Khamis, 22 Ogos 2013

The Malaysian Insider :: Sports

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The Malaysian Insider :: Sports

Russia pledges Games open to all, IOC says, despite anti-gay law

Posted: 22 Aug 2013 07:58 AM PDT

August 22, 2013
Latest Update: August 23, 2013 06:58 am

Russia has pledged that the 2014 Winter Games will be open to all, despite its controversial anti-gay law, the International Olympic Committee said today.

Amid a barrage of criticism over its legislation banning what it dubs homosexual propaganda, Russia responded to IOC calls to ensure that the law will not undermine the Games in the resort of Sochi.

"The International Olympic Committee has today received strong written reassurances from the Russian government that everyone will be welcome at the Games in Sochi regardless of their sexual orientation," the IOC said in a statement.

It quoted Dmitry Kozak, the deputy prime minister in charge of Russia's hosting of the Olympics, as saying that the country "guarantees the fulfilment of its obligations before the International Olympic Committee in its entirety."

Kozak said that Russia had "committed itself to comply strictly" with the Olympic Charter.

The charter, which sets out the rules and principles of the Olympic movement, bans "any form of discrimination with regard to a country or a person on grounds of race, religion, politics, gender or otherwise".

In June, Russian president Vladimir Putin signed a law punishing the dissemination of information about homosexuality to minors.

Activists say it can be used for a broad crackdown against gays and there are fears it could be used against athletes and others in Sochi.

It has sparked calls for a boycott in some quarters and Russian officials have said all athletes will have to obey the law at the Games.

"The IOC is clear that sport is a human right and should be available to all regardless of race, sex or sexual orientation," the Olympic body said.

"The Games themselves should be open to all, free of discrimination, and that applies to spectators, officials, media and of course athletes. We would oppose in the strongest terms any move that would jeopardise this principle," it added. - AFP, August 22, 2013.

Chelsea would have got penalty, says Lambert

Posted: 22 Aug 2013 07:51 AM PDT

August 22, 2013
Latest Update: August 23, 2013 06:51 am

Lambert (left) and Mourinho (right) gesture to their teams. AFP, August 22, 2013. Lambert (left) and Mourinho (right) gesture to their teams. AFP, August 22, 2013. Aston Villa manager Paul Lambert today claimed that his side were the victims of double standards after being denied a late penalty in their Premier League defeat at Chelsea.

With Chelsea leading 2-1 in injury time yesterday's encounter at Stamford Bridge, home captain John Terry appeared to use an outstretched arm to block the ball inside the hosts' penalty area.

However, referee Kevin Friend allowed play to continue, having earlier angered Lambert by failing to penalise Chelsea defender Branislav Ivanovic for catching Villa striker Christian Benteke with a flailing arm.

Ivanovic was only booked, and went on to score the game's winning goal.

Speaking the morning after the game, Lambert once again refused to divulge the content of his post-match discussion with the referee but said Chelsea would not have been denied a penalty had they made an appeal in similar circumstances.

"I spoke to Kevin afterwards, and obviously what is said in there stays in there. But I didn't need to speak to him really," he said.

"It was a clear handball. It's a stone-waller, a clear penalty. I don't care what anyone says, that is a penalty.

"Gabby (Agbonlahor) has won the header and it has hit John's hand. I'm pretty sure if it had been down the other end, it would have been given."

Lambert and Mourinho appeared to get involved in some spiky exchanges on the touchline during the match, but the Villa manager said their conversations had been light-hearted.

"I was calm last night," he said.

"I think there has been a lot made of me and Jose in the technical area. There was the odd little thing, but there was a lot of banter between us."

Mourinho said in his post-game press conference that Lambert had complained about "every, every, every decision", but the Scot said: "So did he. It is the same. The two of us were shouting at referees and officials and everything.

"I'm not going to go there and lie down, and neither is Jose. A lot has been made of me moaning – he does his fair share as well, just to let you know.

"It is not a problem. We had a bit of banter between us and I saw him afterwards. I like him and he is a brilliant football manager. There was never a problem." - AFP, August 22, 2013.


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Puzzle over African coins reveals Aboriginal rock art

Posted: 21 Aug 2013 09:49 PM PDT

August 22, 2013
Latest Update: August 22, 2013 08:49 pm

Solving the mystery of how 900-year-old African coins ended up in remote Australia could not only recast the history of foreign contact Down Under, but shed light on Aboriginal rock art.

How the ancient Kilwa coins, believed to date from about 1100, came to be discovered on the Wessels Islands off the Northern Territory in 1944 has long posed questions about foreign visits to far off Australian shores.

Australian Ian McIntosh, a professor of anthropology at Indiana University-Purdue University in the United States, said rock art found on the islands - which includes one image which appears to show a type of European sailing vessel - could hold some clues.

"A big part of the next stage will be documenting, dating and interpreting (the art), together with indigenous peoples," McIntosh told AFP from his home in Indiana.

The Kilwa coins were discovered lying in the sand by Royal Australian Air Force radar operator Maurie Isenberg during World War II when he was stationed on the island as the Pacific conflict raged.

He found nine coins in all, five African copper pieces and four Dutch coins of European origin which are not nearly as old.

Isenberg initially tried to sell the coins but was unsuccessful. He put them away for decades and it wasn't until 1979 that he sent them to a museum for identification, along with a map showing where he had found them.

McIntosh said there were several theories on the coins, including that they were washed ashore after a shipwreck.

European sailors are known to have sailed the coast of Australia in the 1600s, but it wasn't until captain James Cook landed in Sydney's Botany Bay in 1770 that the British laid claim to the country.

The coins - believed to have originated in the medieval sultanate of Kilwa, an area which is now in Tanzania - have led to speculation that parts of northern Australia were visited by other mariners from as far away as the Middle East and Africa.

As McIntosh wrote in a recent paper for the journal "Australian Folklore", in terms of the chain of events in the discovery, "the argument for the involvement of Kilwa traders and also the Portuguese is quite compelling".

He notes the sea route from Kilwa in east Africa to Oman and then onto India, Malaysia and Australia's close neighbour Indonesia was well established by the 1500s and probably for many hundreds of years before that.

McIntosh said a number of his team felt the coins had simply been washed ashore but admitted "we're still toying with a whole bunch of ideas here".

The academic says one explanation could be that a known Indonesian, a shipwreck survivor who lived his life on the Wessels Islands, could have brought the coins to the area. The coins, he speculates, may have represented this man's "worldly wealth".

McIntosh said an expedition he led in July to the site where the coins were discovered, which involved an intensive search in the harsh terrain, had not uncovered any further coins.

"Over the past couple of years we've developed a whole series of hypotheses to explain how those coins might have got from East Africa to northern Australia," he said.

"The whole point of this initial site survey was to try and get enough evidence to push us in particular directions."

What the researchers did uncover was the Aboriginal rock art and some potential evidence of shipwrecks - a not unlikely proposition given the dangerous reefs off the islands -- in the form of a six-foot piece of timber from a boat.

McIntosh said the scientists would work with indigenous people to look at the art and see whether it matches any known ship types, adding that there were multiple stories of interaction in the past with "different people - black and white from somewhere else, not Aboriginal".

For now the mystery remains.

"These coins probably remained in circulation for a couple of hundred years but only in the vicinity of East Africa, beyond that they didn't have value," McIntosh said, adding that other coins of this type had only been found in Zimbabwe and Oman.

"Nowhere else in the world have they been found, except for northern Australia," said McIntosh. "Very unusual. That's had everybody puzzled." -  AFP, August 22, 2013.

Chinese medicines may contain high levels of toxins

Posted: 21 Aug 2013 04:07 PM PDT

August 22, 2013
Latest Update: August 22, 2013 07:18 am

British health regulators have issued a warning that some traditional Chinese medications contain "dangerously high" levels of lead, mercury, and arsenic.

On Tuesday, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) warned people not to use a number of unlicensed Chinese medicines, including a product called Bak Foong Pills, which are used to treat menstrual pain.

The medicine has been recalled in Hong Kong after it was found to contain up to twice the level of lead permitted by the Hong Kong Government.

Another Chinese medication called Hairegenerator, used for the treatment of hair loss, has also been recalled in Hong Kong after a sample was found to contain 11 times the permitted level of mercury.

The Swedish National Food Agency (SFNA), meanwhile, has found extremely high levels of arsenic in products going by a variety of names, including Niu-Huang Chieh-tu-pein, Divya Kaishore Guggul, and Chandraprabha Vati.

These are used for the treatment of mumps, sore throat, tonsillitis, toothache, skin infections, anorexia, and fever in young children.

"The adulteration of traditional Chinese medicines with heavy metals is a significant international problem and can pose a serious risk to public health," said Richard Woodfield, MHRA's Head of Herbal Policy.

 UK consumers can follow Woodfield's advice: "To help you choose an herbal medicine that is suitable for you, look for a product that has a Traditional Herbal Registration (THR) or product license number on the packaging.

These products have met the acceptable quality and safety standards. – AFP/Relaxnews, August 22, 2013.


The Malaysian Insider :: Books

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The Malaysian Insider :: Books

“Get Shorty” crime writer Elmore Leonard dead at 87

Posted: 21 Aug 2013 04:53 PM PDT

August 22, 2013
Latest Update: August 22, 2013 03:53 pm

American crime writer Elmore Leonard, whose sparely written novels about guys with guns inspired Hollywood films like "Get Shorty" and "Jackie Brown," died Tuesday at the age of 87.

The genre master's 45 gritty novels attracted a wide audience over more than five decades and many became movies, including the 1967 Paul Newman western "Hombre," the 1995 crime comedy "Get Shorty," Quentin Tarantino's "Jackie Brown" (1997) - based on the novel "Rum Punch" - and "Out of Sight" (1998).

Leonard's best-known works were set in the grimy underworld of cities like Detroit and Miami, starring cops, crooks and hitmen with richly varied notions of right and wrong.

Leonard once admitted his books "aren't exactly plot-driven." "They're about people, with guns, in dire situations."

Leonard spurred his novels along with razor-sharp dialogue and avoided long paragraphs with descriptions of landscapes or inner monologues - which he derided as "hooptedoodle."

He explained his bare-boned prose in a 10-point writing guide published by the New York Times in 2001 and cited by his many admirers on Twitter as news of his death spread. Tips include: "Avoid detailed descriptions of characters," "Don't go into great detail describing places and things" and "Try to leave out the part that readers tend to skip."

"Think of what you skip reading a novel: thick paragraphs of prose you can see have too many words in them," he wrote.

"What the writer is doing, he's writing, perpetrating hooptedoodle, perhaps taking another shot at the weather, or has gone into the character's head, and the reader either knows what the guy's thinking or doesn't care.

"I'll bet you don't skip dialogue." His most important rule, summing up all 10: "If it sounds like writing, I rewrite it."

The National Book Foundation awarded its 2012 Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters to Leonard last November.

 "For a half-century, Elmore Leonard has produced vibrant literary work with an inimitable writing style," the foundation's executive director Harold Augenbraum said.

In presenting the award, the British novelist Martin Amis channeled Leonard's famed succinctness by describing him in sum as "a literary genius who writes re-readable thrillers."

Leonard was born October 11, 1925 in New Orleans. His father worked as an executive for General Motors and the family moved several times, eventually settling in Detroit in 1934.

He served in a naval construction battalion during World War II and then went to work at an ad agency in 1949, when he began writing western novels and short stories in his free time.

He quit the ad agency job to write full-time in 1961 and eventually moved into crime writing as popular television westerns swept up the market for cowboy yarns.

After suffering a stroke late last month, Leonard passed away at 7:15 AM (1115 GMT) at his home near Detroit "surrounded by his loving family," his official website said.

Leonard married three times and is survived by five children, 12 grandchildren and five great grandchildren.

Leonard had been at work on his 46th novel when he passed away. – AFP/Relaxnews, August 22, 2013.


The Malaysian Insider :: Bahasa

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The Malaysian Insider :: Bahasa

NGO Islam kecam PAS, lebih pentingkan Metallica berbanding “Allah”

Posted: 22 Aug 2013 02:34 AM PDT

August 22, 2013
Latest Update: August 22, 2013 05:44 pm

Salah seorang penyokong Perkasa di luar Mahkamah Rayuan. Gambar The Malaysian Insider oleh Nazir Sufari, 22 Ogos 2013. Salah seorang penyokong Perkasa di luar Mahkamah Rayuan. Gambar The Malaysian Insider oleh Nazir Sufari, 22 Ogos 2013. Pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO) Islam mengecam PAS kerana tidak bersama mereka dalam isu kalimah Allah, walaupun mahkamah hari ini memutuskan kemenangan kerajaan dalam kes rayuan kalimah "Allah".

Mahkamah Rayuan hari ini menolak permohonan Gereja Katolik untuk mengenepikan rayuan Putrajaya bagi mengubah keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi yang membenarkan akhbar mingguan Herald menggunakan perkataan Arab "Allah" sebagai terjemahan bahasa Melayu kepada "God".

"Kita tidak mahulah pihak yang kononnya memperjuangkan Islam sibuk berdemonstrasi di konsert Metallica tetapi tidak pula menyatakan sokongan kepada isu kalimah Allah ini.

"Malah ada juga yang mengatakan isu kalimah Allah ini tidak sebesar isu di Mesir, bagi Perkasa kenyataan tersebut adalah tidak bertanggungjawab," bidas Setiausaha Agung Perkasa Syed Hassan Syed Ali tentang langkah Dewan Pemuda PAS yang berkumpul di konsert Metallica semalam bagi menyatakan bantahan mereka.

Dalam pada itu, Syed Hassan menyatakan rasa syukurnya atas kemenangan hari ini serta berharap kemenangan sama dapat diperoleh dalam perbicaraan sebenar pada 10 September ini.

"Perkasa bersyukur dengan keputusan yan diumumkan hari ini dan kita harapkan kemenangan ini akan juga dicapai dalam sebutan kes rayuan pada 10 September ini.

"Selain itu, Perkasa juga menggesa semua umat Islam tanpa kira fahaman politik untuk bersatu dalam isu kalimah Allah ini," kata yang ditemui di Mahkamah Rayuan hari ini.

Syed Hassan bagaimanapun membidas pihak gereja yang mengheret kemelut isu kalimah Allah ke mahkamah, serta menyatakan pendirian kalimah Allah hanya ekslusif untuk penganut Muslim.

"Bagi Perkasa, isu ini tidak sepatutnya dibawa ke mahkamah kerana kita mengiktiraf kalimah Allah adalah ekslusif untuk umat Islam.

"Namun, atas dasar demokrasi kita perlu berhadapan dengannya juga," tegas Syed Hassan.

Dalam pada itu, Syed Hassan membidas PAS kerana bersikap tidak mengendahkan tentang isu kalimah Allah tetapi lebih mementingkan isu yang tidak mempunyai kaitan dengan Malaysia.

Bagaimanapun, Presiden Jati Datuk Dr Hasan Ali berkata umat Islam tidak boleh terlalu bergembira dengan kemenangan yang diperoleh hari ini kerana perbicaraan pada 10 September adalah lebih penting.

"Kita menerima keputusan yang diumumkan hari ini tetapi pada masa sama tidak boleh terlalu gembira kerana keputusan penuh adalah pada 10 September nanti.

"10 September adalah penentu dan saya berharap semua pihak dapat bersatu dalam isu kalimah Allah ini," kata Hasan.

Selain itu, Pengerusi Gabungan NGO Persatuan Pembela Muslim (Pembela) Dr Yusri Mohamad juga berharap kemenangan pada kes sebenar akan memihak kepada umat Islam seperti hari ini.

"Saya harap semasa kes sebenar kita akan memperoleh kemenangan," katanya lagi.

Terdahulu, kumpulan NGO tersebut telah berkumpul seawal 8 pagi bagi menyatakan sokongan kepada peguam yang hadir mewakili kerajaan dalam kes rayuan hari ini.

Kerajaan dan Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) mengemukakan rayuan terhadap keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi bertarikh 31 Disember 2009, yang membenarkan semakan kehakiman Gereja Katolik berkenaan bagi menarik balik larangan KDN berhubung penggunaan kalimah Allah dalam Herald untuk merujuk kepada Tuhan Kristian. - 22 Ogos, 2013.

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Mahkamah tolak rayuan Gereja Katolik ketepikan rayuan Putrajaya

Mengapa gengster Malaysia fikir mereka kebal?

Posted: 22 Aug 2013 01:24 AM PDT

August 22, 2013

Ketua polis negara dan barisan pegawai kanannya berang dengan tindakan gengster yang seolah-olah mempersendakan pasukan pertahanan negara apabila menayang warna geng di tempat awam dan menulis nombor geng di banyak tempat menggunakan semburan cat.

Mereka memang patut marah. Ini bukan Tijuana atau Sinaloa di Mexico yang membolehkan kartel dadah seperti Los Zetas mengawal semua aspek kehidupan.

Ini Malaysia di mana gengster sepatutnya takut dengan geng yang lebih besar iaitu 100,000 anggota Polis Di Raja Malaysia yang gagah, memegang senjata secara sah dengan kuasa menggunakannya dan mendapat mandat untuk menjaga keselamatan negara daripada apa juga serangan.

Jadi, bagaimana keadaan ini boleh berlaku?

Ini adalah pertunjukan tidak tahu malu yang dilakukan ahli geng 04 selepas lima ahlinya dipercayai termasuk ketua kumpulan itu terbunuh dalam kejadian tembak menembak dengan polis di Pulau Pinang pada Selasa.

Mereka memakai nombor dan warna mereka secara terbuka, membawa bendera dan menghalang lalu lintas ketika proses pengkebumian berlangsung di tengah pulau negeri itu.

Dan ini bukan satu-satunya kejadian membabitkan gengster yang berlaku.

Di Sentul, ahli geng 08 dua minggu lalu mengambil alih kawalan lalu lintas dan mengadakan perarakan mereka, lengkap dengan bendera.

Tanya Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar (gambar) dan mana-mana polis kanan bagaimana kumpulan seumpama itu begitu berani, dan mereka nampaknya akan menunding jari terhadap pemansuhan Akta Ordinan Darurat (EO), perundangan yang membenarkan tahanan pencegahan.

Pemansuhan akta itu dikatakan menyebabkan pembebasan lebih 2,000 penjenayah jenayah berat kembali ke jalanan dalam negara. Dan apa yang berlaku seterusnya ialah peperangan kumpulan, meningkatkan kejadian bunuh dan tembakan. Kita sudah faham naratif itu. Sebab dan akibat.

Tetapi, bagaimana mahu menjelaskan keadaan paksaan dan tidak takut terhadap pihak berkuasa, cabaran tangkap-aku-jika-kamu-berani? Penjenayah walau di dunia mana sekalipun tidak akan mengiklankan kehadiran mereka kepada polis, kecuali jika mereka percaya bahawa:

1)Pasukan polis dan agensi keselamatan lain tidak cekap.

2)Mereka mempunyai `kabel' yang cukup kuat dengan mereka yang memegang kuasa untuk dapat lepas walaupun dalam keadaan paling sukar. Maka, ditangkap dan disumbat dalam penjara hanya perkara kecil pada mereka.

Menjelang pilihan raya lalu, Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak dan pemimpin tertinggi Barisan Nasional (BN) hadir di majlis makan malam di Pelabuhan Klang, dihadiri tetamu seramai satu stadium bola sepak. Antara tetamu yang hadir ialah nama-nama besar dalam dunia `underworld' Malaysia untuk menunjukkan sokongan dan perpaduan terhadap gabungan pemerintah.

Jika anda seorang askar atau leftenan dalam salah satu geng ganas itu dan lihat sendiri bos besar anda boleh berlaga bahu dengan mereka yang berkuasa dan berkaitan dengan negara, tentu anda terfikir bahawa anda mempunyai rakan berkuasa di tempat yang betul.

Dan melihat kepada fakta geng boleh berkembang dengan maju dalam aktiviti pelacuran, peras ugut dan dadah tanpa diganggu menguatkan lagi tanggapan bahawa mereka adalah spesis yang dilindungi.

Daripada bahagian satu lagi, anggota polis biasa, detektif, penyiasat kanan, malah beberapa polis kanan di peringkat daerah pastinya tertanya-tanya sama ada perlu atau tidak mereka `mematahkan' geng terbabit selepas melihat majikan politik dan atasan mereka berkongsi roti dan berpelukan dengan bos jenayah terkenal.

Kombinasi kuat menyebabkan tidak boleh disentuh dan pendekatan polis yang tidak seberapa itu menyebabkan gengster tidak takut langsung kepada pihak berkuasa dan polis sentiasa menunggu mendapat lampu hijau bagi melaksanakan operasi menentang penjenayah.

Terlalu mudah? Mungkin bagi sesetengah orang. Tetapi jika difikirkan, ia lebih masuk akal berbanding asyik menyalahkan pemansuhan EO terhadap gengster Malaysia yang berani itu.

Ya, pemansuhan perundangan itu meletakkan beberapa penjenayah jenayah berat di jalanan, tetapi, mengapa gengster baru di peringkat pucuk muda pun berani mengibaskan jari depan polis? – 22 Ogos, 2013


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Selangor MB doing things right

Posted: 21 Aug 2013 05:46 PM PDT

August 22, 2013
Latest Update: August 22, 2013 04:46 pm

Datuk Zaid Ibrahim founded Malaysia's largest law partnership before focusing on politics. He was a minister in the Abdullah administration, was in Umno, PKR and last in KITA as its president.

The solution to Selangor's water woes is in sight. I am talking about the Langat 2 water treatment plant, the sale of privatised water companies in Selangor to the state government and the statements from the Energy, Green Technology and Water Minister and the Selangor Menteri Besar.

It has been more than four years since the parties started haggling over the valuation and structure of the state government's takeover of the privatised entities.

On the valuation side the solution is quite simple: the MB knows the fair value with respect to the level of investment. The fact that investors had not been "prudent" or deliberately allowed for overpricing of the costs whether in construction or maintenance should not be used in depressing an otherwise fair market price for the water systems in place.

What is important for Selangor is the ability to manage and operate an efficient water system without further delay. If Selangor were to build the system from scratch, the state government may end up paying more than the investors' asking price.

The investors and the federal Government should also acknowledge that the MB knows what is best for Selangor. They should accept the structure of the buyout that he proposed as he has the state's interests at heart.

He won the state for the Pakatan Rakyat with more seats in the State Assembly not because he could draw thousands to his ceramah or mesmerise voters with his oratorical skills.

He was able to win because the people trusted him to manage the state government properly. If the opposition had chief ministers or candidates for such posts like him they would likely retain and win more state governments in the next General Election.

Let this "water cooperation" between the opposing political parties in Selangor be successful so that the interests of the state and the rakyat are protected. Any fruitful cooperation between state and federal governments belonging to different parties is a good precedent.

That is why I am keen to see the new menteri besar of Kelantan pay a courtesy call on the prime minister and Umno's representative in the state, Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohammad.

The rakyat would be happy to see both protagonists sitting down together to seek a solution to Kelantan's water and sewerage problems, for example.

They could also talk about the much-needed, four-lane highway from Kuala Krai to Kota Baru, which can get built if both sides cooperate. Or they could just have coffee and talk about anything to bring back civility and a sense of friendship into politics.

I have been advocating political civility and engagement for many years now, without much success. I am willing to continue pushing this theme because Malaysia will be divided politically for a long time coming and the days of the two-thirds majority are over.

Cooperation is the only way forward; otherwise, we will be faced with stalled and abandoned projects while some states will be neglected altogether.

We will then have an economic and political mess in our country. The earlier we accept this reality, the better off everyone will be. - August 22, 2013.

* This is the personal opinion of the writer or publication and does not necessarily represent the views of The Malaysian Insider.


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