rather than later.

And whoever thought Mousa Dembele is better suited to a playmaker's role for Tottenham Hotspur better think again. Described as "strong on the ball", the number eight position requires guile and agility.

Dembele is too slow physically (his bulky frame being a hindrance in that role) and too slow of thought when asked to pull the strings alongside Nabil Bentaleb against Southampton.

It was supposed to be a master stroke from former manager Andre Villas Boas, converting Dembele from a second striker into a hotshot playmaker. However, Tim Sherwood has to realise he can use Dembele as a target man in the absence of Emmanuel Adebayor.

Dembele can hold it up with his back to goal, shrug off a couple of challenges and deliver a venomous shot, but will never have the vision to dominate in central midfield.

Time and again, we have seen Dembele struggle in an area where lithe-ness of thought and foot is vital. Spurs labour when Dembele plays in midfield and Gylfi Sigurdsson made a world of difference when he came on.

The legend of Christian Eriksen is growing, despite being shunted onto the wings. This man has such intelligence on the ball and awareness of space without it.

He is a great player already showing that Spurs need to build the team around him. It would seem that he indeed is the attacking midfielder to take Tottenham Hotspur forward.

And now for El Clasico, and boy, did Real Madrid and Barcelona serve up a classic.

It certainly was a classic in every sense of the word! All the ingredients were present - goals galore, dodgy refereeing, disgusting play acting and the perennial red card for Sergio Ramos.

Oh, and the football was impressive too.

We have often spoken about the "extra man" that Cesc Fabregas makes in attack and in midfield. And in this Clasico, he made the difference, allowing Barcelona to overload in defence, midfield and attack. His movement kept Real's Xabi Alonso and Luka Modric occupied hence allowing Xavi, Iniesta and Busquets to dictate.

Real Madrid had the forceful running of Angel di Maria making a difference, but Ronaldo and Gareth Bale could only play peripheral parts in what was ultimately the Leo Messi show.

Lionel Messi hit a hat-trick, with two brilliantly taken penalties and a flowing move with Neymar that allowed him to slot home past Diego Lopez while surrounded by three Madrid defenders.

Andres Iniesta's rasping goal was the culmination of a vintage Barcelona build-up move, and it was encouraging to see Barcelona dig deep once going 2-1 down, with all momentum pointing to a comprehensive Real Madrid win.

Karim Benzema, despite two well taken goals, should have had a hat-trick at least and will be disappointed with his finishing at times.

The legend of Messi grows despite some extra weight around the hips. And Neymar will have to adapt without Messi at the World Cup. Neymar showed ability on the ball and willingness to make runs as Messi always found him. Will there be a Brazilian in midfield who will spot the runs and make those penetrative passes?

I can only think of one, Kaka. – March 25, 2014.

* This is the personal opinion of the writer or publication and does not necessarily represent the views of The Malaysian Insider.


The Malaysian Insider :: Bahasa

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The Malaysian Insider :: Bahasa

Balu pramugara MH370 redha dengan pemergian suami

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 02:29 AM PDT

March 25, 2014

Luahan isi hati balu Hazrin Hasnan, salah seorang anak kapal MH370 yang dipaparkan di laman akaun sosial Instagram miliknya.  Luahan isi hati balu Hazrin Hasnan, salah seorang anak kapal MH370 yang dipaparkan di laman akaun sosial Instagram miliknya. Balu kepada pramugara Hazrin Hasnan yang meninggalkan seorang anak kecil dan bakal melahirkan seorang lagi cahaya mata redha dengan tragedi yang menimpa suaminya dalam penerbangan Malaysia Airlines (MAS) MH370.

Intan Maizura Othman menulis di dalam akaun laman sosialnya sebaik mendengar pengumuman yang dibuat oleh Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Razak semalam.

"Assalamualaikum sayang... On the 8th memang mami dah jangka that you're already in heaven but on the next day I still want to keep my mind positive and hoping that you are still alive and will come back home to us," kata Intan yang dipetik dalam tulisan di akaun laman sosialnya, Instagram.

Hazrin adalah seorang daripada anak kapal penerbangan malang MH370 yang hilang sejak 8 Mac lalu.

Intan menerima berita tersebut dengan hati terbuka dan menyifatkan Allah lebih menyayangi suaminya tersebut.

"So shocking to me but Allah love you more, I redha dengan pemergian you B," kata beliau.

Intan berkata akan berusaha sebaik mungkin menjadi seorang isteri yang tabah dan kuat dalam meneruskan kehidupan sebagai ibu tunggal serta menjaga kedua-dua anaknya.

"Indeed, I have to be bionic women to face reality today, I will gradually tell Iman that she have lost her papa and Muhammad will be my pillar to move on," kata beliau lagi yang bakal melahirkan anak kedua dalam masa terdekat.

Beliau juga menggambarkan suaminya tersebut sebagai seorang insan yang baik pernah dikenalinya.

"Kan Allah dah janji mati dah pasti.

"You are the best husband and papa I could ever ask for," kata beliau.

Penerbangan MH37 membawa 239 penumpang bersama anak kapal, iaitu 227 penumpang (termasuk dua bayi) dan 12 anak kapal, dan terdiri daripada 13 warga negara berbeza.

Pesawat MH370 yang hilang sejak 8 Mac lalu disahkan berakhir di sebuah kawasan terpencil di selatan Lautan Hindi.

Najib mengumumkan perkembangan terbaru ini kepada pemberita sebentar tadi berkata, beliau dimaklumkan mengenai perkara ini oleh wakil Cawangan Siasatan Nahas Udara (AAIB) dari Britain.

Hampir dua minggu lebih misi mencari dan menyelamat, pengumuman semalam menamatkan spekulasi mengenai nasib MH370 yang tergantung.

Fokus kini tertumpu dalam usaha mencari bangkai pesawat dan kotak hitam bagi merungkai misteri pesawat malang tersebut. – 25 Mac, 2014.

Hukuman mati 529 ahli Ikhwanul Muslimin boleh ancam dunia, kata PAS

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 02:20 AM PDT

March 25, 2014

PAS memberikan amaran hukuman mati ke atas 529 ahli-ahli Ikhwanul Muslimin termasuk Mursyidul Am Dr Mohammad Badie boleh berkembang menjadi krisis yang bakal mengancam dunia.

Sehubunga itu, Presiden PAS Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang (gambar) meminta badan-badan dunia termasuk Pertubuhan Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu (PBB), Liga Arab dan Pertubuhan Negara-negara Islam (OIC) campur tangan dan mengambil tindakan termasuk mencontohi tindakan Afrika yang menggantung keahlian Mesir sebagai anggota Kesatuan Afrika.

"Insiden ini jika tidak ditangani dengan sewajarnya boleh berkembang menjadi krisis yang lebih besar dan berterusan termasuk ke peringkat antarabangsa kerana Terusan Suez di Mesir adalah antara laluan utama perkapalan dunia.

"Jika krisis dalaman yang boleh mengganggu perjalanan kapal sudah tentu keperluan utama seperti makanan dan minyak akan tersekat dan memberikan impak terhadap pasaran dunia," kata Abdul Hadi dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.

Mohammad Badie bersama 528 lagi ahli Ikwanul Muslimin dijatuhkan hukuman mati oleh mahkamah Mesir yang diperintah tentera dalam perbicaraan paling pantas dalam sejarah kehakiman moden dengan skala tertuduh sebegitu ramai bagi pertuduhan bunuh.

Mereka didakwa terlibat dalam aksi keganasan sepanjang krisis yang berlaku ekoran pemecatan Dr Mohamad Morsi sebagai presiden Mesir.

Bagi Abdul Hadi, apa yang berlaku menunjukkan tatacara perbicaraan mahkamah dan peraturan undang-undang tidak dipatuhi.

"Kami menggesa agar demokrasi dan keamanan dipulihkan dengan menarik balik pengharaman Ikhwan Muslimin, sebuah organisasi politik yang telah mendokong dan menyertai pilihan raya dalam sistem demokrasi di Mesir," katanya.

Sementara itu, Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (Abim) turut mengecam sekeras-kerasnya hukuman mati yang dijatuhkan mahkamah Mesir hari ini.

Bagi Abim, hukuman ini merupakan langkah ke belakang yang menjanjikan masa depan yang serba gelap terhadap amalan demokrasi serta rakyat Mesir keseluruhannya.

"Hukuman ini jelas merupakan rentetan daripada langkah kuku besi yang didalangi oleh regim pemerintah Mesir untuk mengukuhkan cengkaman kuasa mereka," kata Presiden Abim, Amidi Abd Manan (gambar) dalam satu kenyataannya.

Abim menilai hukuman mati yang dikenakan itu merupakan campur tangan regim pemerintah untuk menakut-nakutkan rakyat Mesir menjelang pilihan raya presiden Mesir tidak lama lagi.

Hari ini seramai 700 lagi saki baki daripada kira-kira 1200 para penyokong Morsi pula akan dibicarakan atas dakwaan mencetuskan huru hara serta mengancam ketenteraman awam.

Bagi Abim, kezaliman terbaru ini bakal merancakkan lagi gerakan diktator negara-negara Arab yang kini bergerak aktif memburu simpatisan Ikhwan Muslimin khususnya di Bahrainn, UAE dan Arab Saudi.

"Abim menegaskan bahawa kemelut politik Mesir ini adalah polemik sejagat yang bakal menjejaskan kestabilan politik dunia," kata Amidi.

Oleh itu, kata Amidi,  Abim menggesa rakyat Malaysia serta masyarakat antarabangsa untuk menyuarakan secara lantang tentangan mereka terhadap kezaliman ini. - 25 Mac, 2014.


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